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Новости за 02.05.2017


Black Americans living longer, but racial gap remains, CDC says

When it comes to the overall health of black Americans, there’s good news and bad news, according to a report released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday. The good news is that the overall death rate for black people in the United States has declined about 25% in recent years. […]


The 12 most eye-popping lines from Trump’s Air Force speech today

President Donald Trump welcomed the Air Force Academy football team to the White House Tuesday. The stated goal was to award the team the Commander-in-Chief’s trophy — given to the military academy that beats the others in football. I say “stated goal” because what the ceremony turned into was a decidedly political speech by Trump, […]


Apple to report earnings

Apple will report its second quarter earnings results after the bell on Tuesday. Investors aren’t exactly looking for fireworks. Apple is expected to surpass the 51.2 million iPhones sold and $50.6 billion in revenue it posted in the same quarter a year ago, but not by much. Any growth this quarter would be welcome. A […]


Jane Goodall has some advice for Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump’s new book, “Women Who Work,” includes an inspirational quote from Jane Goodall, the globe-trotting primatologist and conservationist. “What you do makes a difference,” reads the quote, “and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” But Goodall has some advice for the first daughter, too. In a statement to […]


Reputed Sinaloa cartel boss arrested in Mexico

A high-ranking leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel was arrested Tuesday and could face charges in the United States, authorities said. Dámaso López Nuñez was picked up in Mexico City, according to the office of Mexico’s attorney general. His arrest follows that of reputed Sinaloa chief Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, the Houdini-like master of escape […]


Trump’s Army secretary nominee in jeopardy

The nomination of President Donald Trump’s Army secretary is in serious jeopardy, and he could be withdrawing as soon as this week, three sources familiar with the matter told CNN. Mark Green, Trump’s second pick to be Army secretary, is facing what the sources described as a difficult — if not insurmountable — path to […]


Ex-officer Michael Slager pleads guilty in shooting death of Walter Scott

In a plea deal with federal prosecutors Tuesday, former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager admitted to using excessive force in the shooting death of Walter Scott. Slager shot Scott as the unarmed man was running away from Slager after a traffic stop in April 2015. In a reversal from his previous account of events, […]


Officer who killed Texas teen should be arrested, attorney says

The family of Texas honor student Jordan Edwards is too distraught to speak about the teen’s death — especially after police admitted Jordan posed no threat to them. “They have not been able to speak publicly yet,” Edwards family attorney Lee Merritt told HLN on Tuesday. “Understandably they want to bury their son, and they’re […]


Trump ‘not happy’ over Dems’ victory lap on budget bill

President Donald Trump and his top officials’ frustrations with Democrats’ victory lap over the budget negotiations spilled over into the White House briefing room Tuesday as two Cabinet-level officials took to the podium. Homeland Security secretary John Kelly and Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney made the White House’s most forceful case yet […]


Here’s why senators don’t want to change Senate filibuster rules

For the second time in recent weeks, President Donald Trump urged Senate Republicans Tuesday to change long-held Senate rules to make it easier to pass his agenda through the narrowly divided chamber. But his sharply worded tweet pushing for the elimination of the filibuster for bills may fall short because most senators oppose giving up […]


Historians: Trump gets Andrew Jackson and Civil War totally wrong

President Donald Trump generated headlines this week when he discussed the origins of the Civil War in an interview with Washington Examiner columnist and CNN contributor Salena Zito. The president asked: “Why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?” Trump compared his 2016 presidential campaign to that of […]


United CEO: ‘We had a horrible failure’

United Airlines boss Oscar Munoz is being grilled by Congress on Tuesday over the violent removal of an airplane passenger and the bungled apology that followed. Munoz began with another apology for the incident on April 9 in which a United passenger was dragged off an overbooked flight in Chicago. The airline settled out of […]


Clinton headlines events for groups troubled by Trump

Hillary Clinton, who has not shied away from critiquing President Donald Trump, will address two groups in New York Tuesday that have plenty of gripes with the new president. Clinton, who is beginning to chart her post-2016 election life with a series of speeches and a new book, will first headline a Women for Women […]


