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Новости за 01.04.2016


New York is launching an unprecedented new law that is a huge win for more than 7 million workers


On Thursday, New York became the fourth state to enact a paid family leave program — and the bill is unprecedented in some important ways.

The state's recent budget agreement would eventually provide employees across the state 12 weeks of time off at two-thirds pay to care for a sick family member or new baby. This doubles the paid time offered in California and New Jersey, and triples the time offered in Rhode Island.

The law will be phased in starting January 1, 2018, and New York Gov. Читать дальше...


The state of California is suing Morgan Stanley over crisis-era investments

Robert Galbraith/Reuters

The state of California is suing investment bank Morgan Stanley over losses during the financial crisis.

California alleges that the firm misrepresented complex investments such as mortgage-backed securities to California pension funds CalPERSand CalSTRS, according to a filing made in state superior court.

"Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today filed a lawsuit against investment bank Morgan Stanley for misrepresentations about complex investments such as residential mortgage-backed securities... Читать дальше...


New York just set up a revolutionary paid family-leave policy

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

If you live in New York and plan to have a baby after 2018, the state has your back.

Starting on January 1, 2018, new parents of both genders can enjoy paid leave as part of a budget deal announced on March 31.

New York is the fifth state to mandate paid leave, but its mandate of 12 weeks paid leave is more robust than its predecessors. Although it's far less than the 40 weeks allocated in the UK, it's still better than the six weeks offered by... Читать дальше...


How to craft the perfect elevator pitch

Goran Bogicevic/Shutterstock

An "elevator pitch" is so called because you’re supposed to be able to summarize your pitch so quickly that you can effectively get it across in an elevator ride.

The idea here is if you’re ever lucky enough to trap Richard Branson in an elevator for three minutes, you can pitch him on your killer idea and get him to lavish you with riches to make it a reality.

This concept works whether you’ve actually got Branson cornered, you’re a guest on "Shark... Читать дальше...


Inside the radioactive wasteland of Chernobyl, 30 years after the meltdown

Gleb Garanich/Reuters

Thirty years ago, the largest nuclear meltdown in history devastated a small Ukrainian town called Pripyat. The population was just shy of 48,000 people.

Today, it's zero.

Researchers are divided on the true death toll caused by the Chernobyl disaster, but many put it in the tens of thousands. Some think it could be closer to a million because of related cancers. Deadly radiation still spews from Chernobyl, as it will continue to do as half-lives degrade over the next 600 years. Читать дальше...


I tried the McDonald's answer to Chick-fil-A next to the real thing, and the winner is obvious

Hollis Johnson

In parts of the country, you can't mention a chicken sandwich without invoking praise for Chick-fil-A.

Its sandwich has reigned supreme for a while, and McDonald's is taking notice.

The iconic fast-food burger chain overhauled its chicken sandwich with a new buttermilk recipe that has received some positive feedback.

I grew up in New Hampshire and went to college in Boston — which has famously banned Chick-fil-A — so I've never truly tried a Chick-fil-A sandwich. Читать дальше...


How I got famous executives to answer my emails when I was an unknown 21-year-old entrepreneur

Spencer Platt / Getty Images

This post by Daniel L. Jacobs appeared originally on Quora as an answer to the question "How can I schedule a phone call with a billionaire?"

As a 21-year-old social entrepreneur who'd just moved to San Francisco with no money or connections, I realized that if I ever wanted to achieve my dreams, I needed advice from people who have been there and done that.

So I did the most naive thing anyone could think of. I wrote to captains of industry: presidents... Читать дальше...


ESPN analyst Jay Bilas says college basketball players have discussed boycotting the Final Four — and they have the grounds to do it

Rich Barnes/Getty

The debate over paying college athletes continues to be one of the biggest issues surrounding the NCAA.

With the men's NCAA Tournament resuming on Saturday with the Final Four, college-hoops analyst Seth Davis published an article arguing that players wouldn't boycott the Final Four over a lack of pay.

Davis argued that for players, the moment is too big, too exciting, something they've worked for years, to protest over money.

ESPN college-basketball... Читать дальше...


Pentagon awards $75 million for next generation textiles

US Army/Cpt. Thomas J. Cieslak

Sensors that can detect tears in parachute nylons before they become deadly, troop uniforms studded with electronics that can sense chemical agents, and self-powered tents that can save fuel: the US military is banking on a new public-private partnership to make these a reality.

