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Новости за 07.06.2017


US expresses concern as China expands military footprint

China is likely to build more foreign military bases and continue boosting defense spending in the coming years, according to a new annual Pentagon report on Chinese military and security developments. The report was published days after top US defense and foreign policy officials traveled to Asia as part of a bid to reassure traditional […]


Middle East madness engulfs Iran, Qatar and US

In the turbulent Middle East, there seems no limit on the number of conflicts that can occur at once. On Wednesday morning, residents of Tehran experienced a series of coordinated attacks, with at least a dozen people killed as gunmen and a suicide bomber assaulted the Parliament building and the mausoleum housing the tomb of […]


OB-GYN helps veterinarians deliver baby gorilla

Some Philadelphia doctors delivered a different kind of baby than usual Friday. A team of veterinary and human medical specialists was called in to deliver a gorilla at the Philadelphia Zoo after the mother, 17-year-old Kira, appeared to struggle during labor. Usually, gorilla births are quick and the mother does not appear distressed. With Kira, […]


GOP Medicaid cuts to hit rural America hardest, report finds

Rural America carried President Trump to his election night upset last November. Trump Country it may be, but rural counties and small towns also make up Medicaid Country — those parts of the nation whose low-income children and families are most dependent on the federal-state health insurance program, according to a Georgetown University report released […]


Ex-WH ethics czar: ‘This is the equivalent of the Nixon tapes’

A former White House ethics czar and ambassador to the Czech Republic during the Obama said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony is “the equivalent of the Nixon tapes.” “I think it’s remarkable,” Norman Eisen told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on CNN’s “Newsroom.” “Clearly Director Comey is looking ahead to the day beyond the […]


James Comey just went nuclear on Donald Trump

James Comey’s written testimony regarding his interactions with President Donald Trump regarding the Russia investigation blow a massive hole in the story the president has been telling about the duo’s interactions. The testimony, which Comey is set to deliver Thursday in one of the most highly-anticipated Congressional hearing in decades, reads like a point-by-point dismissal […]


Comey’s response to Trump’s claim of not being under investigation

Testimony released from former FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday helped shed light on a claim by President Donald Trump that Comey had thrice told him that the President himself was not under investigation. Trump said repeatedly last month that Comey assured him on three separate occasions that the President was not under Justice Department […]


Forbes: Eric Trump charity money went to Trump business

Eric Trump is pushing back against a Forbes report released Tuesday that alleges his Eric Trump Foundation shifted money from a charity golf tournament for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital into the Trump Organization. The annual Eric Trump Foundation golf invitational took place each year from 2007 to 2015 at the Trump National Golf Club […]


Trump pledges infrastructure action in Ohio as Comey crisis swirls

President Donald Trump traveled 400 miles to Cincinnati on Wednesday to push his plan to upgrade the United States’ inland waterway system of locks and dams, promising that he would not allow the United States to “become a museum of former glories.” Though Trump stuck to the script, only veering from infrastructure to talk about […]


Uber and its CEO try to grow up

For Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, building a billion-dollar business may have been the easy part. It’s growing up that’s hard. Under his leadership, Uber became a household name and earned a $68 billion valuation by raising unprecedented amounts of venture capital, dodging regulators in new markets and generally focusing on growth at all costs. Kalanick […]


The billion dollar war over maps

During a test drive near Ford’s Michigan headquarters, the team noticed something strange with its self-driving cars. Each car shifted slightly at the same point in the lane “as if they were avoiding a pothole,” says Jim McBride, Ford’s senior technical leader for autonomous cars. The problem wasn’t the cars — it was the map. […]


Trump speaks to Saudi King as Gulf crisis deepens

The leaders of the United States and Saudi Arabia spoke Tuesday as a growing number of countries moved to sever ties with Qatar over alleged ties to terror networks. President Donald Trump spoke with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud on the need for regional cooperation in preventing the financing of terrorism and “eliminating the […]


