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Новости за 27.08.2017


Houston knew it was at risk of flooding. Why didn’t the city evacuate?

Sunday morning, as Houston residents found themselves trapped on rooftops and wading through flooded streets with children riding on their shoulders, Mayor Sylvester Turner defended his decision not to order evacuations before the city was hit by torrential rain from Hurricane Harvey. Houston, which is known for its susceptibility for flooding because of its flatness, […]


Red Cross Western Pennsylvania CEO Heading to Texas to Assist with Disaster Relief

Patricia Waldinger of Presto (Allegheny County), the Red Cross Western Pennsylvania chief executive officer, will be heading to Texas to serve as an elected official liaison for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Operation currently under way in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. To date, 26 total Western Pennsylvania staff and volunteers have been deployed to […]


Floyd Mayweather will join billionaire athletes club

Floyd Mayweather won “the money fight” on Saturday and is now poised to enter a new arena: the billionaire athletes club. Mayweather is expected to bring in over $300 million for his fight against Conor McGregor, the MMA fighter he beat in 10 rounds. The boxing superstar — he now boasts a 50-0 record — […]


Trump and Arpaio: Ideological soulmates

Before the people of Maricopa County, Arizona, finally voted him out of office in 2016, Sheriff Joe Arpaio spent 24 years cultivating the image of what he thought was a tough lawman. As a citizen and a lawman, I believe in protecting our borders by every constitutional means possible. But Arpaio was also determined to […]


Obituary Notice: Carl F. Burfield

Carl F. Burfield, 91, of Curwensville died Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017 at his home. He was born Oct. 6, 1925 in Faunce, a son of the late Uriah Alden and Georgianna (Bloom) Burfield. Mr. Burfield retired from Penn Lines Inc.  He also served during World War II as a member of the U.S. Army.  He […]


Hurricane Harvey: The hidden health dangers of floods

Even after Hurricane Harvey’s immediate flooding threat goes away, Texas residents will still face a host of potential health problems from the water — and from what the water leaves behind. Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Tom Price declared a public health emergency in Texas on Sunday. That means the department has put additional […]


Obituary Notice: Karen A. Ferut

Karen A. Ferut, 66, of DuBois died Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017 at the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh due to complications from open heart surgery. Born May 23 1951 in St. Mary’s, she was the daughter of Robert and Maryann (Minard) Park.  Her father preceded her in death, and her mother survives and lives in […]


Tillerson: Trump ‘speaks for himself’

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that President Donald Trump “speaks for himself” when asked whether the President’s response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, raised questions about Trump’s values. Tillerson said on “Fox News Sunday” that the United States was committed to freedom and “equal treatment of people the world over” when posed […]


Exxon shuts giant refinery as Harvey hits Texas energy hub

Tropical Storm Harvey is tearing through one of the nation’s most important energy hubs. Throughout the Gulf Coast, key refineries and production facilities have been forced to close. And rain and flooding are continuing to wreak havoc on Houston and the surrounding area. The devastating storm’s full impact on oil and gas markets remains unclear. […]


FEMA administrator: We’re ‘going to be there for years’

The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said his agency is already gearing up for a years-long effort to help Texas recover from the damage wrought by Hurricane Harvey. “FEMA is going to be there for years,” administrator Brock Long said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” He added, “This disaster is going […]


This is what South Texas looks like after Harvey hit

The strongest hurricane to hit the United States in more than a decade was downgraded to a tropical storm on Saturday, but Harvey is far from over. Sunday saw Texas grappling with dangerous flooding as the storm continued to dump water on the state. This is what parts of south Texas look like after Harvey […]


The world is watching Trump’s attacks on the press

The day after violence erupted at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign unveiled a new ad focusing on his “enemies.” High on the list? Neo-Nazis? The Ku Klux Klan? Nope, the press. As the ad’s narrator mentions Trump’s foes, it showcased the faces of many members of the Fourth […]


Iraqi military retakes central Tal Afar from ISIS

Iraqi forces have recaptured the urban center of Tal Afar from ISIS fighters, giving the government near control of a key city in their fight against the terror group. Tal Afar was captured by the extremists on June 16, 2014, after a two-day battle. Retaking the northwestern city was the latest objective in the US-backed […]


