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Новости за 30.12.2015


Faraday Future needs to bring something spectacular to CES (tsla, aapl)

Screenshot via Faraday Future

Faraday Future is a transportation startup that's about to get real.

At the Consumer Electronics Show early next year in Las Vegas, it's planning to pull the cover off a concept car.

The company, which is also going to build a factory in Las Vegas, has been releasing tease-y little videos that hint at what it might be up to.

It could be a high-performance carbon-fiber supercar that runs on wind. It could be a car-sharing service. It could be a self-driving podmobile. Читать дальше...


AT&T is killing all wireless-service contracts

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

AT&T is putting the final nail in the coffin for its two-year wireless contracts. Starting January 8, you'll only be able to buy a phone by paying for its full cost up front or with monthly installments through an AT&T Next plan.

The news was first reported by Engadget on Wednesday and confirmed to Tech Insider by AT&T.

"With $0 down for well-qualified customers, the ability to upgrade early and down payment options available with even lower monthly installments... Читать дальше...


Here's how 'Starkiller Base' — the deadly weapon from 'Star Wars' that can blow entire planets to bits — works


Proceed with caution! There are some TFA spoilers ahead!

The most horrific weapon used in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is the "Starkiller Base," a massive laser used to blow five planets in the Hosnian System — including Hosnian Prime, home to the New Republic's capital — to bits. But how the deadly weapon works was barely explained at all in the film. 

Finn (John Boyega) briefly explains that the weapon was supposed to drain the energy from stars and then store the energy in the planet's core... Читать дальше...


The hottest Xbox accessory this holiday won't return to stores until March 2016

Price was not a concern, apparently, for Xbox One fans this holiday.

The console's $150 "Elite" gamepad was sold out everywhere and remains as such:

Amazon / GameStop

Unfortunately, if you're looking to get your hands on one sooner than later, it looks like you're out of luck. 

This is what a Microsoft representative told Tech Insider Wednesday morning (we've bolded the most important part):

While the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller is sold out in many retailers around the world... Читать дальше...


This short story may reveal the secret of how Kylo Ren ended up with Darth Vader's helmet


Warning: There are some spoilers ahead!

After seeing "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," I compiled together a bunch of big questions left unanswered by the film.

For some reason, I didn't include one of the simplest questions on my list: How did Kylo Ren end up with his dear old granddad Darth Vader's helmet?


It's a good question. Like Anakin/Luke's lightsaber, Vader's helmet conveniently pops up decades later in "The Force Awakens."

It... Читать дальше...


The House Intelligence chair wants answers on the latest NSA spying report



6 changes I made this year that saved me hundreds of dollars

Kathleen Elkins/Business Insider

Like most things in life, you learn through trial and error — through failing, making adjustments, and then failing again, until you find something that works.

My first full year working in the real world was littered with blunders — but with blunders come valuable lessons. And with valuable lessons come a wiser approach to your life, career, and finances.

After a year of trial and error, here are six of the most effective changes I made when... Читать дальше...


5 golf vacations you should take this winter

Indian Wells Golf Resort Facebook

This post originally appeared on Golf Vacation Insider.

As great as spring, summer and fall are, winter is in some respects our favorite of the four seasons.

The reason: it gives us a perfect excuse to explore amazing golf destinations like these.

Check out five of the greatest winter golf vacations below.

Indian Wells Golf Resort, California

Indian Wells Golf Resort Facebook

Enjoy Unlimited Golf at Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells (Palm Desert)... Читать дальше...


Here's the infamous 'pound cake' speech that got Bill Cosby called out for being a hypocrite

Eric Thayer/Reuters

A decade before being charged with sexual assault, Bill Cosby gave a speech that appeared to blame black people for getting shot by police and for their high incarceration rates.

The so-called pound cake speech, delivered to the NAACP in 2004, may, in fact, have helped lead to his downfall.

In the lengthy and meandering speech, Cosby railed against black women for supposedly "having children by five, six different men" and bemoaned the existence of black... Читать дальше...


Michael Jordan wore his North Carolina shorts underneath his Chicago Bulls shorts in every game — and it may have been key to his success

Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images

Ask any accomplished person the key to their success and they'll likely tell you about the importance of hard work, perseverance, and maybe even passion.

What they probably won't tell you about? Their lucky underwear.

Superstitions get a bad rap — they seem silly, childlike — and it's rare to hear someone publicly credit a personal ritual for helping them succeed.

