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Новости за 01.09.2017


Treasury IG set to review Mnuchin’s controversial trip to Kentucky

A trip by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife, Louise Linton, to Kentucky last month is under review by the Treasury Department’s Inspector General, a government official told CNN on Friday. Jaws dropped in August when Linton posted a picture of herself on Instagram stepping out of a U.S. government plane. She had tagged […]


Judge slams Menendez request to alter trial schedule for ‘critical’ votes in DC

The federal judge overseeing Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez’s upcoming corruption trial rejected the New Jersey senator’s request to modify the upcoming trial schedule so that he may return to Washington for “critical votes.” Last week, Menendez’s defense team filed a motion asking the court to modify the trial schedule to allow the senator to participate […]


Ryan asks Trump to hold off on scrapping DACA

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday gave a major boost to legislative efforts to preserve protections for young undocumented immigrants — and urged President Donald Trump to not tear up the program. Responding to a question about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, on his hometown radio station WCLO in Janesville, Wisconsin, Ryan said […]


Harvey aftermath: ‘We need an army of FEMA agents,’ Houston mayor pleads

The rain mercifully has stopped in southeast Texas. But a week after Hurricane Harvey, rescue helicopters still buzz in the skies as millions of people struggle with what the storm has left — tens of thousands of destroyed homes and altered lives, and grim efforts to find those who may not have survived. Seven days […]


What can Trump do to ease the Harvey gas pain?

The U.S. government has several levers it can pull to ease the pain at the pump caused by Hurricane Harvey. Historic flooding in the U.S. Gulf Coast has sparked fears of a gasoline shortage caused by refinery outages, port closures and pipeline shutdowns. Nearly one-quarter of the nation’s refinery capacity has been knocked offline by […]


Tech billionaire Michael Dell pledges $36 million to Harvey relief efforts

Tech billionaire and Houston native Michael Dell has committed $36 million to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The pledge from the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is the largest contribution to date. It follows a long list of corporate donations to help the storm’s victims and aid with recovery. The founder and CEO of Dell and […]


Dell CEO pledges $36 million to Harvey relief efforts

Tech billionaire and Houston native Michael Dell has committed $36 million to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The pledge from the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is the largest contribution to date. It follows a long list of corporate donations to help the storm’s victims and aid with recovery. The founder and CEO of Dell and […]


Houston superintendent vows schools will be ready to open on September 11

Students were about to return to school in Houston just as Hurricane Harvey walloped southeast Texas. Now the Houston Independent School District — the largest in Texas and the seventh-largest in the country with 218,00 students — is planning to open its doors for the first day of classes on September 11. “This isn’t our […]


#2020Vision: Kamala Harris fires the single-payer starting gun; Sanders on the trail; Castro’s next move; Kander’s early-state offices

Our weekly roundup of the news, notes and chatter about the prospects for the next Democratic presidential race: The Democratic Party’s sprint toward a full embrace of single-payer health care is underway — and California Sen. Kamala Harris fired the starting gun. In the final moments of her Oakland town hall, Harris snuck in an […]


Kenya election shocker sparks fears over economy

Kenya’s Supreme Court has nullified last month’s presidential election and ordered a new vote. The decision, which followed a legal challenge over alleged voting irregularities, surprised investors. A sharp sell off caused trading to be briefly halted at the country’s main stock market in Nairobi, and the Kenyan shilling fell against the dollar. Observers are […]


Heavy flooding in Karachi kills 16, at least 11 electrocuted

Flash monsoon flooding in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, has claimed the lives of at least 16 people, most of them children, officials confirmed Friday. At least 11 deaths have been attributed to electrocution, as rising waters become electrified in low-lying urban areas, according to the Edhi Foundation, the city’s main emergency aid agency. Karachi is […]


Irish moviemaker twins who built their own Art Deco cinemas

“Sara Karloff is a regular visitor here, Boris Karloff’s daughter,” moviemaker and retired schoolteacher Noel Spence tells CNN Travel, standing in the 70-seater cinema he converted by hand from a hen house beside his home in Northern Ireland. There are more than 5,000 miles and six decades separating the neat bungalows and rolling green farmland […]