Harvey aftermath; Jobs report; Round 2 of NAFTA talks; Retail earnings

1. Harvey aftermath: Tropical Storm Harvey pummeled southeastern Texas this weekend, killing at least two people and bringing “catastrophic” flooding to the coastal region. Investors are now trying to measure the impact of the devastation on the region’s economy. The storm forced the evacuation and shutdown of several refineries, sending gas prices up. Corpus Christi […]


‘I am not afraid’: Barcelona holds peace march after terror attacks

Half a million people took part in a colorful peace protest in Barcelona on Saturday after Spain’s Catalonia region was hit with two terror attacks that killed 16 people. The march was organized on social media with the hashtag #NoTincPor — Catalan for “I am not afraid” — a slogan shouted repeatedly by the protesters […]


Myanmar boosts security in Rakhine state as violence continues

Myanmar has increased security in western Rakhine state after violence erupted over the weekend, leaving nearly 80 insurgents, 12 security officers and six civilians dead, according to state media. Rohingya insurgents carried out a series of coordinated attacks against police outposts and an army base Friday. Since then security forces have boosted their operations in […]


Harvey spawns ‘catastrophic’ flooding in southeastern Texas

“Catastrophic” flooding paralyzed Houston and other deluged towns in southeastern Texas early Sunday as Tropical Storm Harvey pummeled and drenched residents and first responders. More than 1,000 people had been rescued overnight due to record flooding in the sprawling Houston area, according to meteorologist Jeff Lindner with Harris County’s Flood Control District. “Stay put,” the […]


Illegal immigrants arrested after cross-border tunnel found in San Diego

US agents have arrested 30 illegal immigrants thought to have crossed into San Diego through a cross-border smuggling tunnel from Mexico, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said. The agents discovered the tunnel after encountering several people who had apparently just been smuggled into the California city, near the Otay Mesa port of entry, early […]


Paul Ryan ‘does not agree’ with Arpaio pardon, spokesman says

House Speaker Paul Ryan disagrees with President Donald Trump’s decision Friday to pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his spokesman said Saturday. “The Speaker does not agree with this decision,” spokesman Doug Andres said in a statement. “Law enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone in the United States. We should not […]


RNC formally condemns white supremacists with resolution

The Republican National Committee passed a resolution Friday “condemning the violence and racist beliefs” of white supremacists who took to the streets in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month — a move that contrasts sharply with President Donald Trump’s widely panned response to the deadly violence. The resolution called out the “abhorrent white supremacist demonstration in […]


Curwensville Police Searching for Missing Teen

CURWENSVILLE – Curwensville Borough police are seeking the public’s assistance in locating a missing teen. Police identified the teen as 19-year-old Chase J. Anderson. He has not been seen or heard from since Aug. 11, when he talked to a family member by phone.  Anderson is described by police as being approximately 5 feet, 9 […]


Last Americans rush to North Korea ahead of travel ban

A looming US travel ban has prompted some daring American globetrotters to fast-track their vacations to North Korea. Beginning September 1, United States passports will be invalid for travel to the hermit kingdom. “With the upcoming travel ban I felt like it was now or never,” said Virginia resident Nicholas Burkhead, who lamented that he […]


ISIS claims attack on soldiers in Brussels

ISIS claimed responsibility for a knife attack on soldiers in Brussels, Belgium, according to a message circulating on Islamic State-linked social media accounts Saturday. The two soldiers were on patrol Friday evening when a man attacked them from behind with a knife while shouting “Allahu akbar” (God is greatest), the Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s Office said. […]


Gorka: Bannon, others ‘systematically undermined’

In his first post-Trump administration interview, former White House counterterrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka said former chief strategist Steve Bannon and others in their camp have been “systematically undermined” in the White House. Gorka also stressed to Breitbart’s Matt Boyle on SiriusXM Patriot on Saturday morning that he decided to resign after President Donald Trump delivered […]

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Экология в России и мире

Московские краснокнижные зайцы обзавелись потомством

Путин в России и мире

Путин 22 апреля проведет в Москве переговоры с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

«Вспыльчивый очень»: Лоза объяснил агрессивное поведение Лепса на концерте


Почему Владимир Меньшов снял «Москва слезам не верит»

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