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Новости за 07.11.2016


Donald Trump poses with a mask of himself onstage at one of his final rallies

Screenshot/ABC News

Donald Trump posed with a mask of himself onstage at a Florida rally Monday, one of his last of the campaign season.

"Nice head of hair, I'll say that," Trump said of the mask of himself, which he pointed out onstage when a supporter wore it in front of him

"Look at this mask, look at this mask," he said. "Oh wow. Wow. It's beautiful, look at that. Looks just like me.

He later asked the crowd if there was "any place more fun to be than a Trump rally? Читать дальше...


The strains of a weak global economy are starting to show

Gerald Herbert/AP

The strains of a global economy mired in a low growth, lowinflation and low interest rate regime are starting to show.

Populist, anti-establishment and anti-globalisation sentiment is on the rise across the developed markets. If this leads to a marked deterioration in the quality of economic decision making, it could spell the end of a seven-year period of growth – however weak – for the global economy.

But there are alternative possibilities: a new wave of... Читать дальше...


Dallas Cowboys front office did the viral 'mannequin challenge' after team's seventh straight win and it's as bad as it sounds

via Twitter

It was only a matter of time before a group of adults ruined the objectively fun Mannequin Challenge (#mannequinchallenge) sensation that took the Internet by storm last week. Aboard a private jet on Sunday following their team's seventh consecutive win of the season, the Dallas Cowboys executives did just that. 

In case you missed it, the Mannequin Challenge is the big new teen thing that, like Planking, Tebowing, and the Running Man before it, had completely enraptured the internet thanks to the teens. Читать дальше...


The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval peasant


Life for the medieval peasant was certainly no picnic. His life was shadowed by fear of famine, disease and bursts of warfare. His diet and personal hygiene left much to be desired.

But despite his reputation as a miserable wretch, you might envy him one thing: his vacations.

Plowing and harvesting were backbreaking toil, but the peasant enjoyed anywhere from eight weeks to half the year off.

The Church, mindful of how to keep a population from rebelling, enforced frequent mandatory holidays. Читать дальше...


The US is seeking the death penalty in the Dylann Roof case

Thomson Reuters

CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - The final phase of jury selection begins on Monday in the U.S. death penalty trial for a white man charged with federal hate crimes after the shooting deaths of nine black parishioners at a historic South Carolina church last year.

Dylann Roof, who is accused of holding white supremacist views, was indicted on 33 federal counts of hate crimes, obstruction of religion and using a firearm in a violent crime after he opened fire during a... Читать дальше...


Dave Chappelle took shots at Hillary Clinton in a comedy show: 'She's not right'


Dave Chappelle can stir up outrage like few other comedians, so it's no surprise that when he recently unloaded on the presidential election and the candidates, people paid attention.

Leading up to his "Saturday Night Live" hosting gig, the comedian booked a few shows in the New York City area. The New York Observer reports that his 60-minute Friday night show was focused on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In particular, he went after Clinton, despite saying he voted for her. Читать дальше...


31 incredible photos of Dubai from above

Karim Sahib/Reuters

Dubai spares no expense when making its cityscape the most jaw-dropping in the world.

In the 2000s, the emirate dropped nearly $600 billion into constructing the world's tallest tower, biggest man-made island, and most luxurious hotel, among other architectural feats.

These aerial photos of Dubai capture the city's elegance and ambition.

Dubai is a city of superlatives. Located in the United Arab Emirates, the ritzy metropolis is home to some of the tallest... Читать дальше...


The most famous system for ranking the best colleges has a major flaw

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

This post is adapted from "Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy" by Cathy O'Neil.

In 1983, a struggling news magazine, US News & World Report, decided to undertake an ambitious project.

It would evaluate 1,800 colleges and universities throughout the United States and rank them for excellence.

At first, the staff relied on opinion surveys.

They were barraged with complaints from alumni and administrators that the rankings were unfair. Читать дальше...


4 steps to reinventing yourself after a major failure

Kenneth Lu/Flickr

Hitting rock bottom — as energetic, smart and business-savvy entrepreneurial — types, this dreadful phrase is simply not in our vocabularies.

But it happens — even to the best of us who think we are completely prepared for this roller coaster ride in the pursuit of success.

