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Новости за 04.06.2017


Trump notes lack of guns in London attacks to make a point about gun control

President Donald Trump pointed out on Twitter that the Saturday evening attacks in London had not spurred an immediate debate about gun control because the attackers did not use guns. After several tweets, including one offering US support to the United Kingdom and another criticizing London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Trump tweeted: “Do you notice we […]


Ex-NBA player, coach Derek Fisher charged with DUI

Former NBA player and coach Derek Fisher was charged with DUI early Sunday morning after rolling his Cadillac in suburban Los Angeles, police said. Neither Fisher nor his passenger, former “Basketball Wives” star Gloria Govan, was injured, according to the California Highway Patrol. Fisher was driving north on US 101 just east of the I-405 […]


Crowds build in dueling protests Portland a week after train stabbings

Tensions continued to build one week after a deadly stabbing in Portland, Oregon, as large crowds gathered downtown Sunday for dueling protests. A heavy police presence of armed officers in tactical gear lined the streets around City Hall as supporters of President Donald Trump and counterprotesters gathered in four scheduled rallies. They carried signs reflecting […]


Obituary Notice: Ardella P. Lobb

Ardella P. Lobb, 76, of Green Lane, Pa., and formerly of Philipsburg, Jamestown, NY and Dillsburg, died Thursday, June 1, 2017, at St. Luke’s Hospital-Quakertown campus, following a brief illness. Born Aug. 10, 1940 in Philipsburg, she was a daughter of the late Edmund L. and Eva R. (Breth) Waring. She attended Philipsburg High School […]


Ex-reporter for Russian news agency Sputnik says he was ‘fed’ questions

“They push the narrative that the United States is crumbling; it’s a failed state.” That’s Andrew Feinberg describing how his bosses at Sputnik, a state-sponsored Russian news agency, wanted to frame stories about America. Feinberg was fired from the news organization on May 26, and he says it’s because he refused to be complicit in […]


Londoners hail police and first responders as heroes

If bravery can be quantified, then the story of the first responders and police forces who descended in the chaotic moments after this weekend’s London attacks can be told in sheer numbers. In eight minutes, London Metropolitan officers had arrived at Borough Market and killed three suspects, saving untold lives. With 80 medics in full […]


Obituary Notice: Cynthia D. Emigh

Cynthia D. Emigh, 60, of Coalport and formerly of Clearfield, died Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at the Ridgeview Elder Care & Rehabilitation Center in Curwensville. Born April 27, 1957 in Clearfield, she was the daughter of the late Arnold and Donna (Maines) Wisor. She was of the Christian faith and a homemaker. In addition to […]


NATO chief: Trump’s ‘absolutely’ committed to alliance

President Donald Trump is “absolutely” committed to NATO despite his past comments disparaging the alliance, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday. “He has, in meetings with me and publicly when I met him in the White House last month, stated that he’s committed to NATO,” Stoltenberg said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “His […]


‘They’re stabbing everyone’: Eyewitness accounts of London attack

Seven people were killed and 48 wounded when three attackers drove a van into pedestrians on a bridge in central London Saturday night before producing knives and going on a stabbing rampage. Witnesses described the horror and panic that ensued during the chaos surrounding the attack. Here are some of their accounts, along with other […]


Londoners offer cups of tea to those affected by terror attack

Londoners responded in classic British fashion after a terror attack rocked their city on Saturday evening — offering cups of tea to those affected. “Live around the corner, can offer shelter / cups of tea (these are the only good people in this whole scenario),” Kieran Glennon tweeted. Hundreds of others offered up “cuppas,” as […]


London attack: City on edge after night of terror

The morning dawned sunny and bright in London, the sort of day visitors and locals cherish; tourists wandered, maps in hand, and Londoners headed to cafes for a late breakfast. But the streets were quieter than usual, and while those out and about were clearly determined to get on with their plans, there was a […]


Uber criticized for surge pricing after London terror attack

Uber has been accused of taking too long to turn off its “surge pricing” feature after a deadly terror attack in the heart of London. App users complained that they were being charged inflated prices on Saturday night after a van plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge and three knife-wielding men attacked revelers in a […]


NASA postpones early light show

UPDATE: NASA has postponed until at least June 11 the launch of a rocket that was expected to bring a multi-colored light show visible to people along the East Coast. The launch of a Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was delayed because of clouds, NASA said. It was set to launch from Wallops Flight Facility on […]


Has Trump finally found a court that will endorse the travel ban once and for all?

