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Новости за 08.01.2017


Boris Johnson arrives in US for talks with Trump team

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson arrived in the US on Sunday for what his office said was a series of meetings with President-elect Donald Trump’s closest advisers and congressional leaders. Johnson, a former mayor of London, became the principle diplomat for one of the US’ strongest partners following the narrow success of 2016’s referendum to […]


ISIS claims 2 suicide bombings in Baghdad; 16 people killed

ISIS has claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings at crowded Baghdad markets on Sunday, killing 16 people. The attacks happened the same day anti-ISIS forces advanced on the terror group’s stronghold in Mosul. The first blast happened when a driver blew up his explosives-laden vehicle at the Alwat-Jamila market in eastern Baghdad’s Sadr City. At […]


Jerusalem truck attack: Suspect, 4 slain soldiers identified

The driver who plowed a truck into a group of soldiers in Jerusalem, killing four people and injuring at least 10, may have been an ISIS sympathizer, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Three of the four killed were females. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said three of the slain were cadets and one was […]


Trump drops inauguration announcer who’s done them all since Eisenhower

President-elect Donald Trump is breaking from 11 presidents’ worth of tradition and benching Charles Brotman. The 89-year-old Brotman — once the voice of the Washington Senators baseball team — has announced every inauguration parade since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1957. He told WJLA he was “heartbroken” and “destroyed” by the decision at first. “I’ve been […]


Biden is right — Trump has some growing up to do

Vice President Joe Biden had some sharp words of wisdom for the incoming President-elect last week. “Grow up, Donald. Grow up. Time to be an adult,” he said in an interview on PBS. “You’re president. You’ve got to do something. Show us what you have. You’re going to propose legislation. We’re going to get to […]


Facebook Live torture video: Labels blind us

A recent video, broadcast on Facebook Live, shows a mentally disabled white man being tortured by a small group of black people yelling anti-white and anti-Trump statements. Discussion of the video quickly turned to who is to blame and how the crime, and those involved, should be labeled. David French of The National Review reacted […]


SpaceX delays rocket launch because of lousy weather

SpaceX is pushing back its next rocket launch because of high winds and rain at its launch site in California. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, which was scheduled to launch Monday, is now set to take off from Vandenberg Air Force Base on January 14, the company said Sunday. The rocket will launch with 10 Iridium […]


Former Iranian President Rafsanjani dies

Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani died Sunday after suffering a heart attack, Iranian state-run media said. He was 82. Rafsanjani, who served two terms as Iran’s president from 1989 to 1997, continued to be an influential figure in Iranian politics. At the time of his death he was the chairman of the Expediency Council, […]


Bison Have Three Placewinners at Tool City, Place 10th Overall

MEADVILLE — The Clearfield Bison wrestlers had a strong showing at the 38th Annual Tool City Tournament, placing in the top-10 of the 26-team tourney. Eight of the 13 Bisons managed multiple wins to enable the Bison to score 97 points for 10th place. Saegertown won their first ever Tool City title with 204 points, […]


3 Texas men missing while duck hunting found dead

The bodies of three men who disappeared during a duck hunting trip on Texas’ Gulf Coast have been found, authorities said Sunday. Authorities identified the hunters as Starett Burke of Wallisville, Texas; Spencer Hall of Mont Belvieu, Texas; and Chris Ruckman from Dayton, Texas. Their bodies were recovered Saturday in a bay near Corpus Christi, […]


Conway noncommittal on Obamacare replacement timing

Top Donald Trump aide Kellyanne Conway — who is set to become a senior White House adviser — wouldn’t commit to a time line for replacing Obamacare, despite a claim by a top Republican senator about Trump’s position. Sen. Rand Paul claimed the President-elect supports the Kentucky Republican’s calls to approve an Obamacare replacement on […]


5 corruption scandals that rocked Israel

With the ongoing corruption probe of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, here’s a look back at other graft scandals in Israeli politics. Every prime minister in the last 20 years has been the subject of such an investigation, including Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon. But it’s more than just prime ministers: Dozens of cabinet ministers, Knesset […]


Top Trump aide deflects Russia hacking questions

Top Donald Trump aide Kellyanne Conway deflected questions about Russia’s hacking of Democratic operatives Sunday, while insisting those hacks to nothing to tilt the presidential race’s outcome. Conway, Trump’s campaign manager and soon-to-be senior White House adviser, acknowledged that “Russia, China and others” have attempted to hack American government and political groups, to CNN’s Jake […]