And if you don't want to commit career suicide by going back to that nine-to-five job that made you jump into entrepreneurship in the first place — you must navigate through the tough times. Читать дальше...


The DOJ is sending more than 500 civil-rights officials to monitor Tuesday's election in 28 states

AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

WASHINGTON — Personnel from the US Justice Department's civil-rights division will be deployed to polling sites in 28 states to monitor Tuesday's election — five more than it monitored in the 2012 election — the department said on Monday.

"Our personnel will perform these duties impartially, with one goal in mind: to see to it that every eligible voter can participate in our elections to the full extent that federal law provides," Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch said in the release. Читать дальше...


16 giant infrastructure projects that could reshape the world

Zaha Hadid Architects

The world is full of inconceivably huge projects happening right under our noses.

Take the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, which will link three major Chinese cities in the country's quest to bring 42 million people together. Or Norway's plan to build the world's first fully-submerged floating tunnel to cut travel times between fjords in half.

Those efforts and many others illustrate how investing billions of dollars in enormous projects can collectively make the world a better place to live. Читать дальше...


BBVA launches easier mobile account opening (BBVA)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Spanish bank BBVA has launched a new service, Online Onboarding, which will allow consumers to open a BBVA account in a matter of minutes via their mobile device and use their account immediately.

To initiate the process, a user first has to download BBVA's banking app. Then, they must upload a photo ID and take a selfie that the bank verifies using facial-recognition technology. Читать дальше...


This regional fried-chicken chain is better than KFC — and it's taking over America (BOJA)

Kate Taylor

Bojangles' has already won over fans across North Carolina and South Carolina. Now, the chain is proving it is ready to take over the rest of the US. 

Last Friday, the company reported its 26th consecutive quarter of same-store sales growth. Revenue beat expectations, with an increase of 7.2% to $133.2 million in the third quarter, up from $124.3 million the same quarter last year. 

Stocks skyrocketed on Friday, rising more than 12% after the company reported earnings. Читать дальше...


These 12 countries have the best parental leave policies in the world

Garrett Gee

Out of the world's 196 countries, the US is one of only four that has no federally mandated policy to give new parents paid time off.

That burden is instead placed on individual states and employers.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both outlined policies to make child-rearing easier. Clinton has proposed a 12-week leave plan in which each parent would get paid 67% normal wage while their off. Trump has put forward a proposal for six weeks of fully-paid maternity leave. Читать дальше...


Mexican beer brand Corona is poking fun at Trump with an ad called 'The Wall'


Corona launched a video ad in Mexico on Friday dubbed "The Wall," which aims to inspire Mexicans to overcome challenges and break barriers.

The ad (watch it in full below) stars Diego Luna — a Mexican actor — who opens the video with the line: "All of us are angry at the wall that mad man wants to build."

Luna jumps between and climbs up different buildings throughout Mexico City — in one scene with a group of Mexicans using ladders to follow him up a wall.

The actor commentates throughout... Читать дальше...


WHO: More than 7,000 people have been killed in Yemen's war

Thomson Reuters

Sanaa (AFP) - Yemen's 20-month-old war has left more than 7,000 people dead and nearly 37,000 wounded, the World Health Organization announced in its latest toll update.

As of October 25, "more than 7,070 people have been killed and over 36,818 injured, according to health facility-based data," the WHO said in a statement late Sunday.

Another 21 million people are in need of urgent health services, said the UN health agency.

Yemen has been rocked by... Читать дальше...


2 new polls show Clinton with a 4-point lead over Trump one day before the election

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A CBS News poll released on Monday showed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton holding a 4-point lead over Republican Donald Trump, 45 percent to 41 percent.

The survey of 1,753 U.S. adults was taken Nov. 2-6 and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released earlier on Monday also found Clinton with a 4 percentage point lead. A separate Bloomberg Politics-Selzer & Co... Читать дальше...


The Mexican peso is surging

Markets Insider

The Mexican peso is surging.

The currency is up by 1.9% at 18.6516 per dollar as of 7:51 a.m. ET.

The peso took off in overnight trade after FBI Director James Comey informed Congress on Sunday that a review of new emails related to the bureau's investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server had not yielded any reason for charges against the Democratic presidential nominee.

Given that Republican candidate Donald Trump's protectionist platform... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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