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Новости за 05.11.2016


Hong Kong is trying to prick its housing bubble


Hong Kong’s top official has raised the property stamp duty for the second time in three years to dampen soaring real estate prices in the world’s least affordable city, ahead of an election campaign where housing affordability is likely to be a central issue.

Effective November 5, the stamp duty on property transactions for non first-time buyers will be raised to 15 per cent for individuals and corporate buyers, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said in a televised press conference in the city. Читать дальше...


According to a former Facebook exec, you don't need advanced coding skills for a successful career in tech

Courtesy of Debra Bednar-Clark

In order to get a lucrative, in-demand job in the tech industry, you need to be a techie, right?

Not exactly, says Debra Bednar-Clark.

Bednar-Clark, CEO and founder of career and leadership coaching firm DB+co., and the former global head of strategy and growth at Facebook, also spent time as Microsoft's director of US market strategy and engagement.

In her work coaching professionals, she says that she often runs into two mistaken beliefs about careers in tech. Читать дальше...


A former Harvard admissions interviewer shares the 5 questions she asked almost every applicant

Rose Lincoln/Harvard Staff Photographer

Of the more than 39,000 people who applied to be part of Harvard College's class of 2020, a little more than 2,100 were admitted. That's about a 5% acceptance rate.

To help whittle these numbers down, the Ivy League college employs the help of more than 15,000 volunteer alumni and alumnae from all 50 states and certain countries around the world to conduct interviews.

Most applicants to Harvard College are given the opportunity to meet with an interviewer in their area... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump has 3 narrow paths to victory


Republican nominee Donald Trump, having significantly tightened the race for president in the last two weeks, enters Election Day on Tuesday with three realistic paths to the presidency.

After nearly 18 months of campaigning, attempts to expand the typical Republican electoral map, and battles to hang on to traditional Republican strongholds, Trump heads into Tuesday with little room for error. 

But his swing upward over the past few weeks, combined with Democratic nominee... Читать дальше...


I just spent a day in a mindfulness program developed at Google and left with 5 key lessons

Caleb Roenigk/Flickr

About five minutes before Search Inside Yourself was scheduled to start, I was running through New York City's Flatiron District, using half my mouth to chew a blueberry muffin and the other half to curse the fates for letting me oversleep by an hour.

It was a fitting start to a day of mindfulness training.

Search Insider Yourself (SIY) is a two-day program that teaches participants skills around mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and resilience. It was originally developed at Google... Читать дальше...


Oil tankers are facing major security risks near the Red Sea


In November 2015, UK-based maritime security consultancy Ambrey Risk warned that the drop off in media reports of piracy in the Gulf of Aden should not make shipping operators lower their guard and think that their cargo is now risk-free and safe.

Now, almost a year later, a recent spate of attacks on navy vessels and merchant tankers in a narrow strait off Yemen is raising concerns over the security of commercial oil and gas shipping in the vital Bab al-Mandeb Strait... Читать дальше...


Russia warns of thousands of 'professional terrorists’ returning home from fighting in Syria

Thomson Reuters

Thousands of Russians have been fighting in Syria in anti-government ranks, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview published on Saturday, issuing a warning of possible attacks by them on their return home.

Last year, Moscow launched an air campaign to hit the targets of militants who have waged a war against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. There are also numerous jihadists from Russia who filled the ranks of anti-government forces.

"You... Читать дальше...


Hundreds of hooded anti-government protesters clashed violently with police in Florence

REUTERS/Remo Casilli

Hundreds of hooded anti-government protesters clashed with police in Florence on Saturday just weeks before a referendum on a constitutional reform on which Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has staked his political future.

There have been protests against the Renzi government and the referendum before, but these were the first involving violence.

The young protesters were marching through the center of Florence trying to reach the premises where 41-year-old Renzi... Читать дальше...


Motor Trend: The Chevy Bolt makes most other electric cars 'utterly irrelevant' (TSLA)


While we wait for Tesla's mass-market Model 3 to arrive sometime in late 2017, we can start to mull over the Chevy Bolt — a 238-mile-range electric vehicle, stickering for $29,995 after credits — that's heading to dealerships in California and Oregon before 2016 is in the record books.

Motor Trend took things a step further recently and conducted a head-to-head comparison between the Model 3 and the Tesla Model S 60, at $66,000 the cheapest Tesla one can currently get.

It wasn't a fair comparison... Читать дальше...


STURM RUGER: Demand for guns exploded this summer likely because of election rhetoric (RGR)

Whitney Curtis/Getty Images

Sturm, Ruger & Co. on Tuesday reported third-quarter earnings and said there was "stronger-than-normal" demand for guns this summer, which was likely boosted by election campaigning.

The gunmaker said net sales rose 34% year-on-year to $161.4 million, and it earned $1.03 in adjusted earnings per share.

These results come one week before a presidential election in which gun control is one of the most contentious issues. Hillary Clinton wants to... Читать дальше...