Donald Trump: Our country needs a good ‘shutdown,’ suggests Senate rule change

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the country needs a “good ‘shutdown,'” as well advocated for changing Senate rules, in a pair of tweets where he complained about the congressional negotiating process. “The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not […]


Luzier Pleads Guilty to Neglecting Two-year-old Child

CLEARFIELD – A Clearfield woman facing charges after her daughter was found outside in only a diaper and T-shirt, pleaded guilty Monday during a special sentencing session of court. Nicole Lynn Luzier, 27, pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of children and harassment. In a second case, she pleaded guilty to harassment and disorderly conduct […]


Donald Trump: Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the country needs a “good ‘shutdown,'” as well advocated for changing Senate rules, in a pair of tweets where he complained about the congressional negotiating process. “The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not […]


Trump’s 100-days interviews prove it: He needs to stop talking so much

In the last six days, President Donald Trump has granted extended interviews to 12(!) major media outlets. And, in almost every one he’s managed to say something — or a lot of somethings — that has created controversy and raised real questions about what he actually knows (and what he doesn’t.) It all began last […]


Brexit = blackouts? U.K. lawmakers warn nuclear plants may go offline?

Britain’s power industry is facing a potential meltdown over Brexit. U.K. lawmakers have warned that plans to exit the European Union pose a major threat to the country’s power supplies and nuclear industry. “The continued operations of the U.K. nuclear industry are at risk,” said Iain Wright, head of a cross-party committee that published its […]


Cops change their story after an officer kills a teen outside a party

Police in a Dallas suburb have changed their story on the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of a teenager outside a house party over the weekend. Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber initially said a car was moving “aggressively” toward officers when one of them fired into it Saturday night, killing 15-year-old Jordan Edwards, but […]


What Trump’s meeting with Abbas means for the Middle East

The Palestinian issue is back in the headlines. Monday, in a political statement issued in Qatar, Hamas updated, without superseding, its hardline 1988 founding charter. The statement — a product of months, if not years, of internal Hamas wrangling — was an effort to give a softer and more moderate cast to Hamas’s image in […]


Hamas ‘policy document’ accepts 1967 borders in goal for Palestinian state

The Palestinian militant group Hamas unveiled a new policy document Monday that sees the group accepting for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state that would fall within the borders that existed in 1967, before Israel took control of the West Bank, Gaza and all of Jerusalem. The group has long been under […]


May Day rallies turn violent as ‘anarchists’ in one city throw smoke bombs, police say

May Day protests turned violent in several cities around the world Monday as “anarchists” forced police to cancel permits and arrest dozens of protesters in a day meant to celebrate workers and the gains made by labor advocates. Police in Paris, Istanbul, Portland, Seattle New York, Seattle Washington were on high alert throughout the day […]


Parents of US student held in North Korea: ‘We need to talk about Otto’

Cindy and Fred Warmbier haven’t spoken to their son Otto in over a year. He is trapped in North Korea, accused of committing hostile acts against the Kim Jong Un regime. They have had no word or indication about how he’s doing since March 3, 2016, and they say that with tensions on the rise, […]


Samsung just got approval to start testing a self-driving car

The driverless car race is getting even more crowded. Samsung has received the green light to start testing a self-driving vehicle in South Korea. The tech company will be testing a car fitted with sensors and cameras, according to a government statement Monday. It will use artificial intelligence to study how the vehicle deals with […]


Texas cop fatally shoots teen outside house party

A police officer in a Dallas, Texas, suburb fatally shot a 15-year-old boy outside a high school house party Saturday night. The police department admitted on Monday that it initially released incorrect information about the shooting. Officers broke up the house party in response to reports of under-aged drinking. One officer then fired a rifle […]

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Экология в России и мире

Климатический апокалипсис? В Москве снег, в Сочи полярные сияния из-за сильнейших магнитных бурь

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




У Моргенштерна* что-то случилось? Рэпер пообещал рассказать все на стриме


Какой сегодня, 12 мая 2024 года, отмечают праздник в России и мире

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