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Новости за 27.06.2023

Times Union 

Maine Senate joins House in supporting greater access to abortions

The Maine Senate has joined the House in voting to expand abortion access. The 21-13 vote on Tuesday followed an emotional debate, advancing a proposal that would give the state one of the least restrictive abortion laws in the country. The bill would allow abortions any time before birth if deemed medically necessary by a doctor. Current state law bans abortions after a fetus becomes viable outside the womb, at roughly 24 weeks, unless a mother’s life is at risk. Two more votes are needed, one in the House and one in the Senate... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Billions are being spent to turn the tide on the US West's wildfires. It won't be enough

Using chainsaws, heavy machinery and controlled burns, the Biden administration is trying to turn the tide on worsening wildfires in the U.S. West through a multi-billion dollar cleanup of forests choked with dead trees and undergrowth. Yet federal land managers have fallen behind on several of their priority forests for thinning. That underscores the challenge of reversing decades of lax forest management and aggressive fire suppression. Administration officials say the thinning work is making a... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

California's new budget covers $32 billion deficit without touching reserves

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and state legislative leaders have reached an agreement on how to spend the state's tax dollars over the next year. The agreement announced late Monday would spend about $311 billion. The budget covers a nearly $32 billion deficit through a combination of spending cuts, delayed spending and borrowing. The proposal includes major changes to the state's building and permitting process. But the changes will not help push through a controversial project to build a tunnel to send water to Southern California. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Missouri attorney general seeks reversal of former detective's conviction in Black man's death

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is asking a court to reverse the conviction or order a new trial for a former Kansas City police detective who shot and killed a Black man in 2019. In a filing Monday with the Missouri Court of Appeals, Bailey said the evidence did not support Eric DeValkenaere's conviction in the death of 26-year-old Cameron Lamb. Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker, whose office secured DeValkenaere's conviction, said a motion by the attorney general — the state's top prosecutor ... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Wall Street rises as economy holds up better than feared

Wall Street is drifting higher Tuesday after a round of reports suggested the economy is in better shape than feared. The S&P 500 was up 0.4% Tuesday. The Dow gained 94 points, or 0.3%, and the Nasdaq composite was 0.5% higher. Airlines helped to lead the way after Delta said demand for travel still looks strong, particularly among high-income passengers. That helped offset weakness for Walgreens Boots Alliance, which said it sees customers becoming more cautious amid high inflation. Readings released Tuesday morning on consumer confidence... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Ford cutting several hundred white-collar jobs to reduce cost amid transition to electric vehicles

Ford Motor Co. is going through another round of white-collar job cuts as the company continues to reduce costs amid a transition to electric vehicles. The company confirmed Tuesday that it was starting to notify several hundred engineers and other salaried employees that their jobs are being eliminated. The firings come after around 200 Ford contract employees were let go last week. Spokesman T.R. Reid wouldn’t give a specific number of Ford jobs that are being cut this week. They come as the company... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Supreme Court makes it more difficult to convict someone of making a threat

The Supreme Court has ruled to make it more difficult to convict a person of making a violent threat. The case could make it harder for prosecutors to convict certain people who threaten elected officials including the president. The question for the court was whether prosecutors must show that a person being prosecuted for making a threat knew their behavior was threatening or whether prosecutors just have to prove that a reasonable person would see it as threatening. Justice Elena Kagan wrote that... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden is eager to run on the economy — 'Bidenomics' — but voters have their doubts

President Joe Biden is ready to take full political ownership of the U.S. economy -- a reflection of the White House belief that inflation is fading, job growth is solid and voters need to know about it. But polling has consistently shown the economy to be a weak spot for Biden's reelection. In a Chicago speech on Wednesday, Biden begins the effort to actively convince a worried public that the U.S. economy is thriving because of his choices. It’s a confluence of the coming 2024 reelection campaign and a favorable turn in recent economic data. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Jeffrey Epstein suicide blamed on jail guard negligence and misconduct: Justice Department watchdog

The Justice Department’s watchdog says “a combination of negligence and misconduct” enabled financier Jeffrey Epstein to take his own life at a federal jail in New York City while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Tuesday cited the federal Bureau of Prisons’ failure to assign Epstein a cellmate after his previous one left and problems with surveillance cameras as factors in Epstein’s death. Horowitz issued a report detailing findings of his investigation into the financier’s August 2019 death... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, more than 1,000 civilians were killed in attacks, UN says

The United Nations says it has documented a significant level of civilian casualties from attacks in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover in August 2021. That is despite a reduction in casualties compared to previous years of war and insurgency in the country. The U.N. mission in Afghanistan said in a report on Tuesday that there were 3,774 civilian casualties since the takeover and until the end of May, including 1,095 people who were killed. The U.N. says many of the attacks were carried out by the Islamic State group. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Meta launches more parental supervision tools for Instagram. Is it enough?

