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Новости за 09.02.2016


'Investors have completely lost their faith’ in Deutsche Bank

Thomson Reuters

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Deutsche Bank bosses face a formidable task to drag its shares off a 30-year low, with reassurances about its capital levels doing little to improve investor confidence and few other options on the table to trigger a recovery.

Germany's flagship lender has trailed its rivals in bouncing back from the 2008 financial crisis, hamstrung by having to pay out billions of dollars in fines to end a string of legal disputes and ageing technical infrastructure. Читать дальше...


Months after the San Bernardino attacks, the FBI still can't get into one of the shooter's phones


It's been months since two shooters attacked a community center in San Bernardino, California. And law-enforcement officials still can't get into the phone of one of the killers, FBI Director James Comey told a Senate committee on Tuesday.

Although law enforcement has the authority to access the phone, they haven't been able to get past the locking feature on the device. Comey said that law enforcement is still working to access the data in the phone.

"The growing use of... Читать дальше...


US intelligence chief: These are the main global threats for 2016


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper gave a chilling threat assessment today to the Senate Armed Services Committee. 

Clapper's testimony to the committee reflected the US Intelligence Community's Worldwide Threat Assessment for the coming year.

Based on the insights of the various branches of the US Intelligence Community (IC), Clapper provided a rundown of the major global and regional threats. 

Based on his released statements, we have summarized the main global threats facing the world below... Читать дальше...


Here are 5 reasons Toyota's Scion brand failed

Thomson Reuters

Has Toyota’s youth-oriented sub-brand, Scion, failed, or merely timed out in its mission?

Jim Lentz, Toyota’s CEO for North America, announced yesterday in a video statement that the brand will be phased out after the 2016 model year, with all products but the tC coupe reappearing with a Toyota badge (and, perhaps, a new corresponding Toyota name).

Some will argue that Scion’s death was a long time coming, a result of some ill-conceived vehicles, a tenuous product plan... Читать дальше...


Watch Bill O’Reilly do his best Bernie Sanders impression for Stephen Colbert

CBS/Youtube Screenshot

For the first time since Stephen Colbert shed his right-wing blowhard character from the "Colbert Report," his former muse, Bill O'Reilly, joined him on "The Tonight Show" for a frank discussion in advance of the New Hampshire primary. 

The highlight of the segment came when O'Reilly, imitating Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, did his best to sum up Sanders' strong position on how the US economy is run. 

"It's the billionaihs," O'Reilly, poorly mocking Sanders' Brooklyn accent, told Colbert. Читать дальше...


Samantha Bee skewered gendered expectations in her sharp late-night debut

Frederick M. Brown/Stringer/Getty Images

"Is it hard breaking into a boy’s club?" That was the second sentence uttered on"Full Frontal With Samantha Bee," the new weekly late night political comedy show that debuted Monday night on TBS, hosted by former "Daily Show" correspondent Samantha Bee.

The question was part of a pretaped bit sending up the particular position in which"Full Frontal" finds itself, as the only current late night show hosted by a woman.

"Full Frontal" faces... Читать дальше...


Why you didn't get a raise this year — and what to do about it


You can't put your finger on it, but something's missing from the year-end rigmarole. The company holiday party is long over – thank goodness – and the canned food drive went splendidly.

You re-enrolled in your company health plan, and your W-2s are on their way. Your annual raise came through … wait a minute!

If you were denied your annual raise this year, you may be beyond frustrated. Being passed over suggests that your manager doesn't value your work or is frustratingly tightfisted. Читать дальше...


Ryan Reynolds explains what it was like to shoot a nude fight scene in 'Deadpool'

Getty/Sonia Recchia

The R-rated “Deadpool” goes out of its way to be a different moviegoing experience for superhero fans, with its adult language and ultra-violence.

But to drive home just how adult the material is, the film also includes a nude fight scene between Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and his nemesis Ajax (Ed Skrein).

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, Reynolds went into some detail about the experience of shooting the sequence. 

“There’s a lot of me there,” Reynolds said. Читать дальше...


Here's why every balding guy should rock a beard

When a guy starts to bald, the rules change.

The changes shouldn't be drastic, but he needs to keep in mind some things he didn't think about before. That includes what he should wear, but also how he should treat his facial hair, the only remaining hair on his head.

Going bald is a study in contrasts. Now that you no longer have the hair on your head to contrast the rest of your face, it can sometimes seem visually imbalanced, as there's no hair to break up your face's shape.

... Читать дальше...


Here's why renters aren't buying

Thomson Reuters

FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for financial advisors.

Americans aren't buying despite higher rents (Bankrate)

Climbing rents aren't encouraging Americans to buy houses. According to a survey conducted by Bankrate, 35% of Americans don't want to buy a home as the pain from the Great Recession lingers. Additionally, 29% say they can't afford a down payment and 16% believe their credit isn't good enough to qualify for a mortgage. Читать дальше...


Stephen Colbert hilariously spoofed the flopped intro to Saturday's GOP debate


CBS "Late Show" host Stephen Colbert began his Monday-night show with a hilarious spoof of the botched intro to Saturday's Republican presidential debate, during which retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson created a logjam when he didn't hear his name called to enter the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the musical director of "The Late Show," John Batiste," the show's announcer said to open the show. "And now your host, Stephen Colbert."

Only, Colbert pulled a Carson and did not enter the stage. Читать дальше...


