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Новости за 28.01.2017


Japan PM Abe to visit US, meet with Trump

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe accepted an invitation Saturday to visit President Donald Trump at the White House next month. White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed the news on Twitter shortly after the two leaders had their first phone call since Trump was inaugurated earlier this month. “During call with Japanese Prime Minister Abe […]


They were hoping to get to the US — and then Trump banned them

A day has passed since US President Donald Trump signed an executive order limiting immigration from Iraq and half a dozen other Muslim-majority nations. Already some families are feeling the impact of his action. Others are filled with fear over what the future could hold for them and their loved ones. Susan’s family Susan, a […]


Trump supporter: Forget voter fraud, stay focused on jobs

Steve Mays is an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump. So much so that it’s his dream to see Trump visit his hometown. He told CNNMoney that he supports Trump “probably more than I’ve supported any candidate for president since I’ve been able to vote.” Despite his passion for the president, even Mays is done […]


Here’s what Europe would think if Trump goes easy on Putin

President Donald Trump’s hints about easing sanctions on Russia have been met with a clear European response — please don’t. On Saturday, Trump is set to hold his first official phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a day after a senior aide said Trump is considering lifting penalties put in place after Russia’s intervention […]


2 Iraqis file lawsuit after being detained in NY due to travel ban

Lawyers for two Iraqis with ties to the US military who had been granted visas to enter the United States have filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump and the US government after they were detained when they arrived in New York Friday. The lawsuit could represent the first legal challenge to Trump’s controversial executive […]


Divided Iraqi family fears for future after Trump visa action

Susan, a 50-year old Iraqi-American in Chicago, will proudly tell you she worked at the US Embassy in Baghdad before fleeing to the United States in 2007 for the safety of herself and her two daughters. However, she will not reveal her last name. In the current political climate, she fears she could be singled […]


Thomas Hardiman, the non-Ivy League Supreme Court candidate

Judge Thomas Hardiman — a top contender for the Supreme Court — has a personal story that could appeal to President Donald Trump. Although the 51-year-old judge has reached the top echelons of the US judiciary, he came from modest beginnings. He was the first in his family to graduate from college, and he drove […]


Lawyers for 2 Iraqis file lawsuit after being detained in NY due to travel ban

Lawyers for two Iraqis who had been granted visas to enter the US have filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump and the US government after they were detained when they arrived in New York Friday. According to court papers, both men legally were allowed to come into the US but were detained because of […]


Trump’s executive orders dramatically expand power of immigration officers

The immigration executive orders signed by President Donald Trump this week could amount to a vast expansion of authority for individual immigration officers and a dramatic increase in efforts to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. The order lays out a series of categories of undocumented immigrants that immigration law enforcement officials should prioritize for removing […]


How Republicans came to support Trump’s wall

When President Donald Trump first proposed spending billions of dollars to build a massive wall on the US-Mexico border, Republican leaders weren’t immediately thrilled with the prospect. Now, Trump is getting the hearty backing — or at least strong cooperation — of rank and file Republicans and GOP leaders to build the border wall many […]


Serena Williams beats Venus Williams to win record 23rd major

Serena Williams rewrote tennis history books once again, this time with sister Venus across the net and her fiance Alexis Ohanian watching from the stands. When Serena beat her older sibling in the Australian Open final 6-4 6-4, she collected a 23rd grand slam title to surpass Steffi Graf for the Open Era lead. Now […]


Trump to speak with Putin, Merkel and Abe in day of calls

US President Donald Trump will speak Saturday by telephone with five world leaders — most significantly Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Germany’s Angela Merkel — in what may be his biggest day of diplomacy yet. Saturday’s call will be the first phone conversation between Trump and the Russian President since the inauguration, and one whose outcome […]


Chile wildfires: At least 11 die in catastrophe

A chain of wildfires has unleashed a catastrophe over wide swaths of central and southern Chile, killing at least 11 people, destroying thousands of homes and consuming an area about three times the size of New York City, authorities said. “We have never seen anything on this scale, never in the history of Chile,” President […]


