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Новости за 28.09.2017


Here's why the oldest kids in kindergarten are more likely to go to Harvard

Flickr / woodleywonderworks

All kinds of factors affect whether your kid will go to a top college, but here's one you may not have counted on: the month of their birthday.

School districts across the US use cut-off dates to decide whether children are ready to start kindergarten.

Often the cutoff is the start of the school year, at the beginning of September — so that kids with September birthdays, who just missed the cutoff the previous year, wind up being almost a full year older than classmates with August birthdays. Читать дальше...


Here's why millions of Americans feel left behind by the economic recovery

REUTERS/Andrew Burton

There is a reason so many Americans feel the economy's recovery from the Great Recession has not benefited them: It hasn't.

An expansion that began, believe it or not, more than seven years ago has extended a longer-run trend of wage stagnation for the average US worker, despite a sharp drop in the official unemployment rate to 4.4% from an October 2009 peak of 10%.

No wonder the recovery seems so lopsided, particularly given economic inequality levels not seen since before the Great Depression. Читать дальше...


Washington D.C. has a marijuana loophole — you can't sell it, but you can 'gift' it

REUTERS/Andres Stapff

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s hard to justify $45 for an ordinary black cotton T-shirt, but the customer at a store in Washington D.C.’s Adams Morgan neighborhood does so without question. The clerk grabs a clear plastic box containing about one gram of marijuana and drops it into the bag, reciting a practiced line: “Thank you and here’s a gift for you to have as a souvenir.”

It’s another satisfied customer in the so-called District of Cannabis, the unique legal and... Читать дальше...


I used to hate the Apple Watch, but I became obsessed after using it as a fitness tracker (AAPL)

I've never been shy about my disdain for smartwatches.

Every company from Google to Apple to the now-defunct startup Pebble overpromised and under-delivered on wearables. There wasn't a clear purpose for smartwatches other than they were geeky and kind of handy in certain situations. As I've said with each Apple Watch version I've reviewed, it's a nice thing to have, but not essential like a smartphone.

So I did something different this year when testing the new $399 Apple Watch Series 3. Читать дальше...


How Hugh Hefner argued that Playboy wasn't sexist

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Iconic for its groundbreaking nude centerfolds, critics have lambasted Playboy for objectifying women since Hugh Hefner printed the magazine's first issue in 1953.

Hefner died Wednesday at age 91.

Hailed as a visionary by those who appreciated his mindset, and derided by those who charged he peddled smut, Hefner was one of the 20th century's most polarizing figures.

He described his magazine as a showcase for beauty, and fought his entire life for gay rights, integration, and free speech. Читать дальше...


'I felt really hopeless': NSA leak suspect Reality Winner explains why she smuggled a classified report

Sean Rayford/Getty Images

A redacted transcript of an interview between FBI agents and Reality Winner, the 25-year old NSA contractor who allegedly leaked a classified report to a news outlet, revealed that she smuggled the report out of the NSA complex in Fort Gordon, Georgia by folding it into her pantyhose.

According to the transcript, published by Politico on Wednesday, Winner initially denied having mailed the classified report to the media, and instead, insisted she printed it and kept it on her desk for three days... Читать дальше...


35 things I've learned in my 35 years

Brooke & Bryn Photography

I wish I was half as smart now as I was at 16.

But learning everything you don’t know is part of the process.

One thing I love about my work is I feel like I learn new things every day. Sometimes they’re small little tweaks and hacks, and other times they’re broader strategies or ideas.

I originally published this post five years ago, after my 30th birthday, but decided it was due for an update.

For context, that was pre-Side Hustle Nation... Читать дальше...


Hugh Hefner will be buried next to Marilyn Monroe, who appeared on Playboy's first cover

Mel Bouzad/Getty Images

Hugh Hefner will be laid to rest next to Marilyn Monroe, one of Hollywood's most famous and scandalous actresses — and the first woman to ever grace the cover of Playboy.

Hefner purchased a crypt next to Monroe's in 1992 for $75,000, according to the Daily News. The crypt is located in Westwood Village Memorial Park in Los Angeles, California. 

Hefner attributed much of Playboy's success to Monroe's inclusion in the magazine's first issue and as a result, the two developed a close relationship. Читать дальше...


A startup born out of Stanford is going after Uber's self-driving-car program


Another startup is going after Uber in the race to get self-driving cars on the road.

Drive.ai, a startup born out of Stanford, just raised $15 million in a new round of funding led by Grab, Uber's biggest rival in Southeast Asia. The announcement comes a few weeks after Drive.ai said it will partner with Lyft and launch a self-driving-car pilot in the Bay Area.

Drive.ai will now open an office in Singapore as part of the latest capital raise, which brings its total funding to $77 million. Читать дальше...


Dunkin' Donut's CEO says America has too many restaurants — and that's a bad sign for chains (DNKN)


There's an obvious answer to why the restaurant industry is struggling in the US. 

"Not many categories are truly growing," Dunkin' Brands CEO Nigel Travis told Business Insider.

"The country is probably over-restauranted," Travis continued. 

"Over-restauranted" means that there are simply more restaurants in the US than customers care to visit. Basically, the supply of restaurants opening outpaces the demand — and it's resulting in slumping sales. 

