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Новости за 15.09.2017


28 things we learned from Hillary Clinton's new campaign memoir

Reuters/Andrew Kelly

We will probably not be getting The Winds of Winter in 2017, but at least we got one tale of political intrigue in bookstores this year: What Happened, Hillary Clinton’s first-person retelling of the 2016 campaign.

And while the ending may not be as shocking as any of George R.R. Martin’s — she loses — there’s still enough in the book’s 400 pages to pique a reader’s interest, including folksy anecdotes about life on the campaign trail, harsh words for her male opponents... Читать дальше...


'We've never seen anything like it': Republicans wonder what's coming next in Trump's DACA deal with Dems — and they may just like it

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Much of Washington, DC, spent Thursday focused on another surprise deal President Donald Trump appeared to broker with Democratic leadership.

The supposed deal — over how to handle young immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects illegal immigrants who were brought to the US as minors — was hammered out with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi over dinner at the White House on Wednesday. Читать дальше...


This startup is a year into an employment experiment — no perks, lower pay, and you're free after 2 years


  • Jolt is a career development startup with employees in San Francisco, New York, and Tel Aviv.
  • About a year ago, Jolt started an employment experiment called "chapterships."
  • The program offers few perks and the pay isn't as high as at Google or Facebook, but it's designed to teach employees what they need to know for their next jobs.
  • The program didn't worked out as originally intended, because Jolt's millennial workforce didn't know what they wanted to do next. Читать дальше...


New report says ESPN wanted to take Jemele Hill off the air for a night due to comments about Trump but others refused her seat

Paras Griffin/Getty Images for BET

It turns out ESPN may have tried to punish "SC6" anchor Jemele Hill after all.

A new report from ThinkProgress cites two sources who say that ESPN's original plan was to take Hill off the air for one night due to her comments calling President Donald Trump "a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself [with] other white supremacists."

However, according to the report, when "SC6" co-host Michael Smith heard the news, he refused to do the show without her. Читать дальше...


North Korea fires another missile, less than 2 weeks after nuclear bomb test

KCNA via Reuters

North Korea fired another missile, less than two weeks after its suspected hydrogen bomb test, South Korea's Yonhap News said on Friday morning local time.

South Korean military officials reportedly said that the missile was fired from an airfield near Pyongyang, North Korea's capital, and headed eastward. Officials also said that the missile likely reached an altitude of 770 kilometers and flew for 3,700 kilometers, according to Yonhap News.

Emergency alerts... Читать дальше...


Qatar's diplomatic crisis is creating issues for one of the US's most important military bases

Reuters/Carl Court/Pool

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Qatar’s emir is persona non grata to four U.S.-allied Arab states that accuse his wealthy Gulf nation of sponsoring extremists, but he recently received a warm welcome at the sprawling military base his troops share with thousands of American soldiers.

Qatar’s al-Udeid Air Base, a crucial staging ground for U.S. operations in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, is one of several American military outposts across the Gulf that are intended to serve as a bulwark against Iran... Читать дальше...


Nestlé and Blue Bottle couldn't be more different — but here's why the companies could be the perfect match (CHF)

Clay McLachlan

Nestlé is dropping up to $500 million to take a majority stake in the hip coffee brand Blue Bottle Coffee.

At first glance, the two companies have little in common: one is a hip coffee chain with roughly 50 locations, and the other is a $259 billion mega-company that owns brands including Nescafe, Nespresso, and Coffee-mate.

According to Blue Bottle's CEO, the acquisition — which reportedly cost Nestlé up to $500 million — wasn't a deal the trendy coffee company was seeking out. Читать дальше...


There's a $10 trillion resource that North Korea can't tap

AP Photo/Wong Maye-E

North Korea may not have proved petroleum reserves, but it’s estimated that the secluded belligerent nation sits on reserves of more than 200 minerals—including rare earth minerals—worth an estimated up to US$10 trillion.

Of course, there are no official reports on how much North Korea’s mineral wealth really is, but according to rough estimates from earlier this decade, Pyongyang’s deposits of coal, iron ore, zinc, copper, graphite, gold, silver, magnesite, molybdenite... Читать дальше...


Nestlé's acquisition of Blue Bottle could damage its 'independent, hipster' reputation — here's why the CEO isn't worried

Blue Bottle Coffee

Hip coffee brand Blue Bottle is selling a majority stake in the company to Nestlé.

With Nestlé reportedly paying up to $500 million for a 68% stake in the company, Blue Bottle is certainly set to benefit when it comes to funding.

However, as a hip coffee chain known for its quality and attention to detail, Blue Bottle's reputation could take a hit as a result of the deal.

"I would certainly say there is reason for Blue Bottle to worry about what this might do to their reputation," Matthew Barry... Читать дальше...


NASA is now receiving the last photos ever taken by the Cassini probe at Saturn


  • NASA is destroying its Cassini spacecraft at Saturn on Friday.
  • Earth is now receiving the probe's final batch of photos, which will be uploaded to NASA's servers early Friday morning.
  • Pictures of Saturn, its rings, large icy moons, and the exact spot Cassini will die will be among the raw image data.

