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Новости за 18.06.2017


The difference Georgia’s special election could make

When voters go to the polls for a special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, where Newt Gingrich broke into the halls of power back in 1978, the national media will be paying close attention to whether Democrat Jon Ossoff can defeat Republican Karen Handel. An Ossoff victory would be the first Democratic special election […]


Jeff Bezos is $5 billion away from being the world’s richest person

Watch out, Bill Gates: Jeff Bezos is gunning for your title. Thanks to a surge in Amazon stock — the company just announced that it is buying Whole Foods — Bezos added another $1.8 billion to his net worth, according to Bloomberg. Bezos is now worth about $84.6 billion total, leaving him just $5 billion […]


Sheriff David Clarke no longer under consideration for DHS job

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is no longer under consideration for a position in the Department of Homeland Security, a DHS spokesman told CNN. The spokesman added, “We wish him well.” Clarke, who was a vocal surrogate for President Donald Trump on the campaign trail, announced in May that he would be joining the administration […]


France votes in final round of parliamentary election

Voters are going to the polls Sunday for the second round of France’s legislative election, in which President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party is projected to win a huge majority in Parliament. After a strong showing in the first round, Macron’s La Republique En Marche party is expected to win more than 400 seats in the […]


UK Chancellor: Cladding on Grenfell Tower ‘banned on high-rises’

A senior UK government minister said Sunday that he believed the cladding apparently used in a recent refurbishment of the London high-rise devastated by a blaze is banned in Britain for buildings above a certain height. Speculation has focused on the role that may have been played by the cladding since the fire tore through […]


Portugal wildfire: 61 killed, victims burned in cars as they fled

A raging wildfire has ripped through central Portugal, killing 61 people and injuring dozens more in what officials there describe as the “greatest wildfire tragedy of recent years.” At least 54 people were injured in the blaze Saturday, including eight firefighters and a child. Four of the firefighters were in critical condition Sunday, according to […]


Why the White House has a personnel problem

President Trump has a personnel problem. But hey, he’s taking a landmark presidential trip. And it’s crunch time for Senate Republicans angling for a health care vote before the July 4th recess. Those stories and more are part of this week’s “Inside Politics” forecast, where you get tomorrow’s headlines today. 1) Help wanted in the […]


Fitzgerald commander took over ship last month

The USS Fitzgerald’s captain, Cmdr. Bryce Benson, who was injured in the ship’s deadly collision with a commercial vessel, took command of the guided-missile destroyer last month. “I look forward to being with my Fitzgerald family in support of future missions and exercises,” Benson said in a Navy statement at the time. “This is the […]


Nevada governor vetoes Medicaid-for-all plan

Nevada’s governor has vetoed a bill that would have made the state the first to open Medicaid to all residents. The Democratic-led state legislature passed a bill earlier this month that would have allowed anyone to purchase a Medicaid-like policy, regardless of their income. Governor Brian Sandoval, a Republican, on Friday vetoed the bill. The […]


Bill O’Reilly promises to make news about his firing

As Bill O’Reilly sees it, the same forces that led to his ouster at Fox News are out to get President Trump. And, in much the same spirit as Trump, O’Reilly is determined to settle the score. “In the weeks to come, there will be a bunch of news stories that will explain what happened […]


Brexit talks begin; Vermont reconsiders marijuana bill; tech council to meet

1. Brexit talks begin: On Monday, nearly a year after the U.K. voted to leave the European Union, it will begin the tricky process of hammering out the details of the divorce. It looks like it’s going to be a messy breakup. Last week’s general election left Prime Minister Theresa May without a majority, and […]


Cosby, Castile, Carter: Three trials that gripped the nation

A mistrial, an acquittal, a conviction. Three major trials that gripped the nation came to markedly different conclusions last week. While completely unrelated, the trials were unusual in their own way. There was the Bill Cosby courtroom drama, the trial of a police officer accused of shooting a motorist in an encounter caught on Facebook […]


Lindsey Vonn wants “Battle of Sexes” ski race after Olympics

Hurtling down the mountain at speeds of over 80 miles-per-hour, Lindsey Vonn has never let anything get in the way of achieving her goals. But as the greatest female ski racer of all time enters the final phase of her career, there is one target the 32-year-old former Olympic downhill champion has yet to achieve: […]


