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Новости за 16.08.2017


Stunning rebuke for the CEO president

America’s CEOs are running away from the CEO president. The collapse of President Trump’s business councils on Wednesday was a stunning and unprecedented rebuke to a chief executive who prides himself on being business-friendly. It showed just how radioactive corporate leaders believe Trump has become barely seven months into his presidency. Customers, employees and activists […]


Trump lawyer: Supporting President ‘doesn’t make me a racist’

Donald Trump’s longtime adviser and personal attorney Michael Cohen says that his support for the President does not make him a racist — because Trump is not a racist. “As the son of a holocaust survivor, I have no tolerance for #racism. Just because I support @POTUS @realDonaldTrump doesn’t make me a racist,” Cohen tweeted […]


Trump to pay key Obamacare subsidy in August

The Trump administration has agreed to pay insurers a key Obamacare subsidy this month, the White House announced Tuesday. President Trump has threatened to end the payments, which would throw insurers and the exchanges into chaos for next year. The uncertainty has prompted many carriers to request big premium hikes for 2018 and others to […]


Why this historian thinks Charlottesville will go down as ‘a pivotal moment in President Trump’s political collapse’

Amid the white supremacist-fueled violence over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, and President Donald Trump’s assertion that “both sides” bear responsibility for it, there’s an active debate about whether any president has ever behaved like this before in the face of a national crisis. Hoping to find some answers — and some much-needed historical context […]


My grandparents would be shocked by Trump

My grandparents, Myron Kuznicki and Raisse Volovitz, arrived in America in the 1920s. At the time, they were escaping anti-Semitism in Russia and Ukraine. Over a decade after they arrived, they watched from afar as the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews — Nazis who marched through the streets with torch lights, chanting about blood and […]


Even if statues come down, demons remain

“Repulsive” was the word used by House of Representative Speaker Paul Ryan. This was from a man who has gone out of his way to defend, support and condone the increasingly, well “repulsive,” statements by the 45th President of the United States. It is trite to say President Trump is in hot water concerning his […]


Michael Bennett: ‘I can’t stand for the national anthem’

Michael Bennett can no longer stay silent. And while he likely doesn’t want to have the same fate as Colin Kaepernick — who is without an NFL team — the Seattle Seahawks defensive end is taking social action. “I can’t stand for the national anthem,” Bennett, who is 31 and in his ninth NFL season, […]


How Corporate America responded to the violence in Charlottesville

Corporate America is denouncing the violent, racist Charlottesville rally in unequivocal terms. Many big brands have released statements condemning the deadly violence that broke out on Saturday at the white supremacist rally, which ended in a terror attack. GoDaddy Domain name provider GoDaddy said on Sunday that it will no longer serve The Daily Stormer, […]


Where Confederate monuments end up

Confederate landmarks reflect America’s evolving story, from the way they originally were intended to the way communities are trying to change them today. South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from its Statehouse grounds in 2015, after a self-described white supremacist killed nine black churchgoers in Charleston. Since then, a movement to pull Confederate monuments and […]


There are certain moments in US history when Confederate monuments go up

To hear their defenders say it, Confederate memorials aren’t symbols of hate; they are meant to honor a heritage. But, as this chart above from the Southern Poverty Law Center shows, whenever the country appeared to have made some racial progress, cities and states — mostly in the South — responded by erecting such monuments. […]


5 crewmen missing after Army chopper crashes near Oahu

An Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter went down Tuesday night during a training exercise about 2 miles off the Hawaiian island of Oahu, according to the US Coast Guard. Responders are searching for five missing crewmen. The aircraft went down off the largely uninhabited Kaena Point on the west side of the island. Two Black […]


Trump should come to Europe and see what the Nazis did

President Donald Trump’s combative defense of far-right protesters packs a nausea-inducing punch when you listen to it in Europe — in territories that were occupied and ruled by a fascist regime. Territories that were liberated only when free people — including Americans — fought the Nazis forcefully and violently. The President, who grudgingly condemned US […]


