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Новости за 26.05.2017


Noma Mexico: The experience of a lifetime?

How much would you pay for the hottest meal ticket in town? In a world where access is everything, high rollers (and even medium rollers who throw caution to the wind) are willing to shell out big bucks for exclusive experiences and their ancillary bragging rights. Tickets to a $750, 15-course tasting menu (which includes […]


The $1.3 trillion student loan problem facing Betsy DeVos

When Education Secretary Betsy DeVos testified about her department’s budget this week, most of the hearing focused on her school choice proposal. But DeVos oversees a $1.3 trillion student debt program that was hardly mentioned. About 42 million Americans currently have federal student loans, and borrower complaints show that the system is, frankly, a mess. […]


The Russia investigation: Everything you need to know

After months of dramatic congressional testimony, bombshell news reports and partisan jousting, the ever-evolving saga about alleged Russian tampering in the 2016 presidential election and investigation into possible collusion by members of Donald Trump’s campaign continues to pick up momentum as new revelations seem to surface on a daily basis. Currently, the Justice Department and […]


Kelly on non-criminal ICE arrestees: ‘not the valedictorians’

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly defended the uptick in immigration arrests by his agents with colorful language in an interview with FOX News Friday morning. “Seventy-five percent of the people that the great men and women of ICE have taken into custody, 75% are criminals. The other 25% are not innocent; they are multiple deportees, […]


Top Trump aide: Coal doesn’t make ‘much sense anymore’

President Trump has painted himself as the savior of America’s coal industry and the countless miners who have been crushed by its demise. “For those miners, get ready because you’re going to be working your asses off,” Trump said in a May 2016 speech in front of a crowd holding up “Trump digs coal” signs. […]


6 key moments from President Trump’s first trip abroad

While reports surrounding the ongoing Russia probe continued to plague his administration back in Washington, President Donald Trump embarked on his first trip abroad since taking office. And in typical Trump fashion — the President broke from tradition. Unlike any of his presidential predecessors, Trump’s first trip was to the Middle East, where he met […]


Melania Trump visits Sicily, wears $51,500 designer jacket

By all accounts, Melania Trump has come out of her shell on this, her debut trip abroad as first lady of the United States. She has been by her husband’s side, but she’s also branched out on her own, visiting schools and hospitals, practicing cultural diplomacy, even having an audience with the pope — revealing […]


First look inside Disney’s new ‘Avatar — World of Pandora’

James Cameron’s “Avatar” was a game-changer for me. Its bioluminescent alien world unfolded around the audience with an immersive 3-D I hadn’t thought possible, even as a lifelong cinephile. As the credits rolled, I walked out of the theater eight years ago in a giddy haze, determined to see it again as soon as possible. […]


Todd Kohlhepp pleads guilty to murdering 7 over 13 years

A South Carolina man accused of killing seven people over 13 years — including four in 2003 and three others whose bodies were found last year on his property — pleaded guilty Friday to seven counts of murder. Todd Kohlhepp, who was arrested in November after police found a woman bound inside a shipping container […]


Greg Gianforte won. Now what do Republicans do?

Greg Gianforte, less than 24 hours removed from being charged with assault for “body-slamming” a reporter, won the Montana special election on Tuesday night. So, now what? We know two things for sure. 1. Gianforte will appear in court sometime between now and June 7 to find out whether he will be convicted on a […]


The girl grabbed by sea lion is getting meds to avoid ‘seal finger’ disease

The girl pulled in the harbor by a sea lion in a heart-stopping viral video is on antibiotics to avoid contracting a dangerous bacterial disease from the sea lion’s mouth. The 6-year-old’s father told CNN affiliate CBC that she has a superficial wound on her lower body from when the sea lion grabbed her. The […]


What Trump should have said to the Muslim world

Just two days after Donald Trump’s pep talk to the Muslim and Arab world about how the countries there must destroy ISIS, a second-generation Libyan born in Britain blew himself up at a concert in Manchester, killing 22 and wounding dozens. The speech to the Muslim world — a tough-minded clarion call to chase the […]


What a week! Stocks near records as Trump fears fade

Stocks were not doing much on Friday. Not much was happening on Wall Street. I guess that traders, like most Americans, are too busy getting ready for a long Memorial Day weekend of barbecues, baseball and beer to worry about the market. But what a week it has been! The S&P 500 and Nasdaq each […]


