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Новости за 12.05.2017


Lawrence Township Police Issue Warrant List

Editor’s Note: GANT has teamed up with local law enforcement agencies throughout Clearfield County to develop a listing of persons for whom there are arrest warrants. Anyone with information about wanted persons is asked to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency. GANT will update its warrant page monthly based upon information provided by the participating […]


The author of Friday’s NYT crossword? P-O-T-U-S 42

What’s seven letters, sometimes modified by the word “stupid” and particularly familiar to former President Bill Clinton? It’s the E-C-O-N-O-M-Y, stupid! That phrase is among the clues included in The New York Times crossword puzzle on Friday, which was written by Clinton. The former president, who’s a famed crossword enthusiast, collaborated with Arkansas district court […]


Hospitals in England hit by ‘large-scale ransomware’ attack

Hospitals in the UK were crippled by a “large-scale” cyber attack on Friday that forced operations to be canceled and ambulances to be diverted. Health workers reported being locked out of their systems and seeing messages demanding ransom payments to regain access. NHS England described the incident as a “ransomware” attack. At least 16 organizations […]


Ebola kills at least one person in Congo, WHO says

An outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo that began April 22 has resulted in at least one death and possibly two others, according to the World Health Organization. The Congo Ministry of Health notified the WHO of nine suspected cases of Ebola in the Aketi territory, in the northeastern province of Bas-Uele, […]


Venezuela health minister fired after issuing data on soaring death rates

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has fired Health Minister Antonieta Caporale days after the government’s first release of health data in two years showed soaring infant and maternal mortality rates. Vice President Tareck El Aissami announced Thursday night via his Twitter account that pharmacist Luis Lopez was replacing Caporale at Maduro’s request. The firing came after […]


Bow Wow responds to #BowWowChallenge

Bow Wow has no shame about pretending to fly private. The rapper was dragged by social media after he posted a staged photo of a jet that made it appear he was flying privately from Atlanta to New York City. He was busted when a fellow traveler shared on social media that the performer, whose […]


The Phoenix neighborhood terrorized by a serial killer breathes a sigh of relief

The shooter stalked his victims under the cover of darkness in this community, opening fire on the residents of Maryvale as they stood outside their homes or sat in their cars. People who lived in the low-income, largely Hispanic neighborhood in west Phoenix changed their routines. While at home, they stayed away from windows to […]


Mexico: ‘We have a lot of alternatives’

Mexico sent a strong message this week: We have a lot of other friends outside North America. Officials from Mexico’s agriculture ministry brought 17 Mexican companies to Brazil this week to talk about buying more grain, soy and corn in South America. (Mexico is one of the top buyers of US corn.) Economic Secretary Ildefonso […]


We love our TV moms

Loretha “Cookie” Holloway Lyon is about as far from June Cleaver as you can get. The matriarch on Fox’s hit series “Empire” is an ex-con taking on her ex-husband Lucious, reclaiming her part in the family record company and reuniting with sons Andre, Jamal, and Hakeem. Played to the hilt by actress Taraji P. Henson, […]


2 faces of the immigration fight get to stay in US (for now)

Two undocumented immigrants who hunkered down in the same Denver church to elude deportation have won victories in their fights to stay in the United States. Immigration and Customs Enforcement granted temporary stays of removal to Jeanette Vizguerra and Arturo Hernandez, said Vizguerra’s attorney, Hans Meyer. Both had been living in the country without proper […]


Russia reacts to White House photo outrage: ‘This is nonsense’

The Russian photographer invited to shoot a meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reacted to outrage from media outlets and the administration, saying: “Honestly, this is nonsense to me.” Alexandr Scherbak, who shot the meeting for Russian state news agency TASS, posted a lengthy message on Facebook urging […]


DEP to Present Stinky Run Project Plans to Clearfield Borough

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough will be bumping up its meeting time to hear a presentation on the Stinky Run Flood Control Project. At Thursday’s work session, the Clearfield Borough Council announced that they will be holding its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. The earlier time is necessary as the Department of Environmental Protection to […]


County Announces Availability of At-Risk Bridge Funds

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County is actively soliciting applications from local municipalities for projects that would repair or replace structurally deficient bridges, announced Jodi Brennan, planning director, at Tuesday’s commissioners’ meeting. Brennan said that the projects will be funded with the county’s Act 13 At-Risk Bridge funds. Projects with scopes of work to remove the bridges […]


