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Новости за 25.06.2017


Teen hurt after dropping from ride at Six Flags

A 14-year-old girl was injured when she dropped from a ride Saturday night at a Six Flags amusement park in upstate New York, the sheriff’s office said. The girl was not seriously injured and was in stable condition Sunday morning at the Albany Medical Center, the Warren County Sheriff’s Office said. Employees at The Great […]


Under Trump, fate of Asia rebalance a question

As President Trump prepares to welcome Prime Minister Modi of India and President Moon of South Korea to Washington, he should strongly consider clearly telling both of them that President Obama’s Asia rebalance strategy is alive and well. But two key questions also need to be answered for this Asia rebalance to continue. Is the […]


Obituary Notice: Gloria F. Cook

Gloria F. Cook, 81, of DuBois died Sunday, June 25, 2017 at the DuBois Nursing Home. Born Dec. 4, 1935 in Rossiter, she was the daughter of the late Joseph and Christine (Altimore) Cipolla. She was a 1953 graduate of Saints Cosmas and Damian School in Punxsutawney.  In 1972, she was a graduate of the […]


Tillerson urges Qatar and boycotting Arab countries to resolve crisis

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday encouraged Qatar and the Arab countries boycotting it to meet and resolve a diplomatic row that has put its Gulf allies at odds. The request comes two days after the boycotting countries delivered a list of 13 demands to Doha and told the government it has 10 days […]


Trump: Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party ‘colluded’ against Sanders

President Donald Trump lashed out at Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party in a tweet Sunday morning, saying the former secretary of state “colluded” with the party in the presidential primary to defeat Sen. Bernie Sanders. “Is she allowed to so collude?” the President asked. “Unfair to Bernie!” The tweet is an apparent reference to […]


Trump meets Modi: Trade, visas and climate could make for tough talking

Nearly six months after he took office, President Trump will welcome Narendra Modi to the White House on Monday. The Indian prime minister represents one of the world’s fastest growing major economies and a market that American companies are eager to crack. His meeting with Trump will be preceded by one with several top U.S. […]


Rep. Adam Schiff: Obama should have done more on Russia

The top Democrat on the House intelligence committee said Sunday he believed the Obama administration should have taken bolder action in response to intelligence reports about Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 election. “I think the Obama administration should have done a lot more when it became clear that not only was Russia intervening, but […]


Pakistan fuel tanker truck explosion kills at least 140

A fuel tanker wrecked in eastern Pakistan on Sunday, and as villagers converged to collect fuel leaking from the truck, it exploded, killing at least 140 people, according to police and hospital officials. Nishtar Hospital, which is treating many of the wounded, said in a statement that more than 100 people were injured in the […]


Tom Price promises GOP won’t pull ‘rug out’ on health care

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price defended the GOP health care plan Sunday from Republicans opposing the bill. Price said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and Gov. Brian Sandoval might misunderstand the full intentions of the party on health care and issued a broad promise to the country. […]


On healthcare, GOP loss could be a win

This week a huge vote is expected on Capitol Hill, where the Senate is set to act on its version of the health care plan unveiled last week by Sen. Mitch McConnell. The plan modifies the House bill, but not by much. It is a tough piece of legislation that would severely undercut President Barack […]


Pakistan oil tanker truck explosion kills at least 140

A devastating accident involving an exploding oil tanker has left at least 140 people dead in eastern Pakistan, according to Nishtar Hospital. The hospital, which is treating many of the wounded, added that over 100 people were injured in the explosion, in a statement Sunday. The truck veered off the road Sunday when the driver […]


Pilot urges prayers as ‘technical issue’ forces turnaround

An AirAsia X flight to Malaysia from Perth, Australia, was forced to turn back Sunday after the A330 aircraft began shaking due to what the airline called a “technical issue.” A Perth Airport spokesman said the issue was related to an engine. Passengers heard a loud bang and the plane then shook for the remaining […]


6 injured as car hits crowd celebrating Eid in the UK

An incident in which a car hit six pedestrians following an Eid al-Fitr event in Newcastle, England, is not thought to be linked to terrorism, police said Sunday. The incident happened at 9:14 a.m. (4:14 a.m. ET) outside a sports center. All six pedestrians, including three children, were taken to a hospital. Police say two […]


