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Новости за 20.08.2017


Obituary Notice: Barbara L. “Grandma” Gelnett

Barbara L. “Grandma” Gelnett, 81, of Morrisdale went to be with the Lord on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017 at Windy Hill Village of Presbyterian Homes, Philipsburg.  Born April 13, 1936 in Clearfield, she was the daughter of the late Claire and Thelma Carson Guelich. On May 30, 1958, she married Robert M. Gelnett, who survives […]


Hollywood remembers ‘Nutty Professor’ Jerry Lewis

Tributes to Jerry Lewis poured in from Hollywood on Sunday, as comedians, actors and writers remembered “The Nutty Professor” creator and funnyman. “Jerry was a pioneer in comedy and film. And he was a friend,” actor Robert De Niro said in a statement. “Even at 91, he didn’t miss a beat … or a punchline. […]


Fareed Zakaria: US could learn from how Germany reckoned with history

When it comes to Confederate monuments and reckoning with the past, America could learn a lot from Germany, says CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. Zakaria’s comments came a week after violence broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, when white supremacists and neo-Nazis held a rally to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E Lee. […]


Trump to announce ‘path forward’ for US in Afghanistan

President Donald Trump will outline the United States’ “path forward” in Afghanistan in a speech Monday night, the White House announced Sunday. Trump’s address, scheduled for 9 p.m. ET Monday at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, comes as Trump and Secretary of Defense James Mattis have said a decision has been made on a new […]


Carl Bernstein: This is the Trump story reporters need to cover

Is President Trump stable and competent enough to do his job? Investigative reporter and CNN contributor Carl Bernstein says reporters must be asking those questions. “Republicans in Congress, the highest of intelligence officials, the highest of military officers in our country, leaders of the business community — all of whom have dealt with the White […]


NAFTA talks: Round 1 is over. Here’s what’s next

Buckle up: Negotiators from the United States, Canada and Mexico are trying to rewrite NAFTA by the end of the year. That won’t be easy. Experts say the issues are complex. And President Trump insists he wants major changes to a trade pact he considers a raw deal for American workers — he made reworking […]


Mattis confirms new Afghan strategy decided

Secretary of Defense James Mattis confirmed Sunday that a decision has been made on a new US strategy in Afghanistan. Mattis declined to offer details about the decision, saying President Donald Trump would choose when to make the announcement. “He wants to be the one to announce it to the American people,” Mattis said on […]


Julian Cadman, 7, confirmed dead after Barcelona attack

Julian Cadman, the 7-year-old Australian-British boy who was reported missing in the aftermath of the Barcelona attack, has been confirmed dead by his family. Cadman, who was in Barcelona to attend a family wedding, was with his mother on Las Ramblas when the van plowed through the crowds on Thursday, killing 13 and injuring 120. […]


Battle for Tal Afar begins as civilians flee Iraqi city

The Iraqi army has begun its offensive to take the northwestern Iraqi city of Tal Afar from ISIS, Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in a nationally televised broadcast early Sunday morning. “I address Daesh (ISIS) and tell them that you have no choice but to surrender or get killed,” al-Abadi said. Tal Afar is […]


Schiff: Trump needs ‘more adults in the room’

The White House staff shakeup must continue, California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday. The comments from the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee on CNN’s “State of the Union” came after the exit of chief White House strategist Steve Bannon on Friday and the departure of several other senior staff. Democrats continue to […]


John Kasich: We’re all rooting for Trump to ‘get it together’

Ohio Gov. John Kasich denied Sunday that he is planning to challenge President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, saying he hopes the President can steer his White House from chaos to stability. “I’m rooting for him to get it together,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We all are.” The Republican […]


Sierra Leone mudslide survivors remember day the mountain moved

“It happened as if it was a dream,” says Gabriel Fattah Manga, recalling the day his world came tumbling down around him, and his life changed forever. Early last Monday morning Manga, 25, was preparing to head to work as a carpenter in the Regent area of Freetown, Sierra Leone, when he realized something was […]


Police: Barcelona suspect may have crossed French border

Police in Spain say they cannot confirm whether a suspect in the van attack in Barcelona that killed 13 people has escaped over the French border. Catalonia Police Chief Josep Luis Trapero told reporters Sunday that while the country’s border with France had been reinforced, the suspect remained at large and could have eluded authorities. […]


