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Новости за 27.06.2017


USA Gymnastics agrees to dozens of changes amid sex abuse scandal

Marred by a sex abuse scandal involving dozens of accusers, USA Gymnastics says it’s adopting reforms to better prevent and respond to any future cases of abuse. Now, all members must report any suspected sexual misconduct to legal authorities and the US Center for SafeSport, which works to eliminate abuse in amateur and professional sports. […]


There’s still no jury for the Martin Shkreli trial

Martin Shkreli is going on trial to face charges that he bilked investors. But it’s taking a while to find a jury. Shkreli, the former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, made headlines when he unapologetically hiked the price of a life-saving drug in 2015. His decision to increase the cost of Daraprim, which is used by […]


Three Chicago cops indicted in Laquan McDonald case

Three current or former Chicago police officers were indicted Tuesday on state felony charges of conspiracy in the investigation of the 2014 shooting death of Laquan McDonald. Former Detective David March, and Patrol Officers Joseph Walsh and Thomas Gaffney were charged with conspiracy, official misconduct and obstruction of justice, according to a news release from […]


Bill Cosby says he isn’t planning a ‘sexual assault tour’

Bill Cosby is not planning to hold a “sexual assault tour,” the comedian said in a statement on Tuesday. “The current propaganda that I am going to conduct a sexual assault tour is false,” Cosby said. “Any further information about public plans will be given at the appropriate time.” Last week, days after Cosby’s criminal […]


Twitter hires new head of diversity

Twitter has a new head of diversity. The company announced on Tuesday that Candi Castleberry-Singleton is its new VP of Inclusion and Diversity. Most recently, she was the founder and CEO of the Dignity & Respect Campaign, which helps organizations and communities build cultural awareness and promote inclusion. She also worked at Walgreen’s, Motorola and […]


Syfy eyes ‘Tremors’ TV series starring Kevin Bacon

A cult classic monster film could be finding new life on Syfy. The network announced it has ordered a pilot for a TV series based on 1990’s “Tremors,” starring Kevin Bacon. The actor has signed on for the project, reprising the role of Valentine McKee, a handyman-turned-hero who battled killer Graboid worms in the original […]


After fighting for her daughter’s life, mom fears GOP health care bill

She’s a 35-pound bundle of blonde cuteness with hard-working parents. “We’re not deadbeats,” said Rebecca Wood, 38, who lives with her husband and daughter in Charlottesville, Virginia. Wood has a message for Republican lawmakers in Washington who have proposed dramatic cuts to Medicaid: Families like hers are deserving and need help, not slashed funding. Wood’s […]


How Trump tried to woo one ‘no’ senator: Talking about his voters

With the Senate Republican health care bill barely hanging by a thread, President Donald Trump has been making calls in recent days, trying to woo GOP lawmakers who have deep reservations about the legislation. One conservative senator that Trump reached out to Monday was GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah. The theme of that call? […]


Most 2014 World Cup head impacts didn’t receive concussion protocols, study says

More than 3 billion people around the world tuned in to watch soccer’s 2014 FIFA World Cup, during which there were 81 head collisions. And only 15% of those injured players received a concussion assessment from health care personnel, according to a report published Tuesday in JAMA. “I was hoping to find that people would […]


DNA solves ancient animal riddle that Darwin couldn’t

After the last of its kind died out about 12,000 years ago, a strange animal that stumped Charles Darwin is finally being added to the tree of life, according to a new study in the journal Nature Communications. Macrauchenia patachonica lived during the last ice age. It resembled a bulky camel without a hump, with […]


Nancy Pelosi can’t be beaten

In the wake of Jon Ossoff’s special election loss a week ago, calls began, again, within some corners of the Democratic caucus that it was time for Nancy Pelosi to step aside as the highest ranking House Democrat. Republicans had, again, used Pelosi as a cudgel in the campaign — bashing Ossoff as a national […]


IMF cuts U.S. growth outlook, cites uncertainty around Trump policies

President Trump’s economic agenda got a thumbs down from the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday. The IMF cut its forecast for U.S. economic growth for this year to 2.1% from a previous estimate of 2.3%. Its leaders cited highly uncertain policies on tax reform and an agenda that hurts middle class Americans as well as […]


Musical chairs: Pandora CEO steps down

Online radio service Pandora needs a new DJ. The company announced on Tuesday that CEO Tim Westergren has stepped down. The news was widely expected. Tech news site Recode had the scoop Sunday and shares of Pandora rose 2% Monday. Westergren, who helped start the company in 2000 and was also CEO from May 2002 […]