Instagram and Facebook's parent company Meta is adding new parental supervision tools and privacy features to its platforms beginning Tuesday. The changes come as social media companies face increased scrutiny over how they impact teens' mental health. But many of the features being added Tuesday require teens — and parents — to opt in, raising questions about how effective they are. Instagram, for instance, will now send a notice to teens after they have blocked someone. The message will encourage... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Corruption trial begins for former Indonesia IT minister over mobile phone tower project

Indonesia’s anti-graft court has opened a trial for a former communication and information technology minister who was charged with corruption over the construction of mobile phone transmission towers in remote parts of the country. Prosecutors allege that Johnny G. Plate changed the terms of the $533 million procurement project and the number of construction sites without approval and that he personally enriched himself with $1.2 million. The construction project was initiated at the end of 2020 to provide mobile phone coverage to more than 7... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US ambassador dismisses claims of American interference in Thailand's elections

The U.S. ambassador to Thailand has dismissed claims of American interference in recent elections as a “disservice” to the Thai people. Ambassador Robert Godec said on Tuesday that Washington does not support any individual candidate or political party. Claims of the U.S. meddling in the May 14 election have swirled since the opposition Move Forward Party emerged as the top vote getter and another opposition party came in second, raising the possibility of a new coalition government that could take power from Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Victims confront Colorado Springs gay nightclub killer, calling him a monster and a coward

One-by-one, victims stood in a Colorado courtroom to confront the person who pleaded guilty to murdering five people and injuring 17 others in a shooting last year at a sanctuary for the LGBTQ+ community. Some cried, others seethed with anger. They called Anderson Lee Aldrich a coward, a monster and a terrorist. The survivors and relatives of the deceased spoke after Aldrich pleaded guilty in state court to five counts of murder and 46 counts of attempted murder – one for each person at Club Q in Colorado Springs during the attack. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China's premier says economic growth is accelerating and the country can hit its 5% target this year

China’s No. 2 leader says economic growth accelerated in the latest quarter and he expressed confidence it can hit the ruling Communist Party’s official target of 5% for the year. Premier Li Qiang spoke at a conference in the eastern city of Tianjin. Li gave no figure for the three months ending in June but said it was faster than the previous quarter’s 4.5%. The world’s second-largest economy rebounded from 2022’s unusually weak 3% growth after the end of anti-virus controls on travel and business activity. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Buffalo shooting survivor's mom faces former mayoral hopeful in local NY primaries

A candidate who nearly became Buffalo’s first female mayor is competing for a council seat against a woman thrust into prominence after her son survived a racist mass shooting. Democrats India Walton and Zeneta Everhart consider themselves political allies but are both vying for a seat on Buffalo’s Common Council. The race is one of many local government contests in primary elections being held across New York on Tuesday. Walton is trying to make a comeback after a rollercoaster defeat in the city’s mayoral race in 2021. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US Interior Secretary Haaland reflects on tenure and tradition amid policy challenges

U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has made history a few times in her political career, becoming one of the first Native American women to serve in Congress and as the first to hold the reins of the Interior Department. Haaland says one of the hardest things about the job is balancing the interests of all Americans when it comes to energy development on public lands and the preservation of culturally significant sites. Some Native American tribes have praised her efforts, while others have accused... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

States clamp down on freight trains, fearing derailments and federal gridlock

Spurred on by train derailments, some states crisscrossed by busy freight railroads aren’t waiting for federal action to improve safety. Instead, they're pursuing their own remedies amid questions about whether states even have that authority. The Feb. 3 derailment along the Ohio-Pennsylvania border of a train carrying toxic chemicals has prompted new legislation and revived long-stalled efforts as backers voice skepticism that the federal government can help. Legislatures in at least a dozen states have advanced measures in recent weeks. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Электробусы в Щербинке: новые маршруты и экологические преимущества

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил рассмотреть увеличение выплаты по программе "Земский учитель"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко не видит тенденций к развязыванию войны против Белоруссии

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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