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Новости за 09.08.2017


Forget charisma and skill — the captains of the best teams in sports history shared 7 subtle traits

Pascal Rondeau/Getty Images

Superstar athletes, brilliant coaches, a shrewd front office — all three are components of excellent professional sports teams. What you may not have given as much thought to is the role of captain, the player-leader of the team.

Not only is this role also vital, it is the single most important factor for a team's success, argues Wall Street Journal editor Sam Walker in his book "The Captain Class."

Eleven years ago, Walker embarked on a research... Читать дальше...


Trump clings to control his Twitter account as John Kelly consolidates authority

Alex Wong/Getty Images

White House chief of staff John Kelly has already begun to impose order and structure on President Trump's occasionally chaotic team, but his authority has not yet extended to one of the most unruly aspects of Trump's presidency: @realDonaldTrump.

Trump gave Kelly unchecked hiring and firing power over White House aides below the senior counselor level when he chose the former homeland security secretary to replace outgoing chief of staff Reince Priebus late last month. Читать дальше...


Trump's childhood home is now listed on Airbnb — and up to 20 people can stay in it for $816 a night


The home where President Donald Trump spent the first years of his life is still standing in New York — and now, anyone can stay there starting at $816 a night.

The five-bedroom house in Queens is listed on Airbnb.

While new owners have long since taken over, the bungalow embraces Trump-centric decor to attract visitors who want to spend a night in the same space the president once did.

Here's what the house looks like now:

Located in New York's Jamaica Estates... Читать дальше...


These are the best parts from the video of Vladimir Putin's vacation in Siberia

Office of Russian President

Russia on Monday released a 47-minute video of President Vladimir Putin on vacation in Siberia.

Putin spent two days in the Tuva region of Siberia over the weekend with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, and the video captures part of their gallivanting in the woods. 

The video shows Putin walking through the woods, driving a boat, fishing, snorkeling, and more.

And while most of it is rather slow, there are definitely some funny moments. Читать дальше...


Here's what the charts are saying about whether the stock market has topped

AP / Richard Drew

Maybe this is the top for the S&P500. And maybe the Dolphins win the Super Bowl this year. And Maybe I’ll have steak for dinner on Friday.

The best part about this business is that none of us know what’s going to happen tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what you’ve accomplished until now. We’re all trying to win the same war moving forward. It’s pretty cool when you think about it.

So the question now is (as it seems to always be): Is this the top? I’ve consistently... Читать дальше...


Millennials are driving a $9 trillion change in investing

Reuters/Jim Young

  • Millennials are driving the nearly $9 trillion sustainable investing market, according to a survey of 1,000 investors by Morgan Stanley's Institute for Sustainable Investing.
  • Despite recent strides in the space, the belief that sustainable investing solutions deliver weaker returns remains prevalent.

Millennials aren't just eating avocado toast and snapchatting; they're also driving the growth of a $9 trillion market on Wall Street: sustainable investing. Читать дальше...


Trump is zeroing in on his pick to head the US's top trade commission

Jonathan Ernst/Getty Images

(Reuters) - President Donald Trump's leading choice to run the Federal Trade Commission is a Washington lawyer who served at the agency as a top official under President George W. Bush, a person briefed on the matter said on Wednesday.

Joseph Simons, a partner at the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison LLP, is the leading choice to run the FTC over Acting FTC chairman Maureen Ohlhausen, who has been running the agency since January.

... Читать дальше...


CALM DOWN: We're not even close to nuclear war with North Korea

Thomson Reuters

When Kim Jong Un challenged US President Donald Trump on Tuesday by threatening to launch missiles at Guam in response to Trump's promise of "fire and fury," a single word from Trump could have brought a healthy portion of the US's nuclear arsenal crashing down all over North Korea.

But Trump didn't call for a strike, and he won't. Neither will Kim Jong Un. Both men will get acceptable outcomes without firing a shot.

North Korea wants regime security and national... Читать дальше...


Tesla is developing self-driving tech for the semi-truck it's unveiling in September (TSLA)

Screenshot/ TED Talk 2017

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Tesla is developing a long-haul, electric semi-truck that can drive itself and move in "platoons" that automatically follow a lead vehicle, and is getting closer to testing a prototype, according to an email discussion of potential road tests between the car company and the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), seen by Reuters.

Meanwhile, California officials are meeting with Tesla on Wednesday "to talk about Tesla's efforts... Читать дальше...


