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Новости за 23.12.2015


We now have a better sense of what the Panthers practice-squad player said to Odell Beckham Jr.

via ESPN

Odell Beckham Jr. was suspended for one game for on-field antics that could have been triggered by threats and homophobic slurs made to him by a member of the Carolina Panthers' practice squad before the game. On Wednesday, New York Giants punter Brad Wing, who was standing nearby, revealed what he heard during the altercation.

During warm-ups before Sunday's game, members of the Panthers were seen carrying baseball bats, a pump-up tradition that they've done all season long. Читать дальше...


We just got the closest look we've ever had at the tiny planet on the other side of Mars


NASA's Dawn spacecraft just completed its last and closest lap around dwarf planet Ceres.

The spacecraft passed just 240 miles above the planet and captured the most detailed images of Ceres that we've ever seen.

Keep scrolling to get a close-up peek at this mysterious planet.

Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt — a grouping of small rocky bodies that separates Mars from the outer planets in our solar system.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA... Читать дальше...


Trump is ditching a traditional political tactic that Chris Christie loves


PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump swung into New Hampshire for a few hours one evening earlier this month to pick up an endorsement from a small police union.

“I don’t normally do stops like this,” Trump said during his brief remarks, highlights of which featured heavily that night on cable television news. “But for you, I came.”

It was indeed unusual for Trump. While many of his rivals for the 2016 Republican nomination... Читать дальше...


President Obama has a message for America's college students about free speech on campus

Thomson Reuters

Student activism has long been ingrained in the culture of college campuses, but protests over racism in recent months have been especially tense.

In a recent interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep, US President Barack Obama suggested that some of those student protesters might be silencing opposing viewpoints.

"I do think that there have been times on college campuses where I get concerned that the unwillingness to hear other points of view can be as unhealthy on the left as on the right," Obama told Inskeep.


There could soon be a 'major shake-up' to Ben Carson's struggling campaign


UPPERCO, Md. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday he is moving toward a major shake-up of his struggling campaign, with just six weeks to go until early voting begins to select party nominees.

In an interview with the Associated Press at his Maryland home — conducted without the knowledge of his own campaign manager — Carson said "personnel changes" could be coming, suggesting he is about to sideline his top aides.

"Everything. Everything is on the table," he said of the potential changes.


The 49 best animal pictures of 2015

REUTERS/Jose Patricio

Some were cute and cuddly, some looked downright dangerous, and others were simply sublime. Animal photography can take you into worlds that seem alien and beautiful.

This year, Reuters took hundreds of stunning animal photos. Here are 49 that stood out from the pack.

Captions are by Reuters, and lightly edited.

Giant panda cubs make their debut to visitors at a giant panda breeding center in Ya'an, China.


A chimpanzee cools off with a drink in Shenyang, China. Читать дальше...


15 words to eliminate from your vocabulary to sound smarter


Newsprint is on life support, emojis are multiplying faster than hungry Gremlins, and 300 million people worldwide strive to make their point in 140 or fewer characters.

People don't have the time or the attention span to read any more words than necessary.

You want your readers to hear you out, understand your message, and perhaps be entertained, right? Here's a list of words to eliminate in order to help you write more succinctly.

1. That

It's superfluous most of the time. Читать дальше...


NFL WEEK 16: Our official picks for this weekend's games

Patrick Smith/Getty Images

We've arrived at the penultimate week of the regular season, and if the Eagles vs. Redskins showdown for the NFC East title isn't indicative of just how wonky this NFL season's been, I don't know what is. 

As my grandfather told me last weekend — as he scolded me about my NFL pessimism — there are no bad football games, there are only good football games between bad teams.

He's evidently more optimistic than I am, but luckily for both of us, and everyone... Читать дальше...


Obituary writers reveal the surprising things they learn by writing about the dead


You’re going to die. In the time it takes for you to read this article, more than 1000 people will have died.

Most of those 1000 people, however, are unimportant and thus will never get a professional obituary written about their life.

Gone is the notion that obituary writers are simply interns getting practice with sentence structure.

Obituaries are serious business with dedicated death-writing professionals. For example, the writer of Elizabeth Taylor’s LA Times obituary had been crafting it for 12 years! Читать дальше...


How Facebook and Snapchat will shake up mobile video in 2016

BI Intelligence

Millennials are spending more time than ever watching short-form video content on their mobile devices, and players like Facebook and Snapchat are reaping the benefits. These platforms — which capture billions of video views each day — are competing to capture growing mobile audiences and challenging the historical dominance of YouTube. The ensuing bout will create a new set of opportunities for content creators and advertisers looking to cash in on the mobile video craze. Читать дальше...


APPLY NOW: Business Insider is hiring a finance reporter


Business Insider is looking for a fun finance geek to join the team.

Business Insider's Finance vertical covers financial professionals and everything they do. A basic understanding of what Wall Street's banks, private equity firms, hedge funds, and other firms do is key, as is an understanding of global financial markets.

The ideal candidate will have an understanding of Wall Street's business and culture, and, most importantly, be excited about chasing down news and open to adventure. Читать дальше...


Transportation officials say an 8th death has been linked to Takata's airbags

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Wednesday that an eighth U.S. death is linked to a faulty Takata airbag inflator, marking the first reported death since April and the ninth worldwide.

The auto safety agency also said it named a former U.S. Justice Department official to oversee the massive recalls of airbags and the Japanese parts firm's compliance with a settlement.

NHTSA spokesman Gordon Trowbridge told reporters... Читать дальше...


These are the 15 best photos of the F-35 from 2015

Lockheed Martin/Chad Bellay

Lockheed Martin's F-35 has had a busy 2015.

In November, the plane tested its onboard cannon aerially for the first time. This came months after the plane first successfully fired its cannon in June.

Successes such as these led the Marine Corps to declare, in July, that the F-35B was ready for combat.

And internationally, the F-35 continued to be a focus on attention. As Canada was mulling over whether to pull out of the F-35 program, Norway acquired its first ever F-35 in September. Читать дальше...


A botched acquisition deal, failed IPO, and fire sale pushed Good Technology employees over the edge

Good Technology

Good Technology CEO Christy Wyatt sold her company to a competitor Blackberry for $425 million, took home about $6 million for herself and protected her investors' investment, the New York Times reports.

That sounds like a good thing, but it wasn't really a happy ending for a company with a long history of dramatic turnarounds.

That $425 million sale was less than half of the company's year-earlier $1.1 billion private valuation. Employees' common stock became worth a mere 44 cents a share... Читать дальше...


Stephen Colbert says he's found something 'very appealing' about Donald Trump's candidacy


Comedian Stephen Colbert might be adjusting his view on Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's chances of success.

He told CBS' "Face the Nation" in an interview airing this Sunday that he "may be wrong" about Trump's candidacy not being viable.

Colbert also named the one thing that he finds "appealing" about Trump's run for the Republican presidential nomination, saying it might be the "saving grace" of his campaign.

"There's a populism to... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Барыкин

«Летели с девятого этажа»: Александр Барыкин чуть не погиб при падении лифта


Правоохранители изъяли более 350 млн рублей у участников платформы Hydra

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