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Новости за 23.01.2017


How to use the past to fight for your rights today

This weekend, I traveled from Chicago to Washington for the Women’s March. Surrounded by hundreds of thousands of women and men, young and old, black and white, in wheelchairs and walking, I was inspired to see how many of us feel the need right now to stand up for our own rights and for those […]


Spicer holds first press briefing

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Monday his “intention is never to lie to you.” Insisting that news organizations sometimes make mistakes — often without any malicious intent — Spicer requested he and his colleagues in the administration be judged by the same standard. “I think we should be afforded the same opportunity,” […]


Boxer battles for title as his father battles cancer

Leo Santa Cruz snaps off punches, making loud pops on sparring mitts. He is just days away from trying to win back his super featherweight boxing title and avenge the only loss of his professional boxing career, a unanimous decision to undefeated Carl Frampton in July. The loss still rings in Leo’s ears, like a […]


White House website reboot isn’t a conspiracy, but it’s still a disaster

A clumsy effort to replace the Obama administration’s policies, promises and philosophy on Day One shows that Team Trump’s direction remains, in many cases, a work in progress. And nowhere was the rushed, not-quite-ready-to-go feel of the new Trump administration more obvious than on the official White House website. As soon as Donald Trump took […]


Can Trump and his budget director get on the same page?

Mick Mulvaney, one of the House’s most fiscally conservative members, will have his confirmation hearings on Tuesday to become President Trump’s White House budget director. If he’s confirmed, the South Carolina Republican will face a bevy of budget issues on which he and his new boss may disagree. (His confirmation, while likely, may hit a […]


Spicer holds first formal press briefing

Sean Spicer’s era of presiding over the White House briefing room began Monday as he faced questions from reporters for the first time as President Donald Trump’s press secretary. He began the session in traditional fashion, outlining Trump’s busy schedule Monday and detailing a phone call between the President and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah […]


‘Zoolander 2’ leads Razzie nominations

Awards season is in full swing and now we know Hollywood’s best of the worst for 2016. The nominations for the 37th annual Golden Raspberry Awards (also known as “The Razzies”) were announced during a Facebook Live with CNN Monday and “Zoolander 2” led with nine. The Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson comedy was dubbed a “15-years-too-late […]


CCCTC Students Compete in District SkillsUSA Competition

Clearfield County Career & Technology Center (CCCTC) had many students compete in the district SkillsUSA competition Jan. 16. Some of the students traveled to Jeff Tech to compete while some stayed at the CCCTC. SkillsUSA improves the quality of America’s skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training.  SkillsUSA enhances […]


White House website: ‘The dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong’

The White House is spotlighting its support of the law enforcement community in a new statement on the White House website that declares: “The dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong.” The page is dedicated to the administration’s commitment to “law and order” — a message carried over from the campaign trail. “President Trump will […]


State-shaped lazy river a big ol’ tribute to Texas

The National Football League headquarters hotel for Super Bowl LI has a Texas-sized treasure on top, and we’re not talking about a defensive tackle. A lazy river in the shape of Texas flows atop the Marriott Marquis Houston, the newest hotel in the state’s most populous city. The $360 million Marriott Marquis, which opened in […]


TPP withdrawal Trump’s first executive action Monday, sources say

President Donald Trump’s first executive action on Monday will be to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, two sources familiar with matter told CNN. That withdrawal is consistent with campaign promises Trump made. The real estate mogul ran on a platform of anti-globalization policies and vowing to create fairer trade deals for American workers.


Apple supplier Foxconn could create 50,000 jobs in U.S.

One of Apple’s biggest suppliers says it may spend more than $7 billion to build a new factory on U.S. soil that would create tens of thousands of jobs. Foxconn is famous for its enormous iPhone assembly plants in China. Its potential investment in the U.S. came to light last month when Softbank CEO Masayoshi […]


Tornado deaths over weekend exceed 2016 toll

The Southeast picked up the pieces on Monday after deadly tornadoes tore through the region, killing more people in one weekend than in all of last year. At least 41 twisters ravaged Georgia Mississippi, and Alabama, killing 19 people and destroying homes, CNN meteorologists reported. In 2016, tornadoes left 17 people dead across the country. […]