The best school district in America is in an Ohio suburb 20 miles outside Cleveland, a city where schools are failing by almost every measure

Wikipedia Commons

Solon City School District (SCSD) houses the best public schools in America, according to a new list from academic review site Niche.com.

The district is located in Solon, Ohio — a 23,000 person suburb of Cleveland — and hosts six Kindergarten-through-eighth grade schools and one high school.

There are 4,720 students in the district, which boasts a 98% high school graduation rate. Passing scores on state exams are also high, with 96% of students proficient in reading and 95% proficient in math. Читать дальше...


Wall Street traders have had a tough year — and it's eating into their bonuses

REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Less-than-stellar Wall Street trading results will likely have an impact on this year’s bonuses.

While investment bankers will probably see big jumps in their annual bonus, securities traders likely won’t get the same increase — and could even see a 5% drop, according to a new report from HR consulting firm Johnson Associates.

The data was first reported by Bloomberg News’ Sarah Ponczek:

Fees from advising on mergers and selling stocks and bonds... Читать дальше...


Google is holding a company-wide meeting on Thursday to discuss the controversial diversity memo (GOOG, GOOGL)

REUTERS/Stephen Lam

Google CEO Sundar Pichai will hold a town hall meeting with all Google employees Thursday to address the recent diversity memo written by fired Google engineer James Damore.

Town halls are nothing new at Google. They're held regularly with employees and executives. But Thursday's meeting is expected to be tense given the controversy Damore's memo stirred up both inside and outside the company.

Pichai told Google employees Monday that he'd lead the town hall... Читать дальше...


STOCKS SLIP: Here's what you need to know

REUTERS/China Daily

President Donald Trump's comments were once again one of the biggest stories of the day. The president addressed the news of North Korea's ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead, saying any aggression would be met with "fire and fury."

US markets were slightly off after the news. The S&P 500 fell 0.05%, maintaining its now 15-day streak of closing within 0.30% of its opening price.

The Dow slipped 0.17% and the Nasdaq fell 0.28%.

First up, the scoreboard:


Android creator Andy Rubin has a new backer for his startup — Amazon (AMZN)

Brian Ach/Getty

Essential, Andy Rubin's new electronics startup, is getting ready to reveal more about its anticipated smartphone, even as it announced it had an intriguing new backer: Amazon.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Rubin said the company was in "mass production" of its phone and that additional information would be available next week. He also posted pictures of the production process.

Tweet Embed:
We are in full mass production... Читать дальше...


Scott Pruitt wants to keep EPA decisions out of the courts — but he'll end up there even if he does nothing at all

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has told his team he wants to keep the agency's decisions out of court. We examined three ways the EPA will end up in court, regardless of what Pruitt does, with the help of a former EPA lawyer. Administrator Scott Pruitt wants to keep the Environmental Protection Agency from getting sued, according to his senior adviser for air and radiation, Mandy Gunasekara.

Читать дальше...


Where are they now: What all your favorite '90s stars are doing today


The 1990s were a glorious time. Denim dominated the fashion world, weird catchphrases were everywhere (wasssup?), and teen dramas dominated the television world.

It's been 20 to 30 years since many of these budding celebrities and heartthrobs landed their breakthrough roles. While some have stuck around, others have largely left Hollywood behind. 

Here's what your favorite '90s stars are up to now. 

Melissa Joan Hart hit stardom after starring on '90s classics "Clarissa Explains It All" and "Sabrina... Читать дальше...


I tracked my career satisfaction for 12 years — these 6 factors matter most

Annual performance reviews have always reminded me of doctor visits.

Manager: "Hi, Mike. Good to see you. How would you say you've been doing this past year?"

Me: (Unable to remember much prior to today's lunch, let alone nine months ago)
"Pretty good, I guess."

Manager: (Nods reflectively) "Uh-huh. Reviewing your file here, I'd say your blood pressure (revenue) is where it should be, but your weight (cost) has been climbing. I'd like to recommend some diet (staff changes)... Читать дальше...


NBC's Seeso comedy streaming service will shut down ‘later this year’


Comedy streaming service Seeso is shutting down, the streamer announced Wednesday.

“We’re writing to let you know that later this year, Seeso will be shutting its comedy doors,” the service said in a statement posted to Facebook. “Though we will be departing, much of our comedy will live on – and some of your favorite Seeso Originals have already found a new home.”

According to the statement, Seeso originals “HarmonQuest,” “My Brother, My Brother and Me,” “Hidden America... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




ДЭГ местного значения // Суд оставил в силе итоги электронного голосования на выборах президента


Африка просит Москву помочь с военными США. МИД РФ вступился за русских

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