You can pre-order the Oculus Rift — plus a PC required to power it — starting next week (FB)

Oculus/Tech Insider

Facebook-owned Oculus VR will finally launch its first virtual reality headset, the Oculus Rift, on March 28.

Lots of people want to try the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, but you'll need a computer powerful enough to run it. (You can check to see if your current PC is ready for Rift by using this tool, or checking Oculus' system requirements.)

If don't already own a PC that can power the Oculus Rift, don't sweat it! Oculus on Tuesday announced that... Читать дальше...


Science explains 'Resting B---- Face'

Celebrities like Kristen Stewart are known for their expressionless pouts, also known as "Resting B---- Face" or "RBF." Using their "FaceReader" program, behavioral researchers Jason Rogers and Abbe Macbeth at Noldus studied which facial expressions appear to show contempt. 

Читать дальше...


A Harvard psychologist reveals the quickest way to boost confidence when you’re nervous

Eden, Janine and Jim/Flickr

If you've heard of Amy Cuddy, it's probably because you saw her 2012 TED talk on the benefits of "power posing."

Her theory:  Stand like Wonder Woman for two minutes before a big meeting or event, and your confidence will spike — as if by magic.

Four years later, the Harvard psychologist has released an entire book on the virtues of changing your posture to change your attitudes.

It's called "Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest... Читать дальше...


How to figure out how much house you can afford

Flickr/Holly Lay

Buying your first home is an exciting process, but it's not just about finding the features you want.

If you're like most people, price plays a major role in your decision. After all, even if you feel confident that you can afford a property, you'll still have to convince a lender.

All lenders have unique lending guidelines, but they usually include some of the same key benchmarks. Here are two metrics they'll use to decide how large a loan to issue you:

... Читать дальше...


23 signs you're burnt out at work


Work can be taxing for everyone, and we all occasionally feel weary after a long day at the office.

But if your life is a chronic state of stress and exhaustion thanks to work, you're probably suffering from job burnout.

Sometimes it's hard to notice when the physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion from work is taking its toll, but with the help of burnout specialist Ben Fanning, we're able to identify some warning signs.

By taking note of these common... Читать дальше...


Google has a clever idea to let its self-driving cars deliver your packages (GOOG, GOOGL)


Imagine a world where you order something from Google's online shopping service and a self-driving truck delivers it straight to your door. 

It could happen. The company has a clever idea for autonomous delivery platform where self-driving vehicles would port loads full of packages to their designated destinations, as detailed in a new patent published today.

Once an autonomous truck arrived, customers could get their packages from one of the truck's individual compartments... Читать дальше...


North Korea's satellite has stabilized in orbit around the earth


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A satellite launched into orbit by North Korea on Saturday has now stabilized in its orbit around the earth, a U.S. official and a second source familiar with the matter said on Tuesday.

However the satellite is not believed to be transmitting any data back to earth, the second source said.

The satellite was initially tumbling in orbit, but has now stabilized, making it more successful than a launch in 2012, which failed to achieve a stable orbit... Читать дальше...


American Pharoah will command $20-40 million per year making baby American Pharoahs

Michael Reaves/Getty Images

After American Pharoah won the first Triple Crown in horse racing since 1978, it is time for the 4-year-old to start his second career: making future racehorses. If he is successful, his owners will make millions.

American Pharoah will command a stud fee that will pay the owners of his breeding rights $200,000 per foal. This is the highest amount ever for an unproven, first-year stallion, according to Monte Reel of Bloomberg.

If successful, American... Читать дальше...


Scientists discovered something surprising about why we take sighs of relief

Marcelo de Pozo/Reuters

Remember all those times your parents told you it was rude to sigh?

Well, you can discount that advice entirely, because sighing's actually a crucial reflex that keeps our lungs healthy, and researchers have just uncovered the switch in our brain that controls it. 

The team identified two tiny clusters of neurons in the brain stem that automatically turn normal breaths into sighs when our lungs need some extra help — and they do this roughly every 5 minutes (or 12 times an hour)... Читать дальше...


We asked Michael Moore about the gun-violence epidemic, his new movie, and why Donald Trump will get the Republican nomination

Mike Nudelman / Business Insider

Michael Moore's new movie "Where To Invade Next" opens everywhere on Friday. Here is our interview with the filmmaker that we conducted in December. 

Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore is in a good mood. And it's not because he thinks the country is in good shape. But as he gets on the phone with Business Insider, he can't contain himself, as he's just left Trump Tower in Manhattan, where he stood with a sign that read "We Are All Muslim" until the police asked him to leave. Читать дальше...


This is what it's like to work as a set designer for 'House of Cards'

Source: Nathaniel Bell for Netflix

When it comes to the Netflix original series "House of Cards", what's the only thing we like better than Frank and Claire's Beltway scheming?

The rooms in which the dirt is going down. (Honorable mention: Robin Wright's fierce hair.)

Here, production designer Steve Arnold lets Lonny in on the décor scoop straight from the set.

The New Trad

Source: © Melinda Sue Gordon for Netflix

Patterned after a traditional Georgetown townhouse... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Клиенты Инго Экосистемы стали больше путешествовать за ингорубли

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Пшеничников: визит Путина в Китай укрепил союз Москвы и Пекина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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«Уже поперек горла стоит»: Пригожин поддержал Королеву после инцидента на ТВ


Собянин рассказал о мерах поддержки предпринимательства в Москве

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