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Новости за 29.12.2015


Here are some crucial winter survival tips from the US Marine Corps

US Air Force

Despite 2015's freakishly warm holiday weather, winter is one of the worst conditions to endure.

That's why the US military has courses designed to teach its people how to survive in arctic temperatures.

Here are a few tips from the Winter Survival Course handbook and some items the Marine Corps consider essential to combating the cold.

Here's what the Marines say to take with you if you venture deep into the cold (somewhere other than New York) this winter. Читать дальше...


J.J. Abrams' favorite 'Star Wars' movie is a controversial pick


What's your favorite "Star Wars" movie?

The general consensus seems to be the second one in George Lucas' original trilogy, "Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back," which had a jaw-dropping twist no one saw coming. In it, Darth Vader reveals to Luke Skywalker: "I am your father."

But if you've watched the new J.J. Abrams "Star Wars" movie, "Episode VII: The Force Awakens," it's not to hard to guess which of the six movies Abrams himself prefers.

Throughout "The... Читать дальше...


Chicago police officer charged with Laquan McDonald murder pleads not guilty



How to make the perfect man bun in just 3 steps

Getty/Angela Weiss

We at Business Insider aren't recommending man buns — it's a trendy style that's already at least partially on it's way out.

So we're not saying you should do a man bun, but if you really want to, we'd like you to at least know how to do it properly. 

Most guys don't have a clue when it comes to long hair care — especially if they've never worn their hair long before.

The first thing to know about man buns is what kind of hair is able to be styled in that way. Читать дальше...


A catastrophic leak has been spewing out 110,000 pounds of gas an hour in California

YouTube/Environmental Defense Fund

A natural gas leak in Aliso Canyon, California, has been spewing out 50,000 kilograms (110,000 pounds) of gas every hour for more than two months, and officials say it could take another three to four months to bring the situation under control.

The leak first occurred on October 23, when the casing of a gas storage well operated by Southern California (SoCal) Gas failed. Strangely, the cause of this failure is not known, and attempts to stop the... Читать дальше...


The 20 best unicorn startups to work for, according to their employees

Alan Levine / Flickr

2015 was clearly the year of the unicorn: startups that raised boatloads of venture capital money and were valued by their investors at over $1 billion.

It's already looking like 2016 could be the year that many of these unicorns run into trouble, as venture funds are getting tighter and more expensive, and some valuations are already deflating.

But other unicorns will continue to soar.

To find out which ones seem to be doing well, we went to the insiders... Читать дальше...


A priest was suspended for riding a hoverboard during mass


Hoverboards are infiltrating society in nearly every way imaginable. Kids are riding them around neighborhoods in large groups, celebrities are trying to bring them on airplanes, and now priests are using them in churches.

During the holidays last week, a priest in the Philippines was filmed riding a hoverboard down the aisle during mass while singing a song to his congregation.

After the video garnered millions of views on Facebook, the Diocese of San Pablo issued... Читать дальше...


Here's the unconventional piece of career advice one entrepreneur is dishing out

Screenshot/CMC Forum

Patrick Bet-David recently took a 30-day RV road trip across the US to talk to young people about dropping out of school. 

That's right. The entrepreneur is advising some college kids to take a different path.

"If there's one message I can give to the younger generation, it's to drop out as quickly as possible from school," he told Business Insider.

Of course, this isn't the right move for everyone.

Bet-David, who founded the $40 million insurance company PHP Agency in 2009... Читать дальше...


The 'Making a Murderer' prosecutor is being flooded with online attacks by Steven Avery defenders


Many "Making a Murderer" viewers are showing their support for Steven Avery online. But in doing so, some have started attacking the lawyer who helped put Avery in prison.

Former Calumet County prosecutor Ken Kratz is being attacked via negative reviews on his law firm's Yelp page. Additionally, Kratz has had to shut down his Twitter account, had his Facebook page targeted by his critics, and says he has received death threats.

Multiple people have decided to express... Читать дальше...


Wall Street is making fun of this crazy statement from a Chinese company


Who would commit such a dastardly crime?

In a Monday release to the Hong Kong stock exchange, China Animal Healthcare — a mainland-based company that manufactures and sells drugs for animals — said that a truck loaded with four years worth of original financial documents was stolen.

This could be terrible for the accuracy of their Q4 earnings! Think about it!

This is a pretty wild story, even for China, where citizens are used to living with corruption at all levels of society, and especially in business. Читать дальше...


Court throws out Mark Zuckerberg's lawsuit against lawyers for a fugitive who said he owned half of Facebook


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York state appeals court on Tuesday threw out Facebook Inc's unusual malicious prosecution lawsuit against DLA Piper and other law firms that have represented a fugitive who claimed a 50 percent stake in the social media company.

Reversing a lower court ruling that favored Facebook and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, the Appellate Division in Manhattan found a lack of evidence that the law firms knew or should have known that their client Paul Ceglia's... Читать дальше...