Conway: Obamacare replacement includes Medicaid block grants

Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said Sunday part of the new administration’s plans for repealing and replacing Obamacare would include converting federal funds for Medicaid into block grants to states. “The replacement plans, I think everybody knows what some of the contours are now,” Conway said on NBC’s “Sunday Today” show. “Block grant Medicaid […]


Day One in Trump’s America: ‘I need a second chance’

A balding and bearded Jamaican man trains his eyes on the table in front of him, nervously shaking his leg. He’s miles from home in a lonely courtroom. And in the eyes of immigration authorities, he’s worn out his welcome. “My job,” the judge says, “is to decide whether you will be allowed to stay.” […]


China fortifies Great Firewall with crackdown on VPNs

China is making it harder to get around its Great Firewall. China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has announced a 14-month “clean up” of internet access services, which includes a crackdown on virtual private networks, or VPNs. The new regulations require VPN services to obtain government approval before operating. Using a VPN without permission […]


5 things for Monday, January 23: Donald Trump, Women’s March, Syria talks

Good morning from 5 Things, where we bring you the alternative to alternative facts. Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. 1. Trump administration The Trump era is only a few days old, but it’s already gifted us a new phrase — “alternative facts.” As in, statements […]


GOP senators to present Obamacare alternative

Two Republican senators are set to introduce legislation Monday to replace Obamacare amid mounting pressure on the GOP to craft an alternative to the massive healthcare law. Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana will unveil a bill that they are describing as an “Obamacare replacement plan.” In a statement, the duo […]


Cecile Richards: There will be a health crisis for women if ACA repealed

Predicting a health care crisis for millions of women if President Donald Trump and Congress move forward with the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the leader of Planned Parenthood says she sees a growing movement to retain key elements of the law. “I think we’re seeing the most effective pushback ever on this issue,” […]


Tehran’s Plasco collapse: A tragedy for a nation and my family

The mission to put out the fire that engulfed the iconic Plasco building in central Tehran ended in the sudden collapse of the 17-story structure and the deaths of more than 20 firefighters. The towering inferno of death and destruction shocked and saddened Iranians and exiles around the world. Watching the scene unfold on television […]


Australian Open 2017: Federer hitting right notes

Last year Roger Federer was named the top athlete brand in the world by Forbes, and Time magazine once included the Switzerland native in its list of the top 100 people transforming the world. Those are but a few examples of how he transcends tennis. Don’t expect Federer — as versatile as he is — […]


Why Syria could be Trump’s biggest problem

President Donald Trump has dodged his first big foreign policy challenge. The announcement by acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner that the US ambassador to Kazakhstan will attend Russian initiated Syria peace talks in Astana, beginning Monday takes pressure off the Trump administration. Whether by accident or intent, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for these […]


Hamon, Valls in final two for leadership of France’s Socialist Party

The contest for the leadership of the Socialist Party will go to a run-off next week between former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and former Education Minister Benoit Hamon. The winner faces a tough fight to keep the Socialist Party in power after steep declines in popularity for current leader President Francoise Hollande. Hollande announced […]


The most expensive city to live in 2017 is …

They may be in opposite corners of the globe, but Hong Kong, Sydney and Vancouver have one thing in common. They’re the top three most unaffordable housing markets in the world, according to the 13th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: 2017, published today. Hong Kong has topped the list for the past seven years […]


You participated in the Women’s March. Now what?

In the wake of historic demonstrations this weekend, Women’s March organizers and participants say their message is unequivocal: We’re just getting started. More than a million people worldwide took to the streets the day after the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, in defense of women’s rights and gender equity. That’s not including figures from […]

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Экология в России и мире

Экологический телемост регоператора МСК-НТ связал школьников Подольска и Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Владимир Путин поздравил ветеранов с 50-летием начала строительства Байкало-Амурской магистрали

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко ограничил выплату дивидендов гражданам недружественных стран

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский допустил, что Москва и Киев начнут мирные переговоры

Навальный в России и мире

Патриарх Кирилл запретил в служении священника, проводившего панихиду по Алексею Навальному

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт "Настроение - весна!"


Антонов заявил, что США перестали скрывать подлинный замысел санкций

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