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Новости за 23.06.2017


Saudi Arabia, major combatant in Yemen, to tackle spread of cholera

Saudi Arabia plans to shell out tens of millions of dollars to stem an outbreak of cholera in Yemen, spawned amid the military offensive it’s spearheading there against the Houthi rebels. Riyadh announced a donation of $66.7 million to UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO) and their partners to fight the disease. Cholera — an […]


Ray Tensing retrial: Judge declares mistrial after jury deadlocks

[Breaking news update, posted at 2:16 p.m. ET] An Ohio judge declared a mistrial Friday in the case against former University of Cincinnati police Officer Ray Tensing, who fatally shot Samuel DuBose during a traffic stop in July 2015. DuBose’s killing was one in a series of high-profile, officer-involved shootings that sparked nationwide protests over […]


French Montana answers our most burning questions about super powers, the Kardashians

French Montana has a lot to be excited about these days. His single “Unforgettable” with Swae Lee went platinum this week and his mission to provide better health care for the people of Uganda has inspired other celebrities to pitch in. “I feel like especially with artists like me and other artists that have a […]


America’s freedom depends on the press

Withholding things from the press has become something of a reflex with the Trump administration. On Monday, for example, the executive branch barred reporters from broadcasting that day’s White House press briefing — the briefings on or off-camera already having dwindled to a handful this month. And Trump has floated the idea of ditching the […]


Trump family hires familiar face as chief usher

First lady Melania Trump announced Friday the hiring of Timothy Harleth for the role of chief usher, a key position in the executive residence. The search for the new chief usher didn’t stray far from the White House; Harleth was until recently the director of rooms at the Trump International Hotel in Washington. “I am […]


Ray Tensing retrial: Deadlocked jury ordered to resume deliberations

The first trial of a former University of Cincinnati police officer who fatally shot a motorist during a 2015 traffic stop ended in a mistrial after more than 25 hours of deliberations. On Friday morning, a state court judge ordered a deadlocked jury in Ray Tensing’s second trial to resume deliberations after more than 27 […]


Is Mexico the world’s second most dangerous country, as Trump says? That depends

President Donald Trump rankled Mexico again, this time calling it the second deadliest country in the world. In a tweet Thursday afternoon, he said, “Mexico was just ranked the second deadliest country in the world, after only Syria. Drug trade is largely the cause. We will BUILD THE WALL!” Mexico quickly countered, saying Trump’s claim […]


Here’s how much it costs to be a wedding guest

As delighted as you are to hear wedding bells, you know big costs are coming. You skimp and save. You budget — splurge — and maybe alter expectations. And that’s just to be a wedding guest. The average guest last year spent $888 per wedding, according to a study from the Knot. For those in […]


Martin Shkreli fraud trial begins next week

Martin Shkreli, the former pharmaceutical executive who gained notoriety for hiking up the price of a life-saving drug, will finally go on trial next week on charges of ripping off investors. Shkreli sparked outrage in 2015 for increasing the price of Daraprim, a drug used by AIDS patients, by more than 5,000% from $13.50 to […]


As it emerges from the shadows, health care bill gets coverage it lacked

On Thursday, after Senate Republicans finally unveiled a health care bill that had been shrouded in secrecy, the legislation became something it hadn’t been in weeks: a focus of the evening news. ABC and NBC both led their nightly newscasts with coverage of the bill (CBS led with the latest news regarding President Trump’s suggestion […]


Whirlpool: London fire disaster fridge was discontinued in 2009

Over 60,000 units of the refrigerator identified as the source of the deadly Grenfell Tower fire were produced before the model was discontinued in 2009, according to Whirlpool. London’s Metropolitan Police announced Friday that last week’s massive blaze originated with a Hotpoint fridge freezer manufactured by Whirlpool subsidiary Indesit. The U.K. government subsequently ordered an […]


Qatar told to close Al Jazeera, reduce Iran ties in list of demands, report says

Four Arab states that have isolated Qatar have reportedly handed the country a list of 13 demands, including some that are likely to infuriate Doha and exacerbate the region’s worst crisis in decades. The Reuters news agency reported that Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt had sent Qatar the list and had […]


In Cosby trial, the awesome power of jurors

Stories are now trickling out from jurors in Bill Cosby’s trial on three counts of aggravated indecent assault, with varying accounts of their deliberations that resulted in a mistrial. One version has 10 of the 12 jurors ready to convict Cosby on two of three counts, but the two holdouts forced a deadlock and a […]


