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Новости за 27.04.2016


We've seen where Daenerys is headed in 'Game of Thrones' back in season 1


Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season six. 

The "Game of Thrones" season six premiere centered around Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, and the controversial Sand Snakes. But we also had a close look at Daenerys Targaryen's latest adventure in Essos. 

Daenerys was last seen in season five in a field after she wandered away from Drogon — her gigantic dragon in need of some serious R&R. A khalasar of Dothraki found and captured her, and brought her back to their khal. Читать дальше...


HBO released 6 new photos from the next episode of 'Game of Thrones'


Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season six.

The long-awaited sixth season of "Game of Thrones" had an explosive start, with compelling new twists for Sansa, who reunited with Brienne in an emotional moment, a bloody revolution for the women of Dorne, and a game-changing shocker from Melisandre. 

After releasing a description for the episode, called "Home," HBO has dropped a set of six pictures for the second episode of season six.

Scroll down for a peek at what to expect on Sunday. Читать дальше...


This is what it looks like when 3 'super SUVs' go head-to-head

Screenshot via AutoBildTV

The guys at AutoBild got their hands on the new Bentley Bentayga and put it up against a pair of other mighty utes: the Range Rover SC LFW SVAutobiography and the Mercedes GLS 500 (it's the 550 in the US).

The Bentley tips the cost scales at $230,000 and had the beefiest engine, a 600-plus horsepower V12. The Range Rover and the Mercedes, both with V8s (supercharged for the Range, turbos for the Merc), give up 50 and 100 horses, respectively. The Range Rover is $200,000... Читать дальше...


Will Ferrell is set to play Ronald Reagan in a new movie

Saturday Night Live/screenshot

Will Ferrell is taking on another political impression.

The comedy star, who's known for his George W. Bush from "Saturday Night Live," is now set to play Ronald Reagan for a movie, according to Variety.

The script, "Reagan," follows the former president in his second term as dementia sets in and an intern has to convince him that he is an actor playing the part of the US president. It was featured on the Black List, a compilation of top unproduced screenplays. Читать дальше...


This BMW-designed racing wheelchair for the Rio Olympics is like a carbon-fiber spaceship


Looking more like a carbon-fiber spaceship than a piece of racing equipment, a new wheelchair designed by BMW of North America for the United States Paralympic team should give athletes a serious edge in Rio this year.

So what's a good racing wheelchair?

"A fast one," project leader Brad Cracchiola of BMW DesignWorks told Business Insider.

"It's the athletes that win the races. What we want to do is make a chair that transmits their power as best as possible."

Among other elements... Читать дальше...


Bernie Sanders says his campaign will lay off 'hundreds' of workers across the country

Thomson Reuters

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in an interview with the New York Times that he will lay off "hundreds" of campaign workers across the country and focus his efforts on winning the California primary. 

"If we can win the largest state in this country, that will send a real message to the American people and to the delegates that this is a campaign that is moving in the direction it should,"  Sanders told the Times on Wednesday.

Sanders, a US senator from Vermont... Читать дальше...


Mark Zuckerberg will forever and always control Facebook (FB)

REUTERS/Jose Miguel Gomez

Mark Zuckerberg controls Facebook right now.

And on Wednesday, the company made it official that this will not be changing. 

Alongside its first quarter results, which crushed expectations, the company announced it will create a new Class C stock that has the same economic rights as the current Class A and Class B shares but has no voting rights.

Which, if we're being honest, doesn't change much.

Facebook currently has a dual-class structure... Читать дальше...


We took Tesla’s $132,000 Model X for a drive around New York City and were completely blown away

Cadie Thompson/Tech Insider

Tesla's Model X is one of the most talked about cars in, well, forever. And for good reason, too.

The Model X has a range of more than 230 miles per charge, futuristic Falcon Wing doors, an incredible air filtration system, and can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in just 3.2 seconds while in Ludicrous mode. 

In February, Musk even described the Model X as the ‘best car ever.’ 

So when I was offered the chance to take one for a spin around the New York City... Читать дальше...


A new study shows that women should not take drugs to treat yeast infections when pregnant

mahalie / Flickr, CC

The Food and Drug Administration urged doctors to use caution when prescribing a common yeast infection treatment in pregnancy, as the agency reviews evidence that it increases the risk of miscarriage. 

