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Новости за 24.05.2017


How to secure your political campaign in a hack-heavy world

Politicians sometimes face an adversary other than opposing candidates: They have to worry about hackers, too. From the DNC hacks and Russian cyber meddling during the U.S. presidential campaign, to the recent dump of hacked documents the day before the French presidential election, hackers are increasingly targeting public officials. Derek Parham, who was deputy chief […]


Who are the victims of the Manchester terror attack?

They were parents, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends, colleagues and classmates. Some were waiting to collect their children, others were enjoying what should have been a fun night of pop music. Twenty-two people died in Monday’s brutal concert attack in Manchester. Here are some of their stories. Saffie Rose Roussos An 8-year-old described as a […]


The tale of Donald Trump’s visit with Pope Francis, in 2 pictures

President Donald Trump has bifurcated the country. You either love him or you hate him. And you see absolutely everything through that love-or-hate-Trump lens. If you hate him, you are ready to believe every negative thing on the Internet that even touches him. If you love him, you see only the positives. What that phenomenon […]


US officials: Manchester suspect spent 3 weeks in Libya prior to attack

Salman Abedi, the 22-year-old alleged Manchester bomber, traveled to Libya for three weeks, returning to the UK only days before launching his attack, according US military officials assigned to Africa Command. That specific information has been shared between US and British intelligence services, the US officials said, adding they currently have “high confidence” the information […]


Bergen: A pattern in terror — second generation, homegrown

Because 9/11 was carried out by 19 foreign-born Arab hijackers, many assume that all terrorists who attack the West are foreigners. This explains, in part, why Donald Trump is now President. He advocated a seemingly commonsensical approach to the terrorism problem during his presidential campaign, which was to ban Muslim immigration, including refugees. But, in […]


Bieber fans want UK tour cancellation

For once, some Justin Bieber fans don’t want to see him perform. A group of “Beliebers” is lobbying to have his UK tour dates canceled after Monday’s Manchester Arena bombing following an Ariana Grande concert that killed 22 people and left dozens more injured. Bieber’s “Purpose Tour” has dates in Cardiff June 30 and London […]


Wary allies await Trump at NATO summit in Brussels

When US President Donald Trump attends his first NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, the Manchester terror attack will be uppermost in the minds of the 28 leaders around the table. Even before the atrocity, the US President wanted to push NATO allies to commit to a greater role in counter-terrorism and the fight against […]


Cardinal Dolan confident Pope ‘got his points across’ with Trump

The archbishop of New York said Wednesday he is confident Pope Francis — who has implicitly criticized Donald Trump in the past — spoke candidly with the President at their Vatican meeting. “I would not be surprised at all if the Pope got his points across,” Cardinal Timothy Dolan told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wednesday on […]


Pope-Trump meeting agenda: Climate change, terrorism

After a highly anticipated meeting, Pope Francis appears to have left his mark on President Donald Trump. “Thank you. I won’t forget what you said,” Trump told Pope Francis, before leaving the Pope’s private study after a half-hour private meeting. Neither Trump nor the Pope revealed what their conversation entailed, but readouts from the White […]


Trump budget proposes 40% cut to job training programs

America has millions of jobs openings but not as many applicants with the right skills. It’s a big problem in the US job market. Many believe the solution to the problem lies in effective job training programs. “Workforce development and vocational training — very important words,” Trump said on March 17. But his newly released […]


Top court paves way for same-sex marriage in Taiwan

Taiwan’s top court has cleared the way for the island to recognize same-sex marriage. The Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that current laws, which say that marriage is between a man and a woman, violate the constitution. The panel has given the island’s parliament, known as the Legislative Yuan, two years to amend or enact new […]


Seth Rich and the myth behind the unsolved murder case

Nearly a year ago, Seth Rich was shot in the back as he made his way home one night in Washington. While the death of the 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer remains unsolved, his family has said they believe it was a botched robbery attempt. But that didn’t stop conservative pundits from spreading an unfounded […]


Should the FDA prohibit filtered cigarettes?

