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Новости за 31.08.2017


'No paid fast lanes:' Read Apple's full comment on the net neutrality debate (AAPL)


In July, when dozens of internet companies including Netflix and Google protested the FCC's proposal to change Obama-era net-neutrality rules, Apple was silent.

Now, the company has weighed in on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's proposal to remove the rules. After President Donald Trump appointed Pai chairman, he's been moving to throw out existing net-neutrality rules. 

In a comment submitted to the FCC and signed by Cynthia Hogan, Apple's VP of Public Policy for the Americas... Читать дальше...


This satellite photo of Harvey's flooding reveals the scope of the disaster from space

Deimos Imaging; Airbus; Business Insider

Eastern Texas saw its first rays of sunshine in days on Wednesday. Deadly floodwaters there left by Hurricane Harvey and its stormy remnants are finally beginning to recede.

The open skies gave residents in Houston — an area devastated by record-breaking rainfall and flooding — their first sign of hope for recovery, and also allowed satellites in space clear views of the devastation.

Deimos-1 and Deimos-2, a pair of satellites owned and operated by a company called UrtheCast... Читать дальше...


Mattis just signed orders to send more troops to Afghanistan

Associated Press/Jacquelyn Martin

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday he has signed orders to send more troops to Afghanistan following the finalization of the Trump administration's new strategy in the country.

Mattis declined to disclose how many, but the troops could deploy within days and would be in addition to the 11,000 the Pentagon admitted on Wednesday are already in Afghanistan.

"Yes, I've signed orders but it's not completed," he told reporters at the Pentagon. Читать дальше...


This twisted detail in Cersei's 'Game of Thrones' finale dress was a hidden message to the audience


Warning: Spoilers ahead for the "Game of Thrones" season seven finale, "The Dragon and the Wolf."

"Game of Thrones" costume designer Michele Clapton imbues meaning into every single aspect of the cast's outfits. In a new interview with HBO, Clapton revealed that Cersei Lannister's black gown she wore to the Dragonpit had a subtle hint about her lying schemes.

Though we barely saw the back of the dress, close-up images released by HBO on their "Making of Game of Thrones"... Читать дальше...


LG’s latest smartphone is shaping up to be a well-rounded alternative to the Galaxy S8

Business Insider/Jeff Dunn

LG on Thursday announced its latest high-end smartphone, the LG V30.

I’ve spent a few days testing out an early version of the device, so I can’t give a full review just yet.

But based on what I’ve seen thus far, it seems safe to say two things about the V30:

  1. It looks great.
  2. It probably won’t catapult LG ahead of its eternal rival Samsung and the Galaxy S8.

Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ve seen thus far:

... Читать дальше...


Tesla's most expensive cars just got a price cut — here's how much they cost now (TSLA)

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Tesla's most expensive vehicles are getting a price cut. 

On Wednesday, the company reduced the price of its Model S and Model X vehicles with 100 kWh batteries. These are Tesla's priciest models, and they have the longest range.

Tesla attributed the price cuts to improved battery efficiency.

"Tesla is passing cost efficiency improvements of approximately 3% in 100 kWH pack production through to customers," a company spokesperson told Business Insider. Читать дальше...


Every year, firstborn kids dominate Harvard's freshman class

Jared Wickerham/Getty Images

Birth order is said to be a predictor of success later in life, with oldest children traditionally performing better in school and holding more leadership positions.

A survey given to incoming Harvard freshmen bolsters such research.

More of the incoming class of 2021 are firstborn than any other position in birth order, according to the Harvard Crimson's freshman survey. 


Hurricane Harvey is the worst rainfall disaster in US history — this interactive map shows how bad it was

AP Photo/David J. Phillip

On Friday, August 25, Hurricane Harvey hit Corpus Christi, Texas, and then continued on to batter cities and towns along the Gulf of Mexico.

Since then, the tropical storm has killed at least 41 people, damaged or destroyed approximately 20,000 homes, and displaced tens of thousands. Winds have topped 130 mph and downpours reached up to four inches per hour.

On August 30, a rain gauge near Cedar Bayou, Texas, measured 51.88 inches of rainfall, breaking... Читать дальше...


The US House will vote on the first federal laws for self-driving cars next week


(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote Wednesday on a sweeping proposal to speed the deployment of self-driving cars without human controls and bar states from blocking autonomous vehicles, congressional aides said.

The bill, which was passed unanimously by a House panel in July, would allow automakers to obtain exemptions to deploy up to 25,000 vehicles without meeting existing auto safety standards in the first year, a cap that would rise to 100,000 vehicles annually over three years. Читать дальше...


Apple's new $5 billion 'spaceship' campus is going to host its first big event — the iPhone 8 launch (AAPL)

Apple sent out media invites to its annual iPhone launch on Thursday.

The tagline? "Let's meet at our place."

The event will take place on Apple's new campus, Apple Park, which has been estimated to cost as much as $5 billion.

The actual keynote speeches won't be held in the company's iconic "spaceship" headquarters on the campus, but in a new 1,000-set auditorium nearby that's named after Steve Jobs.

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported the date of the iPhone event... Читать дальше...


