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Новости за 11.04.2016


A new electric-car startup is breaking ground on a $1 billion plant

AP Photo/John Locher

The electric-car startup Faraday Future has made some incremental progress toward getting its operation running at full-speed since the company made its US debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Faraday Future is among the handful of car makers focused entirely on electric vehicles. One of its investors made very clear his passion for the concept with an almost-lamenting plea for technology that will save the planet.

"When was the last time... Читать дальше...


Here's what it's like to shoot with a brand-new $26,000 camera

Rafi Letzter/Tech Insider

In photography gear, there are hills and peaks and higher mountains. And Hasselblad's amazing, expensive devices are Everest.

These are powerful tools for hardcore photographers, favored by the Annie Leibovitzes of the world, but largely unknown outside enthusiast circles. Hasselblad film cameras traveled with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon — and remain there to this day, film removed and body discarded to make room for moon rocks.

I got my hands on Hasselblad's newest cameras... Читать дальше...


It doesn't look like there's going to be deflation

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

The first quarter proved to be an uncertain and volatile period for markets. Fears ranged from a slowdown in China’s growth and attendant troubles in commodity-exporting emerging markets to concern over the U.S.’s own growth prospects and questions over the future path of Federal Reserve monetary policy.

Yet by the end of the quarter, much of this market fear had abated, and financial conditions appeared stable. The rapid shift toward negative market sentiment was remarkable considering that... Читать дальше...


Alcoa beats on earnings, misses on revenues (AA)

AP/Daniel R. Patmore

Alcoa reported first-quarter profits that topped analysts' expectations after the closing bell on Monday.

The aluminum giant reported adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of $0.07 and revenues of $4.95 billion.

Its revenues fell 15% year-on-year. A 6% gain was offset by a 21% decline caused by low alumna prices and the strong dollar.

"Upstream segments maintained profitability in a persistently low pricing environment," said CEO Klaus Kleinfeld in the earnings statement. Читать дальше...


Louis C.K. says he's 'millions of dollars in debt' from making his latest show

Larry Busacca/Getty Images

Louis C.K. has a new show called "Horace and Pete," on which he and Steve Buscemi star as two owners of an Irish bar. If this is the first time you've heard about it, you're not alone: Many simply aren't watching. 

In fact, C.K., who created the show, which can only be seen on his website, says he's in the hole for millions because of the lack of viewers.

The comedian went on "The Howard Stern Show" on Monday to promote the show, and gave the details of his financial woes. Читать дальше...


In 23 states, it costs more to send your child to daycare than college

REUTERS/Juan Medina

Day care is expensive.

In fact, educating your preschooler may be pricier than sending your teenager to college.

"In nearly half the country, it's now more expensive to educate a 4-year-old in preschool than an 18-year-old in college," Eric Morath at the Wall Street Journal reports.

The cost of child care outpaces the cost of a four-year college education in 23 states.

The data comes from a new report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI). Читать дальше...


Understand the payments industry in one hour with this report

BI Intelligence

The modern smartphone is a remarkable device. A single device that fits in your pocket can do all the tasks that once required cameras, camcorders, GPS devices, watches, alarm clocks, calculators, and even TVs.    

But the next change might be the most radical of all—it could eliminate the need to carry cash and credit cards.  

The growing importance of the smartphone as the go-to computing device for every digital activity is having a profound effect everywhere you look... Читать дальше...


How confident people handle awkward conversations

Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

I recognized the actor right away. I didn't know his name, but I knew it was him. I was eating dinner in a busy restaurant with my business partner John.

I leaned over to John, "Hey, isn't that the guy from 'Boardwalk Empire'?"  

John wasn't sure. We were winding down our dinner. The basketball game was playing at the bar.  I wanted to strike up a conversation with the actor.

So we went to the bar to get a closer look. Sure enough, it was him. Читать дальше...


Morgan Stanley signaled a huge red flag for Under Armour

Facebook/Under Armour

One of Under Armour's biggest growth opportunities — its women's business — is losing steam.

Under Armour (UA) saw a 7% decline in women’s apparel in the first quarter, following a 6% decline in the previous quarter, according to SportScan data cited in a Morgan Stanley report.

"UA's 'young, hungry and fearless' brand image may not be resonating with females and at the same time, the competitive landscape in that space has become intensely crowded," analysts wrote in a report. Читать дальше...


Valeant's stock got punished on some bad news that you just don't hear every day


Valeant Pharmaceuticals' stock fell 7% on Monday on a strange bit of news that you don't see in the market every day.

The embattled company's board wrote a letter urging its outgoing CEO, Michael Pearson, to comply with a congressional subpoena.

Pearson was supposed to be deposed on April 6, but he didn't show.

It said:

The Board has requested Mr. Pearson's cooperation in connection with a subpoena for deposition from the Senate Committee on Aging prior... Читать дальше...


US officials warn that the Zika virus is 'scarier' than they initially thought

Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top health officials expressed heightened concern on Monday about the threat posed to the United States by the Zika virus, saying the mosquito that spreads it is now present in about 30 states and hundreds of thousands of infections could appear in Puerto Rico.

At a White House briefing, they stepped up pressure on the Republican-led Congress to pass approximately $1.9 billion in emergency funding for Zika preparedness that the Obama administration requested in February. Читать дальше...


