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Новости за 27.08.2017


Russian bots posing as regular people are trying to sow discord on Twitter after Charlottesville

Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla

Although the recent events in Charlottesville happened 5,000 miles from Moscow, Russia didn’t sit this one out.

As has become almost routine after every polarizing U.S. political event in the past 12 months, online Russian propagandists quickly got involved. This time around, they took to Twitter with an army of bots to promote and share extremist right-wing tweets and disinformation.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy, a project of the German... Читать дальше...


Galore, the publishing company focused on 16- to 24-year-old women, has flipped media's business model


  • Galore Media says traditional ads just don't work for Gen Z, the 70 million people born between 1996 and 2010.
  • Instead it focuses on creating content for marketers and connecting them with influencers.
  • "This is how everybody will have to build a media company in the future."

When the digital-media company Galore talks to prospective advertisers, it tries to sell them on its social-media network, its ability to make content for brands, its relationship with influencers... Читать дальше...


People are challenging each other on Twitter to text a $10 donation to the Red Cross Harvey fund

David J. Phillip/AP

There are a lot of ways to help the people of eastern Texas as they suffer through the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

For instance, Facebook has activated its Safety Check system for the area. This not only lets you search for a loved one in the affected area, but lets you respond to pleas of help from people who have been impacted.

More than 570 people have posted their requests for help on the page — requesting food, rides, volunteers for clean-up crews and the like. Читать дальше...


AUSTRALIAN STOCKS SLIDE: Here's what you need to know

Australian stocks opened a new week on a slide.

Today’s scoreboard:

  • ASX 200: 5,709.90 -33.96 -0.59%
  • All Ordinaries: 5,771.20 -32.22 -0.56%
  • AUD/USD: 0.7945 +0.0011 +0.14%

The major banks led the local market down, with Westpac shedding 1.7% to close at $31.54 and the Commonwealth 1.3% to $76.68.

Among the miners, Rio Tinto fell 1.2% to $66.50 and Fortescue Metals 1.6% to $5.90.

Lend Lease posted a 9% rise... Читать дальше...


Giancarlo Stanton hit his 50th home run to help Marlins beat Padres 6-2

Mike Ehrmann/Getty

MIAMI (AP) — Giancarlo Stanton hit his 50th home run to break an eighth-inning tie, helping the Miami Marlins sweep the San Diego Padres with a 6-2 victory on Sunday.

Stanton became the first National League player to reach 50 homers since Prince Fielder hit 50 for Milwaukee in 2007. Stanton's 17th homer in August tied him for the second-most in MLB history in the month, behind Rudy York's 18 in 1937.

With the score 2-all, Dee Gordon singled to lead off the eighth. Читать дальше...


Here's where we're at with the male birth control pill

Rich Pedroncelli/AP

Reliable male birth control is, at its core, a math problem.

Women have one egg that emerges, on average, once a month. Men, on the other hand, produce millions of sperm in every batch of ejaculate, each of them hell-bent on cracking that egg.

Simply put, it’s much easier to control one thing than it is to control millions of things.

And so, a real solution to the problem of male birth control has been evasive — a running joke in fertility circles... Читать дальше...


Insects could be a much more lucrative industry in the US if Americans moved past their aversion to bugs

Thomson Reuters

The next unexpected business enterprise sings you to sleep every night.

Outside your window, hidden in your grassy lawn, are the sound of cricket chirps.

Each one may as well be a coin falling into a jar.

Don’t believe me? Ask the select few Millennials who’ve begun raising and rendering crickets into food for human consumption.

They are among the few that know: Once you get over your aversion to insects, various, new potentials present itself. Читать дальше...


Traders are bailing from US stocks

Traders are dumping US stocks to a degree not seen in 13 years.

They've pulled money out of US equity funds for 10 straight weeks, the longest such streak since 2004, according to data compiled by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

But that's not to say investors are giving up on stocks entirely. Global equities saw a $3.1 billion inflow this past week, suggesting that traders may be pulling money out of the US and reallocating it internationally. Читать дальше...


Precious metals may be ready to go parabolic

With the metals providing us with the pullback we were expecting in our report last weekend (Aug 12-13), they continued to push higher from that pullback.  Moreover, the structure continues to look quite bullish.  However, the only question the market has yet to answer is if we see one more drop before the parabolic rally commences, or if we simply begin to rally strongly from here.

Читать дальше...


The perfect books to listen to on every type of commute


We tend to underestimate how miserable commuting can make us. Being squished in a crowded train car or stuck in gridlock traffic is probably even more awful than it sounds.

If moving closer to your office (or teleportation) isn't possible right now, we get it. Below, we've rounded up a series of audiobook recommendations from Audible that can transform your daily travels into a — dare we say it? — pleasant experience.

Below, you'll find nine audiobooks perfect for different length commutes... Читать дальше...


