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Новости за 11.05.2017


Poll: Stiff headwinds for GOP on health care, tax reform

A new poll shows significant resistance to Republicans’ plans on health care and tax reform — and that majorities disapprove of the way President Donald Trump has handled those policy fights. The poll, released Thursday by Quinnipiac University, found that just 21% of American voters approve of House Republicans’ bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, […]


Chrissy Metz takes on body-shamers: ‘Wear what you want’

Chrissy Metz took to Instagram to express gratitude to her fans and to address the backlash over a dress she wore to Sunday’s MTV Movie & TV Awards. “The outpouring of love and support from all of you lovely people has not gone unnoticed,” Metz wrote in the caption of a photo posted on Wednesday […]


The 2 times Comey embarrassed Trump on Capitol Hill

The White House says President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey because of his treatment of Hillary Clinton. But there’s mounting evidence it also had something to do with the continuing investigation by the FBI into the Trump campaign’s potential ties to Russia. CNN’s Jake Tapper has reported a source close to Comey says […]


Sulley Muntari: Ghanaian says 2018 World Cup will ‘bring peace’

As world football heads convened in Bahrain for FIFA’s annual congress this week, one player in particular would have had more than a passing interest in the agenda. Ghanaian Sulley Muntari, who plays for Pescara in Italy’s Serie A, is advocating change from football’s world governing body — and it’s European equivalent UEFA — to […]


Rolling out the welcome mat for refugees

Two CNN Heroes have joined forces in a unique effort to help women caught in the global refugee crisis. It started when they met at “CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute” in December. Becca Stevens was honored for her work helping women escape the streets and transform their lives through her nonprofit, Thistle Farms. Luma Mufleh […]


Clearfield Man Waives Drug Charges

CLEARFIELD – A Clearfield man accused of purchasing and selling methamphetamine waived his right to a preliminary hearing on Wednesday during centralized court at the Clearfield County Jail. Evan Duane Schenk, 29, has been charged by Clearfield Borough police with two counts of manufacture, delivery or possession with intent to manufacture or deliver, F; criminal […]


Who will replace Comey? Trump considers Republican lawmakers, FBI veterans

President Donald Trump is considering a host of Republican lawmakers, law enforcement veterans and legal minds to lead the FBI in the wake of his unexpected — and unceremonious — firing of James Comey. Comey’s departure has cast a pall over the Trump administration. The White House has struggled to answer why Trump fired Comey […]


Obituary Notice: Annaliese Travis

Annaliese Travis, 91, of Dutchtown died Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at the home of her son James. She was born Feb. 16, 1926 in Frankfurt, Germany.  She worked at General Cigar as a factory worker. She is survived by three sons, James H. “Bo” Travis Jr. and his wife, Millie of Madera, Hugo Travis and […]


Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein meets Senate intelligence leaders

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein met with leaders of the Senate intelligence committee on Capitol Hill Thursday. Rosenstein was involved in the firing earlier this week of FBI Director James Comey, but intelligence Chairman Richard Burr told reporters Comey did not come up in the meeting. Rosenstein declined to answer shouted questions after the 45-minute […]


Family sues T-Mobile after baby dies without 911 help

The family of an infant who died after his babysitter’s repeated attempts to reach 911 failed is suing T-Mobile, saying the carrier is partly to blame for his death. Six-month-old Brandon Alex’s babysitter tried for 40 minutes in March to call 911 after the baby rolled off a daybed onto the floor. A problem with […]


OPEC to U.S.: Please don’t pump so much oil!

OPEC has asked a favor of other major producers: Please stop pumping so much and help us balance the market. The unusual plea was issued Thursday in the cartel’s closely-watched monthly report, which found that global markets are still suffering from too much supply. The report said that balancing the market would “require the collective […]


Vladimir Putin boosts action-man image with ice hockey match

Most heads of state exist in suits and live a sedentary life, but Vladimir Putin is not most heads of state. The Russian president, a former KGB spy, has long been keen to portray an image of an action man and he shows no sign of slowing down. On Wednesday, the 64-year-old starred in a […]


