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Новости за 07.03.2016


Maria Sharapova admits to failing drug test

Maria Sharapova faces a possible suspension from tennis after she admitted to failing a drug test at the Australian Open. Sharapova, in a press conference in Los Angeles on Monday, said she had been taking the drug, meldonium, ever since 2006 and didn’t realize that it became a banned substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency […]


Judge dismisses attempt to kick Ted Cruz off New York ballot

A New York judge has dismissed a petition that claimed Ted Cruz was not eligible to run for President of the United States because he is not a “natural born citizen.” Judge David A. Weinstein’s ruling was procedural, stating that the petitioners, Barry Korman and William Gallo, failed to submit timely objections, which stripped the […]


Nancy Reagan’s funeral set for Friday

Former first lady Nancy Reagan’s funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m. ET, according to Melissa Giller, spokesperson for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Reagan will lay in repose Wednesday and Thursday before being buried Friday at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, next to her husband, Ronald Reagan. Reagan died Sunday in […]


PSP: Loader Completely Destroyed in Burglary, Criminal Mischief Incident

KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP – State police at Clearfield are investigating an alleged burglary/criminal mischief incident in which a front end loader was completely destroyed sometime between Friday and Monday at the River Hill Coal Tipple off of Pottersdale Road in Karthaus Township. According to the report, someone allegedly arrived and forced entry into a garage. Once […]


Top Fed official shows confidence in U.S. economy

The U.S. Federal Reserve is expressing confidence in America’s economy. The Fed’s No. 2, Stanley Fischer, spoke optimistically about a key yardstick for the economy. He noted that a recent pick up in inflation could currently be moving up towards the Fed’s 2% target. “We may well at present be seeing the first stirring of […]


Mother of 3 adopted children is first U.S. uterus transplant recipient

A 26-year-old mother of three adopted children is the first uterus transplant patient in the United States. Lindsey, who is only revealing her first name, received a uterus from an unidentified deceased donor on February 24 at the Cleveland Clinic. “I was 16 and was told I would never have children and from that moment […]


America’s B+ economy: Is this as good as it gets?

There’s a really good reason the stock market has surged nearly 10% in the past month: the U.S. economy is looking a little like the Energizer Bunny. That’s especially true when compared to many parts of the world (especially China). American companies are hiring, gas is cheap, car sales are booming and even the government […]


North Korea threatens nuclear strike over U.S.-South Korean exercises

North Korea warned it would make a “preemptive and offensive nuclear strike” in response to joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises that began Monday. The news was announced in a statement by the National Defense Commission of North Korea and published in the state-run Korean Central News Agency. “As the joint military exercises to be staged […]


Democratic debate draws far fewer viewers than GOP face-off

CNN’s Democratic debate in Flint, Michigan drew 5.5 million viewers on Sunday night, 1.8 million of whom were in the key advertiser demographic of 25- to 54-year-olds. The Hillary Clinton-Bernie Sanders face-off was the second lowest result for any debate so far this season. The debate faced stiff prime time competition plus a political reality: […]


Peyton Manning says goodbye to football

Peyton Manning bid an emotional farewell to football Monday, retiring after 18 game-changing years that left him among the game’s elite. “There’s something about 18 years,” Manning told reporters at a news conference at the Denver Broncos team headquarters in Englewood, Colorado. “Eighteen is a good number, and today I retire from pro football.” The […]


Rubio camp announces national advisory council

Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign is rolling out a new national advisory council that includes names from the George W. Bush administration as well as from Jeb Bush’s camp, the Florida senator’s team confirmed Monday. First reported by Bloomberg, the council reflects a union of support from well-known experts and officials on foreign policy and is […]


End of Peyton Manning era: NFL reflects on quarterback who revolutionized game

NFL quarterback Peyton Manning’s friends, teammates, coaches and even on-field foes are making sure he knows just what they think of him as he prepares to announce his retirement Monday following a game-changing 18-year career. “Few have left their marks on a sport as Peyton Manning has,” Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay said. “Simply put, […]


Bernie Sanders: ‘My father’s family was wiped out by Hitler in the Holocaust’