The Pentagon will partner with a consortium of 89 universities, manufacturers, non-profits, and other groups to establish an institute that would research materials "that can see... Читать дальше...


Facebook is said to have withdrawn its bid to stream big NFL games (FB)

Thomson Reuters

Facebook has withdrawn its bid to stream NFL games, according to Bloomberg.

Facebook's vice president of partnerships, Dan Rose, had previously confirmed to Variety that Facebook was in talks with the NFL about streaming "Thursday Night Football" games. It was competing with other bidders, including Amazon and Verizon.

Sources told Bloomberg that Facebook "balked" at the NFL's advertising model, and wanted its live video to be commercial-free.

Facebook... Читать дальше...


VW recalls 91,000 Passat sedans in US over faulty cables

Thomson Reuters

Volkswagen is recalling 91,000 Passat sedans in the United States to fix insufficient cable insulation that could cause short circuits, it said on Friday.

The cars were assembled between 2012 and 2014, VW said. Vehicles in other markets were not affected by the fault, a spokesman said.

The embattled German carmaker, which has for months been working on a fix for the nearly 600,000 diesel vehicles on U.S. roads caught up in the company's massive emissions cheating scandal... Читать дальше...


8 behind-the-scenes secrets we learned about making 'The Walking Dead'

Gene Page/AMC

It takes a lot of guns and a lot of blood for the props and effects teams to manage AMC's behemoth hit "The Walking Dead."

Tech Insider recently spoke with John Sanders, the property master for the hit show, who was kind enough to reveal all the tricks of the "wetwork" trade that goes into making the wildly popular show. 

The cast visits shooting ranges and trains with SWAT and military experts to learn how to use their guns.

According to Sanders, the... Читать дальше...


Obama and Xi agree to fully crack down on North Korea

© AFP Mandel Ngan

US President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have agreed to fully implement sanctions against North Korea, in a meeting that was promptly followed by a provocative Pyongyang missile launch.

The White House said Friday that Obama and Xi agreed to "narrow differences" between the world's two major powers during a meeting the day before.

"Both leaders committed... to strengthen coordination in addressing the shared threat presented by North... Читать дальше...


Stocks rally after the jobs report


The March jobs report out Friday morning beat expectations and stocks started the second quarter on a positive note with the Dow gaining triple-digits, and the benchmark S&P 500 rising more than 0.5%.

First, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 17,792.8, +107.7, (+0.6%)
  • S&P 500: 2,072.8, +13, (+0.6%)
  • Nasdaq: 4,914.5, +44.7, (+0.9%)
  • WTI crude oil: $36.70, -4.3%


The US labor market remains red hot.

In March, the economy added 215,000 jobs... Читать дальше...


The 50 colleges where students earn the highest salaries


Salary potential isn't the only factor to consider when college searching — but it's nice to know which schools are paying off in the long run, particularly since tuition continues to soar.

In a 2015 report, the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce looked at the four-year colleges whose students go on to earn the highest salaries. The report used the US Department of Education's College Scorecard to highlight the median earnings of students from... Читать дальше...


New York lawmakers strike deal to raise minimum wage to $15

© Getty/AFP/File Spencer Platt

New York (AFP) - New York's Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo has reached an agreement with the state legislature to raise the minimum wage in New York City to $15 an hour.

It was the latest in a series of local initiatives to lift the lowest wage Americans earn above the national floor of $7.25 an hour, which has remained unchanged since 2009.

Reached Thursday, it came three days after California's state legislature struck a similar deal to lift... Читать дальше...


Buzz Aldrin thinks we'll land humans on Mars by 2040 — with help from Russia and China

20th Century Fox

Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, dreams that humans will walk on Mars by 2040.

He proposes the next US president should use the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing on July 20, 2019 to challenge the country to land humans on Mars within two decades.

"We should be doing something in addition to celebrating all the anniversaries, so the public understands what we did 50 years ago — and [so] the Congress people do, too. Because you know... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Московские краснокнижные зайцы обзавелись потомством

Путин в России и мире

Кремль: в Москве 22 апреля состоится встреча Путина с Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

«Джаз у Старой крепости»: кузбассовцы встретились с Игорем Бутманом и Даниилом Крамером


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