6 injured as car collides with crowd celebrating Eid in the UK

An incident in which a car collided with six pedestrians following an Eid al-Fitr event in Newcastle, England, is not thought to be linked to terrorism, police said Sunday. The incident happened at 9:14 a.m. (4:14 a.m. ET) outside a sports center in the city, which is in northeastern England. No details about the nature […]


UN is breaking its promise to people of Haiti

For years the United Nations denied bringing to Haiti a devastating cholera epidemic that has killed more than 11,000 people and left more than 880,000 infected. Now, after admitting its mistake and vowing to make amends, the UN has betrayed the people of Haiti once again. This week, UN Secretary-General António Guterres toyed with accuracy […]


Three trials, no convictions in fatal police shootings

All three cases started with a traffic stop. A black man is pulled over by a police officer. Why? He was missing a front license plate. For suspicious activity. Because a cop thought the driver looked like a robbery suspect. Regardless of the reason, the outcome was the same for Samuel DuBose, Sylville Smith and […]


Pakistan oil tanker truck explosion kills at least 135

A devastating accident involving an exploding oil tanker has left at least 135 people dead in eastern Pakistan, according to the country’s Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority. Smoke billowed from the truck which fell off the road Sunday as it traveled through the city of Bahawalpur, Mohammad Akhtar, a police official, told CNN. According to […]


GANT’s ICYMI: Week of June 19

GANT’s ICYMI gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week. It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. GANT’s ICYMI will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Box Culvert Replacement to Start July 5 in Centre County

Detour will be in place from July 5-21 TAYLOR TOWNSHIP – Beginning July 5, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will be working to replace a box culvert in Taylor Township, Centre County. The bridge spans Bell Hollow, about two miles north of the village of Hannah on Fowler Road (Route 3025). The current box […]


Public Welcome to Presentation on Leadership in Seneca Culture

DUBOIS – All members of the community are welcome to attend a program explaining the ideals of leadership and organizational success in Seneca culture. Flip White, former director of career development with the Seneca Gaming Corp., of Salamanca, NY, is slated to speak at 1:30 p.m. June 28, in Room 228 Swift at Penn State […]


POW and MIA in Iraq and Afghanistan Fast Facts

CNN Library (CNN) — Here’s a look at US POW/MIA’s in Iraq and Afghanistan from 1991 to the present. Scott Speicher: January 17, 1991 – During the first night of Operation Desert Storm, Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher is shot down over Iraq. He is initially declared MIA. July 2009 – A crash […]


Girls Volunteer at DuBois Chamber

DUBOIS – Amanda August and Isabella Beers volunteered at the Greater DuBois Chamber of Commerce office on June 22. They put together 150 welcome bags from various local businesses for the families and players who will visit the area for the senior baseball championship; the games will be held at Showers Field on July 13-16.


Pakistan oil tanker truck explosion kills at least 132

A devastating accident involving an exploding oil tanker has left at least 132 people dead in eastern Pakistan, according to officials. Smoke billowed from the truck which fell off the road Sunday as it traveled through the city of Bahawalpur, Mohammad Akhtar, a police official, told CNN. According to Akhtar, the explosion came as villagers […]


China landslide: Desperate search for survivors continues

Thousands of rescuers are searching through rubble to find 93 people missing after a landslide devastated their village in Sichuan province, southwestern China. Dozens of homes were buried when the landslide hit Xinmo village in Mao County, Aba Prefecture Saturday morning. According to the Mao County Government Press Office 10 bodies had been recovered since […]


Pakistan oil tanker truck explosion kills at least 120

At least 120 people died and 130 were injured when an oil tanker truck exploded in Bahawalpur city in eastern Pakistan, according to officials. The accident occurred when the truck fell off the road it was traveling on Sunday morning, Mohammad Akhtar a police official with the city of Bahawalpur told CNN. Villagers had gathered […]

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Обучила 24 женщин-снайперов: Кто сидел на параде рядом с Путиным?

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко вернулся с парада Победы в Минск: "Ядерный апокалипсис неминуем"

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Светлана Сурганова

Светлана Сурганова выступит на фестивале «Окна Открой»!


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