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Новости за 19.12.2015


A new 'samurai-style' capsule hotel opened in Yokohama, Japan — and there's no women allowed


Gentlemen, let loose your inner samurai when you stay in these latest “wa-kapu” Japan-themed capsule rooms at the Business Inn New City in Yokohama City.

The five-floor Business Inn New City located in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, began taking reservations for its newest set of themed capsule rooms this past Monday. These rooms mark the second time that the hotel has offered specially decorated concept rooms; the previous “痛カプ” anime-themed rooms have already... Читать дальше...


China is accusing the US of a 'serious military provocation' in the South China Sea

© Pool/AFP/File Ritchie B. Tongo

Two US B-52 bombers flew close to islands in the flash point South China Sea this month in a "serious military provocation," Beijing said Saturday, as tensions simmer in the disputed waterway.

China insists it has sovereignty over virtually all of the resource-rich sea, conflicting with the various claims of several neighboring nations, and US activity in the area has provoked Beijing's ire several times in recent months. 

"In the morning of 10 December... Читать дальше...


There's one major difference between Wall Street darling Atlassian and other software makers (TEAM)

Thomson Reuters

Wall Street's in love with Atlassian, the Australian software maker that's considered the most successful tech IPO of the year.

Its stock jumped 32% on the first day of trading Thursday, giving it a market cap of $5.7 billion. That's nearly $2.5 billion more than its last private market valuation, a rare feat in today's weak tech IPO market.

A lot of things that make Atlassian stand out from the rest of the pack: it's been profitable for the past 10 years, and... Читать дальше...


Millennials are rejecting a strategy Coach, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Michael Kors have relied on for years

Abercrombie & Fitch on Facebook

Millennials can't stand logos — and that's causing a major shift in which retailers are winning.

Abercrombie & Fitch has become almost unrecognizable after banning the loud, logo-emblazoned "A&F" sweatshirts and hoodies it was once known for.

Coach is changing course after sales of its bags, which were adorned with logos, began plummeting. 

And Michael Kors has also changed the aesthetic of its handbags to include fewer "MK" logos as North American growth began to slow. Читать дальше...


New York City cops just made the 'largest cocaine seizure' in recent years

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) — Two men were arrested and nearly $3 million worth of cocaine was seized in New York City in what is being described as the biggest bust involving the drug in recent years as heroin abuse has surged, law enforcement authorities said on Saturday.

Mark Soto and Xavier Herbert-Gumbs face felony drug possession charges after authorities said they found a total of 136 pounds (61.7 kg) of cocaine in their vehicles in the Bronx, according to a statement by the... Читать дальше...


The 12 most insane hotel bathrooms in the world

Ponta dos Canchos Resort Facebook

Because not everybody refers to the toilet as a throne euphemistically, here are 12 ridiculous hotel bathrooms fit (and priced) for royalty.

Four Seasons Seychelles

Four Seasons Resort Seychelles Facebook

Mahé Island, Seychelles
Room/rate: Serenity Villa, around $1,500 per night
Craziest amenity: Sunken marble bath with panoramic view of a private, wrap-around infinity pool — or is that the Indian Ocean? Oh, it’s both. That’s fine.
... Читать дальше...


2015 was the year of the zombie media company


On March 9, Apple unveiled the Apple Watch. Media sites flooded the internet with coverage of Tim Cook's every utterance. Thousands of words were dedicated to drooling over or hating on the shiny piece of metal that will change this world.

Among those media sites was Gigaom, a pioneering technology blog founded by Om Malik in 2006.

Nine years later, Malik had stepped aside from the day-to-day operations. I was a part of the editorial team carrying on its legacy as a niche... Читать дальше...


A shocking number of Americans haven't started holiday shopping yet


(Reuters) - Despite early retailer promotions meant to entice shoppers, 17 percent of Americans had not started holiday shopping about a week before Christmas, one percentage point less than last year, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Less than a third had completely finished their shopping, according to the poll, conducted Dec. 14-18.

The pace of sales is crucial to retailers who receive a substantial portion of business during November and December. This year... Читать дальше...


11 apps 'The 4-Hour Workweek' author Tim Ferriss uses every day

Jemal Countess/Getty

Here are some of the apps that I use on a daily or near-daily basis.

I can't live without them, and most are free.




My external brain, used for all note-taking, decluttering, research, and more. I normally use it 10+ times per day. So does Adam Savage of Mythbusters.

Find it here >>


Matt Weinberger

Prevents laptop-induced insomnia. Dims/reheats your screen at local sundown.

... Читать дальше...


GOP candidates brawled in their feistiest and most substantive debate yet

REUTERS/Mike Blake

Within minutes, it was clear that the fifth Republican presidential debate would be perhaps the most contentious yet.