Colleges are paying for personal information on students to help make admissions decisions — and it costs them less than 50 cents a name

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

Just as companies pay for consumer data to make informed decisions, it turns out, colleges and universities do the same, according to a report by non-partisan think tank New America.

The report, called "The Promise and Peril of Predictive Analytics in Higher Education," detailed the ways in which colleges pay for student data. For less than 50 cents a name, colleges glean student data from third-party groups.

The College Board... Читать дальше...


Why James Harden suddenly looks unstoppable

George Bridges/AP

James Harden began cooking the New York Knicks over a five-minute stretch in the third quarter, encapsulating his newfound freedom in head coach Mike D'Antoni's offense.

He slung back-to-back pocket passes buzzing through hapless Knicks defenders to second-year big man Montrezl Harrell for easy lay-ins.

A step-in three after intentionally drawing a mismatch with rookie guard Ron Baker.

Moments later, an outlet pass to Harrell that sailed over the Knicks like a quarterback hitting a wide receiver.


The 20 grad school programs where students go on to earn the most money

Robert Spencer/Stringer/Getty Images

There are a lot of opinions out there about whether graduate school is worth the time and money. But some occupations require an advanced degree, leaving you without much of a choice.

Whether you're pursuing a master's or doctoral degree (or anything more than a bachelor's) because you want to or because you have to, it doesn't hurt to know which programs can offer the biggest return on your investment.

To find the the schools where grad... Читать дальше...


How smartphone light affects your brain and body

There's something incredibly powerful about the blue lights that the designers of our smartphone, tablet, and laptop screens have been able to create. The lights in these screens glow so bright that we can see them even during a sunny day. At night, they're bright enough that they've been compared to a "little window" that daylight can peer through.

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I graduated from Harvard and MIT – here are the 7 biggest mistakes people make on college applications

Courtesy of Jessica Yeager

There’s a lot riding on each college application.

A few weeks ago, I gave you my seven tips to ace a college application.

Now that we are getting close to application deadlines, I wanted to share some mistakes students make that really hurt their chances of being accepted at their dream colleges. 

1. Starting too late

My college essay (that got me into Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, Cornell, and Columbia) took me months to write.

... Читать дальше...


The layoffs at Credit Suisse continue

REUTERS/Ruben Sprich

The layoffs at Credit Suisse continue.

Chip Clingham, the head of equity sales trading in New York, is among those to have recently left the bank in another round of layoffs, according to people familiar with the matter.

Clingham is a veteran of the equities industry and spent over seven years at the bank. Once a captain in the US Army, Clingham worked in equities sales and trading at ABN AMRO and Deutsche Bank before joining the Swiss bank.

This... Читать дальше...


BILL MAHER: Democrats 'made a big mistake' when we 'cried wolf' on other Republicans


Liberal comedian Bill Maher on Friday night said it was wrong for Democrats to have portrayed former Republicans as villains, explaining that they “cried wolf” when it wasn’t necessary.

The “Real Time” host contended Donald Trump, the current Republican presidential nominee, was truly dangerous for America, on the other hand. He lamented that liberals had previously described other Republicans in similar terms, a move he said weakened their ability to get individuals to heed their warnings this time around. Читать дальше...


'I have asked God that he lose': Many Mexicans are praying for Donald Trump's defeat

Sarah Rice/Getty Images

MOLCAXAC, Mexico (Reuters) - In the small southern market town of Molcaxac, 650 miles (1050 km) from the U.S. border, Alicia Villa is praying to God that Republican candidate Donald Trump does not become the next president of the United States.

Over the past two decades, as Mexico's rural economy stalled, Molcaxac and hundreds of towns like it became dependent on dollars sent by relatives who made the perilous journey north, a lifeline she fears will be cut by a Trump White House. Читать дальше...


This popular 'Westworld' fan theory tries to explain the true identity of Bernard

Ever since HBO's "Westworld" premiered, fans have had their suspicions about one character in particular (besides the Man in Black). Bernard Lowe is Ford's right hand man — he's in charge of behavior and programming. And if you've been paying close attention to his scenes, you might have noticed that there are a lot of clues hinting that he may not be exactly who he seems. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD

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Goldman Sachs just launched a new way for everyday investors to follow the hedge fund crowd

Reuters/Shannon Stapleton

Goldman Sachs just launched a new way to follow the hedge fund crowd. 

Goldman Sachs Asset Management is launching an exchange-traded fund, which pretty much anyone can access, that will invest in hedge funds' most popular stock picks.

The fund will track Goldman's Hedge Fund VIP Index, which includes the top 10 long stock positions held by hedge funds. Earlier this year, that group included Apple, Yahoo and Microsoft.

Goldman says that the new fund... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Чем грозит парковка на газоне

Путин в России и мире

Си отказал Макрону в просьбе, связанной с Путиным. В Москву прибыл лидер Кубы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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