With a stroke of a pen in January, President Donald Trump triggered chaos as lawful permanent residents, refugees and others seeking entry suddenly found themselves in a legal no man’s land, stuck between the US border and the President’s executive order on immigration. Now, after the courts have blocked the order and the President has […]


London attack; Apple unveils new iPhone software; Yahoo shareholders vote

1. London attack: At least seven people were killed in a short but violent assault that unfolded late Saturday night in the heart of the capital, the third such attack to hit Britain this year. U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday that a new approach to tackling extremism is required, including internet regulations […]


Theresa May: Internet must be regulated to prevent terrorism

Prime Minister Theresa May has called for closer regulation of the internet following a deadly terror attack in London. At least seven people were killed in a short but violent assault that unfolded late Saturday night in the heart of the capital, the third such attack to hit Britain this year. May said on Sunday […]


London attack: 8 minutes of terror and mayhem

Attackers targeted the heart of London on Saturday night, with a white van plowing into screaming pedestrians on London Bridge, followed by stabbings in bars around Borough Market. Police officers pursued and shot dead three attackers within eight minutes of the first emergency call, authorities said. At least seven people were killed and 48 others […]


London terror attack: Theresa May vows to battle ‘Islamist extremism’

British Prime Minister Theresa May claimed there was “too much tolerance” of Islamist extremism in the UK as she vowed a clampdown in the wake of the third terror attack to hit the UK this year. Seven people died and 48 were injured when three masked men drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge […]


Portland mom to Sunday protesters: ‘We don’t want any fighting’

The emotional wounds from the deadly stabbing on a Portland train have yet to heal and tensions continue building up in the city. Residents fear there will be violence Sunday when supporters of President Donald Trump and counter-protesters hold four rallies within earshot of each other. “We don’t want any fighting,” said Margie Fletcher, the […]


London terror attack: UK wakes up to another day of mourning

At least six people have been killed and 48 injured in a terror attack in central London, the second major act of terrorism to strike the United Kingdom in less than two weeks. The attack began late Saturday night, when a white van swerved into crowds of pedestrians on London Bridge, leaving bodies lying in […]


Vehicles as weapons: London attack is part of terror trend

A vehicle rammed into pedestrians on London Bridge on Saturday followed by stabbings in a terror attack that left six people dead, British authorities said. The details and motive remain unclear, but London joins a growing list of cities around the world in which cars or vehicles have been used as weapons. “Steal a lorry […]


Manila casino gunman was in debt and had gambling problem, police say

The lone gunman behind the casino attack that left 37 dead in Manila last week was in debt and had a gambling problem, Philippine police say. Jessie Carlos Javier, a 42-year-old man from the Philippines, was identified as the suspect in last week’s attack in the Philippines capital, said Oscar Albayalde, police chief for the […]


Manila casino gunman had gambling addiction, Philippine police say

The lone gunman behind the casino attack that left 37 dead in Manila was in debt and had a gambling problem, Philippine police say. Jessie Carlos Javier, a 42-year-old man from the Philippines, was identified as the suspect in last week’s attack in the Philippines capital, said Oscar Albayalde, police chief for the Manila area. […]


Police identify gunman in Manila casino attack

The lone gunman who carried a deadly attack at a Manila casino was a troubled man who was in debt and had a gambling problem, police say. Jessie Carlos Javier, a 42-year-old man from the Philippines, was identified as the suspect in the Philippines capital attack that left 37 people dead last week, said Oscar […]


7 questions about the London terror attacks

The first question after the deadly London terror attacks Saturday is, of course: Who is responsible? British police have killed three suspects, but as yet there is no credible claim of responsibility for the attacks. The vast majority of attacks and plots in the West in the past three years have been directed or inspired […]

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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Валерий Гергиев — о судьбе театров после объединения Мариинки и Большого


Baza: мальчик получил сотрясение мозга в результате ДТП с самокатчиками в Москве

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