No one believed he would rape nursing home residents. Now he is going to prison

At first, no one believed them when they said the charming, well-liked aide in the nursing home where they lived had raped them. Claims like theirs are often dismissed as drug-induced hallucinations, signs of dementia or attempts by lonely residents to get attention. And even when the cases of nursing home residents get to court, […]


Report: At least 18 killed in minibus crash in South Africa

Emergency responders found more than a dozen bodies lying around an overturned minibus near a bridge in eastern South Africa Sunday, according to a news release from a private emergency services company. The minibus had rolled over after striking a bridge barrier on the main road outside of Pietermaritzburg, according to ER24 paramedics. Fifteen people […]


Sierra Leone mudslide survivors share tales of grief, horror, loss

“It happened as if it was a dream,” says Gabriel Fattah Manga, recalling the day his world came tumbling down around him, and his life changed forever. Early last Monday morning Manga, 25, was preparing to head to work as a carpenter in the Regent area of Freetown, Sierra Leone, when he realized something was […]


Zimbabwean first lady returns home after alleged assault on model

Zimbabwean first lady Grace Mugabe returned home Sunday from South Africa, where she was accused of assaulting a model with an electric cord, public broadcaster ZBC reported. ZBC said on its website that President Robert Mugabe, “who was accompanied by the first lady, Grace Mugabe, Finance and Economic Development Minister, Patrick Chinamasa and Foreign Affairs […]


Barcelona attacks: Spanish royals join memorial for victims

Spain united in grief Sunday as hundreds gathered at Barcelona’s famous Sagrada Familia to mourn those who lost their lives in last week’s terror attack. King Felipe and Queen Letizia joined hundreds of others to pray for the 14 people killed in Barcelona and Cambrils. The memorial service comes three days after a a van […]


Clearfield Residents Warned to Keep Grass off Roads

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield residents are being asked to keep grass off the roads and out of the storm drains. At Thursday’s Clearfield Borough Council meeting, Code Enforcement Officer Larry Mack said there have been a lot of people in the borough blowing grass out onto the roads when they mow their lawns. Mack said it […]


Big Brothers Big Sisters Program Receives Grant

CLEARFIELD – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Clearfield County recently received a $1,000 grant from the Wal-Mart Community Grants Team and Facility No. 2129 in Clearfield. Big Brothers Big Sisters will use the funding to help meet the needs of their community-based program. The one-to-one mentoring organization aims to provide children facing adversity with strong […]


GANT’s ICYMI: Week of Aug. 14

GANT’s ICYMI gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week. It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. GANT’s ICYMI will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Motorists Reminded of Upcoming Area Road Closures

CLEARFIELD – Railroad repair work will close down multiple Clearfield area roadways. The road closures are as follows: Park Street, Aug. 23-25 Martin Street, Aug. 25-27 Nichols Street, Aug. 27 Clearfield Street, Aug. 29-31 Also, state Route 879 in Karthaus will be closed Sept. 10. It should be re-opened the morning of Sept. 12. Motorists are […]


A bomb factory in a beach town may be key to Spain’s terror attacks

Nuria Gil had heard rumors of men squatting in a vacant property around the corner from her home, but she had never seen them herself. She had little reason to be suspicious — the quiet Spanish beach village where she has lived for almost 20 years is filled with holiday houses. People come and go […]


North Korea warns of ‘merciless strike’ ahead of US-South Korea drills

North Korea warned Sunday that the upcoming US-South Korea military exercises are “reckless behavior driving the situation into the uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war.” Pyongyang also declared that its army can target the United States anytime, and neither Guam, Hawaii nor the US mainland can “dodge the merciless strike.” The messages in Rodong Sinmun, […]


Powerball jackpot jumps to $650M after no winner drawn

Here’s a bit of good news: There’s a $650 million lottery prize up for grabs. Yet again, there were no winning tickets for the latest Powerball drawing Saturday night. The winning Powerball numbers were 17, 19, 39, 43, 68 and the Powerball number was 13 The grand prize could rank as the third richest US […]

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске



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