CRC Beautification Day is May 20

CLEARFIELD – Volunteers are needed to help spruce up the tree boxes, parks and streets in downtown Clearfield on May 20 during the annual Beautification Day. The Clearfield Revitalization Corp. (CRC) will be teaming up with the Great American Clean-up as well as local community and civic groups. According to Main Street Manager Loretta Wagner, […]


Bell Selected as Outstanding Student at CCCTC

CLEARFIELD – Staff members at the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center (CCCTC) are pleased to announce Justin Bell as the outstanding student for the 2016-17 school year. Bell is a current student in the carpentry and building construction program. In order to become an outstanding student of the year at CCCTC, a student must […]


GANT Candidate Questionnaire: Jerome M. Nevling, MDJ 46-3-03

GANT News conducted a questionnaire with the lone candidate for the office of Magisterial District Judge, 46-3-03, in Clearfield County. Jerome M. Nevling, current Magisterial District Judge, 46-3-03, is seeking re-election, and below are his responses to a series of 10 questions. Provide a brief biography and background. I have been a life-long resident of […]


Trump does a China deal; Laptop ban; Retail pain

1. Trump’s China trade deal: The 100-day action plan that President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping called for last month has produced its first tangible result. A new trade deal between the two countries will allow U.S. beef and natural gas exports to flow into China while opening up the U.S. market for cooked […]


Honoring the soundtrack of my mother’s life

As my mother lay dying in September, we surrounded her with song. Music had filled her life and often our household. Now, it became our way to connect with her when her deteriorating brain allowed for little else. A mother of three, she was brilliant, sharp-witted, strong and creative. A longtime Detroit-area attorney and activist, […]


Are potatoes healthy?

Yes, a plain baked potato is a healthy food, especially when it is consumed with its fiber-rich skin. But because its nutrient profile and composition is different from other vegetables (it has more starch than leafy greens, for example), it shouldn’t be the only vegetable in your diet. Though potatoes may be thought of as […]


Holtzman: We forget Watergate at our peril

Watergate has recast its long shadow. The President, taking a page out of Richard Nixon’s playbook, has fired someone investigating him. FBI Director James Comey was terminated most likely because of his continued investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton. Collusion, if found and proven, could be treason […]


6-figure salary, no severance: What an FBI director has to lose

James Comey’s ouster from the top of the FBI sent shock waves through Washington, but it should be smooth sailing through HR. Comey submitted financial documents in 2013 when the Senate was considering him for the job. Those documents showed he had a net worth of more than $11 million. He also said he’d get […]


Texas lawmakers spar over ‘anti-vaccine measure’

Debate about a bill before the Texas House about improving care for foster children quickly broke down into a heated argument about vaccinations on Wednesday, with one of the state’s most conservative lawmakers saying vaccines weren’t important for public health. The anti-vaccination forces ultimately won, voting to bar doctors from vaccinating foster children during initial […]


Texas lawmakers spar over anti-vaccine measure

Debate about a bill before the Texas House about improving care for foster children quickly broke down into a heated argument about vaccinations on Wednesday, with one of the state’s most conservative lawmakers saying vaccines weren’t important for public health. The anti-vaccination forces ultimately won, voting to bar doctors from vaccinating foster children during initial […]


Merriam-Webster’s genius Trump trolling: 454,000 followers and counting

The Merriam-Webster dictionary has struck social media gold by trolling President Trump. Since Trump’s inauguration, the dictionary’s official Twitter handle has doubled its audience to 454,000 followers. At the root of its success is a steady flow of clever tweets by @MerriamWebster directed at the President. Some of the Merriam-Webster tweets fact check the president. […]


Just what is this One Belt, One Road thing anyway?

Spanning more than 68 countries and encompassing 4.4 billion people and up to 40% of the global GDP, China’s One Belt, One Road project is not short on ambition. Its boosters tout its massive economic promise and claim it could benefit the entire world and lift millions out of poverty. But no one can say […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

Розенбаум жестко высмеял женщин, увлекающихся пластикой: “Посмотрите на этих губастых!”


В Москве появятся еще 24 современные площадки для прогулок с собаками

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