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Новости за 07.11.2016


The only American in outer space has voted


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — The lone American off the planet has cast his vote from space, keeping with NASA's motto of "Vote while you float."

NASA said Monday that astronaut Shane Kimbrough filed his ballot in Tuesday's presidential election from the International Space Station sometime over the past few days. He arrived at the orbiting lab in mid-October.

Before launching on a four-month mission, Kimbrough said it was going to be special, being able to say "I voted... Читать дальше...


The end of a transit strike in Philadelphia could swing Pennsylvania for Hillary Clinton

AP Photo/Jacqueline Larma

Hillary Clinton's hopes of winning Pennsylvania on Election Day got a huge boost when a transit strike in Philadelphia ended Monday morning.

The strike had shut down subway and bus service in the city for a week, and threatened to carry over into Tuesday, potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of residents without transportation to polling locations.

Democrats feared an Election Day strike would stifle voter turnout for Clinton in the nation's fifth-largest city. Читать дальше...


6 new photos teasing next week's 90-minute episode of 'The Walking Dead'


AMC has released half a dozen photos for next Sunday's 90-minute episode of "The Walking Dead," and, once again, it's not looking great for Rick. 

Titled, "Service," we'll finally see the fallout from the season seven premiere and Rick and the Alexandrians will get a visit from Negan himself at their community's front door. Man, can't that guy let them grieve?

The photos for next Sunday's episode aren't too revealing. Keep reading to see what's in store.

Rosita and Spencer... Читать дальше...


Where Hillary Clinton stands on foreign policy

Skye Gould/Business Insider

On Tuesday, November 8, Americans will go to the polls and elect the next president.

Some of the most daunting tasks facing the next president come in the realm of foreign policy. 

The next president will have to negotiate with a rising China, a newly resurgent Russia, a defiant North Korea, and a drawn out civil war in Syria, among other issues.

We looked into where Hillary Clinton stands on some of the most pressing foreign-policy questions facing the US today. Читать дальше...


Snapchat will turn you into Hillary Clinton ahead of Election Day

Snapchat/Business Insider

If you use Snapchat on Monday, you'll be able to morph into none other than presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — pantsuit and all.

Ads for Clinton in Snapchat include an "I'm with her" national geofilter and an animated selfie lens. The geofilter was paid for by the Clinton campaign while the lens was paid for by the Democratic super PAC Priorities USA Action.

To use the lens, tap and hold on your face in Snapchat and swipe right. The lens will... Читать дальше...


Hate speech has made its way into America's mainstream

Thomson Reuters

(Note: paragraph 2 contains language that may offend some readers)

KOKOMO, Indiana (Reuters) - The lettering is crude, scrawled in black spray paint on the sidewalk in front of Karen Peters’ neatly kept home in the quiet, working class neighborhood where she’s lived most of her life. But the contempt is clear.

"KKK Bitch.”

The racially charged graffiti appeared in mid-October on cars, homes and telephone poles in the small city of Kokomo, Indiana. Many victims... Читать дальше...


French Islam foundation head: French Muslims need to 'make a little effort' to integrate

© AFP/File Stephane De Sakutin

Paris (AFP) - The 77-year-old former defence minister chosen to head France's new Foundation for Islam in France on Monday called on conservative Muslims to try harder to integrate into society.

The appointment of Jean-Pierre Chevenement sparked controversy in August, with many questioning why the post did not go to a Muslim, but to a political veteran known for his rigidly secular views.

Shortly after his nomination, he came under fire for tweeting that Muslims should "be discreet... Читать дальше...


We spent an afternoon at the Trump Winery in Virginia and it wasn't what we expected at all

During a recent trip to Virginia, I spent an afternoon at Trump Winery in Charlottesville. Donald Trump purchased the property in 2011, as well as the adjoining estate the following year. He subsequently handed over control of the enterprise to his son Eric. 

Even though the Republican presidential nominee said during a news conference in March that he owns it "a hundred percent," the winery's website states that it isn't officially affiliated with Donald Trump or his organization.

The... Читать дальше...


A massive but unverified 'Game of Thrones' season 7 plot leak is taking over the fandom — here's what we know


The INSIDER Summary:

• Several weeks ago a Redditor posted what they claimed was the season seven "Game of Thrones" plot.
• At first people doubted them, but now the claims are starting to get confirmed by other sources.
• There is no concrete evidence yet that ALL of the Reddit leaks are true.

"Game of Thrones" leaks are nothing new. So far during season seven's filming we have seen an avalanche of set photos and videos coming from sneaky fans. But there's a different type of leak floating around online... Читать дальше...


CLINTON: 'Tomorrow we face the test of our time'

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Hillary Clinton delivered her closing arguments before a large Pittsburgh crowd on the eve of Election Day, asking voters a simple question as her final pitch:

“What kind of country do we want?”

“Tomorrow we face the test of our time: Will we be coming together as a nation or splitting farther apart?” Clinton asked Monday morning. “Will we set goals that all of us meet or will we turn on each other and pit one group of Americans against another?”

The Democratic presidential nominee... Читать дальше...


The 50 college majors that lead to the highest pay right out of school

robb3d via flickr

There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a college major.

Salary potential is one of them.

While this shouldn't be the sole thing that attracts you to a major, it is helpful to know which degrees pay off the fastest.

