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Новости за 31.08.2017


Sydney presses ahead to build 'the big tapeworm' — an $11 million steel sculpture for the city's main street that will be twice as wide as originally planned


The City of Sydney council voted narrowly in favour of pressing ahead with a giant steel sculpture across the city’s main street, despite the cost of the project more than tripling to $11.3 million.

The 58-metre high, ribbon-like steel sculpture “Cloud Arch” by Japanese artist Junya Ishigami, spanning George Street near the town hall, was priced at $3.5 million when it was first announced three years ago, but last week a revised design was revealed with council blaming “technical challenges” for the changes and cost blowout. Читать дальше...


Manafort's notes from the Trump Tower Russia meeting reportedly mention 'donations' and the RNC

Thomson Reuters

Congressional investigators examining Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election are now focusing on whether the Trump campaign or the Republican National Committee received donations from Russian sources after a meeting involving two Russian lobbyists in Trump Tower last year, according to a Thursday NBC report.

President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, attended the meeting, on June 9, 2016, with two Russian lobbyists... Читать дальше...


Sophie Turner responded to 'Game of Thrones' fans who claimed Littlefinger's death was unfair

Helen Sloan/HBO

The INSIDER Summary:  Some "Game of Thrones" fans pointed out that Littlefinger's death might have been rushed or unfair. When one user tweeted "he never hurt Sansa," Sophie Turner took matters into her own hands, defending her character's decision to execute Baelish. Turner continued to defend the death despite the Twitter users' firm opinions. Turner's feelings toward Littlefinger don't apply to actor Aidan Gillen, whom the actress called "the best." Littlefinger's death... Читать дальше...


A huge World War 2 bomb is going to be defused near $70 billion worth of Germany's gold

AP/Tom Strickland

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Frankfurt's city center, an area including police headquarters, two hospitals, transport systems and Germany's central bank storing $70 billion in gold reserves will be evacuated on Sunday to allow the defusing of a 1.8 ton World War Two bomb.

A spokesman for the German Bundesbank said, however, "the usual security arrangements" would remain in place while experts worked to disarm the bomb, dropped by the British air force and uncovered during excavation of a building site. Читать дальше...


The best spa in every state

Camellia C./Yelp

Dealing with the daily stresses of life without taking a moment to reset can have a negative impact on both your mind and body.

Visiting a spa is a great way to unwind when you're in need of a break. While spas typically offer relaxing services such as massages, facials and pedicures, among other treatments, some are better than others.

To help us find the best of the best, we turned to Yelp to track down the top-reviewed spa in each state of the country.

... Читать дальше...


The Cubs set a new MLB record that shows they will be a force for years to come

Andy Lyons/Getty

The Chicago Cubs may not have the best record in the National League, but if they play their cards right, they'll be in for many more winning seasons after this one.

On Wednesday night, Chicago second baseman Ian Happ hit his 20th home run of the season to give his team a 5-2 lead over the Pittsburgh Pirates. The blast was a historic one, as it made the Cubs the first team in MLB history to include five players with 20 or more home runs in their age-25 season or younger. Читать дальше...


A judge rejected Yahoo's effort to throw out a class-action suit related to 'the biggest data breach in the history of the world'

Thomson Reuters

A US judge said Yahoo must face nationwide litigation brought on behalf of well over 1 billion users who said their personal information was compromised in three massive data breaches.

Wednesday night’s decision from US District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California, was a setback for efforts by Verizon, which paid $4.76 billion for Yahoo’s Internet business in June, to limit potential liability.

The breaches occurred between 2013 and 2016, but Yahoo was slow to disclose them... Читать дальше...


How to know it's time to quit your job, according to an exec who left Facebook to strike out on her own

Courtesy of Debra Bednar-Clark

Should I quit my job?

Even if you have a horrible boss, terrible coworkers, or low pay for your role, it can be a hard question to answer.