RNC chair: Trump ‘did the right thing’ in condemning hate groups

The head of the national Republican Party insisted Wednesday that President Donald Trump “did the right thing” in condemning hate groups and white supremacists, but clearly stated the “blame lays squarely” with those groups for the violence in Charlottesville. Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel also said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that such […]


Trump vs. Amazon: So much for the businessman president

Donald Trump fashions himself as a CEO president. But he’s feuding with one of America’s most famous, most respected and wealthiest business leaders — Amazon’s Jeff Bezos — mainly because the company is so successful. In his latest attack on Amazon, Trump said on Twitter early Wednesday that Amazon “is doing great damage to tax […]


Donald Trump’s presidency is on the brink of total collapse

Donald Trump’s insistence Tuesday that “both sides” were responsible for the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, has turned what was a fumbling presidency into what now appears to be one on the verge of total collapse. “You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side […]


More than 300 bodies recovered from Sierra Leone mudslide

Rescuers have recovered over 300 bodies following Monday’s deadly mudslide on the outskirts of Sierra Leone’s capital, the country’s tourism minister said Wednesday. Sidie Tunis told local radio that 297 bodies have been brought to the overwhelmed city morgue at the Connaught Hospital, including those of 105 men, 83 women and 109 children. A further […]


Donald Trump’s failure in Charlottesville wasn’t political — it was moral

Donald Trump is who we thought he was. After a campaign gestated in birtherism, Trump was slow to condemn the likes of white supremacist David Duke, routinely spoke in coded racial language to energize a segment of people angry about the changing face of the country and condoned violence against those who disagreed with him, […]


Michael Moore buses Broadway audience to Trump Tower protest

Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore led an audience from a Broadway theater to Trump Tower on Tuesday night to protest the president who was staying at his Fifth Avenue home. Moore encouraged the audience of his one-man show “The Terms of My Surrender” to join him outside on a waiting bus that would take them […]


US, China military chiefs reach deal to reduce ‘risk of miscalculation’

Top US and Chinese military commanders have signed a deal to improve communications between the two forces amid ongoing disputes in the South and East China seas. US Marines Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Fang Fenghui, signed the so-called joint staff dialogue mechanism Tuesday at […]


Trump rarely waits for facts to make an opinion. Charlottesville is different

President Donald Trump, a man who has quickly and bluntly called out terrorist attacks for years and slammed his opponents for being too sheepish in the face of terror, said Tuesday that he gave a vague statement about violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday because he wanted to wait for the facts. The comment flies […]


Media show range of emotions after Trump presser

Reporters waited in the lobby of Trump Tower on Tuesday for vague remarks from President Trump about infrastructure. White House aides tamped down expectations ahead of time: they said the president was not expected to take questions. The reporters and aides were both surprised by what came next. Trump said “both sides” were responsible for […]


US, China military chiefs reach deal to reduce risk of miscalculation

Top US and Chinese military commanders signed a deal in Beijing Tuesday to improve communications between the two forces amid ongoing disputes in the South and East China Seas. US Marines Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his Chinese counterpart Gen. Fang Fenghui signed the joint strategic dialog mechanism at […]


Daniel Craig confirms return as James Bond

Bond, James Bond will again be played by Craig, Daniel Craig. The actor, who was a guest on Tuesday night’s “Late Show,” confirmed to host Stephen Colbert that he will return to the role as the super spy in the upcoming, and yet untitled, 25th Bond film. “Now, you’ve been reported to play the role […]


Worried relatives try to remove children from hospital where 68 died

Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his Independence Day speech Tuesday with a call for the country to stand shoulder to shoulder with people of the city of Gorakhpur as they mourn the deaths of 68 children in a state-run hospital. “In the last few days, our country’s innocent children died in a hospital. In these […]


‘All manner of stupid came out’: Late night responds to Trump’s press conference

President Trump’s news conference left many shocked while leaving late night hosts, such as ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, ready to respond — even if they had other things planned. “We had so much fun stuff planned for you tonight, we worked on it all day,” Kimmel told his “Jimmy Kimmel Live” audience on Tuesday. “Then he […]

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


Жительница Красногорска открыла сбор помощи для участников СВО

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