The Tuesday-night CNN debate's first question focused on Donald Trump's plan to temporarily bar Muslims from coming to the US, a proposal for which Trump would face heat all night.

Former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, as he did repeatedly throughout the event, promptly went after Trump.

"Donald is great at the one-liners, but he's a chaos... Читать дальше...


Why you probably need to rewrite your professional bio

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

Most of us update our resumes and LinkedIn profiles, but few of us also consistently maintain our professional bios.

What's the difference, you ask? A bio is much shorter than a resume or online profile and is focused on bolstering credibility.

Bios are very crisp, concise, and compelling words that convey your background and are used for a variety of purposes such as for creating speech introductions, for article bylines... Читать дальше...


One of the world’s biggest drugs might not exist if its research hadn't flopped in a major way

Photo courtesy Peter Hurley

In 1998, a drug called Remicade made history for becoming the first of its kind to get approval.

Remicade, which was designed to treat autoimmune diseases like Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, made $9.4 billion in sales in 2014.

But getting there wasn't easy.

Business Insider spoke with Dr. Jan Vilcek, the scientist credited with discovering Remicade, about how the drug went from a failed cancer treatment to a groundbreaking drug. Читать дальше...


Celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid can make up to $300,000 a day on Instagram

Business Insider

The ever-changing and famously fickle world of Instagram popularity can make or break a career. The younger generations of models may not have the experience or industry kudos of the greats like Kate Moss or Claudia Schiffer but Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevingne and Gigi Hadid are overtaking them with their savvy Insta-fame and are making bank while doing it.

With Jenner amassing the most liked picture of 2015, while also accumulating an eye-watering 44 million Instagram followers... Читать дальше...


Drones could make or break GoPro

Reuters/Pierre Albouy

GoPro (NASDAQ:GPRO) is officially getting into the drone business, and it's a move that could change the direction of the company. Shares have been slammed lately as fear of disappointing camera sales spread, but drones could add fuel to the company's action sports image and boost sales.

What's especially exciting about the drone business is that it could be massive from the first day GoPro launches the drone it's calling Karma.

How big could drones be... Читать дальше...


How giving away over $8,000 in free samples on Reddit saved this woman's startup


Reddit is notorious for its ability to rally together enormous groups of people on the internet, uniting them around a common cause.

In the case of entrepreneur Sue Sullivan, it ended up saving her business.

Sullivan had started a chipotle-sauce company called "Hot Squeeze" back in 2007, but in the years that followed she realized that it wasn't going to survive if she kept working with middle-men distributors, who quickly scooped up the lion's share of her profits. Читать дальше...


7 tax strategies the rich don't want you to know

Charlie Crowhurst / Stringer / Getty Images

You work hard for your money but, unfortunately, Uncle Sam takes a bite out of every paycheck for income and other taxes. And if you’re in the middle class, you probably think that bite is a little bit too big.

According to a 2015 Gallup poll, nearly half of Americans — 46 percent — believe the middle class pays too much in taxes. Yet, some of the wealthiest people find crafty ways to minimize their obligations.

Here are seven secret... Читать дальше...


Gentlemen, you could be doing so much more with your sweaters

screenshot http://octobersveryown.blogspot.com/

It has been unseasonably warm here at Business Insider's global headquarters in New York City, and as such, we've been noticing how a lot of men are rocking their winter clothes, since there's no need for heavy winter coats to hide them.

That means we can see the sweaters — a lot of them, day in and day out — on the street, in the office, and at bars.

It means we can see how boring guys are with their sweaters.

For a refresher... Читать дальше...


LEBRON JAMES: How the king of the NBA spends his millions

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

On the court, LeBron James has won four MVPs and two NBA championships and has reached five consecutive NBA Finals — all before turning 30.

Off the court, he's equally relentless. On Monday, James signed a lifetime endorsement deal with Nike — a move that was so big it is more like the merger of two corporations — becoming the first athlete in the company's 44-year history to do so.

As a result of his unwavering successes on and off the court... Читать дальше...


Here's why Congress' attempt to stop scientists genetically modifying human embryos won't work

Getty Images

Congressional Republicans proposed a spending deal late Tuesday night to fund the government through 2016, and it places new restrictions on the use of federal funding for gene editing, Politico reported.

The House and Senate are expected to pass the legislation soon. Obama will have to sign the bill or face the prospect of a government shut down.

The $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill contains a provision that outlaws the use of federal money for research that involves genetically modifying human embryos... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Сенсорный сад с экотропами появится в Бутырском районе Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин утвердил закон о справедливой оплате сверхурочной работы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский допустил, что Москва и Киев начнут мирные переговоры

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Билли Айлиш

В Fortnite добавят Билли Айлиш, Снуп Дога и скины Metallica


Экс-зампред правительства Забайкалья Кошелев предупреждал руководство Службы заказчика о взятках

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