Restaurant... Читать дальше...


An extortionist is seeking millions by poisoning supermarket food, German police say

Reuters/Fabrizio Bensch

BERLIN (Reuters) - A man slipped a potentially lethal poison into food, including baby food, on sale in some German supermarkets in an extortion scheme aimed at raising millions of euros, police said on Thursday. No cases of poisoning had been reported so far.

Police said the alleged perpetrator had alerted them by e-mail after placing quantities of poison in products for sale in some southern German supermarkets earlier in September, and was now threatening... Читать дальше...


A college basketball coach who coaches for 'the right reasons' says corruption has gotten worse in recent years

Morry Gash/AP

After the FBI arrested 10 people on Tuesday in connection to an investigation into corruption and fraud in college basketball, the implications only seem to be getting bigger.

More schools, coaches, and brands may be affected, and the FBI said the investigation is ongoing.

For some in college basketball, the investigation is both overdue and welcome news, as corruption and shady recruiting tactics ran rampant for years.

One unnamed college coach, who said... Читать дальше...


The simplest way to neutralize your most obnoxious boss or coworkers is also the hardest


Robert Sutton is a Stanford psychologist and author of "The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace" and "The Asshole Survival Guide: How to Deal With People Who Treat You Like Dirt."

In an interview with Vox's Sean Illing, Sutton defines an asshole as someone who "leaves us feeling demeaned, de-energized, disrespected, and/or oppressed. In other words, someone who makes you feel like dirt."

If you aren't lucky, you might recognize a coworker or boss in that description. Читать дальше...


Hugh Hefner founded Playboy after he was denied a $5-a-week raise at Esquire


In 1952, Hugh Hefner was a 26-year-old copywriter at Esquire magazine with an entrepreneurial dream. 

Hefner, who died on Wednesday at the age of 91, famously founded Playboy magazine in 1953 after Esquire denied him a $5 raise to his $60-a-week salary.

As The Wrap notes, Hefner quit Esquire in 1952, took out a mortgage of $600, and raised $8,000 from 45 investors, including $1,000 from his mother, to set the foundation for Playboy. 

The first issue of Playboy Magazine hit newsstands in 1953. Читать дальше...


Nike's youth basketball league has reportedly been hit with subpoenas in connection with the college basketball bribery scandal (NKE)

Vaughn Ridley/Getty

As the FBI announced the arrests of 10 people involved in a widespread college basketball bribery scandal on Tuesday, investigators warned that the probe could grow as it dug down into the "dark underbelly" of college basketball.

Now, several employees working with Nike's Elite Youth Basketball League have been hit with subpoenas by federal investigators, according to ESPN. 

Nike was not specifically named in the three complaints that were filed by the Department of Justice on Tuesday. Читать дальше...


Michelle Obama says women who voted against Hillary Clinton 'voted against their own voice'

Invision/Chris Pizzello via Associated Press

Former first lady Michelle Obama told an audience in Boston this week that she believed women who chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the presidential election "voted against their own voice."

Obama made the comments at the Inbound 2017 conference, and brought up the election results as she was discussing her observations that many women, particularly in the workplace, feel inferior and begin "pretending to be something else," according to videos from the event. Читать дальше...


The Supreme court is taking on another case that could gut public-sector unions

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The US Supreme Court on Thursday gave itself another chance to decide an issue that could choke off a vital source of money for unions around the country representing police, teachers and other government employees.

The justices agreed to hear a case brought by non-union government employees in Illinois that targets fees that their state and many others compel such workers to pay to unions in lieu of dues to fund collective bargaining and other organized labor activities. Читать дальше...


The Super Mario game for iPhones just got brand new levels (AAPL)

Stephen Lam/Getty Images

"Super Mario Run," Nintendo's first Mario game for smartphones, got its first major update on Thursday since its release last December. 

The new update includes new courses, a mode with super-quick gameplay, a new playable character, and other improvements.

Designed to be played without a controller, the touch-screen controls for "Super Mario Run" are dead simple: you just tap the screen to make Mario jump.

Marking the first time Mario arrived on a smartphone... Читать дальше...


The strange story of how Marilyn Monroe appeared nude in the first issue of Playboy

Mark Lennihan/AP

Hugh Hefner passed away at 91 Wednesday evening, leaving behind the Playboy legacy he started in 1953.

Hefner launched Playboy's first issue with one of the most recognizable and fascinating starlets of film's golden age gracing the cover — Marilyn Monroe.

But she wasn't just on the cover, there were also nude photos of her in the magazine.

The magazine became an instant success, selling 50,000 copies almost immediately, according to the Daily News.... Читать дальше...


What you need to know in advertising today


Congrats, you made it! Today is the last day of Advertising Week New York, so go get your fill while you still can.

Here are some highlights from Day Three and Four, ICYMI:

Remember the dancing hot dog on Snapchat? Now any brand will be able to create its own dancing 3D objects in augmented reality. Snapchat's chief strategy officer Imran Khan announced on Thursday that brands can buy Sponsored 3D World Lenses that will let users drop animated branded objects into their snaps. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт

Моцарт в рок-формате: ставропольские музыканты представили свою версию известного мюзикла


Пригожин связался с предавшим Россию Меладзе — перешагнул через гордость

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