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Новости за 07.11.2016


29 celebrities who love and endorse Donald Trump


Since announcing his bid for the presidency in June 2015, Donald Trump has steadily accrued (and lost) a number of endorsements from celebrities — some of whom are more notable than others. 

In the aftermath of his lewd comments from a 2005 "Access Hollywood" video that leaked in October, Trump lost the support of a few entertainers, including singer Aaron Carter, rapper Azealia Banks, and actress Kirstie Alley. 

With Election Day at hand, however, the Republican presidential... Читать дальше...


Amazon is hiring full-time house cleaners — possibly for its Prime membership program (AMZN)

REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko

Amazon may soon offer free house-keeping service to its Prime members.

That's what two new job postings, first spotted by The Seattle Times' Angel Gonzalez, seem to suggest.

The jobs, titled "Home Assistant," are intended to help the customers keep their homes clean, do laundry, and put groceries away. The positions seem full-time as Amazon is offering company stock, insurance, and overtime pay as part of the package.

Here's the full job description:

... Читать дальше...


After high-profile backlash, the Philippines' president is softening his stance on a landmark climate deal

Thomson Reuters

Since talking office this summer, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has inveighed against many things, and his controversial rhetoric and brutal drug war have attracted most of the attention.

But Duterte has also opposed the Paris Agreement, a landmark climate deal signed by the Philippines and 194 other countries at the end of 2015 — that is, until another Philippine leader pushed back on his stance.

Duterte had said his government would not honor the deal... Читать дальше...


7 mental tricks to stop worrying about what other people think

Fox Searchlight

Caring about what other people think of you is part of being a normal human being.

In fact, scientists in one study found that the reward center in people's brains was active when they were told that someone approved their taste in music.

It's only a problem when you're consumed by worries about your reputation — when every decision about what to wear, who to hang out with, and even what career to pursue are based on the fear of looking stupid.

Unfortunately, this habit is hard to shake. Читать дальше...


Here's how doctors experiment on the brains of people too sick to consent

Eva Blue/Flickr under Creative Commons license

The narrative arc of a recent report by Luke Dittrich concerning Henry Molaison (known as patient H.M.) is deeply disturbing. First, says Dittrich in his book “Patient H.M.,” a surgeon recklessly excised a part of Molaison’s brain critical for memory. Molaison, permanently disabled, was subsequently subjected to years of experimentation without proper consent by a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Dr. Suzanne Corkin, who built her career on Mr. Читать дальше...


'Atlanta' star Brian Tyree Henry explains why he's voting for Hillary Clinton: 'I'm conscious, I have a soul'

Guy D'Alema/FX

"Atlanta" star Brian Tyree Henry is serious about this year's presidential election.

"I’ve never been more excited about an election in my life," Henry told Business Insider on Monday. "The world will no longer stay complacent, where there is a blindfold on people’s eyes over who’s for you and who’s not."

For those who watched "Atlanta," the FX comedy created by and starring Donald Glover, Henry's excitement is very different from the easygoing rapper he plays on the show, Alfred Miles, aka Paper Boi. Читать дальше...


A med school lesson in peanut butter sandwiches could one day save your life

Flickr / Anna

Anywhere between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of Americans, depending on whom you ask, die of medical errors each year.

Now, universities are looking to address that fact by teaching clinicians and administrators to see medical problems in a new light, using coursework that might range from investigating the ins and outs of Medicare to exercises in communication, courtesy of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Certificate and master’s degree programs... Читать дальше...


How much everyone working on a blockbuster movie gets paid — from $148 to $12 million


To create a blockbuster movie like the star-studded "Furious 7" or the Harry Potter spinoff "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," studios employ hundreds of people in many different capacities.

From the lucrative contract of a lead actor to the meager payout for an uncredited extra, the salaries on the set of a blockbuster film range drastically. 

Vanity Fair created a video credit roll for a hypothetical blockbuster movie with a $200 million budget to illustrate... Читать дальше...


A simple exercise from a mindfulness workshop developed at Google can help beat anxiety before it starts


Last week I participated in Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness program developed at Google that's now offered publicly through the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.

There were a few profound insights I scribbled down while I was there, and one of them was this: "Emotions are actually feelings in the body."