"For new grads drowning in student loans and sky-high rents, a solid paycheck can be critical during the first few years in the real world," writes Glassdoor's Allison Berry.

Glassdoor recently analyzed hundreds of thousands... Читать дальше...


Here's how the US elections could affect the Japanese yen

Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

Investors have been keeping close tabs on the Mexican peso in the weeks leading up the election.

But another currency may be worth paying attention to as the election results roll in: the Japanese yen, which is, generally speaking, one of the go-to safe-haven assets investors pour into during times of uncertainty.

As things stand right now, the market sees Hillary Clinton as a known player whose policies are expected to be largely a continuation of the Obama administration. Читать дальше...


An elementary school teacher argues the profession deserves more pay: 'I love my job — but I'm broke'

REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

After six years in college working towards a teaching degree and a passion for improving the lives of the students she teaches, elementary school teacher Rachel Wiley is drowning in student loan debt and is barely able to meet her monthly bills.

"I love my students, I love my job, and I feel fulfilled. But I'm broke," 29-year-old Wiley wrote in an op-ed in Teachers United, which The Washington Post published in full.

She further described her financial... Читать дальше...


OBAMA: Comey is 'a man of integrity, a man of principle'

Alex Wong/Getty Images

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama remains confident in FBI Director James Comey's ability to the lead the agency in the aftermath of the probe of Democrat Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, the White House said on Monday.

"The president views Director Comey as a man of integrity, a man of principle," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters in a briefing. "The president's views of him have not changed. ... He continues... Читать дальше...


Forget whitewashing: 'Doctor Strange' goes out of its way to appeal to China


Marvel’s newest movie "Doctor Strange" has been accused of whitewashing the plot by changing the character of The Ancient One from Tibetan to Celtic. It’s true that this is another missed opportunity to have a major Asian character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it’s also true that the movie goes out of its way to avoid racism and to appeal to the giant Chinese box office.

About The Ancient One, played by Tilda Swinton, screenwriter C. Robert Cargill explained that the... Читать дальше...


These 160-square-foot micro-apartments could help end San Francisco's homelessness crisis

Melia Robinson/Business Insider

A real estate developer wants to help end the street-living epidemic in San Francisco by converting shipping container-like modules into sleek new micro-apartments where the homeless can live.

There are some 6,500 homeless people living in San Francisco, which has the second highest homeless population in the US. Some surveys suggest that figure should be doubled.

The city has long run out of beds to house them — a reality that cued Panoramic Interests... Читать дальше...


The world is losing the war on the tobacco industry

Thomson Reuters

NEW DELHI — In Nepal, health warnings cover 90 percent of cigarette packs, while Australia requires those packets be wrapped in drab, plain paper. Indonesia’s new ban on outdoor advertising brought down tobacco billboards depicting smiling, smoking youths. And India wants scary photos of rotting lungs and mouth tumors covering packets sold in the country.

Still, national drives to discourage smoking and cut back tobacco sales haven’t done enough, campaigners say.... Читать дальше...


A real-life snake on a plane popped out of the overhead compartment on a flight in Mexico

Indalecio Media/Twitter

Passengers on a commercial flight in Mexico were given a start when a serpent slithered into the cabin in a scene straight out of Hollywood thriller "Snakes on a Plane."

Carrier Aeromexico said the reptile was detected on a Sunday flight from Torreon in the country's north to Mexico City.

A brief video circulating online shows a greenish snake emerging from the ceiling behind an overhead luggage compartment and then partially dropping down into the cabin. Читать дальше...


The Oakland Raiders nailed the 2014 draft, and it's a huge reason why they suddenly look like a Super Bowl contender

Butch Dill/AP

After an impressive 30-20 win over the Denver Broncos on Sunday, the Oakland Raiders are beginning to turn heads.

In an NFL season that's largely been a malaise because of a lack of true contenders, the 7-2 Raiders are beginning to look like a real postseason threat.

Their offense is elite, having gained the second-most total yards and third-most total points, but in Week 9, it was their to-date, unimpressive defense, that set the tone, forcing four straight Denver three-and-outs to open the game. Читать дальше...


Total is in talks to become the first Western oil company to do business with Iran

Thomson Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - The boss of French oil and gas company Total said on Monday that it would be happy to be the first western oil company to reach an agreement with Iran, but a deal is yet to be signed.

"Discussions are going on and we'll see if we can sign in the coming days," Patrick Pouyanne told CNN Money on the sidelines of the Abu Dhabi petroleum conference.

Asked about the reported $6 billion value of the potential deal, Pouyanne said: "...developing a... Читать дальше...


Americans own too many vacation homes, and it's making the 'new housing crisis' worse

Flickr/Bart Speelman

An ongoing housing shortage is lifting prices and rents, and pushing homeownership further out of reach for many Americans. 

Part of the problem is that too many of the unavailable homes are only used once or twice a year when their owners are on vacation. And that's making the inventory crunch worse, according to Matthew Pointon, a property economist at Capital Economics. 

The inventory shortage has been met with huge buyer demand from people looking to take advantage of low mortgage rates. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве в парке нашли труп мужчины

Путин в России и мире

Politico: Россия проиграет войну с НАТО, предупреждает Польша (Topmember)

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Моцарт в рок-формате: ставропольские музыканты представили свою версию известного мюзикла


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