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Новости за 16.04.2016


Cash levels are climbing

The volatility we’ve seen throughout the markets is being reflected in fund manager sentiment as we’re getting mixed messages involving cash and low conviction levels. It seems the fears of a global recession are starting to fade, however, according to the latest edition of Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Fund Manager Survey.

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There's a dark side to 'emotional intelligence' even though everybody says it's a good thing

Tech Hub/flickr

“People skills” are almost always assumed to be a good thing.

Search employment ads and you will find them listed as a qualification for a startling array of jobs, including Applebee’s host, weight-loss specialist, CEO, shoe salesperson, and (no joke) animal-care coordinator.

The notion that people smarts might help you succeed got a boost a quarter century ago, when the phrase emotional intelligence, or EI, entered the mainstream.

Coined in a 1990 study... Читать дальше...


A clever Harvard experiment with cafeteria workers suggests a simple way to get better work from your employees

US Department of Education/Flickr

When Dan Pink published his bestselling book "Drive" in 2009, he wrote about the importance of cultivating in your employees a sense of purpose.

In other words, people should feel that they're making a difference in the world and acting in the service of something larger than themselves.

Recently though, Pink has broadened his definition of purpose to include "purpose with a small p," or making a contribution and doing something that others care about. Читать дальше...


9 signs you'll never be rich


Contrary to popular belief, "Everyone has the same opportunity to acquire wealth," says self-made millionaire Steve Siebold. But is wealth in the cards for you?

To help you evaluate that, we've rounded up nine red flags to watch out for. While no one can predict the future, the following choices most likely won't accelerate your path to riches.

You put too much emphasis on saving — and not enough on earning


Saving is crucial to building wealth... Читать дальше...


This amazing footage of gray whales approaching a tourist boat in Mexico hides a sad reality

Steve Trewhella/YouTube

Wildlife photographer Steve Trewhella was on a tourist boat in the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, California when he spotted a couple of female gray whales in the water near their boat.

The whales — which can reach 45 feet long and weigh up to 30 tons — could easily flip the boat over, or even crush it. 

And after a few minutes of monitoring the tourists from a distance, the whales began to approach.

Surprisingly, as one of the large females made its way towards the boat's edge... Читать дальше...


Stephen Curry nearly got into a fight in Game 1 of the playoff series against the Rockets


Things got ugly early on in Game 1 of the NBA playoff series between the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets as Stephen Curry and Patrick Beverley nearly came to blows.

After the two players got tangled up, Curry shoved Beverley, who appears to slap or shove Curry in the face at the same time. Both players were given technical fouls.

RAW Embed

It is believed that one of the ways to stop or slow down Curry is to play him physically and Beverley is a physical... Читать дальше...


The Jaguar XF proves growing up doesn't mean you can't have fun anymore

Hollis Johnson

Over the past few years, Jaguar Land Rover has been one of the fastest-growing car companies in the US market. However, most of this growth has been thanks to the Land Rover part of JLR. In 2015, JLR's US sales surged 26% to more than 85,000 cars, but only about 14,000 of them were Jags. In fact, the Jaguar brand's sales fell 8% last year. 

For 2016, Jaguar is making an all-out push to even things up with its corporate sibling. At the core of Jag's strategy is the introduction of three new cars. Читать дальше...


A longtime American wardrobe staple is suddenly coming back from the grave


Not too long ago, it appeared that denim was dead and gone.

With office wear getting more casual by the day and the emergence of athleisure, denim was decreed uncool by the standards of teens. 

But there's recent evidence that teens may not hate denim anymore.

In Piper Jaffray's semi-annual "Taking Stock With Teens Survey," the research firm confirmed that teen girls are wearing jeans for the first time in a few years.

In a list of trends favored by upper-income females... Читать дальше...


How we could let aliens know we exist

Recently, my graduate student Alex Teachey and I published a paper that proposes a way to cloak planets, as well as a way to broadcast a civilization’s existence. Even if we’re not manipulating our own signal in this way, it doesn’t mean other planets out there aren’t. It’s possible what we see as we scan the universe for other habitable planets has been engineered to disguise or highlight the existence of other civilizations.

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This single animated letter is part of a massive global art project

Graphic designer Humbert Fleitas created an animated letter B using just two sheets of paper. The letter design is part of 36 Days of Type, a global art project in which graphic designers can share their work on social media. One letter or number is assigned each day for 36 days, and participating artists post their unique designs for that day's character to Instagram using the hashtag #36DaysofType.