Light cigarettes falsely ease smokers’ fear of lung cancer, say researchers from the Ohio State University. Evidence suggests that ventilation holes in the filters of these cigarettes contribute to increased lung adenocarcinoma rates and risks, according to a study published Monday in Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Adenocarcinoma is a type of lung cancer […]


The Pope and President: Unpredictable pair finally meet

After meeting with Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia and visiting sacred sites in Jerusalem, President Donald Trump’s tour of world religions concluded Wednesday at the Vatican, the Catholic Church’s holy headquarters. There, at the Apostolic Palace, Trump met with Pope Francis — finally. It’s a meeting millions have been waiting for, an encounter between two […]


Your kids actually want you to talk to them about sex

When Avital Norman Nathman’s son was about 3, she says, he freaked out after he walked in on her changing a sanitary pad. So she decided to have an age-appropriate conversation about menstruation with him right then and there. She has taken an open approach ever since with her son, now 10, when it comes […]


’24 Frames’: Iran’s Abbas Kiarostami flourishes after death with final film

When he was dying in spring last year, Abbas Kiarostami knew he was leaving behind not only his family and friends, but also his final work, unfinished. Iran’s most celebrated filmmaker and noted polymath was three years into the self-financed project when he succumbed to cancer aged 76. Preview footage had enjoyed a small screening […]


Trump’s budget cuts children’s health insurance program

President Donald Trump’s budget plans to cut the Children’s Health Insurance Program by at least 20% over the next two fiscal years and slash Medicaid, which covers millions more children. Millions of poor and working families could lose their health coverage if his proposed budget, released Tuesday and called “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” […]


Lawsuit alleges Mississippi deprives black children of equal education

The Southern Poverty Law Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of four black families alleging that the state of Mississippi has failed to live up to a Reconstruction-era agreement to provide “a uniform system of free schools” for all children. The Southern Poverty Law Center claims that its clients’ school systems lack textbooks, experienced teachers, […]


Landslide buries California’s scenic highway near Big Sur

The sweeping views of a coastal scenic highway in California are gone. A portion of the Pacific Coast Highway, considered by some as one of the most scenic drives in the U.S., was buried in dirt and stones by a massive landslide, the California Department of Transportation said. On Saturday, more than a million tons […]


Manchester attack: Soldiers on streets as UK threat level highest in 10 years

Armed soldiers will be deployed to key sites around the United Kingdom as the country moved to its highest alert level for the first time in a decade following Monday’s attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. British Prime Minister Theresa May said the threat level was now “critical” and warned that a “further […]


Manafort turns over hundreds of pages of documents to Senate intel

Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign manager, turned over more than 300 pages of documents to the Senate intelligence committee related to its investigation of Russian election meddling, according to a source familiar with the Senate probe. The documents included drafts of speeches, calendars and notes from his time on the campaign, the source said. […]


Trump expected to retain private attorney

President Donald Trump is expected to hire attorney Marc Kasowitz to represent him on matters related to the inquiry into his campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to a senior administration official and a person close to Trump. Kasowitz has represented Trump on a “wide range of litigation matters for over 15 years,” according to […]


Could stadium security turn into airport security?

As of Tuesday evening, 22 people — including children — are dead after an explosion outside an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena in England. Concerts and sporting events are particularly vulnerable terrorism targets because they feature large, captive audiences and stage high-profile events. With that in mind, what is the scope of responsibility […]


Other times terror attacks targeted children

At any Ariana Grande concert, teenage and preteen girls make up a good deal of the crowd. That was the case Monday night, when a bomb exploded just outside Manchester Arena as people were leaving a show by the 23-year-old US pop star and former kids’ TV actor. Concertgoers ran down stairs to escape the […]


Ariana Grande returns home to Florida after Manchester bombing

Ariana Grande arrived home in Florida on Tuesday after a terrorist attack in Manchester, England claimed the lives of 22 people the night before. The singer was photographed at an airport in Boca Raton with her mother Joan Grande. In a series of the photos first published by the Daily Mail, Grande is seen walking […]

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Патриарх Кирилл запретил в служении священника, проводившего панихиду по Алексею Навальному

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




ДЭГ местного значения // Суд оставил в силе итоги электронного голосования на выборах президента


На территории бывшей фабрики «Скороход» откроют бутик-отель

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