A recent Danish study found that oral fluconazole, which is sold under the brand name Diflucan, is linked to a "statistically significant increased risk of spontaneous abortion."

Yeast infections occur in an estimated 10 percent of pregnancies. That's largely... Читать дальше...


The Sanders campaign has reached a turning point



Ted Cruz announces Carly Fiorina as running mate


Ted Cruz announced Wednesday his intention of naming Carly Fiorina as his running mate.

"This is an individual you can trust to lead this country no matter what might happen," he said before introducing Fiorina at an Indianapolis rally.

In a nearly than 30-minute long speech before Fiorina took the stage, Cruz acknowledged that it is odd to nominate a vice presidential candidate ahead of the Republican National Convention in July.

"I think all would acknowledge that this race... Читать дальше...


23 surprising things that can make you successful

AP Images

Sure, we all know that an Ivy League education, a stint at a blue-chip firm, and stellar sales skills can help us get ahead. But it may surprise you just how many other, seemingly random variables can contribute to your professional success. 

From the month you were born to your comedic timing, the weirdest quirks can affect how successful you'll ultimately be.

We combed through research on success to identify 23 surprising things that can influence your career trajectory. Читать дальше...


A judge confirms Prince had no will and appoints his bank to oversee $250 million estate

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

A judge has confirmed previous reports that Prince did not have a will at the time of his death, according to People.

The magazine obtained court documents about a hearing held Wednesday, in which the judge approved Bremer Bank to handle Prince's estate, worth approximately $250 million.

The documents say that Bremer Trust has been tasked to "preserve the estate and to secure its proper administration until a general Personal Representative is appointed... Читать дальше...


Here's why you should worry if a company sends around its performance results midway through the month


For some time now I have informally guided my team at Greycroft and others in the venture capital business to base their expectations for monthly performance of portfolio companies using a certain predictability factor based on many years of exultations and disappointments.

Herewith, what I have been encouraged to call “Patricof’s Law of Expectations: ”The timeliness with which a company sends its monthly results is directly correlated with the positive content of those results. Читать дальше...


A three-way collision of galaxies has given birth to a monstrous black hole

Zhaoyu Li/Shanghai Astronomical Observatory

Researchers at the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope were performing a routine measurement when when they spotted something intriguing.

Gases swirling in the center of a galaxy 1.8 billion light-years away were traveling faster than 370 miles per second. That's twice as fast as they would have expected.

The mind blowing speed of the gases hints at the existence of something extraordinary: a colossal black hole in the center of the galaxy. Читать дальше...


5 ways to get a flight upgrade

Phil Walter/Getty Images

Flight upgrades are only getting more elusive — as airlines focus more on selling those business and first class seats, there are fewer left to give away.

But that doesn’t mean snagging one is impossible. From surefire tactics to (strategic!) gambles, we’ve rounded up our top five ways to score a business- or first-class seat.

1. Have patience

Airlines will often sell unfilled first class seats for a fraction of their original cost once it gets close to take-off... Читать дальше...


Step inside the cockpit of the US's most iconic war planes

RAW Embed

The National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio is a treasure trove of the greatest, most iconic aircraft in history, which you can tour at home, online, right now, for free.

From the propeller-driven planes of World War I, to the fighters and bombers that turned the tide against Hitler in World War II, all the way up to today's fleet staples and experimental aircraft that never made the cut, the museum's virtual tour is an aviation nut's dream come true.

But even better than a digital walk through... Читать дальше...


One of the 'most powerful economic forces in the world' is creating a massive opportunity for investors

Warner Bros.

There's a huge trend that could change everything for the global economy, US businesses, and investors. You just have to ignore how bad it looks right now.

In a recent note, Joe Quinlan highlighted the story of four middle class consumers in emerging markets and came to the conclusion that they exemplify the future of the world economy.

"In the end, the world has changed—and for the better," wrote Quinlan.

"In the years ahead, the global economy will increasingly beat to the tune of Bo... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Кремль: в Москве 22 апреля состоится встреча Путина с Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Владимир Высоцкий

Актриса Лужина призналась, что у нее не было романа с Высоцким


Расторгуев без жены, Лядова без мужа. Кто, в чем и зачем пришёл на ММКФ?

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