Hawaii deep sea canoe returns home after global voyage

Pomp and circumstance greeted the Hokulea, a traditional Polynesian deep-sea canoe, on its return to Hawaii after a three-year global voyage. Thousands of people were on hand Saturday on the island of Oahu to greet the vessel, which navigated the world’s seas relying mostly on the sun and stars, ocean waves and cloud movement. Homecoming […]


Portugal fire leaves 57 people dead, dozens injured

A raging wildfire killed 57 people and injured dozens more in Portugal, with some victims burned to death in their cars as they tried to flee, officials said. At least 59 people were injured in the blaze Saturday, including four firefighters and a child. Some were hospitalized in serious condition Sunday, CNN affiliate TVI reported. […]


Portugal wildfire leaves 57 people dead, dozens injured

A raging wildfire killed 57 people and injured dozens more in Portugal, with some victims burned to death in their cars as they tried to flee, officials said. At least 59 people were injured in the blaze Saturday, including four firefighters and a child. Some were hospitalized in serious condition Sunday, CNN affiliate TVI reported. […]


Cosby, Castile, Carter: Three court cases that gripped the nation

A mistrial, an acquittal, a conviction. Three major trials that gripped the nation came to markedly different conclusions last week. While completely unrelated, the trials were unusual in their own way. There was the Bill Cosby courtroom drama, the trial of a police officer accused of shooting a motorist in an encounter caught on Facebook […]


Another noose found near DC museum, police say

A noose was found outside the National Gallery of Art in the nation’s capital, the latest such incident in the area in recent weeks. The noose was hanging from a lamp post Saturday outside the Washington museum, US Park Police Sgt. Anna Rose said. It’s the third time this symbol of racial violence has turned […]


France votes in final round of parliamentary elections

Polls have opened Sunday for France’s legislative elections and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party is projected to win a huge majority in Parliament. After a strong showing in the first round, Macron’s La Republique En Marche party, is expected to win more than 400 seats in the lower house when the Sunday’s second round of […]


Programs Announced for June 29-July 4 at Parker Dam

PENFIELD – Programs have been announced for June 29 through July 4 at the Parker Dam State Park. Thursday, June 29 Explore Archery:  10 a.m. – Environmental Education Classroom  Have you always wanted to learn to shoot a bow and arrow?  You can come and learn the basics of archery, along with range rules and […]


Bill Cosby’s attorney says he is worried about entertainer’s health

Bill Cosby’s defense lawyer says he is concerned about the entertainer’s health following what he described as an “unfair” aggravated indecent assault trial that ended in a mistrial Saturday. Prosecutors said Cosby, 79, drugged and sexually assaulted Andrea Constand, the former director of operations for Temple University’s women’s basketball team, at his home near Philadelphia […]


At least 24 killed as fierce wildfire rages in Portugal

Twenty-four people were killed in Portugal in what officials are calling the country’s “greatest wildfire tragedy of recent years.” On Saturday, a wildfire spread onto the town of Pedrogao Grande, about 120 miles north of Lisbon. The victims were caught in the fire as they tried to flee, officials said. “Many cars could not get […]


Missing Fitzgerald sailors found dead in flooded compartments

All seven missing sailors from the USS Fitzgerald were found dead in flooded berthing compartments following the warship’s collision with a merchant vessel, a US Navy official tells CNN. The Navy’s 7th Fleet said searchers found the bodies Sunday morning Japan time after the ship returned to its base in Japan. “The families are being […]


Missing Fitzgerald sailors found in flooded compartments

The US Navy said Saturday that “a number” of missing sailors from the USS Fitzgerald were found in flooded berthing compartments. After the guided-missile destroyer collided with a container ship off Japan early Saturday, the Navy said seven sailors were missing. “The families are being notified and being provided the support they need during this […]


Stephen Furst, actor who played Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ dies at 63

Stephen Furst, the actor who played the hapless, beanie-wearing frat boy Flounder in the 1978 movie “Animal House,” has died at age 63, his son, Nathan Furst, told CNN on Saturday. “It was from complications from diabetes,” Nathan Furst said. “Over the last several years it was getting worse a little bit. Sort of the […]

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Imagine Dragons

Группа Imagine Dragons выпустит новый альбом


Джейсон Стэйтем опубликовал новые фото с Роузи Хантингтон-Уайтли. Поклонников из России не оставить

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