Snap vote: German lawmakers to vote on same-sex marriage

German lawmakers will decide Friday whether to legalize same-sex marriage, according to CNN affiliate NTV. The snap vote comes after Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday that she would like to see parliament move towards a “vote of conscience” on the issue. Following Merkel’s comments, German politicians writing on Twitter called for a vote to be […]


Supreme Court will hear sports betting case

New Jersey wants to legalize sports betting — and will make its case before the Supreme Court. The high court said Tuesday that it will hear the case, which challenges a federal law that bans most states from legal sports betting, during its next term. Governor Chris Christie has been fighting the law. He hopes […]


Bee, wasp venom shortage could be dangerous for those with allergies

As summer begins, signaling peak time for insect stings, allergists across the U.S. are warning of a shortage of a little-known but crucial product — honeybee, hornet and wasp venom extracts used in shots that prevent life-threatening reactions. Supplies of the extracts — which are made from venom gathered by hand from millions of individual […]


DuBois Woman Pleads Guilty in Meth Lab Case

CLEARFIELD – A DuBois woman accused of having a methamphetamine lab in her home pleaded guilty Monday in Clearfield County Court. Samantha Marie Bish, 34, pleaded guilty to conspiracy/operating a meth lab and conspiracy/possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance-meth. Judge Paul E. Cherry sentenced her to time served, which was eight-and-a-half months to […]


Historical Society to Host Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Symposium

DUBOIS – The DuBois Area Historical Society is hosting the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Symposium on Aug. 4-5 at the Clarion Hotel, located at 1896 Rich Hwy., DuBois. The cost of the symposium is $45 for the Friday and Saturday presentations, which includes lunch and buffet supper Saturday. An additional $15 will include Friday evening’s […]


Construction Complete for Route 219 Bridge Project in Bell Township

Clearfield County Bridge replaced as part of Public-Private Partnership BELL TOWNSHIP – A Route 219 (Colonel Drake Highway) bridge in Bell Township, Clearfield County, is complete and open to traffic. The bridge spans Whiskey Run, near the village of McGees Mills and was replaced as part of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Rapid Bridge Replacement Project. Replacement of the […]


Rep. Thompson’s Staff to Host Constituent Hours in Clearfield

CLEARFIELD – U.S. Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson has announced that his staff will host constituent office hours Thursday in Clearfield. Staff will be available to meet with residents who need assistance with federal agencies, such as the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the IRS and others.   No appointments are necessary. Residents […]


Central bankers speak; Brazil’s crisis; Futures down

1. Central bankers in the spotlight: Some of the world’s most influential central bankers will speak on Tuesday. U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is scheduled to appear at a conference in London at 1 p.m. ET. Investors hope she will remain upbeat in her assessment of the global economy. The Fed raised interest rates […]


An EMT’s view from the front lines of America’s heroin crisis 

Driving through the streets of Huntington, West Virginia, with Gordon Merry is a stark reminder of what heroin is doing to American communities. Merry, director of Cabell-Huntington Emergency Medical Services, points to neighborhoods and homes with razor-sharp recall. He tells a story about responding to a family — mother, father and son — overdosing on […]


Curwensville Rotary Hears from Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program Manager

CURWENSVILLE – The Rotary Club of Curwensville hosted Jenna Bell, Big Brothers/Big Sisters program manager, at the recent meeting June 20.  Bell provided a PowerPoint presentation on the program to the members and an overview of current needs, accomplishments and plans for the future.  The program is currently in need of individuals to provide time […]


Australians ditch religion at rapid rate, becoming more diverse

Australia is becoming older and more diverse — both culturally and religiously — according to new data from the country’s census. While the first census in 1911 found the average Australian was a 24-year-old man, last year the typical Aussie was a married 38-year-old woman, who lives in a three-bedroom house, with two kids and […]


Swedish hostage captured by terrorists in Mali released after six years

Swedish national Johan Gustafsson, who had been held hostage by a branch of Al Qaeda in Mali for six years, finally returned to Sweden Monday after being released by his captors, according to the Swedish government. Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallstrom said in a statement Monday she was “extremely pleased” that Gustafsson had been […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» провело экологические акции

Путин в России и мире

В Бахрейне назвали цель официального визита короля в Россию

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Брановицкий

Выездной Фотограф для всех желающих, ну и конечно Артистов и Музыкантов.


Порядка 1 млн вызовов поступило в пожарную охрану по номеру «112» в Подмосковье

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