And yet research suggests that most people do believe in some kind of superstition. Читать дальше...


This is what it will take to finally get strict gun laws in America, according to 'Bowling for Columbine' director Michael Moore

Kevin Winter/Getty

Though filmmaker Michael Moore has made numerous movies that have sparked debate and controversy, it's his Oscar-winning film "Bowling for Columbine," in which he looks at the rampant gun violence in the US, that made him a hero to liberals and enemy No. 1 to some conservatives.

But 13 years after the release of "Columbine," gun violence, particularly public mass shootings, is on the rise. In fact, there have been more mass shootings in the US than days in 2015. Читать дальше...


The 4 best frequent flyer programs in North America

Scott Olson/Getty

Points programs are complex, difficult to use, and can be downright frustrating—if not impossible—to understand.

But for me? They’re fascinating. 

Since turning 15, I have studied various points systems, from airline frequent flyer accounts to credit cards.

I have tried and tested all of them, and that has allowed me to explore 62 countries (so far!) under more of my own terms than most airlines would be comfortable with.

And so can you.

... Читать дальше...


Here's one huge sign that Saudi Arabia is in for a difficult new year

REUTERS/ Mohamed Al Hwaity

A number of oil-dependent countries could see their fortunes turn in the new year, thanks to a global plunge in crude prices and the possibility of increased supply thanks to the anticipated removal of most oil-related sanctions on Iran.

Although Saudi Arabia is second in the world in proven reserves and daily production — a gaudy 9.7 million barrels per day in 2014 — there are already signs that the country isn't going to remain unscathed.

On December 28... Читать дальше...


This increasingly popular retail strategy has one huge problem


 Everlane has been advertising a bizarre sale — one in which consumers could choose from three prices.

Buy the highest price, and Everlane would get a good chunk of money to fuel its continual growth and pay its employees. Buy the middle price, and Everlane would get a small slice. Buy the lowest price, and Everlane would get nothing.

This sort of sale creates a bit of a moral quandary, and now, New York Magazine's Science of Us reports that the internal dilemma that... Читать дальше...


'Bing, bing, bing': Donald Trump acts out hair products in order to mock climate scientists

REUTERS/Randall Hill

During a Wednesday campaign speech, real-estate mogul Donald Trump launched into a one-minute complaint about environmentalists and hair spray.

Trump first mocked President Barack Obama for prioritizing climate-change policies despite flying around the planet in "an old Boeing 747, with the old engines and spewing stuff."

"So he's got a problem with the carbon footprint!" Trump exclaimed.

The Republican presidential front-runner quickly pivoted to the topic of hair spray. Читать дальше...


Every 25-year-old in America should see this chart

JP Morgan Funds

In the good old days, young Americans went to work for an employer who would promise a comfortable retirement in the form of a pension plan — that is, a defined-benefit plan.

Today, it's increasingly become the responsibility of the worker to put money away for retirement in the form of a 401(k) plan or an IRA — that is, a defined-contribution plan.

The goal of this post is not to explain the mechanics of retirement plans. Rather, we want to show you the importance... Читать дальше...


There are disturbing and detailed allegations in the new criminal case against Bill Cosby

REUTERS/Mark Makela

On Wednesday, Bill Cosby was charged with aggravated indecent assault, a first-degree felony.

The charge relates to a sexual assault alleged to have happened more than a decade ago. The 78-year-old comedian previously admitted under oath that he had sexual contact with the woman, as part of the lawsuit she filed claiming that Cosby drugged her and forced himself on her at his home near Philadelphia in 2004.

The woman, former Temple University employee Andrea Constand... Читать дальше...


Gaming platform Steam confirms it was attacked by hackers on Christmas


Online gaming platform Steam had a big Christmas Day meltdown. 

On Wednesday the company confirmed that the outage was initially caused by hackers, but its other security problems were caused by its attempts to thwart the hackers.

It was offline for hours on Christmas day, just as people were unwrapping their new gadgets and wanting to play games, people noticed.

And then, it came back up, but was then found to allow some users access to other users' accounts,... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии «зеленой» экономики в РФ

Путин в России и мире

Что действительно говорил В. Путин о Нагорном Карабахе?

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Жасмин подарила сыну на свадьбу роскошную квартиру в Москве


«Июнь и июль сведут нас всех с ума». Синоптики рассказали, к чему надо готовиться

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