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders got personal in discussing his faith Sunday during the CNN Democratic presidential debate, describing how parts of his family were “wiped out” in the Holocaust. “I am very proud to be Jewish, and being Jewish is so much of what I am,” he said at the event in Flint, Michigan. “Look, […]


Man finds massive python under car hood

There’s car trouble, and then there’s this. A family in Zimbabwe discovered the root of their engine problems last week went beyond spark plugs and fuel injectors. The Mosterts — living in Karoi, just north of Harare — were shocked to find a massive African rock python huddled under the hood of their vehicle. The […]


Tunisia: 28 militants killed after attack on barracks

At least 28 militants have been killed in clashes after an attack on a military barracks near Tunisia’s border with Libya, Tunisia’s interior and defense ministries say. Seven civilians also died, and seven “terrorists” were arrested after the attack in the town of Ben Gardane, the interior ministry said in a statement. Security forces are […]


Nina Simone’s daughter defends Zoe Saldana amid biopic controversy

While Zoe Saldana has been taking heat for her portrayal of Nina Simone in an upcoming biopic, the singer’s daughter is defending the actress. Lisa Simone Kelly told Time magazine, “It’s unfortunate that Zoe Saldana is being attacked so viciously when she is someone who is part of a larger picture. “It’s clear she brought […]


Country singer shares her last days

Country singer Joey Feek began hospice care after receiving a terminal cancer diagnosis in August 2015. She shared her last days on social media.


Apple computers targeted in first ‘ransomware’ attack

Mac users might not be as safe as they think. Apple computers have been successfully targeted by malicious software called “ransomware” for the first time, according to security researchers. Palo Alto Networks said it spotted the ransomware on OS X on March 4, and reported the issue to Apple the same day. Apple, which did […]


U.S. military spending millions to make cyborgs a reality

The U.S. military is spending millions on an advanced implant that would allow a human brain to communicate directly with computers. If it succeeds, cyborgs will be a reality. The Pentagon’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), hopes the implant will allow humans to directly interface with computers, which could benefit people […]


Parks Pit Report: Kobalt 400

If anything can happen in Vegas, it certainly does.  One night before the Sprint Cup Series took to the track, it was upset night at the nearby MGM Grand Hotel and Casino.  Connor McGregor was stunned by Nate Diaz, then Holly Holm was submitted by Miesha Tate to lose her UFC title. Move to the […]


Economists at global bank body warn of risks from negative interest rates

Economists at a key central bank organization are warning of potential risks from the negative interest rates in place in Europe and Japan. Central banks in the eurozone, Denmark, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland have all taken rates below zero and into uncharted territory. But nobody’s quite sure what the long-term results will be from the […]


At least 8 dead in Pakistan suicide attack

At least eight people, including two police officers and two children, were killed in a suicide attack Monday in Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, district police officer Sohail Khalid told CNN. Another 21 were injured in the incident, which took place in the Charsadda District. A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the […]


EU leaders gather for migrant crisis summit with Turkish PM

With the flood of migrants to Europe showing no sign of abating, European Union heads of government are meeting with the Prime Minister of Turkey on Monday to discuss ways of staunching the flow. About 134,900 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe so far this year, the The International Organization for Migration said. […]


Debate coach: Who won the Flint Democratic debate?

When my debate team is being judged by a panel of critics in intercollegiate debate, the first thing we do, way before the debate begins, is analyze the panel of judges. Based on the arguments we will present, we try to predict the judges who will vote for us, the ones who will vote against […]


12 dead in China coal mine accident

A gas outburst in a Chinese coal mine trapped 13 people on Sunday, killing all but one of them, according to state media. The accident occurred at around 11 a.m. local time on Sunday in the city of Baishan in the northeastern province of Jilin, Xinhua reported. One miner was rescued and taken to the […]

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Экология в России и мире

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе на лучшее путешествие по Дальнему Востоку начнется в мае

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии отечественного судостроения   

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Валентина Иванова спровоцировала слухи о свадьбе с Тимати: «Невеста!»


Евгений Миронов пришел на открытие ММКФ с сыном

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