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Новости за 23.03.2016


Clinton: Trump win would be like Christmas for the Kremlin

Hillary Clinton sharply criticized the foreign policy proposals of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and competitor Ted Cruz on Wednesday, arguing that the world would be more dangerous should they win the White House. “If Mr. Trump gets his way, it will be like Christmas in the Kremlin,” she told experts and students at Stanford […]


Tyson Foods workers win $3 million in back pay

More than 3,300 workers at Tyson Foods plants will split $2.9 million in back pay to compensate them for time it took them to put on and take off protective gear. That comes to less than $1,000 per worker. The decision came Tuesday from the U.S. Supreme Court, in a case that revolved around the […]


Are these chargers the solution to terrible smartphone batteries?

We’re in the middle of an energy crisis. It’s not about oil or something that can be solved with a breakthrough in renewable energy. The problem is our smartphone batteries can barely eek out enough juice to get us through the day. A San Francisco startup called Doblet wants to fix that with a simple […]


Batman v Superman: Who are fans rooting for?

Who would win in a fight? Batman or Superman? That’s the question that “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” will answer this weekend as the two DC heroes slug it out in what is shaping up to be one of the biggest blockbusters of the year. And according to ticket site Fandango, audiences are rooting […]


Merrick Garland Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the life of Merrick Garland, Supreme Court nominee and chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Personal: Birth date: November 13, 1952 Birth place: Chicago, Illinois Birth name: Merrick Brian Garland Father: Cyril Garland, founder of an advertising agency Mother: Shirley (Horwitz) Garland, community volunteer Marriage: […]


Clinton draws contrast with Trump, Cruz on terrorism

Hillary Clinton is looking to directly contrast herself with Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Wednesday by declaring that now is a time for strengthening ties with NATO, not backing away. In an interview with CNN on Monday, Trump said that the United States should reconsider involvement in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization because the because […]


Ted Cruz’s newest enemy: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio

Ted Cruz went to Bill de Blasio’s home turf Wednesday to sharply criticize the New York mayor in response to the backlash following the Texas senator’s call to patrol Muslim neighborhoods. Cruz made the comments following the terror attacks in Brussels on Tuesday. And Cruz on offered a locally-tailored indictment of political correctness, arguing to […]


IPhone SE vs. iPhone 5S

On Monday, Apple released the iPhone SE, a new iPhone that’s just like its current iPhone but smaller. It was a modest release compared to the iPhone 6S. But compared to the three-year old iPhone 5S, which the SE is replacing, Apple’s new 4-inch iPhone is a major improvement. Is it just a tiny iPhone […]


Why Belgium is Europe’s front line in the war on terror

Brussels: It’s a quaint but bustling city, famed for its picture postcard squares, its chocolate and its beer. But it is rapidly becoming infamous, too, as a fertile recruiting ground for jihadi fighters. For months, Belgian authorities and the public here had lived in fear of attack by home-grown terrorists. As tensions rose, security forces […]


Abdeslam likely had plans with ISIS cell behind Brussels attacks, official says

Investigators suspect Salah Abdeslam was probably going to be part of an attack being planned by the ISIS cell that carried out the deadly blasts Tuesday at the Brussels Airport and in the city’s metro, a senior Belgian counterterrorism official told CNN. Investigators believe the cell accelerated the plan when Belgian police discovered Abdeslam’s hideout […]


First Brussels victim ID’d; tales of carnage and courage emerge

A Peruvian mother says goodbye to her twin 3-year-old girls at the airport. Moments later an explosion rips through the boarding area, and the 36-year-old woman is dead. Adelma Marina Tapia Ruiz had been about to catch a flight to New York on Tuesday. The plan was to meet up with her husband and young […]


Dramatic images reveal coral bleaching in Great Barrier Reef

New video released on Monday from the World Wildlife Fund reveals coral reef bleaching in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, one of the country’s most important tourist sites. The extreme bleaching event, which began several weeks ago near Lizard Island off Australia’s northeast coast, has prompted the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to raise its […]


Andy Murray: The (family) ties that bind

Even before he became a dad last month, Andy Murray made it clear he would put family first. With wife Kim Sears eight months pregnant during the Australian Open, the tennis star vowed to return to the UK during the year’s first major if she went into labor — even if that meant pulling out […]


Obituary Notice: Stanley S. Phillips

Stanley S. Phillips, 32, of Greeneville, Tenn., and formerly of West Decatur, died Friday, March 11, 2016 in Greeneville, Tenn. Born Jan. 25, 1984 in Clearfield, he was the son of Foster S. Phillips and his companion, Beverly Olson of West Decatur and Robin (Hampton) Bowes and her companion, Ronald Kizer of Sandy Ridge. He […]


