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Новости за 18.12.2015


7 things successful people do during an afternoon lull

Davidlohr Bueso/flickr

Do you feel like your ability to focus and your supply of discipline and willpower are always dwindling by 2 p.m.?

You're not alone.

Almost everyone experiences a mid-afternoon lull: a dip in energy levels, alertness, and concentration as part of your natural circadian rhythm, explains Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "You Can't Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work."

"The timing, extent, and intensity of the afternoon lull varies from person to person... Читать дальше...


How 'Into the Badlands' pulls off its incredible martial arts fighting scenes


The stars of AMC's "Into the Badlands" look like martial arts professionals on TV, which took some intense work making use of their unique strengths and a team of actual pros.

"That was a big challenge. These actors had no martial arts experience and we had to make them look badass," star and executive producer Daniel Wu, who's a veteran of martial arts movies, told Business Insider.

On "Into the Badlands," the highest-rated series debut of the fall, Wu plays Sunny, a warrior... Читать дальше...


How to find the best airfare on short notice

Justin Sullivan/Getty

Buying airline tickets is a lot like gambling or day-trading stocks. Fares go up and down unpredictably. As you get closer to your date of travel, it’s mostly up. But buying a ticket far in advance is not always the answer. You’re just giving the airline your money sooner than you have to, and your plans may change—or the airline might even alter the flight schedule—in the interim.

Most people buy their tickets within 90 days of their trips, so you’re not alone if you procrastinate. Читать дальше...


9 crazy things that could happen after the singularity, when robots become smarter than humans

Ex Machina

Futurists say that our destiny will be shaped by the Singularity, the moment when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. 

Scholars don't agree on the details, but they say it will happen between 30 and 1000 years from today, with most predicting it will emerge in the next century.

It will almost certainly have profoundly scary — and deeply exciting — consequences. 

Everything is going to change.

World View

The term 'Singularity' was first... Читать дальше...


There's a more disturbing aspect to Chipotle's E. coli outbreak


The wave of people getting sick after eating at Chipotle restaurants may be getting a lot of attention, but such outbreaks of foodborne illness are unfortunately pretty common.

The CDC estimates that as many as 1 in 6 Americans (about 48 million people) get sick with a foodborne illness each year.

Here are some of the most common ones, and where they occur.

States with the most infections

The CDC's Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network... Читать дальше...


11 incredible spy gadgets from CIA history

CIA Museum

CIA operatives may not use jetpacks or laser-powered watches, but they do have a few tricks up their sleeves.

At the CIA Museum in Washington, DC, you can get a glimpse of the gadgets used in past spy missions.

The agency has declassified 600 out of some 20,000 objects used by CIA operatives throughout history, museum director Toni Hiley tells Tech Insider. Current operatives are constantly looking to old gadgets to build new ones.

"Revisiting technology... Читать дальше...


22 ways to earn passive income

Francisco Osorio/Flickr

Making money while you sleep.

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

After reading books like "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "4 Hour Work Week," I became interested obsessed with making passive income.

Whenever someone needs additional income, the stereotypical suggestion offered is to “get a part-time job.”

But what if you don't have the time or energy to put in all those extra hours?

I know I didn't. Plus that wasn't as appealing as making money while I was trading time for money. Читать дальше...


The best tech stocking stuffers

The holidays are a time for reflection, gratitude, and charting what course you'll travel next. They're also a time for buying things and putting them in socks. Today we're going to help you with the latter.

More specifically, we're going to help you find a nice little stocking stuffer for the tech-savvy person in your life. After spending the last year extensively testing and researching all sorts of gadgets, we can say with confidence that everything below brings good value at affordable prices. Читать дальше...


Here's how factories make soft pretzels

This factory makes soft pretzels — in batches of nearly 5,000.

After a worker makes the dough, it travels through a variety of machines, across a handful of conveyor belts, and gets heated up and cooled down before being packaged.

But the process that gives the pretzel its signature shape is the most spellbinding. Take a look.

This footage comes from "How It's Made," on the Science Channel, which you can watch on Thursday nights at 7pm/6pm central. New episodes air at 9pm/8pm central. Читать дальше...


A scandal is erupting in the world of hipster chocolate

Mast Brothers

The Mast brothers know how to spin a well-packaged tale, both in marketing themselves as a pair of bearded Brooklyn hipsters and in the beautiful wrapping that has become their chocolate brand's calling card.

Now, a blogger's exposé about the brothers' stylish company, Mast Brothers, is raising questions about what is underneath all that packaging. 

A long-time chocolate blogger at DallasFood.org published a four-part series on the company’s credentials,... Читать дальше...


The 9 weirdest small towns on Earth

Mark Kolbe/Getty

Anyone who's found themselves in Punxsutawney, PA on Groundhog Day knows that small towns can be pret-ty weird. But if you think a place that venerates a prognosticating woodchuck is as out-there as it gets, prepare to have your illusions shattered: from an underground town in Australia to an "Austrian" town in China, these little localities give new meaning to the term "Weirdoville." Or at least they would, if that was an actual term people used.