Theresa May again signals painful Brexit

Theresa May has revealed little about her strategy for pulling Britain out of the European Union. But comments made Sunday by the prime minister suggest that exit negotiations will be exceptionally painful. The one priority that May has marked out — limits on EU migration — implies that British companies will face new barriers in […]


Trump holds press conference; Banks report earnings; Rex Tillerson confirmation

1. Banks report earnings: Welcome to earnings season. Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase are set to release their fourth quarter earnings on Friday. All three banks had a strong showing in the third quarter — even Wells Fargo beat Wall Street’s expectations, despite its phony account scandal. So expectations are high. The […]


How Obama should say goodbye

When President Obama delivers his farewell address from his home city of Chicago on Tuesday, he will have a special opportunity to speak out on the key challenge facing America. The President began his historic term with the nation in the middle of an economic and foreign policy crisis. While the crises have receded, and […]


4 killed in Jerusalem vehicle attack; official says it’s an act of terror

A truck plowed into a group of soldiers in Jerusalem, killing four people and injuring at least 13, Israel’s emergency services said Sunday. Three of the four killed were female soldiers, Israeli Education Minister Neftali Bennett said. The fourth person killed was a young man, but it was not immediately clear whether he was a […]


4 killed in Jerusalem vehicle attack

At least four people were killed in a vehicular attack in Jerusalem, Israel’s emergency services said Sunday. Israel’s foreign press spokesperson said this could be a “possible terrorist attack.” At least 15 other people were wounded when a truck veered off the road and rammed a group of soldiers. It was not immediately clear who […]


Vegas eRace: Gamer Bono Huis beats professional drivers to win $200,000

Ten professionals. Twenty gamers. One million dollar jackpot. Since its inaugural season in 2014-15, Formula E has delivered street racing to some of the world’s biggest cities, and Saturday saw that trend continue. Except for one small difference: It was in the virtual world. The Las Vegas eRace pitted 10 professional Formula E drivers against […]


At least 10 wounded in Jerusalem vehicle attack

At least 10 people have been wounded by a vehicular attack in Jerusalem, Magen David Adom of Israel’s emergency services said. Israel’s foreign press spokesperson said this could be a “possible terrorist attack.” Developing story – more to come


A new police beat in China: Smog

Officials in Beijing’s take steps towards tackling the city’s long standing smog problem with the creation of an environmental police force, according to state media. Spearheaded by Beijing’s acting mayor Mayor Cai Qi, the political crackdown on burning fossil fuels comes amid a flurry of concern over the country’s choking air pollution. At a meeting […]


ISIS claims suicide bombing in Baghdad

At least 11 people were killed and 25 others were wounded when a suicide car bomb exploded in an outdoor busy market in eastern Baghdad on Sunday, local police officials in Baghdad told CNN. A suicide bomber drove his car and detonated it in Alwat-Jamila market in eastern Baghdad’s Sadr City. This is the latest […]


Columnist Nat Hentoff, First Amendment advocate, jazz critic, dies

Nat Hentoff — the acclaimed, popular and edgy columnist noted for his passionate writings on civil liberties and his famed jazz criticism — has died, according to his son Nick Hentoff. “Sad to report the death of my father #NatHentoff tonight at the age of 91,” Nick Hentoff said on Twitter. He died surrounded by […]


Decatur Twp. Collision Claims Two Lives

DECATUR TOWNSHIP – A two-vehicle collision claimed two lives Saturday morning at the intersection of state Route 153 and Sanborn Road in Decatur Township, according to state police at Clearfield. It occurred at 10:15 a.m. when the driver of a Toyota 4-Runner failed to stop while traveling west on Sanborn Road, entered into the intersection […]


Sources: Airport shooting suspect used gun once seized by police, confesses

When Esteban Santiago was in an Alaska FBI office in November, saying his mind was being controlled by US intelligence, he left two things in the car. A gun and his newborn child. The Army veteran’s rambling walk-in interview at the Anchorage office was concerning enough for authorities to take away his gun and order […]

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Экология в России и мире

Литва настраивает темп российским путешественникам

Путин в России и мире

Рязанские дизайнеры представили свой бренд одежды на модном показе Estet Fashion Week

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

К 100-летию Окуджавы драмтеатр представит зрителям спектакль


День подснежника и День полиграфии: какие праздники отмечают в России и мире 19 апреля

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