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Новости за 03.05.2017


Obamas return to the South Side

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are headed to the South Side of Chicago Wednesday for their first public appearance together since Inauguration Day. The former first couple will join Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, once Obama’s chief of staff, and community leaders for a community event, which will include a roundtable […]


Oprah made $110 million because Weight Watchers is hot again

Weight Watchers stock is surging — and so is the value of Oprah Winfrey’s considerable stake — after the company reported a boost in membership. Weight Watchers International shares climbed 14% on Wednesday. And the stock has quadrupled since Winfrey bought a big stake and joined the board of directors in 2015. Winfrey holds about […]


Terrorist Attacks by Vehicle Fast Facts

Here is some background information on terror attacks involving vehicles used as deadly weapons by radicalized individuals or terror groups. Facts: Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch encouraged its Western recruits to use trucks as weapons. A 2010 webzine article, “The Ultimate Mowing Machine” called for deploying a pickup truck as a “mowing machine, not to mow […]


Hillary Clinton’s attacks on Donald Trump help him. Bigly.

Hillary Clinton’s aggressive attack on the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s presidency — she repeatedly noted she won the popular vote by 3 million votes, she lost because of James Comey and the Russian hacking — on Tuesday drew huge amounts of attention in the political world. It also almost certainly helped Trump’s political standing — […]


Officers, family of slain man await decision in Baton Rouge shooting

Alton Sterling’s family is hours away from learning whether their 10 months of grief will be met with federal charges against the officers who killed him. But even before a decision was announced, the family was livid after reports surfaced that the Justice Department has decided not to prosecute the two officers. “It’s not right,” […]


Wimbledon hikes prize money 10% to offset the falling pound

Wimbledon is upping this year’s prize money to a new record high — but international players are still likely to see their winnings tumble. The winners of the singles tournament in July will receive £2.2 million each, up from £2 million last year. But that 10% bump doesn’t look so great once the fall in […]


Officers, family of slain man await decision in Baton Rouge police shooting

Alton Sterling’s family is hours away from learning whether their 10 months of grief will be met with federal charges against the officers who killed him. But even before a decision was announced, the family was livid after reports surfaced that the Justice Department has decided not to prosecute the two officers. “It’s not right,” […]


Should Apple buy Disney? Tesla? The Raiders?

It’s time to play Wall Street’s and Silicon Valley’s favorite game — how to spend Apple’s ginormous (iNormous?) mountain of cash. Apple said in its latest earnings report Tuesday that it now has $256.8 billion in cash and investments on its balance sheet. Yup. More than a quarter of a trillion dollars. Talk about money […]


Italy puts its national airline up for sale. Does anyone want to buy it?

Italian national carrier Alitalia is going up for sale — but will anyone buy it? The government of Italy will begin accepting offers for the struggling national carrier in the next 15 days, according to economic development minister Carlo Calenda. Alitalia has been in a downward spiral for years, and at this stage no rival […]


James Comey Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the life of James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Personal: Birth date: December 14, 1960 Birth place: Yonkers, New York Birth name: James Brien Comey Jr. Father: James Brien Comey, real estate professional Mother: Joan (Herald) Comey Marriages: Patrice (Failor) Comey (1987-present) Children: Collin (deceased), Abby, Claire, Brien, […]


India summons Pakistan official over army’s alleged mutilation of soldiers

India has summoned Pakistan’s top representative in the country over allegations Pakistani forces mutilated two Indian soldiers in the disputed border region of Kashmir. In a statement Wednesday, India’s Ministry of External Affairs said the “foreign secretary conveyed India’s outrage at the killing and the barbaric act of mutilation of the bodies of two Indian […]


Does Australia want Turnbull to save the relationship with Donald Trump?

Australia is mourning the US relationship it had before Donald Trump, analysts say. Three months into his presidency, Trump’s sternly nationalistic and isolationist rhetoric has Australia questioning whether it can continue to count on the US, testing one of the world’s closest alliances. “There’s a great sense of loss about the America that we thought […]


Eat like a pro: Eight foods to help improve your athletic performance

AS Monaco has been the surprise package of Europe this season, blowing away its rivals to reach the Champions League semifinals and sitting on the brink of a first Ligue 1 title in 17 years. But behind the training sessions, detailed scouting reports and in-depth tactical analysis, there’s something going on in the kitchen that’s […]