A new Alabama law makes sure Confederate monuments are here to stay

Alabama — one of the Southern states steeped in controversy over the public display of Confederate monuments — now has a law protecting these and other old landmarks. Gov. Kay Ivy on Wednesday signed a bill approving the Alabama Memorial Preservation Act of 2017. The law bars the removal, renaming, removal and alteration of monuments, […]


BREAKING: Single-vehicle Crash Claims Life of Brisbin Woman; Pre-Teen Passenger Flown to Altoona

BIGLER TOWNSHIP – A single-vehicle crash claimed the life of a local woman at approximately 7:30 a.m. Friday morning on Route 53/Green Acres Road in Bigler Township, according to Clearfield County Coroner Mike Morris. Morris said that the 34-year-old Brisbin woman who hasn’t yet been identified was pronounced dead at the crash scene. Her “pre-teen” […]


Air Force investigates incident involving John Glenn’s remains

The Air Force has launched an investigation into allegations a mortuary employee at Dover Air Force Base offered to show Sen. John Glenn’s remains to Defense Department inspectors as his body was awaiting burial. There is no indication the inspectors viewed the body, an Air Force official told CNN. But a key question is whether […]


Show Choir to Perform at CAST

CLEARFIELD – The CHS Show Choir will perform its annual show at CAST on May 31 beginning at 7 p.m.  This year’s show features all your favorites from the classic Disney films and Broadway productions.   The annual CAST performance is usually the last performance of the season for the Show Choir, and is a “fan favorite,” drawing many Show Choir alumni, family and friends.  Admission […]


CCCTC’s SkillsUSA Community Service Team Collects Items for Foster Children

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Career & Technology Center’s SkillsUSA community service team recently collected items to donate to foster children being serviced through the Children & Youth Services of Clearfield County. Shown, from left to right in the photo, are Alexis McGary of Clearfield High School; Erin Rowles, resource parent coordinator of Clearfield County CYS; and […]


DCC Students Raise More Than $2,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

DUBOIS – These math students at DuBois Central Catholic accepted the challenge to participate in this year’s Math-a-thon and raised more than $2,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  This event is a yearly math project for Central students. Since St. Jude’s opened more than 50 years ago, the survival rate of childhood cancer has […]


Visually Impaired DuBois Middle School Student Receives Award at Expo

HARRISBURG – The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services (BBVS) and the Advisory Committee for the Blind of Pennsylvania recently hosted the 2017 Blindness Awareness Expo at the State Capitol Building. The expo included an awards ceremony, where awards for outstanding high school and elementary school student and outstanding employee/employer were presented, as […]


U.S. lawmakers want to ban American tourists from North Korea

U.S. lawmakers are pushing for a ban on American tourists visiting North Korea. Two congressmen introduced a bill on Thursday that aims to cut off a source of foreign currency to Kim Jong Un’s government and prevent it from detaining more U.S. citizens. “Tourist travel to North Korea does nothing but provide funds to a […]


Wait, what? Scientist discovers snakes that hunt in packs

Get ready to update your nightmares. A scientist from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville has discovered that a species of snake, the Cuban boa, hunts in groups, and through teamwork improve their chances of catching prey. It’s the first time that reptiles have been observed to have been involved in “coordinated hunting,” where individual animals […]


Does a microcurrent facial really lift your face?

Have you ever worked out your face? An eyebrow-raising beauty trend, called a microcurrent facial, aims to do just that. The noninvasive treatment involves zapping your face with tiny electrical currents to stimulate, tone and tighten facial muscles. “It’s like a little workout for your face,” actress Jennifer Aniston said in an interview with InStyle […]


Bombers identified, 3 arrested in connection with suicide blasts at Jakarta bus station

Police have identified the two suicide bombers responsible for Wednesday’s deadly attack in Jakarta that left at least three dead. Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, head of public relations for the Indonesian National Police, named the two bombers as Ahmad Sukri and Ikhwan during a press briefing Friday. No other immediate details were given. CNN affiliate […]

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Экология в России и мире

10 РЕДКИХ животных из Красной книги, которых можно встретить в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Си отказал Макрону в просьбе, связанной с Путиным. В Москву прибыл лидер Кубы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко высоко оценил организацию парада Победы в Москве

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Звезда «Что было дальше?» Детков о переезде: «Не думал, что из дуэта Лепса и Тимати в Лондоне буду жить я»


И смех не грех: лучшие комедии 2024 года

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