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Новости за 26.02.2016


Barack Obama explains what he learned from scooping ice cream as a 16 year old

Larry Downing/Reuters

President Barack Obama looks back fondly on the summer of 1978, spent behind the ice cream counter of a Baskin Robbins near his grandparents' Honolulu home — even though at the time, he saw it as a threat to his basketball career, he wrote in a LinkedIn post on Thursday.

"Rows and rows of rock-hard ice cream can be brutal on the wrists," he wrote. "As a teenager working behind the counter at Baskin-Robbins in Honolulu, I was less interested in what the job meant... Читать дальше...


This startup has come up with a way to entice you to watch 20% more video

Business Insider

Companies from Netflix to YouTube to Facebook are scrambling to build the best algorithm to predict exactly what video you want to watch next. They want to find a way to capture your attention so you jump instantly from one video into another.

But Y-Combinator startup Pulpix has taken a different approach to the idea of video “recommendations,” one that has more to do with design than math. In its beta, Pulpix has helped 30 partners like Vice, GQ, and Le Monde drive... Читать дальше...


Q&A: Why Facebook and Asana's cofounder thinks startups should invest in culture in a downturn, and why Slack isn't a threat


Dustin Moskovitz worked hard to build Facebook, but looking back, he thinks the social network he cofounded succeeded in spite of all the marathon work hours, not because of it. 

Now at his own startup, Moskovitz is hoping lightening strikes twice, but he is putting an emphasis on building a company that's healthy both financially and for its employees. 

It will be a challenge as the market squeezes startups and many are feeling the pain of investors pulling back. Despite... Читать дальше...


The best fast food in America

Hollis Johnson

We recently asked you to vote for your favorite fast food items. 

The results are in, and we're ready to unveil the best fast food in America.

More than 1,400 Business Insider readers took the survey.

We have winners for categories including burger, french fries, chicken nuggets, pizza, and more. 

Thanks for voting! 

Best fast-food cheeseburger: Five Guys 55%

By chief_huddleston on Flickr

Other contenders: Wendy's (14%), McDonald's (9%), Burger King (6%), Carl's Jr. Читать дальше...


18 things successful people do in their 20s

Flickr/Jeffrey Zeldman

Your 20s are a time of major transitions.

The choices you make in this critical decade lay the foundation for your career, relationships, health, and well-being.

While nothing can replace learning through firsthand experience, you can save some stress by listening to those who have already been through it.

We've looked through our archives to collect some of the best advice we've found from our favorite writers and entrepreneurs and found recurring themes. Читать дальше...


Oil rig count falls for 10th straight week (USO, WTI, OIL, VDE, BHI)

Eduardo Sorensen/Oceana

The US oil rig count fell by 13 to 400 this week, according to driller Baker Hughes. 

It's the lowest tally since the week of December 11, 2009.

Gas rigs rose by one to 102, and the total count fell 12 to 502.

In the prior period, the tally fell 26, while the combined count of oil and gas rigs declined by 27 as one gas rig was shut down.

In a client note on Thursday exploring the impact of the energy sector on economic growth, Morgan Stanley's... Читать дальше...


Weight Watchers has massive problems that even Oprah can't fix

Oprah Winfrey/Weight Watchers, Twitter

It looks like even Oprah can't save the floundering Weight Watchers.

The diet company recently reported disappointing earnings. Most importantly, paid subscriptions are down.

According to the company's release, active subscribers dropped 4.8% for the fourth quarter. (However, the third quarter was worse — active subscribers had dropped 12.7%.)

The company broke it down.

Fourth quarter revenue decreased by 17.2%, and total... Читать дальше...


Michigan governor's top aides warned about Flint's water quality problems as early as 2014

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

Quality problems prompted two of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder's top lawyers to urge that the city of Flint be moved back to the Detroit water system just months after a decision to draw water supply from the Flint River, Detroit newspapers reported Friday.

Flint switched its water supply from Detroit to the Flint River in April 2014 in a bid to cut costs when the city was under a state-appointed emergency manager.

While the city switched its water source back to Detroit in October 2015... Читать дальше...


Police say Kansas shooter had been served a protection from abuse order that likely triggered the attack



Chris Rock once said he wouldn't host the Oscars again unless 'there are a lot of black people'

"Late Night With David Letterman"/CBS

Chris Rock is returning to host the Oscars this Sunday amid the #OscarsSoWhite protests. But the actor had once said that he wouldn't take the MC spot again unless there were a lot more black people on the show.

