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Новости за 11.02.2016


We can't tell you about two of the best games of 2016

Two of the best games of 2016 are already out.

Thekla, Inc. / Campo Santo

You've probably heard about "The Witness" and "Firewatch." We've written about both, albeit in extremely surface ways. 

They're both quiet, single-player games set in the woods. They're both evocative of something more than what's presented on the surface.

And, most importantly, they're both games that are easily spoiled.


What do you do in "The Witness"? You solve puzzles! Читать дальше...


I volunteered to fight in Syria … and ended up in a Kurdish prison

US Army Photo by Cpl. Jacob Hamby/Released

I had an opportunity to chat with a friend of mine, Red, who went to fight for the Kurdish Peshmerga, but ended up incarcerated after an unsuccessful attempt to cross the border into Syria.

SOFREP: So can you walk me through how it went down? Your arrest, I mean.

Red: Well, we were passed off near the border on the Syrian side to two guys in Pesh uniforms.

From there, we drove to the border, which we were told we would be able to get across just fine... Читать дальше...


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are going to war as she tries to protect her 'firewall'

AP Photo/David Goldman

Hillary Clinton's campaign has brought out the firepower quickly after her crushing loss to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) on Tuesday night in the New Hampshire Democratic primary.

"When you match up the record of Hillary Clinton with the record of Bernie Sanders, it simply is no comparison," Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York) said Wednesday in a campaign conference call.

"Hillary Clinton has been at the dance from the very beginning of her career. [Sanders] is a new arrival at the dance. Читать дальше...


Watch a precision airstrike annihilate an ISIS position in Syria

RAW Embed

The US military released a new video on Wednesday, showing the US-led coalition against ISIS (aka Islamic state, ISIL, Daesh) carrying out an airstrike on an ISIS fighting position.

The video is just one of three that was released from February 2, when the coalition went on 31 raids against ISIS targets across Iraq and Syria. 

Other videos released that same day show coalition warplanes bombing ISIS oil and gas infrastructure.


"The destruction... Читать дальше...


'Deadpool' is the most unique superhero movie in years — here's why you need to see it

20th Century Fox

As many prepare for the battle between Team Captain America and Team Iron Man in “Captain America: Civil War,” out in May, for now we're taking a detour in the Marvel universe as we’re introduced to one of its most complex characters, Deadpool.

Led by Ryan Reynolds as the character, the new movie adaptation of the comic book, in theaters February 12, is the first look at a Marvel character from an R-rated perspective. Filled with graphic violence and a lot of bad language... Читать дальше...


How to use the popular clothes-selling app that helped one woman earn $500,000

Flickr / John Fraissinet

Over one million people have sold items on Poshmark, an app that lets you sell unwanted items from your closet to complete strangers. 

While it might just sound like a way to get rid of that one sweater or pair of boots your never wear, using Poshmark can actually be quite lucrative.

Just ask Evelyne Teman, a California woman started re-selling her clothing on the app three years ago and has since made $500,000. 

Poshmark has grown quite a bit since launching in 2011. Читать дальше...


‘Star Wars’ producers charged in U.K. over Harrison Ford accident


LONDON (AP) — British health authorities announced Thursday they have issued criminal charges against the producers of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" over an on-set accident in which Harrison Ford broke his leg.

The actor was struck by a hydraulic door on the set of the Millennium Falcon — his character Han Solo's spaceship — at Pinewood Studios near London in June 2014. He was airlifted to a hospital where he underwent surgery.

Production on the film was suspended for two weeks after the injury to Ford... Читать дальше...


Stocks are now down about 15% — how much further could they fall?

Doug Short, Advisor Perspectives

A few months ago, I noted that stocks were so frighteningly expensive that they could fall more than 50%.

I also noted that that would not be the worst-case scenario.

Well, since then, stocks have fallen sharply, and they're now down about 15% off their highs.

So how much further could they fall?

On a valuation basis, I'm sorry to say, they could fall much further. It would take at least another 30% drop from here — call it 1,200 on the S&P 500 ... Читать дальше...


7 things a sleep scientist does to get a good night's sleep


Sleep is one of the most fundamental and basic things humans do. Without it, we'd literally die.

But many find it extremely challenging to not only get an adequate and consistent amount of sleep every night, but to do it well.

We turned to an expert — sleep scientist Patrick Fuller, an associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School — to get some answers.

He gave us the lowdown on what he does to ensure a good night's sleep every single night.

While this routine works for Fuller... Читать дальше...


Sears' total collapse 'is a matter of when not if'

Jim Young/Reuters

The end is near for Sears, according to one analyst.

Sears is no longer "viable as a retailer in its current form," Evercore ISI analysts wrote in a recent note, Bloomberg reports.

“Sears margins were worse than we thought as a tough retail climate accelerated margin decline,” the analysts wrote. “A liquidity event is a matter of when not if.”

The department store chain has been bleeding cash for years. It has been closing hundreds of stores and selling off real estate to stay afloat. Читать дальше...


Western diplomat on Syria conflict: 'It'll be easy to get a ceasefire soon because the opposition will all be dead'

REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

The Syrian Civil War has reached a turning point.

Over the past two weeks, the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seized several villages north of Aleppo, the country's largest city and one of the last remaining strongholds of Syria's non-jihadist rebels.

The advance cut off Aleppo's anti-regime groups from their last remaining supply lines into Turkey, and put Assad in a position to retake a fiercely contested city that had a pre-war population of over 2 million. Читать дальше...


