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Новости за 08.06.2017


White House rebuffs Comey: ‘The President is not a liar’

The White House rebuffed claims President Donald Trump is a liar after fired FBI Director James Comey suggested he was worried about Trump’s commitment to telling the truth. “I can definitely say the President is not a liar, and I think it’s frankly insulting that question would be asked,” spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters Thursday […]


Comey: Lynch asked for Clinton investigation to be called a ‘matter’

Former FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch requested he call the Clinton investigation a “matter,” partially leading to his decision to make his now-famous statement about the results of that investigation. Comey said what “capped” his decision to make his public remarks about the conclusion was a publicly reported […]


French Open: Jelena Ostapenko wins battle of birthdays to reach final

Roland Garros’ battle of the birthdays was won by Jelena Ostapenko Thursday as the Latvian became the first unseeded woman to make the French Open final since Mima Jausovec in 1983. Ostapenko had a 20th birthday to remember as the big-hitting Latvian upset Timea Bacsinskzy — whose own 28th birthday wasn’t quite as good — […]


Dow hits record high in the midst of Comey hearing

Wall Street doesn’t seem worried at all about FBI director James Comey’s hearing in Congress. The Dow, after initially trading sideways, jumped to a new all-time high Thursday afternoon towards the end of the highly-anticipated testimony. The reaction suggests Wall Street believes Comey’s testimony produced no smoking gun that could further imperil President Trump’s stalled […]


As Delaware’s health insurance options shrink, families hold their breath

Andy and Serena Ryan get their health coverage through the state’s Obamacare exchange and are growing increasingly anxious about it. Serena Ryan, 31, who left her part-time job as a nurse in 2016 to care for and home-school the couple’s two children, ages 5 and 3, calls the coverage a “blessing.” Andy Ryan, 33, is […]


White House on Sessions: Trump ‘has confidence in all of his Cabinet’

White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Donald Trump has confidence “in all of his Cabinet” after she was asked if the President has confidence in Attorney General Jeff Sessions, amid reports of a rift between the two men. “The President has confidence in all of his Cabinet and if he didn’t […]


How should I save for my kid’s college education?

I am 29 years old and a single mother to a four-year-old. I contribute 6% to my 401(k) with a company match. I looked at several websites and they all state I’m on track for my retirement. My question is, should I put some extra money in a Roth IRA or fund a 529 plan […]


Why James Comey leaked information to press

Fired FBI Director James Comey asked Columbia law professor Daniel C. Richman to leak the content of memos documenting his interactions with President Donald Trump, he testified Thursday. Comey, who wrote memos after his meetings with Trump, had shared the documents with fellow FBI officials. Asked during the Senate intelligence hearing Thursday if he shared […]


3 million first-time homebuyers have been shut out of the market

The housing crash left a gaping hole in the real estate market. In the past 10 years, three million would-be first-time buyers have been shut out of buying a home. There were an average of 1.5 million first-time homebuyers a year in the last decade, according to a new report from Genworth Mortgage Insurance. That’s […]


Indian police shoot five dead as farming protests escalate

Violence has spread across the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, after police opened fire on crowds of protestors Tuesday killing five. Over 1,000 paramilitary troops have been sent to the state in a bid to quell the unrest, which has seen buses torched and buildings set ablaze. The outbreak of discontent began over a […]


House to vote on killing Dodd-Frank today

House lawmakers are poised to pass the “crown jewel” of the GOP-led regulatory reform effort on Thursday, effectively gutting the Dodd-Frank financial regulations that were put in place during the Obama administration. Called the Financial Choice Act, the Republican bill seeks to undo significant parts of the 2010 financial reform law. Crafted by House Financial […]


Even amid Russia probe, many Democrats see health care as their real winner

Democrats are watching President Donald Trump’s approval rating drop as bombshell after bombshell drops in the Russia investigation — and Trump’s potential attempts to intervene in it. But as the party ramps up its efforts to take control of the House and hold onto a spate of red-state Senate seats in the 2018 midterm elections, […]


5 things for Thursday, June 8: James Comey, Tehran, North Korea

Let’s start off with some good news: The Zika epidemic in Puerto Rico is over. Here’s what else you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here. 1. James Comey hearing Pop […]


