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Новости за 16.05.2017


Senate intelligence committee seeks information on Trump’s meeting with Russians

The Senate intelligence committee is seeking information from the White House on Tuesday about claims that President Donald Trump apparently disclosed classified information to Russian officials. “The Senate intelligence committee has reached out to the White House to request additional information on recent reports about alleged dissemination of intelligence information,” Becca Watkins, a spokeswoman for […]


Bill Cosby, in first interview in 2 years, says he won’t testify

Bill Cosby does not plan to testify in his own defense during his upcoming assault trial because of what might happen on cross-examination, the comedian said Tuesday in his first extensive interview in more than two years. “What people want to say, want you to say, and how they maneuver — yes, I do have […]


Immigrant detainee dies in ICE custody

Federal authorities are investigating after an immigrant who was facing possible deportation apparently committed suicide in his cell at a Georgia detention center. Jean Jimenez-Joseph, 27, was pronounced dead at a hospital early Monday, shortly after staff at the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia, found him in his cell with a sheet around his […]


John Kasich: The time for bipartisanship is now

Americans are relying on leaders in Washington to fix our health care problems, but if recent history is any indication, the search for solutions in the current environment will inevitably lead to an unproductive partisan standoff. Hopefully, members of Congress will learn from their turbulent town hall meetings that the American people are finally having […]


Jimmy Kimmel to host 90th Academy Awards

Jokingly taking the blame for the biggest snafu in the history of the Oscars hasn’t hurt Jimmy Kimmel one bit. The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced Tuesday that Kimmel will return to host the 90th Oscars ceremony. Producers Michael De Luca and Jennifer Todd will also return next year. “Mike and Jennifer […]


CIA Director Mike Pompeo to brief House intelligence panel Tuesday

CIA Director Mike Pompeo will brief the members of the House intelligence committee Tuesday on what President Donald Trump discussed with Russian officials last week, following claims the President apparently revealed classified information. Pompeo is set to brief the lawmakers later in the day, after they returned from their one-week recess, according to a source […]


The dollar’s Trump bump has vanished

President Trump’s victory and promise to implement an “America First” agenda propelled the US dollar to 13-year highs. But the Trump bump has proved fleeting for the greenback, which has lost virtually all of its post-election gains. The US dollar lost further ground against rivals on Tuesday. The euro jumped 1% to $1.109, the strongest […]


GOP Trump critic: ‘leaks are dangerous of any place they originate’

A longtime Republican critic of President Donald Trump said Tuesday the reports that Trump shared classified information are dangerous because they undermine intelligence assets’ faith that the US will protect them. “It is important why we understand why leaks are dangerous of any place they originate because we want those people out in the field […]


Man is accused of threatening to ‘wring’ Congresswoman’s neck for supporting Trump

An Arizona school employee has been arrested for allegedly telling a congresswoman her “days were numbered” and threatening to “wring” her neck for her support of President Trump. Steve Martan, a campus monitor at Miles Exploratory Learning Center in Tucson, left three voice mails for Congresswoman Martha McSally, the FBI said. McSally, a Republican, represents […]


Elle King was secretly married this whole time

Singer Elle King came clean on Monday and said she’s been secretly married for over a year and that the union has now come to an end. The “Ex’s and Oh’s” singer has revealed in an Instagram post that she married beau Andrew Ferguson three weeks after they met in February 2016. King also said […]


This 150-foot-tall ‘vending machine’ will serve you a Ferrari

A 15-story tower of Ferraris and Lamborghinis in glass boxes has become a quirky landmark in Singapore. And it all started with a visit to Toys R Us. Struggling with a lack of space at his sports car showroom, Gary Hong was inspired by a vertical display of Matchbox cars while shopping at the toy […]


As trial nears, Bill Cosby says racism could be a factor

Weeks before his criminal trial begins, Bill Cosby gave a rare interview to a radio host, saying racism and “nefarious” motivations could be behind the allegations against him. The interview was an unusual one for Cosby who has rarely addressed the accusations made by more than 50 women, many of whom say that he drugged […]


Trump and Russia; Buffett dumps Fox; Microsoft summit

1. Trump shared classified info: The White House is facing another crisis after news reports revealed that President Donald Trump shared highly classified information with the Russian foreign minister during a meeting last week. Societe Generale strategist Kit Juckes said the resulting “furore” was affecting markets. He said the news, first reported by The Washington […]