This revelation, from SIY teacher Robert Chender, provided some context for the introduction of a mindfulness exercise called the body scan. Читать дальше...


Why a deep-red state is turning against the GOP

George Frey/Getty Images

UTAH — Voters across the reliably red state of Utah have lost faith in the Republican Party.

And while Donald Trump might have been the final straw, for some, the disillusion with the Grand Old Party started years ago.

"[President George W.] Bush and the Senate and the House of Representatives all had control for six years," Barry Richardson, 36, said after a town hall for independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin in Brigham City, Utah, on Friday. Читать дальше...


A heart-pounding video of a lizard escaping a minefield of snakes is going viral


The first episode of "Planet Earth II," the sequel to BBC's acclaimed documentary miniseries, aired Sunday. And it was amazing.

Possibly the most stirring moment in the episode involved a lone lizard and a minefield of snakes.

It's shot (and edited) cleverly to resemble a heart-pounding action thriller. But the moments of tension, bursts of speed, death-defying leaps, and near-captures are all real.

There's dramatic tension.

RAW Embed

And terror.

RAW Embed

And biting! Читать дальше...


Pokémon GO could be adding way more Pokémon soon — here's what we know

"Pokémon GO" has been a huge hit since its launch in July 2016, but there really haven't been many major updates to the game. We've only see Buddy Pokémon, daily updates and even a Halloween-themed event. The people behind the Pokémon GO community "The Silph Road" have now uncovered some clues in the code to the game's first big update with the release of Gen 2 characters. Here's everything we know so far.

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This election, more than 40,000 have traded votes in swing states to keep Trump out

Thomson Reuters

Sophy Warner wanted to vote for third-party U.S. presidential candidate Jill Stein. But she worried that her ballot, cast in the swing state of Ohio, might help Republican Donald Trump capture the White House.

Through the website "Trump Traders," the 20-year-old biology student at Cleveland State University got in touch with Marc Baluda, 44, a Republican corporate lawyer in California who opposes Trump's candidacy and planned to vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Читать дальше...


Here's how to split the restaurant bill in any situation


Whether you're taking a client to dinner, grabbing lunch with a new friend, or sharing a meal with your in-laws, awkwardness can immediately settle in when the bill comes and everyone stares, silently wondering, "Who pays?"

Several potential scenarios can play out: Should you split the check evenly? Should everyone pay for their own meal? Is it expected that your father-in-law will pick up the check?

Every dining situation, from a birthday dinner to a double date... Читать дальше...


The 8 worst things you can do at Starbucks, according to a barista

Getty Images

I’ve been working as a Starbucks barista on my campus for over a year now. Don’t get me wrong — I love my job. There are few things that make me happier when someone asks for a suggestion and then ends up loving it, or comes back to thank me because their drink came out great.

With that being said, though, there are a handful of things Starbucks customers do that really grind my gears, and I’m sharing this article with the hopes that you can spare your barista the grief and avoid doing them as well. Читать дальше...


Fast-food CEO urges people to vote for Trump, calling him the 'ultimate unifier'

Fab Fernandez and CKE Restaurants

The CEO of the parent company of Carl's Jr. and Hardee's is pushing for a Donald Trump presidency. 

Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants, published an article titled "Why Trump" in Real Clear Politics on Monday, presenting a case for the election of Donald Trump. 

Puzder frames Trump as a "pragmatic centrist" and "negotiator." The CEO argues that the presidential candidate is an outsider, with the ability to challenge what Puzder calls the "incestuous... Читать дальше...


Financial planner: I spend more time talking young people out of buying houses than anything else

Flickr / jmv

At the end of 2015, certified financial planner Alan Moore shared his 11 best pieces of financial advice with Business Insider.

Among them: Don't buy a home.

"I spend more time talking young people out of buying houses than pretty much anything else with clients," the cofounder of XY Planning Network wrote. "Now, I know it's the American Dream and I know that we've been told that buying a home is cheaper in the long run than renting — but honestly, it’s not always... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Песков рассказал, как аномальная погода повлияла на парад Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Путин поблагодарил Рахмона за соболезнования в связи с терактом в «Крокусе»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Композитор из рода Аксаковых. Часть 2


Водителей предупредили о дожде и заморозках на трассе М-4 в Воронежской области

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