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Новости за 17.08.2017


CBS poll: Most Americans disapprove of Trump’s Charlottesville response

A majority of Americans say they disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the situation in Charlottesville, Virginia, and believe his policies have done more to encourage racial division than racial unity, according to a new poll released Thursday. A CBS News survey found the majority of Americans polled (55%) said they disapproved of the […]


There are Confederate statues on Capitol Hill. Cory Booker has a bill that removes them.

Sen. Cory Booker plans to introduce a bill to remove statues from the US Capitol honoring Confederate soldiers despite President Donald Trump calling these memorials “beautiful.” “I will be introducing a bill to remove Confederate statues from the US Capitol building. This is just one step. We have much work to do,” the New Jersey […]


Seven arrested in toppling of Confederate statue in North Carolina

Seven people have been arrested in connection with the toppling of a Confederate statue during a protest this week in Durham, North Carolina, authorities said. The Confederate Soldiers Monument was pulled down during a Monday protest at the old Durham County Courthouse to show solidarity with anti-racist activists after last weekend’s deadly clashes in Charlottesville, […]


Barcelona: Van hits crowd near Las Ramblas tourist spot

A van plowed into a crowd of people in Barcelona, injuring several people, in what is “most likely” a terror attack, a Catalan police spokesman told CNN. The incident took place Thursday afternoon near the popular tourist area of Las Ramblas, which has been sealed off, according to a police spokesman. Officials said several people […]


Victoria Azarenka may miss US Open — star ‘not willing’ to leave son

Former world No.1 Victoria Azarenka might miss this month’s US Open because of legal issues involving the father of her child, the two-time grand slam champion has said in a statement on Thursday. The 28-year-old from Belarus gave birth to her son, Leo, in December and made her tennis return earlier than expected, at the […]


Using emoticons in work emails make you look incompetent, a study finds

Pro tip: Keep the smiley faces out of your work emails, or else the person receiving the message may think you’re incompetent. That’s according to a study published in “Social Psychological and Personality Science.” It calls itself “the first systematic investigation of the effects of smileys on first impression formation in work settings.” As emoticons […]


Some alums want Lehigh University to take back Trump’s honorary degree

Some alums are pressing Lehigh University to rescind an honorary degree it granted to Donald Trump. Trump received the degree from the private university in 1988, long before he became President. Lehigh graduate Kelly McCoy launched a Change.org petition on Tuesday asking the university president to take back the degree. By Wednesday, the petition had […]


Look out, Amazon: China’s Alibaba may soon be bigger

Move over, Jeff Bezos: Jack Ma’s Alibaba could soon reclaim the title of world’s most valuable online retailer. Alibaba’s stock rose nearly 5% on Thursday after the company reported sales and profits for its second quarter that easily topped Wall Street’s forecasts. Shares of Alibaba have surged more than 90% this year, and the company […]


Ravens’ Benjamin Watson talks Trump, racism and Colin Kaepernick

A year after San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick gained nationwide attention when he knelt during the national anthem, conversations about racism in America again take the national spotlight following the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Baltimore Ravens tight end Benjamin Watson talked to CNN’s #GetPolitical series about sports, racism and politics and how […]


Finding catharsis in cannonballs: Widower builds neighborhood pool

For retired judge Keith Davison, an old adage is proving true: If you build it, they will come. For the last few weeks, kids from all over his Morris, Minnesota, neighborhood have flocked to his new backyard pool. They get to have fun — and so does the 94-year-old World War II veteran, who is […]


Sierra Leone mudslide: Death toll climbs ahead of mass burial for victims

The death toll from a devastating mudslide on the outskirts of Sierra Leone’s capital climbed Thursday to 331 as mourners prepared to lay their dead to rest in a mass burial. Rescue workers have recovered the bodies of 122 children, 111 men and 98 women from the wreckage, Sidie Yahya Tunis, the country’s Minister for […]


DuBois Man Pleads Guilty to Several Camp Burglaries

CLEARFIELD – A DuBois man accused of breaking into several camp burglaries in August of last year pleaded guilty Wednesday in Clearfield County Court. Matthew E. Witherite, 20, was sentenced to serve two years in the state intermediate punishment program for three felony counts of burglary and a misdemeanor count of criminal mischief by President […]