325,000 people have already signed up for aid after Harvey — and the financial toll for survivors is just beginning

AP Photo/Eric Gay

  • Officials estimate up to 40,000 homes in the Houston area could be destroyed as a result of Hurricane Harvey.
  • As of Thursday morning, Harvey was making its way inland across Louisiana as a tropical depression with winds up to 30 mph.
  • 325,000 people have already applied for assistance from FEMA, the only aid available for the more than 80% of people without flood insurance.

Since Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas last Friday,... Читать дальше...


'This is what cracks me up about feminists': Kellyanne Conway defends Melania Trump's stilettos, decries feminist hypocrisy

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, defended the first lady from the criticism she received after wearing stilettos en route to Texas this week for a briefing on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts with her husband. 

After Melania Trump was photographed boarding Air Force One in what appeared to be Manolo Blahniks, Twitter critics and several media outlets issued swift condemnation.

"And here we have Melania Trump modeling what NOT to wear to a hurricane: 5-inch stilettos. Читать дальше...


Meet Business Insider at Mobile World Congress Americas 2017

BI Intelligence

Business Insider Intelligence's VP of Research, Barbara Peng, will moderate two panels on self-driving cars and vehicles-as-a-service at Mobile World Congress Americas, which takes place in San Francisco from September 12 to September 14. 

Director of Research John Heggestuen will also lead a discussion on blockchain.

If you're planning to attend Mobile World Congress Americas, you can book a one-on-one meeting with BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research and analysis division... Читать дальше...


The US just forced Russia to close its San Francisco consulate and shrink its presence in DC and NY


The US State Department has ordered Russia to close its San Francisco office and diplomatic annexes in New York and Washington, D.C. in response to the Kremlin recently reducing the size of the US embassy in Moscow. 

"In the spirit of parity invoked by the Russians, we are requiring the Russian Government to close its Consulate General in San Francisco, a chancery annex in Washington, D.C., and a consular annex in New York City. These closures will need to be accomplished by September... Читать дальше...


There's a scientific reason why a chemical plant exploded after Harvey — and it means more blasts are coming

Associated Press / Godofredo A. Vasquez

  • The Arkema chemical plant near Houston, Texas, exploded after it was flooded by Tropical Storm Harvey and its compounds were left un-refrigerated.
  • 15 police officers were taken to the hospital for inhaling fumes and a 1.5-mile evacuation perimeter is in place.
  • Officials plan to allow the fire to burn out, so there is a risk of further blasts.

Explosions were reported on Thursday morning at a chemical plant near Houston... Читать дальше...


Here are the 10 fastest-growing smartphone apps

Thomson Reuters

Ride-hailing and reselling apps are on the rise.

That's according to comScore's "2017 US Mobile App Report," which gathers data about smartphone app use among US adults.

ComScore found that the ride-hailing apps Uber and Lyft were among those that had grown most rapidly since 2015, along with the resale apps Letgo and OfferUp.

ComScore measured apps with at least 5 million monthly visitors that have been growing steadily since June 2015. While apps like Musical.ly... Читать дальше...


An exec at Alphabet's moonshot lab teaches people how to be happy — here's the first thing he says to do when you're feeling down

Courtesy of Mo Gawdat

"When something triggers your unhappiness, visit it."

This from Mo Gawdat, the chief business officer at Alphabet's moonshot lab, X, and the author of "Solve for Happy."

Gawdat was speaking at a free "Solve for Happy" workshop in New York City, where about 25 people (including me) had showed up to hear him apply his engineer's mentality to the problem of unhappiness.

"Visiting" your unhappiness might sound more like the advice of a therapist than an engineer ... Читать дальше...


Obama spokesperson denies rumors the former president is buying a $27 million estate from Caroline Kennedy

Susan Walsh / AP Images

Rumors are swirling that the Obamas are looking to Martha's Vineyard for a new vacation home.

According to the Boston Globe, the former president and his family have been house-hunting in the rural communities of Aquinnah, Chilmark, and West Tisbury, on the island off the coast of Massachusetts. 

The Obamas were rumored to have expressed interest in a set of two parcels owned by Caroline Kennedy and her husband, Edwin Schlossberg. The two parcels were once one 377-acre estate... Читать дальше...


Ivanka Trump supports ending an Obama-era equal pay initiative

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Ivanka Trump, unpaid assistant to and daughter of US President Donald Trump, supports ending an Obama-era equal pay initiative.

The Wall Street Journal's Ted Mann reported earlier this week that the White House will stop an intiative proposed by the Obama administration in 2016 intended to narrow gender, race, and ethnic group wage gaps. 

In its announcement, the White House issued a statement from Ivanka.

“Ultimately, while I believe the intention... Читать дальше...


Insurance drones expected to play a major role in Hurricane Harvey's aftermath

BI Intelligence

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Property insurance firms like State Farm and Allstate are preparing to use drones to inspect commercial and residential properties in Texas and Louisiana they insure that were damaged by Hurricane Harvey, according to Slate. The companies expect to start inspecting properties early next week, once the storm completely subsides.

The benefits... Читать дальше...


What you need to know in advertising today


Here comes Facebook TV.

After unveiling its shows initiative earlier this month, Facebook will be making its new hub for videos available to most of its US users over the next few days.

Called Watch, the new area includes a wide range of videos of varying lengths, including scripted series, live shows that feature hosts responding in real time to viewer questions, and Major League Baseball games and other sports events.

To read more about how Facebook's big video plans are rolling out, click here. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Недовольные клиенты начали штурмовать офис криптокомпании в «Москва-Сити»

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