Philipsburg-Osceola Names Clearfield Area School District in Civil Action

CLEARFIELD – The Philipsburg-Osceola School District has named the Clearfield Area School District in a civil action, reported Superintendent Terry Struble at Monday’s school board work session. Struble explained that the district is a part of a health consortium with a number of neighboring school districts, plus Cen-Clear Child Services Inc., Clearfield County Career & […]


CRC to Host Bloom and Berry Bash, Rubber Duck Derby

CLEARFIELD – On June 17, the Clearfield Revitalization Corp. will hold its fifth annual Bloom and Berry Bash. This “family-friendly summer festival” will fill Market, Third and Locust streets with craft vendors, farm markets, food vendors and plenty of kid’s activities. Local businesses, civic/non-profit organizations, schools and church groups are also encouraged to participate in […]


Public Input Requested for Clearfield Co. Human Services Plan

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County officials will hold a meeting May 22, at 6 p.m. at the Clearfield County Administration Building, 212 E. Locust St., Clearfield. The purpose of this meeting is to encourage public input of human services and programs in Clearfield County.  Clearfield County consumers interested in commenting on services provided for homeless assistance, […]


Clearfield Students of the Month for May

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School is proud to announce the May Students of the Month.  Students are selected by their teachers and guidance counselors on a basis of performance in class, participation, helpfulness, kindness, attendance and academic achievement.  Pictured, from left to right, are Principal Tim Janocko; seventh grade student, Marty Daub; eighth […]


CNB Bank Announces Scholarship Recipients

CLEARFIELD – Greg Dixon, market executive of CNB Bank, has announced the award of CNB Bank scholarships to 11 high school students, including four from Clearfield County.  Scholarship award recipients include: Amanda Campbell, who is a senior at the Harmony Junior-Senior High School. She is a member of the National Honor Society, student council, teen […]


Scouts Help Clean-up Bilger’s Rocks

GRAMPIAN – On April 22, the Wolf Den, along with two Webelos I scouts of Pack No. 2 of Clearfield, helped clean up Bilger’s Rocks in Grampian. They picked up fallen tree limbs and litter along trails. Also, they helped remove debris that had fallen during a wind storm. Scout leaders would like to thank the […]


Global firms to China: Put new cyber rules on hold

Chinese President Xi Jinping has been talking up his country’s free trade credentials this week, but some of the world’s biggest business groups warn that Beijing is about to put up new barriers. Dozens of industry organizations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have sent a letter to the Chinese government over a new cybersecurity […]


Trump again reveals his dangerous incompetence

The Washington Post published yet another bombshell report about our President Monday. The story, citing unnamed US officials, alleges that Donald Trump gave visiting Russian officials details of intelligence on ISIS and a plot to blow up planes using laptops — information that had been given to the United States by an ally. Russia’s Foreign […]


Freida Pinto sees ‘Guerrilla’ as a timely story about racial strife

“Guerrilla” may have wrapped up Sunday night on Showtime, but Freida Pinto sees endless life in the tale it tells. The series, set in London in the 1970s, chronicles the story of a couple whose passion for political activism evolves into something deeper and darker after the death of a friend at the hands of […]


If the president says it, is it no longer classified?

If President Donald Trump did indeed reveal highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador, many lawmakers said his actions are irresponsible and potentially dangerous. But were they illegal? “This (what Trump did) is worse than criminal,” Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus, said on “Erin Burnett OutFront” on Monday. But, he […]


Researchers link North Korean hacking group to ransomware outbreak

It’s unclear who is responsible for the global cyberattack that targeted around 300,000 machines in 150 countries. Businesses are still reeling from the fallout, and government agencies around the world are investigating. Security researchers have documented similarities between the WannaCry code and malware created by the North Korean hacking group called Lazarus Group. The code […]


Latest al Qaeda propaganda highlights bin Laden’s son

A new propaganda message featuring the son of Osama bin Laden could be evidence that the militant group is trying to rejuvenate its global appeal by using a new generation of the bin Laden family. In a 10-minute audio message illustrated with videos of past terrorist attacks, Hamza bin Laden is heard calling on followers […]

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Экология в России и мире

10 РЕДКИХ животных из Красной книги, которых можно встретить в Москве

Путин в России и мире

"У меня такая судьба": Лукашенко рассказал о причине своего спешного отъезда прямо с парада

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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