Susquehanna River Arts Center of Clearfield Holds Ribbon-Cutting, Grand Opening

CLEARFIELD – On Aug. 11, the Susquehanna River Arts Center of Clearfield (SRACC) held its grand opening celebration with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. During the grand opening, the premier exhibit was art work of the late Willard Dominick (1920-2016). Dominick was one of the founding fathers of SRACC. Dominick, a renowned artist and educator, was also […]


Stock rally fizzles; Walmart earnings; Victoria’s Secret slump

1. Stock rally fizzles: U.S. stocks are near all-time highs but the recent rally seems to have fizzled out, in part because of President Trump’s growing isolation. U.S. stock futures were flat ahead of the open. The Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq all trimmed their gains Wednesday as top executives abandoned Trump’s […]


Antique and Custom Auto Show to be held Sunday at Clearfield Fairgrounds

CLEARFIELD – The 41st annual Central Mountains Region Antique and Custom Auto Show will be held Sunday at the Clearfield County Fairgrounds, rain or shine. This year’s main show sponsor is Ford® and Dotts Motor Co., Clearfield. There will be a display of new vehicles for attendees to see.  Car show entrant registration is $5, and […]


LTE: Everyone Has Something to Contribute Towards Betterment of the Planet

Dear Editor: At Nature Abounds, we believe everyone has something to contribute towards the betterment of the planet regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Everyone needs to take care of their share. We also believe that while all living beings, human as well as flora and fauna, are different, we all have the […]


Natural wonders: The ultimate list of scenic splendor

Water, fire and ice have combined to make some of the most spectacular scenery in the world — from giant crystal caves to mud volcanoes and rock formations that look like works of art. If your office and daily commute aren’t a fitting reminder of the extraordinary natural diversity of planet earth, get some inspiration […]


Children’s Aid Society to Hold Adoption and Foster Care Information Nights

Children’s Aid Society in Clearfield will hold adoption and foster care information nights Sept. 26 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the DuBois Public Library and Sept. 27 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at Children’s Aid Society. There is no cost to attend. Free classes for anyone interested in adopting or fostering a […]


Malala Yousafzai ‘so excited’ to go to University of Oxford

Malala Yousafzai says she is “so excited” after being accepted to study at the world famous University of Oxford. The 20-year-old Pakistani activist who rose to prominence after being shot in the head and neck by the Taliban while on her way home from school in 2012, has won praise for her campaigning and advocacy […]


Report: Trump lawyer sends email touting Robert E. Lee, warning of ‘terrorist’ infiltration of Black Lives Matter

A personal lawyer to President Donald Trump forwarded an email comparing Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee to founding US President George Washington, and saying that the activist movement Black Lives Matter “has been totally infiltrated by terrorist groups,” The New York Times reported Wednesday evening. The email, with the subject line “The Information that Validates […]


GOP rep. on Trump: ‘It’s pretty simple’ to call out white supremacists

While some Republicans have failed to criticize President Donald Trump by name for his remarks on the deadly Charlottesville, Virginia, attack, one Republican congressman is doubling down on his criticism of Trump’s claim that there were “very fine people on both sides.” After Trump made the remarks on Tuesday, Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell, of Michigan, […]


Report: Bannon calls white supremacists ‘a collection of clowns’

Steve Bannon disparaged the mindset that motivates white supremacists in an interview published Wednesday, calling the group “a collection of clowns.” “Ethno-nationalism — it’s losers,” Bannon reportedly said in an interview published by the progressive magazine American Prospect. The White House chief strategist’s comments follow a weekend of turmoil in the United States after a […]


Unfazed by North Korea’s threats, tourists still heading to Guam

As the sun broke over the white sands of Guam’s Tumon Beach, Duhyun Na and her friends made their way down to the shoreline with their smartphones and selfie sticks. Their flight landed at 3 a.m., but they wanted to see the sunrise and get some photographs to start their five-day trip. Vacationing in Guam […]


North Korea gives US a clear choice: Restraint or missile launches

US President Donald Trump implied in one of his latest tweets that he forced North Korea to back down over its threat to Guam. It’s a dangerous misperception that could cause the crisis to escalate and Trump to miss what could be the best chance he will have to halt the tests of missiles that […]


GOP rep. to Trump: ‘It’s pretty simple’ to call out white supremacists

While some Republicans have failed to criticize President Donald Trump by name for his remarks on the deadly Charlottesville, Virginia, attack, one Republican congressman is doubling down on his criticism of Trump’s claim that there were “very fine people on both sides.” After Trump made the remarks on Tuesday, Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell, of Michigan, […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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