Pharmacy execs indicted after babies allegedly get ‘super-potent’ drugs

Two compounding pharmacy executives are facing federal charges for allegedly failing to recall “super-potent” painkillers that in one case sickened babies at an Indiana hospital, officials said. Paul J. Elmer, 64, owner of Pharmakon Pharmaceuticals, and Caprice R. Bearden, 62, the company’s director of compliance, were indicted Thursday on 10 charges involving drugs that were […]


The world is starting to solve its own problems — with or without Trump

It’s been a blistering week in London, with little shade from the sun or the news. Our current cycle of topical events — from Britain’s terror attacks to the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, from teetering domestic politics to political uncertainty further afield — the flow of news feels as relentless as I can remember […]


As my grandmother’s world darkens, Medicaid helps preserve her dignity

My grandmother took me on my first big adventure. We went to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and wore those goofy plastic ponchos. Mine was banana yellow. My grandmother, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic, did not then — and still does not — speak English. That didn’t stop her from taking a Greyhound […]


‘It was perfect’ — Formula One great Alain Prost remembers his first car

Alain Prost is one of Formula One’s greatest racers. Only two drivers in the history of the sport — German Michael Schumacher (7) and Argentine Juan Manuel Fangio (5) — have accumulated more world championship titles than the Frenchman’s four. But before becoming a household name in the glamorous world of F1, Prost was driving […]


Finsbury Park attack suspect charged with terrorism-related murder

Police in London have charged a man with terrorism-related murder and attempted murder over an attack outside a mosque in Finsbury Park earlier this week. Darren Osborne, 47, from Cardiff in Wales, was remanded in custody to appear in court later on Friday, a Metropolitan Police statement said. One man died and others were injured […]


U.S. bans imports of Brazilian beef over safety concerns

The United States has banned beef imports from Brazil. The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the immediate suspension of fresh beef imports from the South American country on Thursday after inspections uncovered public health concerns, unsanitary conditions and animal health issues. The agency said the ban will remain in place until Brazil “takes corrective action.” […]


Bugattis, Ferraris and yachts, oh my! African vice president on trial in Paris

The son of Equatorial Guinea’s President is on trial in France for splurging on a Parisian mansion, a private jet and a fleet of luxury cars using tens of millions of dollars he allegedly looted from his country. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue’s trial on charges of embezzlement of public funds and money laundering started in […]


One week. 52 senators. Can Mitch McConnell get it done?

The math isn’t there yet for Mitch McConnell. Within hours of the Senate majority leader unveiling a long-anticipated health care bill on Thursday, four of his Republican colleagues were quick to put a damper on things: “We are not ready to vote for this bill,” the group said in a joint statement. The swift rejection […]


Why neither North Korea nor the United States want all-out war

It’s been a tense six months on the Korean Peninsula and many North Korea watchers believe the situation is dangerous. But it hasn’t reached the brink yet, and that’s likely because US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and their respective advisers are aware of the immense cost of the Korean […]


Did DJ Goldie just reveal Banksy’s identity?

British DJ Goldie might just have spoiled one of modern art’s biggest mysteries: The identity of street artist Banksy. In a podcast discussing the commodification of graffiti, the musician referred to the incognito icon as “Robert,” appearing to confirm popular speculation that the man behind the art is Goldie’s close friend and Massive Attack band […]


Federal judge temporarily blocks deportation of Iraqi Christians

A federal judge temporarily blocked the deportation of over 100 Iraqis in Michigan on Thursday by granting a 14-day stay of removal. The stay prevents any of the Iraqis detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from being deported for two more weeks. It also gives detainees an opportunity to go before an immigration judge […]


Jake Tapper on Trump’s tapes: ‘The plan seems to have backfired’

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump formally revealed what many within Washington, DC had already assumed: he does not, in fact, have recordings of his conversation with former FBI Chief James Comey. But for CNN’s Jake Tapper, it was the administration’s afternoon activity that proved most telling. “After the President’s admission today, the White House […]

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Путин 22 апреля проведет в Москве переговоры с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Тимати купил бронированный автомобиль за десятки миллионов рублей


Ветер до 23 метров в секунду: как в Москве подготовились к штормовой погоде

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