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Новости за 27.05.2017


Biden: 2016 election tapped into “our darkest emotions”

Former Vice President Joe Biden delivered another stinging indictment of President Donald Trump in a college convocation speech Saturday without ever mentioning the President by name. “This past election season churned up some of the ugliest realities that still remain in our country,” Biden said at Cornell University, echoing criticism he has voiced since November’s […]


British Airways cancels Saturday flights from Heathrow, Gatwick after IT outage

British Airways has canceled all Saturday flights from London’s two biggest airports after “a major IT system failure” caused severe disruption to flight operations worldwide, the airline said. “There’s no evidence it’s a cyberattack,” airline officials said. The airline initially canceled only flights before 1 p.m. ET (6 p.m. BST) at Heathrow and Gatwick. “We […]


Lynch Competes at PIAA State Track & Field Meet

SHIPPENSBURG — Clearfield Bison sophomore Taye Lynch, the District 9 AAA triple jump champion, competed on Friday at the PIAA State Track and Field Championships at Seth Grove Stadium in Shippensburg. Lynch matched seed by placing 25th with a jump of 40′ 1″. Lynch qualified for the state meet with his jump of 42′ 7″ […]


Rival militias clash in Libyan capital, leaving 47 dead

At least 47 people were killed in fierce clashes between rival militias in Libya, the Ministry of Health said. The fighting in Libya’s capital of Tripoli injured 183 others and officials said they expect more casualties. Violence began Friday when anti-government militias launched an offensive called “Libya pride” against the United Nations-backed Government of National […]


Trump talks up trip before returning to controversy in Washington

President Donald Trump couldn’t return home from his first foreign trip without taking a quick victory lap. But even as he touted the successes of his nine-day sweep through the Middle East and Europe before boarding Air Force One, Trump appeared eager to delay his return to Washington, where a storm of controversy awaits him. […]


Jared Kushner seeking a back channel with Russia would be ‘off the map,’ ex-general says

“Off the map.” That’s how a former CIA director on Saturday described the notion of Jared Kushner, a top aide to his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, setting up a secret communications channel between Washington and the Kremlin. Such a back channel would be unprecedented, said retired four-star Gen. Michael Hayden, who also once headed the […]


Trump’s budget isn’t the disaster you think, ex-CBO chief says

The Trump administration’s budget has met withering criticism for its vast spending cuts, particularly to Medicaid, and for its assumptions about revenue and growth. Is it really all that bad? The U.S. faces serious fiscal problems. The economy is now projected to creep along at a bit less than 2% annual growth. Spending and revenues […]


British Airways cancels all Saturday Heathrow, Gatwick flights after outage

British Airways has canceled all Saturday flights from London’s two biggest airports after “a major IT system failure” caused severe disruption to flight operations worldwide, the airline said. “There’s no evidence it’s a cyberattack,” airline officials said. The airline originally canceled only flights before 1 p.m. ET (6 p.m. BST). “We are working hard to […]


Duterte jokes about rape while rallying troops to fight militants

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, giving a pep talk to his troops in the country’s restive south, exhorted the soldiers to go all out in fighting Islamic militants and joked that under martial law they could even commit rape with impunity. “The consequences of martial law and the ramifications of martial law, I and I alone […]


Two top Trump advisers dodge Kushner questions

President Donald Trump’s top economic and national security advisers on Saturday declined to comment on the swirl of allegations that Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is facing regarding his contacts with Russian officials. Kushner discussed creating a secret communications channel between the Trump transition team and the Kremlin with Russia’s ambassador Sergey Kislyak, […]


British Airways computer outage hits travelers

Travelers with British Airways are facing disruptions Saturday after the airline reported major computer problems. The UK national carrier was “experiencing a global system outage,” it said on Twitter. Officials offered no timeline for a fix. Passengers stuck at London’s Heathrow Airport reported problems with baggage and flight delays. “We apologise to customers who are […]


Manchester attack: UK reduces terror threat level to ‘severe’

Britain’s terror threat level has been reduced to “severe” from “critical,” UK Prime Minister Theresa May said Saturday after meeting with security chiefs. “The public should be clear about what this means. A threat level of ‘severe’ means an attack is highly likely — the country should remain vigilant,” May said. The decision to lower […]


