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Новости за 31.08.2017


Petition calls for FDA to remove ultra-high-dosage opioids from market

Groups representing public health officials and doctors banded together Thursday to petition the US Food and Drug Administration to take ultra-high-dosage opioid pills, tablets and nasal sprays off the market. When prescribed, these opioids equal more than 90 milligrams of morphine (MME) a day in potency. These can include higher dosages of both fast-acting, immediate-release […]


In cash-strapped schools, nonprofit gives kids tech training

An unexpected new toy awaited students on the first day of class at an Ohio school this week: a 3D printer. The printer, which made its first appearance at Crestwood Intermediate in rural Portage County, joined other pieces of new tech, like coding kits, robots and drones, offered at the school. The move is a […]


Apple finally speaks up on net neutrality

Apple is finally weighing in on the debate over the future of the Internet. The tech giant called on the Federal Communications Commission to “retain strong, enforceable open internet protections” in a public comment on the proposal to overhaul net neutrality protections. “We work hard to build great products, and what consumers do with those […]


DOJ admits ‘chaotic’ start to voter fraud panel as Kobach calls for transparency

The head of President Donald Trump’s voter integrity commission is reaching out to fellow panel members to ensure the group’s meeting next month operates with “the highest levels of transparency,” after the Justice Department fell on its sword about prior document disclosure failures to a federal judge in DC Wednesday. “I wanted to contact you […]


Gas prices have spiked 10 cents since Harvey hit

Gas prices spiked overnight and are up 10 cents a gallon since Hurricane Harvey struck Texas. The national average price for a gallon of regular jumped nearly 5 cents to $2.45 a gallon on Thursday, according to AAA. And price spikes are even more severe in the Southeast — up 17 cents in Georgia for […]


Businesses donate over $113 million to Harvey relief efforts

Corporate giants are making big contributions to disaster relief organizations to help victims of Tropical Storm Harvey. The storm is expected to leave behind billions of dollars in damages. Companies have pledged $113 million to relief efforts as of Thursday afternoon, according to an estimate from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Fifty-two companies had donated […]


A nearly 3-mile-wide asteroid will make a (relatively) close call with Earth on Friday

A huge asteroid is hurtling toward Earth, but don’t worry, this isn’t “Armageddon.” The asteroid, named Florence, is an almost three-mile wide rock that will pass safely within about 4.4 million miles of Earth (7 million kilometers) at 8:05 a.m. ET on Friday, NASA says. And while a few million miles sounds like a lot […]


Texas officials report price gouging post-Harvey

Texas officials say they’ve gotten hundreds of complaints about price gouging and scams in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. One convenience store in Houston reportedly charged $20 for a gallon of gas, $8.50 for a bottle of water and $99 for a case of water, according to the Texas Attorney General’s office. The state has […]


Gas prices spike 5 cents overnight

Gas prices spiked overnight thanks to Hurricane Harvey. The national average price for a gallon of regular jumped nearly 5 cents to $2.45 a gallon on Thursday, according to AAA. That’s up 10 cents from a week ago, before the storm hit. And price spikes are even more severe in the Southeast — up 17 […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about a motor vehicle theft that occurred Wednesday on George Street in Curwensville Borough. During the incident, three male suspects allegedly entered the victim’s unsecured garage, cut the ignition wires on a Kawasaki motorcycle and then stole it. State police say the motorcycle was later recovered […]


Iraqi prime minister: Tal Afar ‘liberated’ from ISIS

Iraqi forces have seized the strategically important city of Tal Afar from ISIS, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Thursday. A US-backed operation to retake the northwestern city, captured by the extremists on June 16, 2014, began 10 days ago. Tal Afar was the last city still under the control of ISIS militants in Iraq’s Nineveh […]


India’s economic growth slumps as big reforms bite

India’s economy is having a difficult year. The South Asian nation’s gross domestic product grew 5.7% in the quarter ended June, the government said Thursday. That’s a big drop from the quarter before and much slower than the 7.1% growth it recorded in the same period last year. The slowdown has ended India’s claim to […]


19 dead as old, ‘unsafe’ building collapses in Mumbai

Authorities are scrambling to rescue survivors from the rubble of a three-story building that collapsed in a working-class neighborhood of Mumbai and killed at least 19 people on Thursday morning. A spokesman for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai told CNN that the building was 117 years old and had been deemed unsafe years ago. […]