Cisco cofounder explains why CEO pay today is nuts (CSCO)

Inc. video screenshot

Sandy Lerner will forever be known in the tech industry for a few things: She cofounded Cisco Systems with her then husband, Leonard Bosack. She and her husband were dramatically ousted after their venture capitalist, Don Valentine of Sequoia Capital, installed his own pick as CEO.

Lerner then went on to have an interesting career doing things like founding a cosmetics company — Urban Decay, which sold to Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton — running an organic farm... Читать дальше...


STOCKS GO NOWHERE: Here's what you need to know

Thomson Reuters

Stocks finished Monday modestly lower after markets declined last week at the top of what is a busy week for Fed speakers and global central bank announcements. Earnings season also gets underway this week.

First, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 17,556.4, -20.6, (-0.1%)
  • S&P 500: 2,042, -5.6, (-0.3%)
  • Nasdaq: 4,833.4, -17.3, (-0.4%)
  • WTI crude oil: $40.40, +1.7%

Negative Interest Rates

Larry Fink is worried about negative interest rates. Читать дальше...


25 fun jobs that let you work for yourself

Flickr / VFS Digital Design

There was a time when I had a job.

I had a boss to report to.

I was required to wear shirt and tie.  <shudders>

If it wasn’t for my old brokerage firm selling I’m not sure if I would have ever crossed over into the realm of self-employment and owning my business.

Let’s just say I don’t even want to contemplate it because I’m so thankful they did.

Being self-employed is A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!

Do you want to start your own business... Читать дальше...


The single most effective way to get rich, according to a 90-year-old personal-finance classic

Neilson Barnard/Getty

Getting rich is surprisingly simple — and it all starts with grasping one key concept: Pay yourself first.

That's what George S. Clason preaches throughout his 1926 personal finance classic "The Richest Man in Babylon," a collection of parables from the wealthiest city of the ancient world: Babylon.

Clason opens with the story of Arkad — the son of a humble merchant, of a large family with no hope of inheritance — who grows to become the richest man in Babylon... Читать дальше...


Legendary sketch show 'MadTV' is being revived at CW


The CW is bringing back iconic sketch show "MadTV" for an eight-episode primetime run.

The new "MadTV" will cast up-and-coming comedic actors alongside returning cast members who act as hosts. Original executive producer David E. Salzman will return as the showrunner, Deadline reported.

No premiere date or names of returning cast members have been announced at this time.

The decision to bring the sketch show back was partially influenced by how well The... Читать дальше...


8 books every job seeker should read


Whether you're just starting out in your career or making a transition, odds are there's some part of the job search process that's at least a little mystifying.

From interviewing to negotiating your salary, there are a lot of factors at play when looking for a new job, and one mistake could put the kibosh on the whole thing.

To master the art of the job search, here are eight books that can guide you through the process:

Richard N. Bolles' 'What Color is Your Parachute?'


Great book for... Читать дальше...


10 amazing destinations where your dollars go further this year

Flickr / Khánh Hmoong

This is a good year to be a budget traveler—now is an exceptional time to take advantage of the strong US dollar around the globe.

Favorable exchange rates and overall affordability can get you more for your money everywhere, from easy-to-reach places like Canada to bucket-list destinations like South Africa and Australia.

Here’s where you can score cheap hotels, stretch your dollar sightseeing, and even indulge in bucket-list trips for a lot less than usual. Читать дальше...


Court dismisses 'Sister Wives' polygamy decision

Ethan Miller/Getty Images for AEG Live

A federal appeals court on Monday dismissed a landmark decision that decriminalized polygamy in Utah, marking a legal defeat for the family from the reality TV show "Sister Wives."

Kody Brown and his four wives cannot sue the state over its ban on plural marriages because the family never faced charges and local prosecutors later said they would not prosecute consenting adults with multiple wives, according to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. Читать дальше...


A breakdown of everything in the new 'Game of Thrones' season 6 trailer


Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season six, including events from the books.

Anticipation is building for the sixth season of "Game of Thrones." Following the Los Angeles season-six premiere, HBO released a second full-length trailer packed with a ton of new footage.

If you haven't watched it yet, do that now. Since we already did an extensive breakdown of the first trailer, this time we left out any repeating footage and are showing you new material.

... Читать дальше...


Google and Microsoft are making gigantic artificial brains

Courtesy of Heather de Rivera (McCarroll Lab)

Computers have long been good at carrying out assigned tasks but terrible at learning things on their own. 

Thus all the excitement around "neural networks," a breakthrough artificial intelligence technique that mimics the structure of the human brain and allows machines to learn things independently.

Tech giants are using neural networks to do some pretty impressive things. 

Microsoft is using them to make instant translation real for Skype. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Результативность, вовлечённость, трудоголизм — где грань? Книга от автора российской модели факторов вовлечённости персонала.

Путин в России и мире

Киркоров и Пелагея спели для амурчан-бамовцев в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

123ru.net — живые новости в прямом эфире!

В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Священнику, отпевавшего Навального, запретили носить рясу и крест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Арутюнов

Финалист шоу “Голос” Сергей АРУТЮНОВ прямо при выезде со своего сольного концерта в Кремле cлучайно сбил девушку. А ей оказалась солистка группы Демо.


Пассажирки получили травмы из-за турникета в метро

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