Fritz Schumann/Vimeo

Population... Читать дальше...


2009, the year after the economy collapsed, was the best year to launch a $1 billion unicorn

David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

There's no question that 2015 was the year of the unicorn — the term for a startup worth one billion dollars or more (once considered so rare, it was like a unicorn).

At the start of 2014, there were about 43 startups, across all industry sectors, that were considered to be worth $1 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal.

At the end of 2015, there are now 144 unicorns, with a total valuation of more than half a trillion dollars ($508 billion), finds CBInsights. Читать дальше...


This app is a great way to avoid Uber's surge pricing in New York City


Last weekend, I found myself in a familiar situation: It was after midnight, I was far from my apartment, and I wanted to go home and go to sleep.

I was in an area of Brooklyn where I couldn't just walk outside and hail a cab, so I opened Lyft to try to get a ride home. But demand for cars was off the charts, so "Primetime" pricing was in effect, meaning prices were exorbitantly high.

I opened Uber, and it was surging to nearly twice the normal rate.

I thought... Читать дальше...


Fed's Lacker says 4 rate hikes in 2016 would be 'gradual'

Thomson Reuters

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - Federal Reserve forecasts pointing to four interest rate hikes in 2016 show what the U.S. central bank means when it says it anticipates raising rates at a "gradual pace," Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker said on Friday.

"That's half the rate at which we raised rates in the last tightening cycle. So that's what 'gradual' means to me," Lacker told reporters in Charlotte, North Carolina after participating in a business panel discussion. Читать дальше...


We finally know why Luke Skywalker was left out of all the 'Star Wars' marketing


Warning: There are major spoilers ahead for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Perhaps the biggest mystery heading into the new "Star Wars" movie is figuring out what happened to Luke Skywalker.

Mark Hamill's iconic character was cleverly hidden from marketing from "The Force Awakens" and was noticeably absent from trailers and television spots save one shot of his hand and a pre-recorded voiceover in a trailer.


Now that the movie's finally out we know exactly what happened to Luke. Читать дальше...


Hate crimes against Muslim Americans have tripled since the attacks on Paris

REUTERS/Sandy Huffaker

Just a few short weeks after the attacks on Paris and San Bernardino, hate crimes against Muslim Americans have tripled, according to new data from California State University The New York Times reports.

Crimes against Muslim Americans have taken the forms of physical violence against hijab-wearing citizens, the burning of mosques, shootings, and death threats targeted towards Muslim-owned businesses.

The attacks also coincide with an uptick in anti-Muslim rhetoric... Читать дальше...


Obama’s former defense secretary confirmed a huge suspicion about the White House's approach to Syria

Yuri Gripas/Reuters

Two years after the war in Syria had broken out, the Obama administration had still not formulated a coherent policy response to the crisis that has now claimed more than 200,000 lives.

That is according to Obama's former secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel.

In a blistering interview with Foreign Policy, Hagel described how the administration effectively kicked the can down the road when it came to crafting a decisive strategy to end the war.

“For one thing, there were way too many meetings. Читать дальше...


You can buy an iPhone 6S for just $1 this weekend — here's how (AAPL)


This weekend you'll be able to buy an iPhone 6S — the latest model iPhone — for just $1. Fortune points out that's a discount of around $200 on what you would normally pay (with the required two-year contract).

Here are the caveats:

  • You have to get it from Best Buy (but it can be in stores or online)
  • It has to be the 16GB version (which can be a problem in terms of storage if you download a lot of apps or have a bunch of photos)
  • It... Читать дальше...


Female CFOs are making more money than their male counterparts



The U.S. Justice Department is looking into the big data breach at Uber

Steve Jennings / Getty Images

The U.S. Department of Justice is pursuing a criminal investigation of a May 2014 data breach at ride service Uber, including an examination of whether any employees at competitor Lyft were involved in the episode, sources familiar with the situation said.

Earlier this year, Uber revealed that as many as 50,000 of its drivers' names and their license numbers had been improperly downloaded. An investigation by Uber determined that an Internet address potentially... Читать дальше...


Women are better investors than men

John Moore/Getty Images

FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for financial advisors.

Women beat men at investing (SigFig)

Robo advisor SigFig says women earn higher returns than men. In 2014, women returned 4.7%, edging out the 4.1% gain for men. Annualized this track record over 30 years, women would return an extra $58,000 on a $100,000 investment, according to SigFig. Men were also more likely to lose money than women (25.8% to 20.4%)... Читать дальше...


The only way you should see 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'


Many people are heading out to see "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" this weekend. 

For anyone who hasn't seen the film yet or those planning to see it after what should be a very packed weekend, you're probably wondering what ticket you should buy.

I've now seen "The Force Awakens" in both 2D and 3D IMAX — the showings that will be most easily accessible to the public — and it's clear that one version is better than the other.

Unless you're seeing this on a true... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В СВАО Москвы реконструируют дорогу и построят мост

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




ДЭГ местного значения // Суд оставил в силе итоги электронного голосования на выборах президента


Армия в СВО бьется за ментальную независимость России

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