Kenya’s Supreme Court orders rerun of disputed presidential election

Kenya’s Supreme Court has ordered a rerun of the country’s contentious presidential election, after a legal challenge by the opposition. Four out of six judges upheld a petition filed by opposition candidate Raila Odinga, who claimed the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta was fraudulent. “The presidential election was not conducted in accordance with constitution, rendering […]


Heavy flooding hits Karachi, at least 11 die of electrocution

Flash monsoon flooding in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, has claimed the lives of at least 16 people, most of them children, officials confirmed Friday. At least 11 deaths have been attributed to electrocution, as rising waters become electrified in low-lying urban areas, according to the Edhi Foundation, the city’s main emergency aid agency. Karachi is […]


Teen Accused of Illegally Concealing Firearm While High on Meth Waives Hearing

CLEARFIELD – A local teen has been accused of illegally concealing a firearm while being high on methamphetamine. Gaige Michael Allen Hubler, 19, of Munson has been charged by Clearfield-based state police with possession of firearm with manufacturer number altered, F2; firearm not to be carried without a license, F3; and public drunkenness. Hubler waived […]


Mysterious metallic object uncovered on Rhode Island beach

A part from a secret military project, a lost piece of oceanographic equipment, a piece of a UFO — there’s lots of speculation after a mysterious object was pulled from a Rhode Island beach. The 6-foot “thing” — with eight metal poles converging from a circular base — was removed from the East Beach shore […]


Jobs report; NAFTA talks; Gas prices spike

1. Jobs report: The U.S. jobs report for August will be released by the Department of Labor at 8:30 ET on Friday. Economists are forecasting that employers added between 180,000 and 190,000 jobs during the month, down from 209,000 in July. Harvey has caused temporary job losses along the Gulf Coast, but they won’t show […]


Travelers Encouraged to Utilize Online Traffic Tool for Labor Day Travel Planning

HARRISBURG – The Wolf Administration is encouraging the public to visit the “Historic Holiday Traffic” page at www.511PA.com so they can plan optimal travel times on major roadways across the state for the Labor Day holiday. “This is another great opportunity to put our traffic information tools into action for the public,” Gov. Tom Wolf said. “Providing this […]


Adviser: Fraternity got ‘permit’ for party that led to pledge’s death

Despite a longstanding ban on alcohol at the Penn State fraternity where a pledge sustained fatal injuries this year, members of Beta Theta Pi applied for a social permit from a student-run fraternity oversight council so they could serve alcohol at the event that resulted in Timothy Piazza’s death, a Penn State employee and live-in […]


Hero brothers rescue dozens of Harvey victims

Two brothers who traveled to Houston to rescue victims of Hurricane Harvey said Thursday that it had been beautiful to see people come together to help those in need. On Sunday, Jonathan and Joshua Evola drove 200 miles from their homes in Dallas to help Houstonians after seeing footage of the devastating flooding on television. […]


What will surprise US troops about Harvey rescue

Sometimes you can be a little too right, and, therefore, be a little wrong as well. Take Secretary James Mattis, for instance. The other day, while in Jordan, someone filmed him speaking to American troops. He gave them a pep talk — a good old fashioned, go-get-’em kind of pep talk. “You’re a great example […]


Trump lawyers give Mueller arguments for Trump, against Comey

President Donald Trump’s legal team has met with special counsel Robert Mueller to discuss the investigation and has prepared memos arguing Trump did not obstruct justice when he fired then-FBI Director James Comey, a source familiar with the memos tells CNN. The source said the memos prepared for Mueller argue the President’s powers under the […]


Dallas’s gas panic was totally preventable. Here’s why

The frantic social media posts came rolling in on Wednesday and Thursday: Dallas, Texas was running out of gas. Twitter users posted snapshots of long lines of cars outside gas stations and signs went up warning drivers that their local gas pumps had been bled dry. Many put the blame on Hurricane Harvey — which […]


Powerful Hurricane Irma could be next weather disaster

While much of the United States’ focus is still on Texas and the destruction left behind by Hurricane Harvey and it’s historic rainfall, powerful Hurricane Irma is rapidly intensifying in the open Atlantic and poses a major threat to the Caribbean and potentially the United States next week. Irma was named as a tropical storm […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о сохранении экологии Севастополя

Путин в России и мире

Путин всё знал, но никого не предупредил: Немцы обвинили Москву в прорыве израильского Купола

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

У помощника Лукашенко по общим вопросам нашли три квартиры в Минске

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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