OGC Nice: From Ligue 1 strugglers to Champions League challengers

Jean-Pierre Rivère looks like a film star. Elegantly dressed and with silver hair, he wouldn’t look out of place at the Cannes Film Festival. But you won’t find the Frenchman on the red carpet in the French Riviera. Instead, he’s just along the coast in Nice where, as president of the city’s Ligue 1 club, […]


Tick-borne disease suspected in 2-year-old’s death

A 2-year-old Indianapolis girl died Sunday of what doctors suspect is Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a disease spread by ticks. Her aunt, Jordan Clapp, described how Kenley Ratliff’s illness began: “She started with a fever of 100.8. That was at the first hospital. We were advised to keep her hydrated and rested. Her fever went […]


UK general election 2017: Latest updates

Voters across the UK are casting their ballots in a snap general election that could have a big impact on how the country negotiates its exit from the European Union. Polling stations opened at 7 a.m., local time (2 a.m. ET) and people will be able to cast their ballots until 10 p.m. (5 p.m. […]


Why dancing is good for your health

Whitney Thore had gained nearly 100 pounds. It stemmed from polycystic ovary syndrome, and she found it hard to accept her larger figure. Her emotional distress peaked while she was living abroad and dealing with a breakup. Frustrated and unable to find relief, she turned on some music and started to dance. “I was all […]


Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf: A tangled web of politics and terror

The specter of terrorism has loomed large over the Arab Gulf states for some years, but the attack in Iran Wednesday, claimed by ISIS, suggests that the Islamic Republic is now a target. Attackers stormed the Iranian Parliament and the mausoleum of Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Tuesday, killing at least 12 in attacks on two […]


The Comey show; U.K. election; Yahoo votes

1. The Comey show: Former FBI director James Comey will deliver the most anticipated Congressional testimony in years when he speaks on Thursday about his interactions with President Trump. Comey was fired by Trump last month as the FBI was in the midst of conducting an investigation into Russian efforts to interfere with the U.S. […]


Man to Stand Trial Over Police Seizure of Explosives at Clearfield Residence

CLEARFIELD – A fugitive staying at a Clearfield residence where explosive materials, including an active pipe bomb, were allegedly seized by police will stand trial. Jonathan Michael Harvey, 23, of Morrisdale has been charged by Officer Elliott Neeper of the Lawrence Township police with weapons of mass destruction, F2, and make repairs/sell, etc., offensive weapon, […]


Trump looks like a man with something to hide

Be careful what you wish for. Former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared statement to Congress makes clear that when it comes to the ever-expanding investigation of alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 election, President Trump is his own worst enemy. Against the advice of allies and adversaries alike, Trump has repeatedly, almost obsessively, attempted to […]


Search on after Myanmar military plane goes missing with 122 people on board

A Myanmar military flight has gone missing with 122 people on board, a military spokesman told CNN on Wednesday. The flight vanished 29 minutes after taking off from the coastal town of Myeik, heading to Yangon part of a regularly scheduled military flight. Of the 120 people on board, 106 were passengers and 14 crew, […]


‘I literally wanted to rinse myself off,’ ex-FBI agent says of Comey statement

When James Comey released seven pages of written testimony on Wednesday, many in Washington — and beyond — went searching for precedent, analysis or context. James Gagliano was looking for a shower. “I read this and I literally wanted to rinse myself off afterwards,” said the former FBI agent. “I felt completely disgusted.” Both David […]


Graham on Comey testimony: ‘All in all, it’s a pretty good day for President Trump’

Sen. Lindsey Graham said FBI Director James Comey’s opening statement — released a day ahead of his testimony — shows “there is no obstruction of justice case” against President Donald Trump. “What prosecutor in their right mind would allow their star witness to go out before the Senate panel of 20 senators and get beat […]


South Korea: North Korea test-fires 4 surface-to-ship missiles

North Korea fired four anti-ship missiles into the sea east of the Korean Peninsula Thursday, according to US and South Korean military sources. South Korea’s joint chiefs said the projectiles were believed to be surface-to-ship cruise missiles and were launched near the eastern port city of Wonsan. The missiles flew about 200 kilometers (124 miles), […]

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

Откровение артиста госцирка Бурятии Саяна Дондокова - Театр и дети, Культура и Россия, интервью


Лучшие фильмы Международного фестиваля правильного кино назвали в Музее Победы

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