The comedian said that about 10 years ago on CBS's "Late Night with David Letterman," just after hosting the 2005 awards ceremony, and Vulture dug up the clip.

During the interview, Letterman and Rock compared their Oscars hosting... Читать дальше...


Bombardier's $3 billion deal is in peril after Republic Airways files for bankruptcy (BBD.B)


Republic Airways Holdings filed for bankruptcy protection on Thursday.

According to the AP, the airline which mainly operates regional flights on behalf of Delta, United and American Airlines, had been struggling through a period of shrinking profits and pilot shortages.

Another wrinkle to this story is that Republic is the Bombardier C-Series' first North American customer and one of the aircraft's largest buyers. 

Republic placed an order for 40 CS300 jets in February... Читать дальше...


An intramural basketball player hit the most ridiculous buzzer-beater you will ever see


There are all sorts of buzzer-beaters and full-court shots, but you have probably never seen anything like what happened during a recent Georgia Southern intramural basketball game.

The video below was posted by the GSU intramurals Twitter account and we are assuming it has not been doctored at all.

It is unclear what the complete set of circumstances is. We do know that the blue team is inbounding the ball at the other end of the court and has less than a second left on the clock. Читать дальше...


20 things you should never say to your coworkers

Francisco Osorio/flickr

Getting along with your coworkers is a beautiful thing.

It can make your workday less dreary, help you focus better, and make you more productive.

But according to Rosalinda Oropeza Randall, an etiquette and civility expert, and author of "Don't Burp in the Boardroom," your chummy coworker relationship can become problematic when you don't keep it professional.

From things that make you sound unprofessional, to awkward, impolite, and even harassing comments... Читать дальше...


Stocks are little changed (SPY, DJI, IXIC, BRK.A, BRK.B, QQQ, IWM, USD, DXY)


An early rally fizzled in morning trading to leave stocks little changed.

Near 10:15 a.m. ET, the Dow was up 7 points, the S&P 500 was up 3 points, and the Nasdaq was up 15 points. 

Earlier, futures gained momentum after fourth-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) was revised upwards, to 1% from 0.7% previously reported. 

Treasury yields also advanced, as the data showed that core personal consumption expenditures — the Fed's preferred gauge of inflation ... Читать дальше...


Visa just announced big changes to its mobile wallet


Visa is making efforts to get ahead in the mobile payments game.

The financial company announced some changes to Visa Checkout, its one-click buy feature, at the eTail West conference. Specifically, the company is trying to make Visa Checkout easier to use.

Visa will optimize the new checkout lightbox for smaller mobile devices. On top of that, users will also experience an easier process when confirming their checkout information, which should make it simpler to change and customize payment information. Читать дальше...


Why you need friends at work — and 5 easy ways to bond with you coworkers

Wikimedia Commons

Having friends at work is hugely beneficial. 

Psychologist and author Ron Friedman points out in his book "The Best Place To Work" that workplace friendships are one of the strongest predictors of productivity and success, according to research.

He previously told Business Insider that meaningful connections are vital to our psychological and physical well-being. "In fact, many scientists now believe it's impossible to perform at our best unless we feel connected... Читать дальше...



REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Inflation is here. 

On Friday the latest report on personal income and spending, which also gives us the Fed's preferred "core" PCE inflation measure, beat expectations all around. 

And the big takeaway is that "core" prices — which exclude the more volatile cost of food and gas — rose 1.7% over the prior year in January, topping expectations for 1.5% and indicating that inflation pressures are starting to perk up in the economy. 

The Fed's inflation target is 2%. Читать дальше...


Scientists say they can get spacecraft to Mars in 3 days using lasers — but there’s one big problem

Recently, a team of scientists led by Philip Lubin announced with NASA that they are working on developing technology that would enable trips to Mars in just three days – using lasers. But while this could monumentally change space exploration, many are skeptical of how close we are to making the technology a feasible reality.

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Politico: Россия проиграет войну с НАТО, предупреждает Польша (Topmember)

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Денис Мацуев

Денис Мацуев выступит на фестивале "Владивостокские сезоны" в рамках ВЭФ-2024


Звезда "Великолепного века" снова приехал в Россию

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