Pence to visit hurricane-ravaged Texas

Vice President Mike Pence will travel to hurricane-struck Texas on Thursday to meet with Texans affected by the storm, his office said in a statement. He will visit the Corpus Christi area, which was the point of initial landfall for Hurricane Harvey in that state. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, […]


Harvey aftermath: More Houston homes at risk as Beaumont loses clean water

A spate of unexpected disasters are gripping Texas cities nearly a week after Hurricane Harvey slammed into the coast. The entire city of Beaumont — population 118,000 — has no running water after both of its water pumps failed. And they won’t be fixed until the floodwater has receded. In Crosby, plumes of black smoke […]


Judo star Sumiya Dorjsuren sends Mongolia into meltdown

Mongolia’s newest hero pounded her chest and jumped for joy. It had been been an agonizing contest — over eight minutes of golden score, two times longer than a regulation match — between two of the world’s finest lightweight judoka, with neither surrendering an inch under the lights at Budapest’s Papp László Arena. But, with […]


13 dead as old, ‘unsafe’ building collapses in Mumbai

Authorities are scrambling to rescue survivors from the rubble of a three-story building that collapsed in a working-class neighborhood of Mumbai and killed at least 13 people on Thursday morning. A spokesman for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai told CNN that the building was 117 years old and had been deemed unsafe years ago. […]


‘More than a weapon’: Marc Newson reveals rare knife collection

Influential designer Marc Newson has crafted everything from Apple watches to airplanes. With a seemingly endless ability to innovate, his collaborations and personal projects are as numerous as they are broad. “My job as a designer really revolves around the fact that I hate most of what’s out there right now. It sounds terrible and […]


Sebastian Vettel: ‘My desire and hunger to win again is greater than ever’

No matter how grueling or physically demanding Formula One is on its drivers, Sebastian Vettel is sure the toughest test only comes once they hang up their helmets. Nico Rosberg shocked the world of F1 when he announced his retirement from the sport less than a week after claiming his maiden world championship title in […]


How Houston’s layout may have made its flooding worse

Tropical Storm Harvey, which has flooded thousands of Houston-area homes, is serving up a hard lesson for city planners in Texas. Experts say better urban design and stricter regulations might have made the deadly storm less destructive. “Houston is not designed to handle this kind of rainfall,” said Professor Sam Brody, an expert on urban […]


Building collapses in Mumbai, people trapped

Authorities are scrambling to rescue survivors from the rubble of a three-story building that collapsed in Mumbai Thursday morning. One person was killed and eight people have been hospitalized, Mumbai police spokesman Rashmi Karandikar told CNN. “We are still assessing how many people might have been trapped,” Karandikar said. Authorities would not say if the […]


Diana’s death changed how Britons saw their royals

In the early hours of August 31, 1997, the media began reporting that Diana, Princess of Wales, had been injured in a car crash in the Pont l’Alma tunnel in Paris. By 4:45 am, news channels were citing sources who claimed Diana had died. Members of Britain’s royal family were on their annual summer break […]


Nest releases cheaper, redesigned Thermostat E

The Nest thermostat wants to shake off its reputation as a high-tech luxury item. Nest Labs is releasing a new version of its flagship smart thermostat with a new look and a big $80 price drop meant to appeal to regular folks. The Nest Thermostat E, launching Thursday, will cost $169 and feature a new […]


Harvey shuts down major fuel pipeline supplying East Coast

American energy supplies have suffered another blow from Tropical Storm Harvey. The Colonial Pipeline, which carries huge amounts of gasoline and other fuel between Houston and the East Coast, is shutting down after Harvey forced the closure of refineries and some of the pipeline’s own facilities. The pipeline has two main lines that together transport […]


Trump administration’s mixed North Korea signals raise questions about US strategy

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that “talking is not the answer” when it comes to reining in North Korea — seeming to contradict some of his top Cabinet officials who insist the US will continue to seek a peaceful resolution to tensions with Pyongyang, despite its provocative missile tests. “The U.S. has been talking to […]

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Экология в России и мире

На площадке МВЦ «Казань Экспо» открылся XVIII Российский венчурный форум

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)


Апартия — наш рулевой // В Москве рекордными темпами вводятся в эксплуатацию апарт-отели

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