Lawrence Twp. Police Announce Chief’s Retirement

CLEARFIELD – The Lawrence Township Police Department has announced the retirement of Chief Mark Brooks. Friday was Brooks’ last working day with the department. His retirement will be official May 31, according to the department. Brooks was placed in charge as interim chief July 31, 2012. He was officially promoted to chief Feb. 19, 2013. […]


New Scholarship Honors Professor Kopley, Provides Opportunity for Students

DUBOIS – The lasting impact that one educator has had on his students is exemplified with the establishment of The Professor Richard A. Kopley Trustee Scholarship at Penn State DuBois. The scholarship has been endowed with a $100,000 gift from a donor and former student of Kopley’s who wishes to remain anonymous.  “Dr. Kopley had […]


The Medical Minute: Giving Back Through Blood Donation

Donating blood is a tangible way to help people who are struggling with serious health conditions, yet many people may not think about it or make time for it. In January – which the American Red Cross has dubbed National Blood Donor Month – blood bank supplies are typically among the lowest of the year, […]


Clearfield Police Warn of Scam

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough police have issued a warning about a scam. Police have received numerous calls about businesses being contacted by a person who is claiming to be from Penelec.  The caller reportedly advises the business owner that they owe back payment between $1,500 and $1,900. If they refuse to pay, their power will […]


Clearfield County Life-long Learning Institute Continues

CLEARFIELD – Interested in learning something new? The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., in collaboration with Lock Haven University Clearfield, announces an upcoming educational seminar offered through the Clearfield Community Life-long Learning Institute. Courses are geared toward the interests of the baby boomers and older citizens.  Typical sessions will last approximately 90 minutes […]


Mold at two Pittsburgh hospitals linked to 5 deaths

Heavy mold growth was found in the linens used at two University of Pittsburgh Medical Center hospitals where five mold-infection-related deaths occurred since October 2014, according to a report. The report, which the medical center received in May 2016, was filed January 19, 2017 with the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas in two wrongful-death […]


Chris Christie won’t be charged in ‘Bridgegate’ scandal

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie won’t be charged with misconduct in the so-called “Bridgegate” scandal, Bergen County prosecutors said Friday. The prosecutor’s office said it did not think it could prove the charge in court. A statement from a governor’s spokesman thanked Gurbir S. Grewal’s staff for ending “this baseless fiasco.” “It is right and […]


Trump’s big mistake on Syria refugees

On Friday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that effectively suspends the entry of Syrian refugees into the United States indefinitely. As he signed the order, President Trump said that this was “to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States.” This order will achieve absolutely nothing because there is no evidence of […]


Early and Costly Turnovers Too Much to Overcome in Lady Bison Loss to Tyrone

HYDE — Finally returning home after a tough loss in the middle of the week, the Lady Bison were ready to get back on track as the season was drawing to a close.  Even though there was likely no Mountain League title in sight, they were looking to pull a big upset on the Bison […]


Billionaire Carlos Slim tells Mexico not to fear Trump

On the day before his 77th birthday, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim said he was celebrating, not his birth, but the unity of his country. The world’s fourth-richest person, according to Forbes, on Friday entered a standing-room-only press conference in the same building from which he runs his empire, holding a set of papers with handwritten […]


Offensive Woes Doom Lady Tide, Lose To Brockway 40-31

BROCKWAY – No flow or rhythm to an offense can doom most teams on most nights and that’s exactly what happened to the Curwensville girls basketball team in Brockway Friday night. For the second time this season the Lady Tide dropped a game to the Lady Rovers, this time around 40-31. The first game […]

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Экология в России и мире

10 РЕДКИХ животных из Красной книги, которых можно встретить в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Скончался экс-продюсер группы Nirvana Стив Альбини


Михаил Мишустин призвал пересмотреть число бюджетных мест в вузах

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