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Новости за 28.08.2017


There’s a reason economic measures are no good at capturing the likely damage from Hurricane Harvey

AP Photo/David J. Phillip

There is always something callous about economic analysis of natural and humanitarian disasters, because the human and physical loss is so immediate that financial concerns appear superfluous.

But there’s another key reason the already highly imprecise exercise of economic forecasting becomes especially useless with major disasters like the deadly Hurricane Harvey, which has already inundated Houston and is expected to cause untold damage.

Measures... Читать дальше...


'Game of Thrones' actor also hopes we haven't heard the end of Gendry

Helen Sloan/HBO

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the "Game of Thrones" season seven finale.

The seventh season of "Game of Thrones" came to a dramatic close when the Night King blasted down the Wall using his undead dragon. But Ser Davos Seaworth, played by Liam Cunningham, was thankfully nowhere near the icy blue blast.

INSIDER spoke with Cunningham after the finale to learn more about his character's adventures this season, including reuniting with Gendry and advising the newly revealed heir to the Iron Throne... Читать дальше...


Tom Brady explains how the absence of Julian Edelman will affect the Patriots offense

Elsa/Getty Images

The New England Patriots will likely be favored in every game they play this season. Reigning Super Bowl champions, the Patriots have one of the most potent offenses in the league, a defense that can stifle any team when needed, and the best coach and quarterback that football has ever seen.

But they will be without one key component to their winning formula — wide receiver Julian Edelman, who will miss the season after tearing his right ACL in a preseason game against the Detroit Lions. Читать дальше...


Finding 'fun' in the flood: Houston's kids sheltering at the convention center because of Harvey show resilience, hope

Thomson Reuters

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Nine-year old Melody Rodriguez saw a snake swimming toward her through the floodwaters.

Reginald James Jones, Jr., also nine, had to climb into the attic to escape water up to the roof.

His sister, seven-year-old Ta'lilia Smithers had screamed that her family would die as the water rose quickly in their home.

These children and others who were rescued on Sunday and ferried on city dump trucks to Houston's George R. Brown Convention... Читать дальше...


Here's why China won't use its leverage to make North Korea give up its nuclear weapons

China has no desire to see North Korea armed with nuclear weapons, but exerting economic and political leverage over its neighbor is not so easy. Professor Dave Denoon, director of the NYU Center on US-China Relations, explains how from China's perspective, a nuclear-armed North Korea may not be the worst case scenario.


Here's why you should keep the air vent on during your next flight

Stanislav Samoylik/Shutterstock

The INSIDER Summary:  The vent above your airplane seat may help you avoid contact with microorganisms that can get you sick. The air from the vent can create an invisible air barrier around you. This air barrier can stop airborne viruses from lingering in the air around you. The next time you go to turn off the ventilation above your seat on an airplane — whether because you're afraid of getting sick or you're downright chilly — you might want to reconsider. Читать дальше...


A former manager at Target became a millionaire using one of Wall Street's favorite trades


You don't have to be a professional investor to make a killing in the volatility market.

Just ask Seth M. Golden, who previously worked as a logistics manager at a Target store.

The 40-year-old, who lives in a suburb of Ocala, Florida, says he's grown his net worth from $500,000 to $12 million in five years by shorting the CBOE Volatility Index — or VIX — according to a report from Dealbook's Landon Thomas Jr.

It's a trade that's worked extremely well this year:... Читать дальше...


The 10 best college dining halls in America


College dining halls are usually large, cafeteria-style establishments that feed thousands of students quickly three times a day. That is to say, they're not typically seen as producing restaurant-caliber food.

But at some college dining halls, the food is a step above the rest.

Niche, a company that researches and compiles information on schools, published a ranking of the 2017 Best College Food in America.

Niche reviewed 1,384 four-year colleges and universities... Читать дальше...


Trump reversed regulations to protect infrastructure against flooding just days before Hurricane Harvey

REUTERS: Kevin Lamarque

Just 10 days before Hurricane Harvey descended upon Texas on Friday, wreaking havoc and widespread flooding, President Donald Trump signed an executive order revoking a set of regulations that would have made federally-funded infrastructure less vulnerable to flooding.

The Obama-era rules, which had not yet gone into effect, would have required the federal government to take into account the risk of flooding and sea-level rise as a result of climate change... Читать дальше...


'Another example of malicious intent': Emails from Trump's lawyer to the Kremlin 'will probably be of interest' to Mueller

Richard Drew/AP

President Donald Trump's personal attorney sent an email to Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman in January 2016 asking for his "assistance" with a massive real-estate project being pursued by the Trump Organization in Russia at the time.

"Over the past few months I have been working with a company based in Russia regarding the development of a Trump Tower - Moscow project in Moscow City," Trump attorney Michael Cohen wrote Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, according... Читать дальше...


Female North Korean soldiers describe horrific sexual abuse from superior officers

Digital Soju TV

North Korea's awful record of human rights violations may place it as the worst regime in the world in how it treats its people, but first-hand tales of the abuses rarely slip the secretive country's borders.

While oppression in North Korea knows no bounds, a video from South Korean Digitalsoju TV shows how the regime can be especially horrific in its treatment of women.

In the video, women defectors who formerly served in North Korea's military sit down with... Читать дальше...


Burning Man has a temporary airport for the 1% who take luxury helicopter rides to the playa

Instagram/Black Rock Helicopters

Burning Man — the annual festival held in Nevada's Black Rock Desert — kicked off August 27. Though tens of thousands of people travel there by car, those who can afford it choose to touch down on the playa by private plane or helicopter.

Every year, volunteers build Black Rock City Airport from scratch on a dusty road a week before the festival starts. As USA Today notes, crews section off runways, make customs checkpoints, and direct planes and 'copters when they arrive. Читать дальше...


These stories of people being rescued from Hurricane Harvey will restore your faith in humanity

Adrees Latif/Reuters

Texans have never seen anything like Hurricane Harvey. The storm pummeled the state with castastrophic flooding and winds topping 130 mph over the weekend.

Amid the devastation, the people of Texas and surrounding states have come together to rescue strangers from their homes and shelters. Their stories show tremendous bravery — and the photos and videos of the events will restore your faith in humanity.

A family near the Barker Reservoir in Houston escaped flooding on an air mattress. Читать дальше...


Top American Tour de France team says it'll have to shut down if it doesn't find $7 million in the next week

Daniel McMahon/Business Insider

The most popular American cycling team, Cannondale-Drapac, was dealt a blow late last week when a promising sponsorship deal for 2018 fell apart, team boss Jonathan Vaughters has told Business Insider.

As a result, Vaughters says, the team is $7 million short for next year and will have to shut down unless it finds a new sponsor or moneyed backer in the next week or so.

While the team is currently racing in the Vuelta a España and set to finish this season as planned... Читать дальше...


Robots might be coming for our jobs — but millennials aren't worried

AP Photo/Alastair Grant

Some experts point to the quickly evolving nature of jobs due to automation as evidence robots will replace human workers.

But millennials have largely given a collective shrug about such proclamations.

Nearly 80% of young people who participated in the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Survey 2017 believe that technology is creating, rather than destroying, jobs for humans.

The survey, given to more than 31,000 18-to-35-year-olds across 186 countries... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Предложения АИРР поддержала комиссия Госсовета


Суд признал Филиппа Киркорова виновным в несвоевременной оплате штрафа

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