Apple in focus; Earnings runneth over; Fed’s next move

1. It takes one bad Apple: Tech behemoth Apple is the center of attention following the release of its earnings report. The firm reported another decline in iPhone sales, which disappointed investors. Shares in the company look set to decline a bit when trading begins. Meanwhile, Apple also reported it had $256.8 billion in its […]


TAFCO Receives Approval for Land Development Plan and Land Usage

CLEARFIELD – A new manufacturing facility received the go-ahead from the Lawrence Township Supervisors. At Tuesday’s meeting, the supervisors unanimously approved the land development plan and conditional use application for a new TAFCO manufacturing plant. The supervisors also approved a motion giving TAFCO permission to proceed with the land development. According to previously published GANT […]


Consolidation Questions Continue From Lawrence Township Residents

CLEARFIELD – Consolidating with a neighboring municipality is a question that hasn’t gone away. At Tuesday’s meeting, resident Glenn Johnston questioned Lawrence Township Supervisors Dan Mitchell and Randy Powell about why they didn’t vote to put the question of consolidating the township with Clearfield Borough on the ballot. Johnston said it was his understanding that […]


Wigfield Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Two Girls

CLEARFIELD – A Butler man accused of sexually assaulting two girls in the late 1990’s was sentenced Monday during a special sentencing session. Gary Lynn Wigfield, 61, pleaded guilty to five counts each of aggravated indecent assault and indecent assault before President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman. He was sentenced to 44 months to 10 years […]


Sandy Twp. Manager Issues Reminder About Trash Drop-off

DUBOIS – On Monday night, Sandy Township Manager Dave Monella issued a reminder about the trash drop-off at the Sandy Township Municipal Building.   It is on the second Monday of the month. Monella noted that he would have to check with Advanced Disposal about appliances with Freon.  He later reviewed the agreement, and found that […]


Cub Scouts Hold Raingutter Regatta

On April 30, Pack 2 Cub Scouts of Clearfield Presbyterian Church held its Raingutter Regatta.  The scouts constructed their own boats and raced against their fellow scouts from their dens.  Tigers through Webelos II raced by blowing the boats down the gutters to the winning line.


Friends of the Area Agency on Aging Auxiliary Membership Campaign to Kick Off

CLEARFIELD – The Friends of the Area Agency on Aging recently kicked off its 22rd annual membership drive. The auxiliary was formed in July of 1995 for the purpose of promoting and supporting programs and services of the CCAAA and its charitable foundation, Mature Resources Foundation. In 2016-17, 871 people joined the auxiliary. The goal […]


Ex-DNC chair to Warren and Sanders: Mind your own business

The former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee came out swinging Tuesday night in defense of former President Barack Obama’s plan to accept $400,000 for a speech to Wall Street in September, urging critics such as Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren to mind their own business. Warren, a possible presidential candidate in 2020, […]


Steve spotted in the sky

Have you seen Steve? Not Steve Bannon or Steve Young or Steve Martin. No, not Steve Harvey or Steve Carell. You know, the Steve in the sky. Steve is the name of a newly discovered celestial phenomena that may or may not be related to the aurora or northern lights. What’s interesting about Steve is […]


19 things Ivanka Trump wants you to know, per her new book

Ivanka Trump’s 212-page book aimed at helping millennial working women define success in their careers and lives, titled “Women Who Work,” came out Tuesday. Written with the extensive use of a 19-page works cited, and inspirational quotes and stories from more than 130 people, including Oprah Winfrey, Colin Powell, Mindy Kaling, Maya Angelou, Sheryl Sandberg […]


Texas officer involved in fatal shooting of Jordan Edwards has been fired

The Balch Springs, Texas police officer who authorities said shot into a car Saturday, killing 15-year-old Jordan Edwards, was fired Tuesday, authorities said. The officer, who was hired in 2011, “violated several departmental policies,” police told reporters without offering details because the officer has a right to appeal. Police chief Jonathan Haber told reporters he […]


UK royals seek $1.6 million over topless Kate photos

Prince William and his wife Catherine are seeking $1.6 million (1.5 million Euros) in a trial for damages from a French magazine that published topless photos of the Duchess of Cambridge in 2012, the magazine’s lawyer told the UK Press Association on Tuesday. The trial began Tuesday in France for six people associated with Closer […]

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Денис Мацуев

Праздник "На переднем крае", концерт Дениса Мацуева и выставка "Русская свадьба. Традиции и обряды": куда сходить в Туле и Тульской области 11 и 12 мая


Лучшие фильмы Международного фестиваля правильного кино назвали в Музее Победы

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