New Orleans begins removing second Confederate monument

As police stood between two opposing crowds, a crew lifted a statute of former Confederate President Jefferson Davis from its pedestal before dawn Thursday in New Orleans — the latest in a contentious plan to dismantle four Confederate monuments in the city. It’s the second Confederate monument to come down after the New Orleans city […]


Hope for improved China, South Korea relations after leaders speak

The election of South Korea’s new president, Moon Jae-in, has given fresh hope of a thawing in relations with China, which have recently been strained due to the deployment of a controversial missile defence system in South Korea. Chinese leader Xi Jinping called Moon Thursday to congratulate him for his electoral victory. During the 40-minute […]


5 things for Thursday, May 11: Comey, North Korea, Betsy DeVos

“Peanuts” is going Canadian. Maybe our neighbors to the north can help Charlie Brown finally grab that football. Here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here.) 1. Russia saga […]


Eurovision’s glitzy pageant jars with pain of Ukraine conflict

Ukrainians rolled out the red carpet near the country’s parliament on Sunday for performers from 42 countries in an opening ceremony complete with all the theatrics one would except from the Eurovision Song Contest. Loudspeakers blared bubblegum pop as latex-clad contestants rubbed glittered cheeks with fawning television hosts. Balloons bearing the participating countries’ flags soared […]


Uber hit by major legal setback in Europe

Uber should be regulated as a transportation company and not a tech service, an adviser to Europe’s top court said on Thursday. The non-binding opinion issued by the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is a major setback for Uber, which has argued that it is best classified as a digital service. […]


Five things to watch: Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe hearing

The Senate intelligence committee will host acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe for what would have otherwise been a fairly ordinary hearing Thursday — before President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey amid a firestorm of questions about the Russia investigations. McCabe will now take the seat that was to be filled by Comey Thursday […]


Health secretary Tom Price praises police for arresting reporter

President Trump’s health secretary commended police for arresting a West Virginia reporter who shouted questions to him. “They did what they felt was appropriate,” Secretary Tom Price said when he was asked about it at a press conference on Wednesday. “That gentleman was not in a press conference,” he added. “We were walking down a […]


South Korea’s new president questions Japan ‘comfort women’ deal

New South Korean President Moon Jae-in has cast doubt on a landmark deal with Japan over wartime sex slaves. “The reality is the majority of our people cannot emotionally accept the comfort women agreement,” Moon told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Thursday. Moon emphasized “the two sides should work together based on understanding of the […]


Chaffetz asks Justice IG to investigate Comey firing

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz asked the inspector general for the Justice Department Wednesday to expand his probe of the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation to also review FBI Director James Comey’s firing by President Donald Trump. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz first opened a probe into the Clinton email investigation […]


The big melt: Glacier National Park is losing its glaciers

The 37 glaciers remaining at Glacier National Park are vanishing. In the past half century, some of the ice formations in Montana have lost 85% of their size, and the average shrinkage is 39%, a study released by the U.S. Geological Survey and Portland State University says. One day, they will be gone, the study’s […]


Daughter, father, future doctor: Victims of unrest in Venezuela

Violence and unrest are tearing Venezuela apart. Lost somewhere in the spray of bullets and fog of tear gas are the stories of the dead. Here are their stories. CNN’s efforts to reach the Venezuelan government and opposition for comment on this story on Wednesday were unsuccessful. The Venezuelan government continues to block CNN Español’s […]


Minority whip: Comey termination tied to resource request

A high-ranking Democratic senator suspects James Comey’s termination as FBI director is the direct result of the ongoing investigation into Russia’s alleged interference with the US election. “If you’re in the Trump White House, and you know that they are looking for collusion by members of the Trump campaign, it’s pretty clear they are in […]


Republicans on ballots in coming weeks stick with Trump on Comey firing

Three Republicans whose names will appear on ballots in the coming weeks showed Wednesday that they fear alienating President Donald Trump’s loyalists more than the criticism they face from Democrats for refusing to take on the White House. Trump faced criticism from some leading Capitol Hill Republicans over his decision to fire FBI Director James […]

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Экология в России и мире

Якутия представила цветочную инсталляцию «Мост в будущее» на выставке «Россия» в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Король Бахрейна летит в Москву на переговоры с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Съедобный «пластик» и бабушки-спекулянтки: красноярец разоблачил гастрономические фейки Москвы

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