Antonio Conte: Italy coach’s image on the line in match fixing trial

The man tipped to be English Premier League club Chelsea’s next coach could have his image “seriously damaged” if he is found guilty of “sporting fraud,” his lawyer concedes, even while insisting on his client’s innocence Current Italy coach Antonio Conte faces trial for allegedly failing to report the incident involving former Serie B club […]


Obituary Notice: Ralph J. Hess

Ralph J. Hess, 88, of Osceola Mills died Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at Windy Hill Village in Philipsburg. Born Oct. 18, 1927, he was the son of the late Ralph F and Della (Dunlap) Hess. He is survived by his wife, Jean (Millward) Hess, to whom he was married on June 22, 1952 at the […]


Obituary Notice: Joseph E. Sankey Jr.,

Joseph E. Sankey Jr., 84, of Osceola Mills died Monday, March 21, 2016 at his home. Born June 24, 1931, he was the son of the late Joseph E. and Effie M. (Cowfer) Sankey. He married Lydia M. (Rutt) Sankey on Dec. 31, 1954 in Benson, Neb. She preceded him in death on Nov. 20, […]


Cruz on Kasich: ‘You can’t lose every state and expect to be the nominee’

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday that Ohio Gov. John Kasich needs to drop out of the Republican presidential race because “it’s mathematically impossible” for him to become the nominee. “You can’t lose every state and expect to be the nominee,” Cruz told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” “Right now, Kasich’s role is really […]


Patient accuses Yale doctors of cover-up, removing wrong body part

A patient has filed a lawsuit against Yale New Haven Hospital for allegedly removing part of the wrong rib during surgery and then trying to cover up the mistake. Deborah Craven, 60, had surgery last year to remove part of her eighth rib because of a precancerous lesion — but instead, doctors removed part of […]


Joint Committee Reworks Home Rule Charter Draft

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Borough/Lawrence Township Joint Committee spent nearly two hours at last night’s meeting discussing details of a proposed Home Rule Charter. In the event of a consolidation of Clearfield Borough and Lawrence Township, the charter document would delineate the form of government for the new municipality – the structure, function and responsibilities […]


$15 minimum wage measure qualifies for California ballot

A measure that would gradually raise California’s minimum wage to $15 has qualified for the state’s ballot in November. Alex Padilla, California’s secretary of state, announced Tuesday that the initiative had received the required 400,000 signatures needed to appear on the statewide ballot. The proposal would hike California’s minimum wage from the current $10 to […]


Front-runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton score key Western victories

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton notched convincing victories in Arizona, picking up the biggest prize on Western Tuesday that moved the front-runners ever closer to a general election clash. The Arizona victories handed enough delegates to Trump and Clinton to help them maintain their leads in the delegate count despite victories from their primary competitors. […]


Brussels attacks: Days of mourning begin as Belgium’s nightmare comes true

[Breaking news update at 3:14 a.m. ET] Police have identified two brothers as the suspected suicide bombers in Tuesday’s attacks at the Brussels international airport, state broadcaster RTBF reported. Khalid and Brahim El Bakraoui are suspected in the attacks that left 10 people dead. [Previous story, published at 2:59 a.m. ET] Adelma Marina Tapia Ruiz […]


Brussels attacks: Days of mourning begin as country’s nightmare comes true

Adelma Marina Tapia Ruiz was moments away from boarding a plane to New York, where she and her family were looking forward to reuniting for Easter. Her husband and 3-year-old girls had just stepped away from the boarding area at Brussels’ international airport when an explosion ripped the family apart, Peruvian state media said. Ruiz, […]


5 takeaways from Western Tuesday

Presidential front-runners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each fended off their challengers in Arizona’s primaries on a “Western Tuesday” on which the terrorist attacks in Brussels forced foreign policy to the forefront of the 2016 campaign. Bernie Sanders fought back with caucus wins in Idaho and Utah, and Ted Cruz looked to capture not just […]

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве прошла Премия Green Awards 23/24, которая объединила более 250 ведущих компаний и экспертов в ЗОЖ/ЭКО индустрии, инфлюенсеров

Путин в России и мире

Крестивший Белоусова священник заявил о его честности и патриотизме

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский после приезда Блинкена в Киев сразу же стал выпрашивать у США дополнительные ЗРК Patriot

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Исполнительницу Аллу Пугачеву на официальном уровне признали в Израиле


СберСтрахование жизни в первом квартале 2024 года выплатила клиентам 41 млрд рублей

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