Rival militias clash in Libyan capital, leaving 28 dead

At least 28 people were killed in fierce clashes between rival militias in Libya, the Ministry of Health said. The fighting in Libya’s capital of Tripoli injured 130 others and officials said they expect more casualties. Violence began Friday when anti-government militias launched an offensive called “Libya pride” against the United Nations-backed Government of National […]


Rival militias clash in Libyan capital, leaving leave 28 dead

At least 28 people were killed in fierce clashes between rival militias in Libya, the Ministry of Health said. The fighting in Libya’s capital of Tripoli injured 130 others and officials said they expect more casualties. Violence began Friday when anti-government militias launched an offensive called “Libya pride” against the United Nations-backed Government of National […]


Iraqi forces advance on ISIS-held neighborhoods in western Mosul

Iraqi forces have made another step toward wresting Mosul from ISIS. Security forces launched a large-scale military operation to take the remaining neighborhoods under ISIS control in western Mosul on Saturday, the country’s Joint Operation Command said. Soldiers are storming the Shifa neighborhood and al Jamhouri Hospital. Federal police are moving in on the al […]


Two South Carolina men charged for forcing alligator to drink beer

Two South Carolina men each face a harassment charge after pictures surfaced on social media showing them pouring beer down the throat of an alligator, authorities said. Joseph Andrew Floyd Jr., 20, and Zachary Lloyd Brown, 21, both of Ridgeland, are accused of harassing wildlife, the state’s Department of Natural Resources said in a news […]


Clearfield County Life-long Learning Institute Continues

Interested in learning something new? The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., in collaboration with Lock Haven University Clearfield, announces an upcoming educational seminar offered through the Clearfield Community Life-long Learning Institute. Courses are geared towards the interests of the baby boomers and older citizens.  Typical sessions will last approximately 90 minutes and will […]


CMN Celebration Weekend is June 3-4 at Delgrosso’s

TIPTON ­– Celebration Weekend for Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger will once again be held at DelGrosso’s Amusement Park on June 3-4. The annual event is a way for Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger to celebrate a year’s worth of fundraising and highlight local children who have received life-saving treatment at Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s […]


U.S. Reps. Introduce Bipartisan Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act

Bill would shield Medicare patients from fraud and abuse WASHINGTON – U.S. Reps. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) this week introduced H.R. 2599, the Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act of 2017, legislation that will provide much needed protections for Medicare beneficiaries and other patients receiving prosthetic and orthotic services. “As a former recreational […]


The Medical Minute: Go Easy on the Salt

HERSHEY, Pa. — If you’re trying to reduce the salt in your diet, you’ll likely find you’re not alone. It’s very common advice given by doctors for those suffering from high blood pressure. Your body only needs a small amount of sodium to work properly, but too much sodium can be bad for your health. Even though it’s […]


Cops looking for pot find opium poppies instead

When drug task force investigators went to a rural home in North Carolina earlier this week, they were checking out a report of possible marijuana growing. But when a man answered the door, he offered: “I guess you’re here for the opium.” And it wasn’t just a few plants. There were 2,000 pounds of poppies […]


Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, dies at 89

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, has died, his daughter announced on social media. “My father passed away peacefully tonight. He was known to his friends as Zbig, to his grandchildren as Chief and to his wife as the enduring love of her life. I just knew his as the […]


Yelling anti-Muslim, ‘anti-everything’ slurs, man kills 2, Portland police say

Two men were fatally stabbed on a crowded commuter train in Portland, Oregon on Friday after they confronted a passenger who was “yelling a gamut of anti-Muslim and anti-everything slurs,” a Portland police spokesman said. The suspect may have been targeting two girls who were described as Muslim. One of them was wearing a hijab, […]


Ex-ambassador: Russia is a ‘dark cloud’ for Trump’s administration

A former US ambassador to NATO who has served in both Bush administrations and under President Clinton issued a strong rebuke Friday night of President Trump’s relationship with Russia. Ambassador Nicholas Burns’ criticism came after a Washington Post report that Russia’s ambassador told Moscow that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, sought to set […]

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Экология в России и мире

Якутия представила цветочную инсталляцию «Мост в будущее» на выставке «Россия» в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о качественном росте отечественного автомобилестроения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Пианист Мацуев о Станковиче в "Спартаке": опять тонко, опять иностранец


Еще 27 проектов реновации запустят в Подмосковье в 2024 году

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