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10 conspiracy theories in sports that drive fans nuts


During the San Antonio Spurs win over the Miami Heat in Game 1 of the 2014 NBA Finals the air conditioning at the AT&T Center stopped working, eventually causing LeBron James to cramp and have to be carried off the court.

After the game, it didn't take sports fans long to speculate that the malfunction was actually intentional to give the Spurs an even bigger home court advantage. This was just the latest in a long history of conspiracy theories that many sports fans want to believe. Читать дальше...


The Apple Watch has been a failure

Reuters/Christian Hartmann

It's fair to say that wearables has yet to become the major category many expected they would develop into.

Aside from some niche success from companies like FitBit, which seems to have created a business out of its low-cost fitness trackers, the big players have yet to score a major hit. Apple may be the most high-profile operator in the space and it's fair to say that its Apple Watch cannot be considered a success based on what it has sold so far.

In reality... Читать дальше...


Mind-blowing new images show how LSD transforms brain activity in unprecedented detail


Tripping on psychedelics may actually free the mind, a new study suggests.

The new research, complete with the first modern brain scans of volunteers who got high on (illegal) LSD, shed light on how the drugs affect brain activity in order to produce their mind-blowing effects. 

The findings build on previous studies that looked at the effects of other psychedelics like magic mushrooms, whose psychoactive ingredient is a compound called psylocibin.

For their new paper... Читать дальше...


11 career lessons that got me 7 job offers

Flickr/Alexander Mueller

When I first stepped onto Cal Poly’s campus, I felt completely lost. The school wasn’t my first choice — in fact, it wasn’t even in my top 10.

Of the 13 colleges I’d applied to, I’d gotten rejected from all but my three safeties.

It’s not like I was an under-achiever: I’d applied with a 4.4 GPA, tons of extracurriculars and charity work, great recommendations, and solid essays.

But these rejections showed me following the "traditional" path didn’t always work. Читать дальше...


Brazil's president scrambles for support ahead of impeachment vote that could lead to her ouster

Thomson Reuters

BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff hunkered down at her residence on Saturday for last-minute negotiations with wavering lawmakers in an effort to secure crucial support the day before an impeachment vote that could lead to her removal from office.

Rousseff canceled an appearance at an anti-impeachment rally of union and leftist social activists led by former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, her predecessor and the Workers' Party leader.

... Читать дальше...


Ted Cruz is poised to pick up another small win that will narrow the gap between him and Donald Trump

Thomson Reuters

CASPER, Wyo. (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is expected to win most of the 14 delegates up for grabs on Saturday in Wyoming, likely besting rival Donald Trump, who made little effort to win the rural state, and further narrowing the gap in the race for the party's nomination.

Cruz is trying to prevent Trump from obtaining the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination at the July convention in Cleveland. By continuing to rack up small wins... Читать дальше...


A couple who quit their jobs to bike across the US explains how they stretched $6,000 over 4,000 miles

Courtesy of Kathleen Ventura

Kathleen Ventura, 31, started planning her bike ride across the US in 2011.

"We didn't even have bikes!" she remembers. "When we decided to rid, it started with micro actions — and first, we had to get bikes."

She and her husband Brock Delinski, 33, were living just outside Chicago at the time, her working as an account executive in sales at Groupon and him working as an operations supervisor for a waste-services company. They had their hearts set on an extended period of international... Читать дальше...


Berkeley provost resigns after criticism over his handling of a sexual harassment case

Youtube/ UC Berkeley Events

A high-ranking administrator at the University of California, Berkeley resigned on Friday after he was criticized over his handling of a sexual harassment complaint on campus, according to The New York Daily News. 

Claude Steele, Berkeley's provost and executive vice chancellor, released a statement saying that he was stepping down because of his wife's "significant" health problems, according to The New York Times. 

Steele has endured criticism... Читать дальше...


Yahoo's biggest problem explained in 15 charts (YHOO)

Bennett Raglin/Getty

A lot of investors were happy when Yahoo hired Marissa Mayer as its new CEO back in 2012.

But in less than 4 years, the tide has turned.

Yahoo's growth has been stagnant under Mayer, and now some investors are calling for her replacement.

These 15 charts show why Mayer's lost their support.

Mayer was hired as Yahoo's new CEO on July 16, 2012. Since then, Yahoo's stock price has more than doubled, but it's been dropping after hitting its peak in November 2014. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогера Ивлееву оштрафовали на 50 тыс рублей за дискредитацию российской армии


Разыскиваемый наркодилер был задержан в Сочи из-за мертвого дельфина

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