How Netflix can affect your love life (NFLX)


There might be more science behind the concept of "Netflix and Chill" than you would think. In a survey of 1,008 U.S. Netflix subscribers, 58% of them considered watching Netflix a way to bond with their partner.

And forget the "big step" of giving them the key to your apartment, 51% of those polled considered sharing a Netflix account to be a sign of a serious relationship. 17% think it'd be more appropriate to save that for after the engagement.

Netflix kindly... Читать дальше...




Finance Insider is Business Insider's midday summary of the top stories of the past 24 hours.

To sign up, scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Get updates in your inbox," or click here.

Screens are flashing red.

Around midday New York time, the Dow was down 320, S&P 500 off around 35, and the Nasdaq down around 50. That followed on from tough trading conditions in Asia and Europe. 

Boeing fell as much as 10% after reports the SEC is looking into its accounting practices... Читать дальше...


One of Einstein's last theories was just confirmed — but you would be shocked at how underestimated he was during his lifetime

Getty Images

On Thursday, a team of physicists heard and recorded the sound of two black holes colliding 1.3 billion light-years away, and in doing so, they have opened a new era of astronomy.

Thursday's discovery, helps validate a prediction Albert Einstein made a century ago.

Einstein, revered for his scientific intellect, laid the foundations for modern-day physics and earned him introductions with some of the most exclusive people on Earth.

His opinions on race, politics... Читать дальше...


RANKED: America's most popular dating apps from best to worst

America is more addicted to dating apps than ever.

New research from the Pew Research Center shows that in the past two years, the percentage of US adults who had used a dating app tripled. But that doesn't mean all dating apps are created equal.

App analytics company Applause recently completed a study of 97 dating apps to see which ones were meeting user expectations. To qualify, an app had to have more than 2,000 reviews across the App Store and the Google Play store.

Applause found that... Читать дальше...


PIMCO: Negative interest rates are the problem, not the solution

Bloomberg TV

PIMCO's Scott Mather thinks negative interest rates are part of the problem, not the solution, for central banks. 

In recent weeks the topic of negative interest rates has been at the top of mind for investors and economists anywhere and everywhere.

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, for example, has fielded a number of questions on the topic from lawmakers this week. 

Meanwhile, Sweden's Riksbank cut rates to -0.5% on Thursday. And The Wall Street Journal's... Читать дальше...


People are paying over $1,000 for photographers to hide in the bushes while they propose

Flickr / Tom French

If you've seen a candid engagement shot come up in your Facebook newsfeed, a single question probably springs to mind: Who took it?

The answer might be the bride-to-be's sister ... or it might be a paid photographer lurking in the proverbial (or literal) bushes, playing paparazzi to capture the moment.

In Pacific Standard, Rick Paulas examines the trend of engagement photography, writing the "super-niche industry" has been around for years, but recently exploded thanks to ... Читать дальше...


Tinder is trying to help boost your chances of finding a date for Valentine's Day


If you're a Tinder user still in need of a date for Valentine's Day this weekend, Tinder knows that you're not alone. That's why it's giving away one extra free "Super Like" per day until Sunday, February 14.

Super Like is a way to tell someone you really like them in the app. Free Tinder users already get one Super Like per day to use, and subscribers of Tinder's paid Plus plan are able to use more Super Likes.

Instead of swiping left or right, a swipe up initiates a Super Like. Читать дальше...


Researchers discovered 5 things we didn’t know about how we type

Shutterstock/Syda Productions

Most of us don't think about how we type — it's something we do everyday that is second nature at this point.

But a study done by Aalto University in Finland found five surprising facts about how we type. The researchers used a motion capture system to study how people type — especially those who never took a formal typing course.

The motion capture system used 12 high-speed infrared cameras that tracked the position of 52 reflective markers placed on the hands and fingers. Читать дальше...


Tunisia is learning the hard way that democracy isn't easy

Ed. note: Remember the Arab Spring? Once seen as a progressive leap forward, the wave of protests that began in 2010 have fallen flat in many countries. A rare bright spot has been newly democratic Tunisia, the place where it all began. Even there, however, pessimism is rising. Harvard graduate student Ethan Mefford, after a recent stay in the country, offers some reasons to be worried —and hopeful — below.

Читать дальше...


10 things you'll regret doing in your 20s


How do you know if you're taking full advantage of your 20s, making all the right decisions in your personal and professional lives?

Well, you don't. Life is about taking chances and doing your best.

But those who've already been through this critical decade can certainly help point out the landmines. That's why we turned to threads on Quora and Reddit, where users weighed in with their biggest regrets from their 20s.

Here are a few things you might want to avoid:

1. Читать дальше...


No, J.K. Rowling isn’t writing another 'Harry Potter' book — here's her response to fans

Debra Hurford Brown ©J.K. Rowling

On February 10, “Harry Potter” fans got perhaps the best news of their lives — J.K. Rowling was coming out with another installment of her classic series concerning The Boy Who Lived.

It would be the eighth story about Harry Potter and take place directly after the epilogue of the last book, “Deathly Hallows.” The internet blew up as people wrote about Rowling’s new “book.”

The only problem? It’s not a book at all, but a script of her upcoming play... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Елена Маркелова

Инклюзивный Фестиваль гимнастики с участием детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья прошел в Самаре


Мужчина скончался в результате массовой драки в ресторане Москвы

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