In Paul Ryan’s backyard, good jobs are moving to Canada

Kenneth Olsen lives in House Speaker Paul Ryan’s district in Wisconsin. He wishes Ryan had been there to see his wife of 42 years slump in her chair and cry when he told her the news: His GE factory job is being eliminated. The entire GE factory is moving to Canada. “She’s looking at me, […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Punxsutawney State police received a report about an incident of burglary that occurred May 22-24 on Elbell Road in Punxsutawney. During the incident, someone allegedly forcibly entered the victim’s residence through the front door and removed unknown items. Anyone with information is asked to contact the state police at Punxsutawney at 814-938-0510. […]


Former US intelligence chief: Watergate pales in comparison to Russia probe

James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, said Wednesday that Watergate “pales” in comparison to the controversy surrounding the Trump administration and Russia. Clapper was speaking to reporters Wednesday at a National Press Club event in Canberra, Australia, carried by Sky News, and offered a stark assessment of the scandal gripping Washington as he […]


F1: Robert Kubica ’emotional’ after completing Renault test

More than six years after his last Formula One race, Robert Kubica has slipped back inside an F1 cockpit for a test with his former team Renault. The 32-year-old Pole’s promising F1 career was cut short when he suffered serious injuries in a rallying accident in February 2011 that required a partial amputation of his […]


Terror attacks during Ramadan strike cities across the globe

Bloodshed has shadowed the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan as cities in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Australia have been rocked in recent days by deadly attacks. Hundreds of people have lost their lives and many more have been injured as terrorists targeted Iraqi families feasting on ice cream, Londoners enjoying […]


French Open: Novak Djokovic crushed by Dominic Thiem, Rafa Nadal quickly advances

If Novak Djokovic entered the French Open with plenty of question marks hanging over his form he departs Paris still searching for answers after suffering his first straight-set grand slam defeat since the 2013 Wimbledon final. Dominic Thiem crushed Roland Garros’ defending champion 7-6 (7-5) 6-3 6-0 in the quarterfinals on Wednesday, a result that […]


Trump to nominate Christopher Wray as FBI director

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he plans to nominate Christopher A. Wray, the former assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s criminal division, to be the next FBI director. Trump’s announcement comes one day before former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired last month, is set to testify in a bombshell hearing […]


Jeff Sessions committed the one sin Donald Trump can’t forgive

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was once Donald Trump’s truest, most loyal friend — the first major backer of the billionaire’s presidential campaign and a major ally for his get-tough policies on immigration. No more. According to CNN reporting, Sessions threatened to quit his post amid repeated clashes with Trump, who has grown increasingly unhappy with […]


Texas ‘wrongful birth’ bill fails to pass

A Texas bill that would have prevented parents from suing their doctor if their baby was born with a disability did not pass into law. The controversial measure, dubbed the “wrongful birth” bill, had stirred outrage among abortion-rights supporters who said it could result in doctors who morally oppose abortions to lie to patients about […]


The actual reason for Wednesday’s Russia hearing

The Russia investigation and President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey are sure to dominate the headlines out of Wednesday’s Senate intelligence committee hearing, but that’s not the reason that four top administration national security officials are appearing before the panel. The officials are testifying because the committee leaders have to shepherd […]


The Trump-Comey relationship: A timeline

A new chapter is about to be opened in the up-and-down relationship between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. Comey will testify Thursday before Congress, breaking the silence he has maintained since Trump fired him on May 9 and capping off a tumultuous relationship that began in the heyday of the 2016 […]


5 things to watch: Coats, Rogers, McCabe and Rosenstein testify

The Senate intelligence committee is back in the national spotlight for two days of blockbuster hearings and following news that relations between President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions had reached a boiling point surrounding his recusal from the Justice Department’s Russia investigation. Before Senate investigators probe former FBI Director James Comey, they will […]


Teen idol joins millions taking China’s grueling gaokao exam

Millions of Chinese high schoolers will take the country’s grueling two-day college entrance examination starting Wednesday, competing to get into the country’s top universities. But of the nine million sitting China’s toughest exam — known as the gaokao — one 17-year-old stands out: Wang Junkai, lead singer of China’s most popular boyband, TFBoys. Picture Justin […]

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Экология в России и мире

Биологи столицы рассказали, каких животных фотоловушки снимают чаще всего

Путин в России и мире

Передовые идеи. Что известно об Андрее Белоусове

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Марина Василевская передала Александру Лукашенко флаг Беларуси, побывавший на МКС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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