Gold shines as Washington stumbles

Thomson Reuters

One of the more unique aspects of this year’s market is that both risky assets as well as investments that seek to hedge those risks are advancing simultaneously. Despite last week’s selloff, the S&P 500 is up 8%, the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite 15% and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index over 22%. Yet oddly, typical “safe-haven” hedges are also doing remarkably well, such as long-dated U.S. Treasuries and gold.

Gold’s performance, up 12% year-to-date, is particularly interesting. Читать дальше...


Stranded Texans send pleas for help, share startling photos on social media as flood waters rise

Thomson Reuters

Flood-stranded Texans in the Houston area took to social media on Sunday with desperate pleas to be rescued from their homes as Tropical Storm Harvey and its torrential rains slowly lumbered across the region.

With authorities urging Houston's more than 2 million residents to stay in their homes rather than risk venturing outside, some 70,000 of them formed a Facebook group that many of them used to call for help.

"Rescue needed!!" Lorena Martinez posted on the group... Читать дальше...


I'm a military analyst, and 'Game of Thrones' has more parallels with reality than you might think


Warning: Spoilers for ahead for season seven of "Game of Thrones."

"Game of Thrones," HBO's hit fantasy series, is just that — fantasy — and nothing more.

But part of what makes the show so engrossing is its exploration of themes that resonate with real-world problems, particularly those associated with power and war.

The military use of dragons and the dilemma they pose is one recent example.

In "The Spoils of War," the fourth episode of this season, viewers... Читать дальше...


Corporate raider Bill Ackman threatened his most recent target with negative media coverage

REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

The battle between hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman and his latest activist target is heating up.

In a regulatory filing on Tuesday, ADP, a provider of payroll and benefits services, accused Ackman of threatening to use his ability to generate media coverage to "damage" the company.

The pointed comments were just the latest entry in the ongoing saga between Ackman and the New Jersey-based company, which had been grappling for weeks over the activist investor's quest for board seats. Читать дальше...


The quantum internet is just a decade away — here's what you need to know

Alex Wong/Getty Images

As China moves closer to building a working quantum communications network, the possibility of a quantum internet becomes more and more real. But what does having a quantum internet mean?

The Next Level

The word “quantum” sounds so advanced and complex that people tend to get hyped up about anything attached to it. While not every quantum breakthrough elicits a positive response, in the case of a so-called quantum internet, people have a reason to be excited. Читать дальше...


The 15 best business books of all time

Anaele Pelisson/Business Insider

There are some books that never stop selling, and which the world's most influential people recommend across generations.

We've gone through our existing "best-of" lists and others to determine which business histories and management and investing guides have been most critically acclaimed.

We stayed away from academic books and biographies, and by limiting ourselves to just 15 titles, the final list is not exhaustive.

But if you familiarize yourself with these 15 books... Читать дальше...


Amazon's $13.7 billion Whole Foods buy proves the concept of the 'tech company' is coming to an end (AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, GOOGL)


On Monday, Amazon's $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods will close, ushering in a new era of cheap avocados for all, and Amazon Prime grocery discounts for some.

Now consider this: we just passed the six-year anniversary of venture capitalist Marc Andreessen's famous declaration that "software is eating the world," which ran in the Wall Street Journal on August 20th, 2011. 

These two things have everything to do with each other. Because software, in the form of Amazon, is about to eat Whole Foods. Читать дальше...


Rex Tillerson slams North Korea missile test, but still seeks peace talks

© AFP/File Brendan Smialowski

Washington (AFP) - US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declared Sunday that North Korea's latest missile test was a "provocative act" but said he still hopes to persuade Pyongyang to come to the negotiating table.

Earlier this month, Washington's top diplomat suggested a diplomatic opening might be close after North Korea reacted to a new round of United Nations sanctions with what he termed "some level of restraint."

And on Tuesday US President... Читать дальше...


Taylor Swift's single makes me fear we're in for a whole album of subtweeting

The irony of what's sure to be the most talked-about moment on Taylor Swift's generally, intriguingly, frustratingly unpleasant new single — when the music goes into suspended animation so that she can drawl, "I'm sorry, but the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now … Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead" — is that it's the point in "Look What You Made Me Do" when the old Taylor is most fully at hand.

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A robot that will replace your smartphone is already in the works

One day, we will all have robots instead of smartphones.

The life-like droids will advise you on various matters, help you buy things, and even make your coffee just the way you like it.

That’s the forecast from some of the top minds in robotics and artificial intelligence who gathered in Pebble Beach, California, last week to debate the future at the G-Summit conference organized by GWC.  

The group of scientists and researchers celebrated all the latest advances in the field of robotics... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Филиал № 4 ОСФР по Москве и Московской области информирует: Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Крестивший Белоусова священник заявил о его честности и патриотизме

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Стало известно об отмене выступления Урганта на вечере памяти Окуджавы


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