"A lot of people come to me in coaching and say, 'I'm in a soul-sucking position,'" Debra Bednar-Clark, CEO and founder of career and leadership coaching firm DB+co, told Business Insider. "What I say is OK, let's first look and understand who you truly are and what you truly want."

Before starting her own company... Читать дальше...


Apple hits an all-time high after announcing the next iPhone's launch event (AAPL)


Apple's stock price hit a record high after the company announced the launch event date for its newest smartphone.

On Thursday, Apple sent out invitations to its September 12 launch event, which will be held in the brand new Steve Jobs Theater at Apple's new headquarters.

Shares climbed as high as $164.52 minutes after the announcement was made. They have slipped off that level and are now trading back below $164. 

The iPhone 8 has been extensively leaked in the months before its launch. Читать дальше...


There are still basic questions Republicans need to answer about their massive tax plan

Win McNamee

Since his campaign kicked off in 2015, President Donald Trump has remained consistent on a few policy positions. One of the most significant was his promise to deliver comprehensive tax reform, and it seems to be the issue to which he's now devoting the most attention.

On Wednesday, Trump laid out his principles for tax overhaul in a speech kicking off a campaign to pass a tax plan by the end of the year.

Despite the coming public tour, a massive amount of behind-the-scenes... Читать дальше...


Jared Kushner's real estate empire is reportedly in a difficult financial position

Getty Images/Pool

The Kushner Companies, the real estate firm owned by the family of President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, is facing a mountain of a challenge.

According to an investigation by Bloomberg's David Kocieniewski and Caleb Melby, the Kushner Companies is facing a staggering set of financial complications and has been actively seeking substantial foreign investments in order to boost the real estate company.

Most of the issue arises over the 2007 purchase... Читать дальше...


The world's largest preschool opened in Singapore — and it costs $21,000 a year for a 3-year-old to attend 5 days a week

Stamford American International School/Facebook

As every parent can attest to, education is not something to take lightly when it comes to the future success of their child.

Learning starts at an early age, so even preschools these days are upping their game in order to stand out in Singapore’s increasingly competitive education scene.

That seems to be the case, especially with August 30 marking the official opening of the world’s largest preschool for children aged 18 months to six years. Читать дальше...


Hurricane Harvey is keeping over 200,000 kids out of school, and that could have long-term consequences

Eric Gay/AP

  • Some 230,000 students in Houston were supposed to go back to school this week, but face delays due to Hurricane Harvey.
  • Academic research suggests kids may face psychological and academic challenges as the storm keeps them out of the classroom.
  • Schools may need to take on more of a caregiving role to help students regain a sense of normalcy.

Harvey's widespread flooding continues to cause devastation in Texas, and has prevented approximately... Читать дальше...


The US's latest move against Russia 'highlights the disconnect' between Trump and his administration

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The State Department ordered Russia to close three of its diplomatic facilities in the US on Thursday, hours after implementing Russia's demand that the US slash the number of diplomats at its Moscow embassy by roughly 60%.

"We still believe Russia's decision to limit the size of our mission was unwarranted and detrimental, but we have implemented the decision," a senior administration official told reporters during a conference call on Thursday. Russia ordered... Читать дальше...


Harvey damaged an estimated 500,000 vehicles at Houston dealerships — and automakers are scrambling to restock (GM, F)

Scott Olson/Getty Images

DETROIT, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Houston area car retailers and automakers are rushing to reopen dealerships and beef up inventory to replace many thousands of vehicles damaged in flooding from Hurricane Harvey.

Pete DeLongchamps, vice president for manufacturer relations at Group 1 Automotive Inc, the third-largest U.S. auto dealer group, said the company prepared for the storm with a plan designed after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. This included moving inventory... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

На площадке МВЦ «Казань Экспо» открылся XVIII Российский венчурный форум

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


Новый логотип появился у клинического кожно-венерологического диспансера Подмосковья

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