Mike Tyson fell off a hoverboard, and it looked incredibly painful

Mike Tyson became the latest hoverboard victim.

As our friends at INSIDER noted, there's a learning curve to hoverboards — mastering the weight-controlled steering takes a while.

In an Instagram video Tyson posted, he looks to have the control down, until he starts moving forward.

He eventually lost his balance and fell off the hoverboard, painfully slamming his back, and perhaps, his tailbone onto the floor.

Instagram Embed:
Width... Читать дальше...


These are the 2 major Supreme Court cases that protect cops who kill unarmed civilians

Screenshot via NPR

A grand jury's decision not to indict an officer who killed a 12-year-old holding a toy gun sheds light on a criminal-justice system that gives fairly broad deference to police officers' version of events.

As Business Insider's Natasha Bertrand reported, the prosecutor in the case of the 12-year-old said, "We don't second-guess police officers."

Two Supreme Court decisions set the precedent that gives such wide latitude to officers, as civil rights lawyer Chase Madar has pointed out in The Nation. Читать дальше...


Sidecar, one of Uber's earliest competitors, is shutting down

Sidecar has announced it’s shutting down at the end of the year. Company chief executive Sunil Paul explained that the move was intended to help pave the way so his team could “work on strategic alternatives and lay the groundwork for the next big thing.” All ride and delivery operations will shut down at 2 p.m. Pacific time on December 31, 2015.

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One way that trying to make it as an actor prepared Jessica Alba to build a $1.7 billion startup

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

In a few short years, Jessica Alba has turned The Honest Co., her startup that sells eco-friendly household products like premium diapers and toothpaste, into a $1.7 billion company.

And while Alba’s celebrity status has been a pillar of the brand, she says her career as an actor has helped her in another crucial way: dealing with rejection from investors.

In a new interview, Alba told Vanity Fair about trying to get Brian Lee, a cofounder of LegalZoom.com... Читать дальше...


The most valuable thing I learned about money after my first full year working

Kathleen Elkins/Business Insider

My frugality runs deep.

It started early on: I was a kindergartner who really wanted chocolate milk at the local diner when my dad first gave me the is that a want or a need? talk.

What started as a basic personal finance lesson — buy needs, not wants — evolved into a rather utilitarian budgeting philosophy: Don't spend money, take advantage of freebies, and record expenses versus income in a spreadsheet.

For too many months to count after graduating college the spring before last... Читать дальше...


The cofounder of one of Wall Street's elite conferences is shutting down his hedge fund


Doug Hirsch, founder of hedge fund Seneca Capital Investments, is returning all outside capital to investors by Tuesday, Bloomberg reports.

Hirsch is one of the founders of the Sohn Investment Conference, a charitable conference held in financial centers around the world that fields ideas from some of the most brilliants minds on Wall Street.

Bloomberg learned of Seneca's closure from a letter Hirsch sent to investors.

Here's a snippet from the report:

"I... Читать дальше...


25 simple things to give up if you want to succeed

Flickr/Micheal Foley

The best way to invite good new things into your life is to make room for them.

Just as you declutter your office and home, from time to time do a check and throw out anything that isn't helping you make your success achievable.

Here are some good places to start.

1. Trying to be perfect.

Perfectionism sets us up for failure. It's not a quest for the best but a way of telling yourself you'll never be good enough.

2. Playing small.

Expand your horizons. Читать дальше...


There's a rumor Apple might get rid of those weird stripes on the back of the iPhone (AAPL)

Antonio Villas-Boas/Tech Insider

Apple might ditch the white plastic antenna strips that are found on the back of the current iPhone 6S and 6S Plus on the next iPhone, according to Chinese news site, Commercial Times. (Via Mac Rumors.)

Instead of the white plastic strips on the back, Apple might use "new compound materials" that would be less noticeable, or even invisible, to allow cellular signal to transmit properly.

The white plastic strips on the back of the current iPhones serve as antennas for the cellular signals. Читать дальше...


These are the 11 most game-changing aircraft of the 21st century

Lockheed Martin/Chad Bellay

Today's most sophisticated aircraft are like something out of science fiction.

In a few years, drones that can fit in the palm of a person's hand and 117-foot-wingspan behemoths capable of launching satellites into space will both be a reality.

At the same time, drone and advanced-fighter technologies will spread beyond the US and Europe, and countries including China, Russia, and Iran will have even more highly advanced aerial capabilities.

... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump attack ad: Obama is watching 'Star Wars' instead of warring with ISIS

Donald J. Trump/Instagram

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump criticized President Barack Obama on Tuesday for supposedly seeing "Star Wars" while neglecting to deal with the threat of the Islamic State terror group, also known as ISIS.

Trump released an Instagram video splicing together news clips of ISIS militants potentially creating fake passports and a clip of Obama telling the White House press corps that he was ending a briefing "to get to Star Wars."

"Our... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Кремль: в Москве 22 апреля состоится встреча Путина с Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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