NASA has begun to receive the last photos ever taken by its doomed Cassini probe at Saturn, and will soon upload them to its public servers. Читать дальше...


Money shouldn't be the reason you get married — but there are financial benefits to tying the knot

Flickr/Robert Couse-Baker

Dear Carrie,

My partner and I have two children. We aren't married but are considering it. What are the financial benefits of marriage?

— A Reader

Dear Reader,

When it comes to money, marriage does change things. From owning property to retirement planning to estate planning to filing taxes, the rules are different — and largely more favorable.

But like so much in personal finance, you have to understand the rules to get the maximum benefit. Читать дальше...


9 photos of the upgraded MiG-29 that Russia just sent to Syria

Vitaly Kuzmin

Moscow announced on Wednesday that it had deployed an unknown number of its MiG-29SMTs to Syria for the first time.

Russian defense firm Mikoyan started developing the MiG-29, codenamed "Fulcrum" by NATO, in 1974, and the jet made its maiden flight in 1977.

It was meant to be stationed near front-line areas to cover Soviet army units and also to protect other aircraft from F-15s and F-16s.

The MiG-29SMT is one of Russia's most recent upgrades of the Fulcrum, and you can see more of it below. Читать дальше...


This chart shows why everything you believe about video gamers is wrong

The classic stereotype for a video game player is a young male somewhere in his teens or 20s. But according to new data from PEW Research, gamers in the US are actually a much more diverse group. As we can see in this chart from Statista, women are not far off from being evenly represented, with 19% saying they play often. While gamers are a generally younger group, a surprising 15% of adults 50-64 years of age are playing often. The survey accounts for games played on a computer, TV, game console or portable device. Читать дальше...


Bernie Sanders fires back after Trump attacks his single-payer healthcare plan

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

President Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders feuded on Twitter on Thursday over the senator's single-payer healthcare proposal, which the president called a "curse" that he would veto "because I love our country."

The Vermont independent and former Democratic presidential candidate then shot back at Trump, arguing that healthcare should be a right for every American and that Trump's support for the GOP's plans to repeal Obamacare is the real offense.

... Читать дальше...


People are pointing to an under-the-radar move from ESPN 5 months ago as an example of political hypocrisy — but it misses a key point

Dave Kotinsky/Getty

After ESPN "SportsCenter" anchor Jemele Hill tweeted that President Donald Trump is a "white supremacist" and was admonished by the network, many conservative critics wondered why she had not been punished more severely.

Some pointed to Curt Schilling's firing from ESPN in 2016 after he shared several controversial, right-leaning memes on social media as an example of the network's left-leaning tendencies.

Others pointed to "SportsCenter" anchor Linda Cohn's... Читать дальше...


NFL WEEK 2: Our official predictions for who wins this weekend

Justin K. Aller/Getty Images

Week 1 of the NFL season might not have been the most exciting week of football on the field, but for gamblers with the right edge, it was a solid opportunity to make a bit of money.

In our first week picking here at Business Insider, we went a strong 10-5 against the spread.  It's a great note to start the year on, but gambling is a fickle mistress, and will turn on you on a dime if you don't put in the work. Every week can't be a 10-5 week, but string... Читать дальше...


Here are the most expensive office markets in the world

CBRE via The Real Deal

Hong Kong is still the world’s most expensive prime office market by a margin, but the Big Apple is sniffing at the top three.

Midtown Manhattan came in fourth in CBRE’s ranking of the world’s most expensive prime office markets in the second quarter of 2017, behind Hong Kong’s Central district, Beijing’s Finance Street and Hong Kong’s West Kowloon neighborhood.

At the end of 2016 Midtown ranked sixth but it has since overtaken London’s West End and Beijing’s Central Business District. Читать дальше...


Billionaire Barry Diller's $250 million plan to build a floating park on the Hudson River has been killed

Pier55, Inc./ Heatherwick Studio

Barry Diller, the billionaire chairman of IAC, announced he's killing the $250 million project that promised to bring a futuristic offshore park and cultural site to the Hudson River’s dilapidated Pier 54. 6sqft previously covered the unfolding saga of the ill-fated project, known as Pier 55 (or sometimes as "Diller Park"), as opposing factions continually blocked its progress and were eventually revealed to be funded by prominent New York real estate developer Douglas Durst. Читать дальше...


Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said his request to use an Air Force plane for his honeymoon was 'not about convenience'

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin offered an explanation for his request to use an Air Force plane for his honeymoon during an event on Thursday.

Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker and film producer, said at a Politico event that he requested the $25,000-an-hour plane to go on his honeymoon to Europe for national security reasons.

"This was not about convenience," Mnuchin said. "This was about national security."

Typically the military planes... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективах развития туризма в Ингушетии

Путин в России и мире

Посольство Бахрейна: король Аль Халифа считает Путина другом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Владимир Путин прибыл с двухдневным визитом в Белоруссию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Тепляков

Депутат ЗСК Виктор Тепляков провёл комиссионный осмотр школы №20 имени Гапанца Ивана Владимировича


Ксения Бородина решила надолго покинуть Москву

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